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W Level 2

Learning the Building
Blocks of Better Spelling
and Vocabulary

prefixes suffixes

Cherie A. Plant
O Level 2 T

Learning the Building Blocks of Better
Spelling and Vocabulary
Word Roots products available in print, software, or eBook form.
Word Roots Series
• Beginning • Level 1 • Level 2 • Level 3 • Level 4
Flashcards: Beginning • Level 1 • Level 2 • Level 3

Written by
Cherie A. Plant

Edited by
Patricia Gray

Graphic Design by
Scott Slyter

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ISBN 978-1-60144-783-8
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Word Roots Level 2 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Author...................................................................................................................ii

Lesson 1 – acer/acr/acu, migr.............................1 Lesson 18 – grac/grace/grat/grate..................109
Lesson 2 – al/alter, tru.........................................5 Review ....................................................113
Review ........................................................9 Lesson 19 – ject..............................................118
Lesson 3 – arbitr, noc/nox.................................14 Lesson 20 – join/joint/jug/junct........................122
Lesson 4 – auct/aug/aux/auxano......................18 Review ....................................................126
Review ......................................................22 Lesson 21 – dict, jur/jure/juris/just...................131
Lesson 5 – capit/capita, corp/corpor.................27 Lesson 22 – lect/leg/lig....................................135
Lesson 6 – cern/cert..........................................31 Review ....................................................139
Review ....................................................35 Lesson 23 – lingu, turb....................................144
Lesson 7 – crypt, gnos......................................40 Lesson 24 – meter, ped/pede/pedo,
Lesson 8 – dign, press......................................44 veloc/veloci, thermo....................148
Review ......................................................48 Review ....................................................152
Lesson 9 – dom, domin/domit...........................53 Lesson 25 – pel/puls/pulse..............................157
Lesson 10 – dorm, tact/tang..............................57 Lesson 26 – gen, graph, mania,
meter/metr, techn, pyro...............161
Review ......................................................61
Review ....................................................165
Lesson 11 – dyn/dynam/dynamo,
meter/metr....................................66 Lesson 27 – rid/ris, sens/sense/sent...............170
Lesson 12 – err, spers/sperse...........................70 Lesson 28 – sed/sede/sess/side.....................174
Review ......................................................74 Review ....................................................178
Lesson 13 – centr, ethn/ethno...........................79 Lesson 29 – soci.............................................183
Lesson 14 – flect/flex........................................83 Lesson 30 – solu/solute/solv/solve..................187
Review ......................................................87 Review ....................................................191
Lesson 15 – funct..............................................92 Lesson 31 – tect/teg/tege................................196
Lesson 16 – gastr/gastro, nom/nomin...............96 Lesson 32 – verd/virid, strict...........................200
Review ....................................................100 Review ....................................................204
Lesson 17 – gen/gend/gener..........................105

Answer Key....................................................................................................................... 209

Dictionary.......................................................................................................................... 226

About the Author

Cherie A. Plant is a graduate in Elementary Education with a minor in Latin from the City
University of New York, Cherie Plant is an accomplished etymologist (one who studies the origin
and derivation of words). While teaching, Plant found that children as young as seven were
fascinated with decoding words such as “triskaidekaphobia” (fear of the number 13) using the
knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and root words.
Plant retired from teaching in 1995, but was convinced that other youngsters could benefit
from such study. She has since devoted her time to writing language materials for all age groups,
based on the study of Latin and Greek roots.

ii © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Introduction

“Words play an enormous part in our lives and are therefore deserving of the closest study ...”
- Aldous Huxley

Word Roots is designed to help students expand their spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension
skills. Word Roots is a uniquely designed and challenging workbook based on the word elements:
roots, prefixes, and suffixes. The roots used in this book originate from both the Latin and Greek
languages—the foundation of much of our English language.
Roots, prefixes, and suffixes are the building blocks upon which all words are formed. A
thorough knowledge of these elements will greatly enhance one’s vocabulary and improve one’s
understanding of otherwise unfamiliar words. For example, understanding the meaning of the
roots pyr, ject, err, and capit would enable one to comprehend numerous words made from
combinations of these elements, such as the following:
pyromania reject errant capital
pyrogenic adjective error per capita
pyrometric trajectory erratic recapitulation
pyrography projectile aberration capitulate
A single Latin or Greek root can be the basis for many words in the English language. The
significance of this lies in the fact that with every new root learned, the resulting growth of one’s
vocabulary can be truly astounding—and Word Roots provides the tools.

