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Ensino Fundamental
8° e 9° Anos

Coding Map SD3.4

Theme: Loopings Tempo: 100 min

Learning Goals

● Specific English vocabulary for repetition and loop commands.

● Association between loops and numerical lists.

Expectations for students at the end of this class

Students are expected to understand how to use loops in Python.

Let’s Start

Student’s material

Welcome Back!
Hello students, welcome back to the Coding Meeting!

In the last meetings we studied repetition commands. They are useful for saving time, and
important if you don't like writing the same thing over and over again. We will continue this
study today!

Let's check the objectives of the day by clicking on the topics below:

1. Rewind: What have I learned? Take a look at your Coding Documentation.

2. Learn more about repetition commands.

3. Use the Trinket IDE to practice the repetition commands.
4. Create a test to verify prime numbers.
5. Update your Coding Documentation and submit your Today's Mission link at Canvas.

Instructor’s material

Welcome students and organize the learning environment.

Round 1: The students must complete the Let's Start section, read about the objectives of the
day. During this time, walk among the tables, answering possible questions from the
students. If necessary, explain the “useful words” to students.
Estimated time: 15 minutes

Learning Time

Student’s material

Let's remember!
In the last meeting we studied the loop statements. Today we will train these commands!

Remember that conditions, in Python, can be true or false. The while command always uses
a condition!

Well done! Move on to the next page to practice what you learned!

Instructor’s material

The students will continue to study the ‘for’ and ‘while’ loop commands.
Round 2:  while the students study the Learning Time section, go around the tables helping
with possible questions. 
Estimated time: 30 minutes

Student’s material

No checkpoint at this class.

Instructor’s material

Training Time

Student’s material

Exercise 3.4A
Create a program that asks the user for a whole number and prints the table of that number
up to 10, using loop control.

Exercise 3.4B

We want to ask a user for two numbers and then divide them. The issue is that we cannot
divide a number by 0.

The code has been started for you. You’ll now need to add in a while loop that forces a user
to continue entering a denominator value until their input is not zero.

Right now, the program looks like this:

Exercise 3.4C
Create a game where the user needs to guess a secret number. The program must
generate a random number between 1 and 100, and the user must type in his guesses until
he hits the correct number. Use the while statement to repeat the process until the number
is guessed correctly.

Instructor’s material

The students must read the instructions for the Training time at its section, and update their
Coding Dictionary if they have any new command to add. After doing that, they can start
the exercises described below:
Round 4: encourage students to do activities. Use this moment to walk around the tables,
check if students are doing the activities and solve questions, taking the printed answers as

Answer examples:


Estimated time: 30 minutes

Today’s Mission

Student’s material

Create a program that reads an integer and checks if it is prime or not.

Hints: A number is prime if:

1. Is greater than 1.
2. It is only divisible by 1 and itself.

Create a repeating structure and divide the number by 1, by 2, by 3, etc. If only divisions by 1
and itself were exact, the number is prime.

Instructor’s material

Today’s mission is to create a program that identifies prime numbers.


Round 5: use this moment to walk around the tables, check if students are doing the
activities and help them with any question they might have.

Submit and Clean Up

Student’s material

<slide básico para o submit and clean up, contendo as instruções de inserção de link e de
arrumação do ambiente>

Instructor’s material

In the next section, Submit & Clean Up, if the student clicks on “iniciar tarefa”, this menu will
appear and it’s just paste the code on URL blank space:

The teacher, with the help of the monitors, must check if all the students posted their
Today’s Mission link in the Coding Documentation file. 
There is a unique slot in each encounter to be filled with this link.
This correction will not be part of the final grade, it will only be useful to help the teacher
understand which students are having more difficulties.
Estimated time: 15 minutes

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