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One day, the Maudie sisters were fighting, but this fight was different, it was
very rough, one of the sisters, Beatrice, was very mad, so she left the house
and met her best friend for an ice-cream in the People Park, the next day, she
was found dead.

Her bestfriend, Jasmine, was accused by Angela, the sister of Beatrice, the
lawyer and the scientific inspector of the case, Phoenix and Ema, interrogated
Jasmin, she led them to the ex-boyfriend of Beatrice, Louis, but both of them
told them things that led them to suspect of Angela, so they interrogated her,
she confessed that her boyfriend, Jason, was a serial killer and obligated her to
kill her sister.

The next day, at the trial, they proved the innocence of Jasmine, and the guilt
of Jason, he was sentenced to 18 years of prison.

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