Etymology is the study of the origin and the historical development of words. It explains the
earliest known use of a word, its transition from one language to another, and how it changed in
form and meaning over time. Therefore, when reference is being made to “the etymology of a
word,” it means the origin of that particular word.
The word etymology itself is derived from the Greek word etymologia. The root etymon
means true and the suffix -logia means the study of. Etymon is also used in English to refer
to the root of a given word. For example, the Latin word candidus, which means pure, white,
sincere, is the etymon of the English word candid which means honest, frank.

The Difference Between the Definition of a Word and the Etymology of a Word
The definition of a word tells us what a word means and how it is currently used. The
etymology of a word tells us where a word came from, which was often from another language,
and what it once meant.
For example, the dictionary definition of the word disaster is any happening that causes great
harm or damage; serious or sudden misfortune; a catastrophe. However, the etymology of the
word disaster refers back to the time when people would blame great calamities on the influence
of the stars.
Through etymology we discover that in the late 16th century, Shakespeare used the word in
the play King Lear. It was derived from the Old Italian word disastro, which meant unfavorable
to one’s stars.
This antiquated, astrological reference to the word disaster is easier to understand when we
study the Latin root, astr, meaning star, which is also in our modern word astronomy. When the
Latin prefix dis-, meaning apart, opposite of, is added to the root astr, the word (in Old Italian,
Latin, and Middle French) conveyed the idea that a catastrophe was traceable to the evil influence
of a star (a definition that is now obsolete in modern dictionaries). The definitions of many words

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Word Roots Level 2 Introduction

have changed over time, and the older meanings have slowly disappeared.
Another example is the English word salary, which is defined in the dictionary as fixed
payment to a person at regular intervals for services rendered. The word’s etymology can be
traced back 2,000 years to the Latin word sal, meaning salt.
There doesn’t seem to be much of a connection between the English word salary and the
Latin word for salt. However, by means of etymology we discover that in ancient Rome, part of a
Roman soldier’s pay was with salt, which was widely used as a food preservative back then.
Over time, the word sal evolved into the word salarium which signified compensation paid in
any form, usually monetary. This expression is still used today, “worth your salt,” which essentially
means a person is hard working and earning his salary. Nonetheless, this is only an expression
and it doesn’t mean that salt is the true definition of salary.

Why Knowledge of the Origin of a Word Is Important

Although the English language derives from Old English or Anglo-Saxon, the majority of the
words used in modern English have evolved from many languages, mainly Latin and Greek.
Knowing the language of origin for a word is an invaluable tool when it comes to the correct
spelling of a word (orthography). As an example, knowing that the sound of /f/ in a word of Greek
origin is spelled with a ph will help you to correctly spell words such as biography, photograph,
and telephone.
Also, knowing that the root for ten is spelled deka in Greek, but is spelled dec/deca in Latin
will help with the spelling of words of Greek origin, such as dekan and triskaidekaphobia, and
words of Latin origin, such as decimal, decagon, and duodecennial.

Why Words Are Fun

Knowing how words have evolved over time can teach you a great deal about our culture.
Studying the etymology of familiar words can help you deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words,
thus enriching your vocabulary. Lastly, hearing stories about the history of words can be very
interesting, exciting, and thought provoking.

