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Introduction to the Bibliogr aphy

of Mexic an Geology, 1983-1993

Compiled by
James Lee Wilson
Luis Sanchez-Barreda
Della Moore Wilson

The date of the latest INEGI publication of the Association of Geological Societies (volumes 5 and 6)
Geology of the Mexican Rep u blic by Dante Moran derived from A.G.I. Georef files were checked, as well
Zenteno is 1 984 . For this reason, the translators as the Revista of the Instituto Mexicano del Petr6leo.
believed that an up-to-date bibliography of the geolo­ Assistance of Jon F. Blickwede (Amoco Production
gy of Mexico could be very useful, and such is pub­ Co., Houston) in compiling some references is grate­
lished with this translation. Many significant studies fully acknowledged. Della M. Wilson did most of the
on Mexican geology have been reported in the litera­ word processing.
ture in the last ten years and many people have con­ The references are arranged alphabetically within
tributed to the present compilation of references. A four categories. Individual authors may appear in
few important papers written prior to 1 983, extending more than one category, but the references are not
back as far as the 1970s, are also included. In all, there repeated and occur only in a single category.
are about 1 500 references. The list is reasonably com­ Papers whose subject matter overlaps the cate­
prehensive but not absolutely complete through 1 993. gories should be searched for in more than a single
An unpublished bibliography by Norris W. Jones, category list.
who has worked for many years in northern Mexico The four categories are as follows:
with James McKee and Tom H. Anderson, was used Part 1 . Stratigraphic and p aleontologic studies,
as a nucleus for the reference list. A very comprehen­ including reports on structural controls on sedi­
sive bibliography from the rec ently published mentation.
tectonostratigraphic study of Mexico by R. L. Sedlock, Part 2. Plate tectonic, paleomagnetic, and regional
R . C . Speed, and F. Gutierrez-Ortega (Geological structural studies.
Society of America Special Paper No. 278, 1993) was Part 3. Mineral resources, studies of igneous-meta­
also used. The extensive references compiled by morphic rocks, neovolcanic investigations, base­
Amos Salvador and others in major papers of the ment studies, and age dating.
DNAG Vol. J, "The Geology of the Gulf of Mexico," Part 4. Specific studies of petroleum and gas, reports
were also employed, as well as the research files of on structure and mapping of specific areas, engi­
the translators, J.L. Wilson and Luis Sanchez-Barreda. neering and environmental geology, hydrology,
La stly, the bibliographies o f the Gulf C o a s t and remote sensing.


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