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English oral presentation:

Miguel: Hello everybody, this is CNN Portugal and today we are here with Dr. Alvaro and Dr.
Mário to discuss the importance of sleep. First question, what are the principal causes of sleep

Mário: Well, we can agroup sleep deprivation in 2 groups, it can be chronic or acute. Acute
deprivation is when you sleep less than usual for a short period of time (1 or 2 days). Can be
provoked by a simple long dinner. Chronic deprivation is when you sleep less than an optimal
amont of time for the ideal functioning. For example, some kids play video games at night, wicht
results in a shorter sleep. Now, don´t confuse chronic deprivation with insomnia, they basically
the same thing, the diference relies on dificulty insonia has to fall asleep. Anxiety, presure,
emotional disturbances and illnesses are the most common causes of insomnia in adolescence.

Miguel: Dr. Álvaro how many hours of sleep should we get everyday?

Álvaro: HI Miguel and HI everyone it really depends on the person, but usually everyone should
get at least 8 hours of good sleep but depending on the person it could go as high as 10 hours.

Miguel: Now I have a question for you Dr. Mário, What are the main consequences of not getting
enough sleep?

Mario: First of, insufficient sleep will prevent you to make new memories, the brain didn't had
enough time to storage all the information from the previous day, so there ill be no space for the
new information. In fisical impacts, a constant bad sleep can degrade your immune system, but
principally the cardiovascular system. Is during deep sleep that your cardiovascular system does
a reboot, your heart rate drops, your blood pressure goes down. Without this "restart" the
chances of geting a cardiovascular diseases increases a lot.

Miguel: Another important question I have to ask is: What symptoms do you have when you
don't have enough sleep?

Álvaro: Mete uma cena tipo andar cansado ou algo do género mas procura que em 2 min

Miguel: And finally the last question I have to ask, Dr. Mário, What tricks do you give us to get a
more "profitable" sleep?

Mário: 1- Sleep routines, We all must have a sleep routine, a fix hour to go to bed, and a fix hour
to get up. During the sleep is when your body and mind rest, recharge, renew. There is a thing
caled circadian rhythm, witch is what governs your biological clock. It´s what tell ous when we
need to sleep and when we are ready to wake up, breaking constantly this cycle wont let ous
"recharge" properly therefor the daily activity wont the so efective. Some people can´t have a
routine because of work, for example, but the one witch can should totaly go for it.
2- "off button" when you go to bed you sloud try to clear your mind from stress and worries, the
bed in not a place to think on your life. Some people do a review of the last 24 hours and think
on the nexts, thats rong. Having a relaxed reading or some comfortable music may help your
brain to slow down. Also, avoid ligh, ligh dificults the melatonin secretion, witch is the main
provocateur of sleep, so before going to bed don't be arround eletronic devices or other ligh

3- don't eat to much before going to sleep, otherwise or blood circulation will increase on the
intestines and the related organs, when it shloud be relaxed.

4- Use a nice palce to sleep, find a good mattress and a pillow which suits you best. Try to have
low luminosity level, and a quiet place.

Miguel: Thanks a lot for your presence in this show,Dr. Mário (aperto a mão do Mário) Dr Álvaro
(aperto a mão do Álvaro) (vocês apertam as mãos).

And this is CNN Portugal with another flash interview, a rest of a good day and peace.

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