Definitions of Root, Prefix, and Suffix

A root is the element (part) that gives the basic meaning of the word. In this book, the term
root refers to the original Latin or Greek word. An English word may have two or more roots in it.
Identifying these roots can help you to define a word you don’t know.
A prefix is an element that is added to the beginning of a root. The prefix adds to or alters the
meaning of the word.
Prefix: re- means back, again
Prefix: circum- means around
Root: flex means bend
re- + flex = reflex: bent, turned, or directed back
circum- + flex = circumflex: bending around; curved
A suffix is an element added to the end of a root. The suffix adds to or alters the meaning of
the word.
Root: lingu means language, tongue
Suffixes: -ist means one who; -al means like, related to
lingu + -ist = linguist: one who specializes in language
lingu + -al = lingual: of or relating to the tongue

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Word Roots Level 2 Introduction

Words and Word Parts

The information below will help you identify the word elements (parts).
• Some roots do not need a prefix or suffix to form a word.
act, tract, script, herb
• A word can have more than one root.
manu + script = manuscript
• A word can have more than one prefix.
in- + e- + lig + -ible = ineligible
• A word can have a prefix and a suffix.
re- + puls + -ive = repulsive
• A word can have more than one suffix
funct + -ion + -less = functionless
• In some words, connecting vowels and/or consonants are used to join word parts or to
complete a word. For the sake of simplicity, connecting vowels and consonants used to
join word parts or to complete words will appear in gray.
herb + i + cide = herbicide
fer + t + -ile = fertile
medi- + at + -or = mediator
de- + scribe = describe
• In some cases, to help smooth the sound of the spoken word, a vowel is added to a
root. This vowel (usually an o), is referred to as a connecting vowel, and the modified
root is called a combining form. For example, the root hydr uses the connecting vowel
o to produce the combining form hydro, which then combines with the root electr and
the suffix -ic to form the word hydroelectric. In the lessons an asterisk (*) is used to
indicate if a root is a combining form.
hydr + o = hydro (combining form)
hydro + electr + -ic = hydroelectric
• Some roots are considered to be combining forms, yet do not follow the general rule.
The last letter of a root or suffix may be dropped when a suffix is added.
mob + -ile + -ity –ile drops the e = mobility

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Word Roots Level 2 Pretest/Posttest

Before starting Word Roots, test your existing knowledge of word meanings. On the blank spaces
provided, write what you think each word means. After you complete the book, take the test again
on a separate piece of paper and compare your answers from before and after to determine the
progress you’ve made.

1. derision _____________________________________________________________

2. sedentary _____________________________________________________________

3. viridescent _____________________________________________________________

4. acuity _____________________________________________________________

5. prognosticate _____________________________________________________________

6. condign _____________________________________________________________

7. gastritis _____________________________________________________________

8. perfunctory _____________________________________________________________

9. ethnocentric _____________________________________________________________

10. aberrant _____________________________________________________________

11. linguistics ________________________________________________________________

12. indomitable _____________________________________________________________

13. conjecture _____________________________________________________________

14. degenerative _____________________________________________________________

15. velocimeter _____________________________________________________________

vi © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

Lesson 1
im- in, into; not acer/ sharp, bitter -ant one who, that which; state, quality
acr/ -ate/b-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
acu -ation an action or process
migr move, travel -id like, related to
-ity state, quality, act
i-mony state, quality; that which
at-ory like, relating to, having the quality of; place
or thing connected with
imoni-ous having the quality of

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

acuity migrate acrimony immigration

acrid acerbate acrimonious immigrant
migratory migration

1. ________________________ keenness of vision or perception

2. ________________________ irritatingly sharp or bitter

3. ________________________ regularly moving to another place

4. ________________________ to move from one place to another, often temporarily

5. ________________________ to annoy or irritate; to make taste bitter

6. ________________________ the act of moving to a new country to settle

7. ________________________ movement from one place to another

8. ________________________ that which causes bitterness or ill will

9. ________________________ one who moves to another country to settle

10. ________________________ having the quality of being bitter, nasty, or sarcastic

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. A large population of Mexican workers ___________________________ to the United States

to help farmers harvest their crops. acerbate migrate immigrant

2. They sensed they were near the crater from the ___________________________ smell of
sulfur fumes. acrid migratory acrimonious

3. Both visual and auditory ___________________________ can be affected by your health.

acrimony migration acuity

4. ___________________________ in the early 1900s was largely responsible for the rapid
development of the United States. Migration Immigration Acrimony

