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In reference to twiga foods , present the managerial actions that could

have led to its sustainability.
Twiga Foods is a well-known agricultural technology company based in in Kenya in East Africa
that focuses on improving food supply chains for small-scale farmers.
Twiga Foods a Kenyan-based technology-enabled food distribution platform that aims to
improve the supply chain of food products in Africa. Founded in 2014 by Grant Brooke and
Peter Njonjo.

with the Co-founders as Peter Njonjo and Grant Brooke of Twiga Foods, a company that
streamlines the supply chain of food products in Africa. Having started his entrepreneurial
journey in high school by selling bread from the school canteen to his classmates in their
dormitories. Before starting Twiga Foods, he had a successful 18-year career at Coca-Cola,
rising through the ranks to become the President of Coca-Cola West and Central Africa. Peter's
entrepreneurial spirit and experience at Coca-Cola, combined with his passion for making
people's lives easier, gave him the skills and knowledge necessary to build and lead Twiga

The company has taken several managerial actions to ensure its sustainability. Here are some
key actions:

Technology-enabled supply chain: Twigga Foods leverages technology, including mobile

applications and data analytics, to streamline the agricultural supply chain. By connecting
farmers directly to markets, the company reduces wastage and ensures efficient distribution. This
approach improves the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and contributes to the overall
sustainability of the food system.

Farmer training and support: Twigga Foods provides comprehensive training and support to
farmers, enabling them to adopt modern farming practices. The company offers guidance on crop
selection, pest management, and irrigation techniques, among other topics. By equipping farmers
with knowledge and skills, Twigga Foods enhances agricultural productivity and promotes
sustainable farming practices.

Access to finance: One of the challenges faced by small-scale farmers is limited access to
finance. Twigga Foods addresses this issue by partnering with financial institutions to provide
farmers with access to affordable credit. This helps farmers invest in inputs, such as quality seeds
and fertilizers, and improve their yields. By facilitating financial inclusion, Twigga Foods
contributes to the long-term sustainability of farmers' businesses.

Market linkage and fair pricing: Twigga Foods acts as a bridge between small-scale farmers
and markets, ensuring fair pricing for their produce. By eliminating middlemen and providing
direct market access, the company helps farmers earn better incomes. Fair pricing incentivizes
farmers to adopt sustainable practices, invest in their farms, and contribute to the overall
economic viability of their operations.

Data-driven decision-making: Twigga Foods collects and analyzes data throughout the
agricultural value chain. This data-driven approach enables the company to make informed
decisions, optimize logistics, and reduce post-harvest losses. By leveraging data, Twigga Foods
minimizes waste and enhances the efficiency of the food supply chain, leading to improved
sustainability outcomes.

Environmental sustainability: Twigga Foods promotes sustainable farming practices that

minimize environmental impact. The company encourages farmers to adopt practices such as
organic farming, water conservation, and soil management techniques. By prioritizing
environmental sustainability, Twigga Foods contributes to the long-term viability of the
agricultural sector and protects natural resources.

Collaboration and partnerships: Twigga Foods actively collaborates with various stakeholders,
including government agencies, NGOs, and other private sector organizations. By fostering
partnerships, the company creates synergies and amplifies its impact. Collaboration helps
identify and address systemic challenges, develop innovative solutions, and create a sustainable
ecosystem for agricultural development.

Quality control and food safety: Twigga Foods emphasizes quality control measures to ensure
that the produce delivered to markets meets high standards. The company implements rigorous
quality checks, including inspections and certifications, to maintain food safety. By prioritizing
quality control, Twigga Foods not only promotes consumer confidence but also reduces food
waste due to spoilage or contamination.

Research and development: Twigga Foods invests in research and development (R&D) to
continuously innovate and improve its operations. The company explores new technologies,
farming methods, and market trends to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing R&D, Twigga
Foods fosters a culture of innovation, identifies opportunities for efficiency gains, and
contributes to the long-term sustainability of the agriculture sector.

Social impact initiatives: In addition to its core business activities, Twigga Foods engages in
various social impact initiatives. The company supports community development projects, such
as building infrastructure, providing access to clean water, and promoting education and
healthcare initiatives. By addressing social challenges, Twigga Foods helps create a more
sustainable and inclusive society.
Continuous improvement and monitoring: Twigga Foods regularly assesses its performance,
identifies areas for improvement, and implements corrective measures. The company monitors
key performance indicators related to productivity, waste reduction, farmer incomes, and
environmental impact. By adopting a culture of continuous improvement and monitoring,
Twigga Foods ensures that its operations remain sustainable and responsive to changing market

Stakeholder engagement and transparency: Twigga Foods values stakeholder engagement

and maintains transparent communication with its customers, farmers, suppliers, investors, and
other relevant parties. The company actively seeks feedback and incorporates stakeholder
perspectives into its decision-making processes. By fostering trust and open dialogue, Twigga
Foods builds strong relationships and ensures that its sustainability efforts align with the needs
and expectations of its stakeholders.

These managerial actions demonstrate Twigga Foods' commitment to sustainability on multiple

fronts, including quality control, research and development, social impact, continuous
improvement, and stakeholder engagement. By pursuing a holistic and multi-dimensional
approach, Twigga Foods positions itself as a leader in sustainable agricultural practices,
contributing to the long-term viability of the food supply chain and the well-being of farming

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