5. Liam’s thoughtless words tended to ___________________________ his fellow employees.

acrid migrate acerbate

6. Canada geese and sandhill cranes are two species of __________________________ birds.
migratory acrid acrimonious

7. The election campaign caused much ___________________________ between the two

candidates. acuity migration acrimony

8. The __________________________ of whales from their feeding ground in the north to their
breeding ground in the Caribbean is amazing. migration acuity acrimony

9. You might not agree with me, but please don’t be ___________________________ about it.
migratory acrimonious acrid

10. My grandfather was an Italian __________________________ who came to America in 1910.

immigrant immigration acuity

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part. A definition may be used
more than once.

• an action or process • state, quality, act

• having the quality of • sharp, bitter
• in, into; not • state, quality; that which
• one who, that which; state, quality • like, relating to, having the quality of;
• move, travel place or thing connected with
• one who • to make, to act; one who, that which
• like, related to

1. 1.
-ant _______________________________________________________________

2. 2.
imoni-ous _____________________________________________________________

3. 3.
-ate/b-ate _____________________________________________________________

4. 4.
acer/acr _______________________________________________________________

5. 5.
-ation _______________________________________________________________

6. 6.

7. 7.
-id -id

8. 8.

9. 9.
migr _______________________________________________________________

i-mony _______________________________________________________________

at-ory _______________________________________________________________

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.
For example: I like to construct things. (unclear; no context)
I like to construct buildings by stacking blocks on top of each other. (clear)

acuity migratory acerbate acrimony acrimonious

acrid migrate migration immigrant immigration

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

4 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

Lesson 2
in- in, into; not al/ other -able able to be
alter -ate/n-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
tru faithful -ation an action or process
n-ative of, or relating to
i-en having the quality of
ist-ic like, related to
-ism a state of being; a quality or act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

altruism inalienable altruistic alternative

alternate alteration alienate alienation
alien alter

1. ________________________ that may not be taken away or transferred

2. ________________________ action of changing or modifying

3. ________________________ selfless concern for the welfare of others

4. ________________________ to do in turns

5. ________________________ a choice between two things or among many

6. ________________________ foreign

action of withdrawing or separating from a former

7. ________________________ attachment

8. ________________________ to separate or make hostile

9. ________________________ unselfish, generous

10. ________________________ to change, to modify

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 5

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 2

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The seamstress did not charge for the ______________________ to the dress.
alternative alteration altruism

2. Stripes ______________________ between red and white on the flag.

alternate alienate alter

3. The U.S. Constitution is based on ______________________ human rights.

alternative altruistic inalienable

4. Megan had the ______________________ of traveling by train or by plane.

alteration alternative altruism

5. Steve’s conflict was between selfishness and ______________________.

altruism alienation alteration

6. The new operating system was ______________________ to users of the old machines.
altruistic inalienable alien

7. If it rains we’ll have to ______________________ our plans for the cookout.

alter alternate alienate

8. Tim’s belligerent behavior tends to ______________________ him from his friends.

alter alternate alienate

9. After years of ______________________, the cousins reconciled.

altruism alienation alteration

10. Their ______________________ deeds benefited many people.

altruistic alternative inalienable

6 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• an action or process • faithful

• having the quality of • to make, to act; one who, that which
• in, into; not • one who, that which
• other • of, or relating to
• able to be • like, related to
• a state of being; a quality or act

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.
in- ____________________________________________________________________

6. 6.
tru ____________________________________________________________________

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.
i-en ____________________________________________________________________


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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 2

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

altruism alien alteration altruistic alternative

alternate inalienable alter alienate alienation

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

8 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 1-2

Lessons 1 and 2
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

in- -able ist-ic acer/acr/acu

tru -ate/b-ate/n-ate -ant im-
-ism -ent at-ory -id
-ation n-ative imoni-ous -ity
al/alter i-en migr i-mony

1. ________________________ an action or process

2. ________________________ having the quality of

3. ________________________ in, into; not

4. ________________________ move, travel

5. ________________________ of, or relating to

6. ________________________ like, related to

7. ________________________ state, quality, act

8. ________________________ sharp, bitter

9. ________________________ one who, that which; state, quality

10. ________________________ state, quality; that which

11. ________________________ having the quality of

12. ________________________ in, into; not

13. ________________________ other

14. ________________________ able to be

15. ________________________ act, state, condition

16. ________________________ faithful

like, relating to, having the quality of; place or thing

17. ________________________ connected with

18. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which

19. ________________________ like, related to

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Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 1-2

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. acrimony _____ a foreign

2. acrid _____
b action of withdrawing or separating from a former
3. migrate _____ attachment

4. alternate _____ c to separate or make hostile

5. acerbate _____ d unselfish, generous

6. acrimonious _____ e to change, to modify

7. acuity _____ f the act of moving to a new country to settle

8. alien _____ g movement from one place to another

9. altruism _____ h that which causes bitterness or ill will

10. immigration _____ i one who moves from his country to another to settle

11. migratory _____ j having the quality of being bitter, nasty, or sarcastic

12. alternative _____ k that may not be taken away or transferred

13. immigrant _____ l action of changing or modifying

14. altruistic _____ m selfless concern for the welfare of others

15. alteration _____ n to do in turns

16. migration _____ o a choice between two things or among many

17. alienation _____ p keenness of vision or perception

18. inalienable _____ q irritatingly sharp or bitter

19. alienate _____ r regularly moving to another place

20. alter _____ s to move from one place to another, often temporarily

t to annoy or irritate; to make taste bitter

10 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 1-2

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. nomaigtmiir the act of moving to a new country to settle __________________

2. scitlrtuai unselfish, generous __________________

3. reltaaniot action of changing or modifying __________________

4. igrmiatno movement from one place to another __________________

action of withdrawing or separating

5. entaoinila __________________
from a former attachment

6. retla to change, to modify __________________

7. blaeneinail that may not be taken away or transferred __________________

8. yomnairc that which causes bitterness or ill will __________________

9. dicra irritatingly sharp or bitter __________________

to move from one place to another,
10. etrgaim __________________
often temporarily

11. rnaetlaet to do in turns __________________

12. cabretea to annoy or irritate; to make taste bitter __________________

13. leina foreign __________________

14. tiycau keenness of vision or perception __________________

having the quality of being bitter, nasty,

15. rcasuoinomi __________________
or sarcastic

16. misltaur selfless concern for the welfare of others __________________

17. ineetaal to separate or make hostile __________________

18. tnarigmim one who moves to another country to settle __________________

19. taievrnelta a choice between two things or among many __________________

20. ogimtaryr regularly moving to another place __________________

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Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 1-2

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Scientists study the effects of environmental pollution on the _______________________

patterns of animals. migratory acrid inalienable

2. The ____________________ taste of the potion brought tears to his eyes.

alien acrid altruistic

3. Many noted Americans have to be commended for their ____________________.

altruism acuity acrimony

4. The right to survival has to be the first of _______________________ rights for every
human being. inalienable migratory alien

5. The weather this week seems to ______________________ between rain and sunshine.
alienate alternate migrate

6. Orange trees are ________________________ to Canada.

inalienable acrimonious alien

7. Since I’ve lost so much weight, my jeans needed an _________________________.

alteration acrimony alienation

8. Discussing politics caused much _______________________ in the group.

immigration altruism acrimony

9. As one ages, visual ______________________ begins to deteriorate.

acuity alteration alienation

10. The salesperson’s pushy behavior tended to ______________________ the customers.

migrate acerbate alternate

12 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 1-2

11. If you plan to get home tonight your only __________________________ is to fly.
alternative acuity alteration

12. If Taryn insists on getting her way she will only _________________________ her
supporters. alternate migrate alienate

13. Sasha tried to ________________________ her appearance by wearing a wig.

alter alternate acerbate

14. ______________________ feelings resulted when the two friends argued.

Altruistic Acrid Acrimonious

15. Many birds _______________________ south for the winter.

alienate migrate alternate

16. Some countries have stricter _____________________________ laws than others.

immigration alienation migratory

17. John’s ____________________________ from society was due to his political ideology.
alienation altruism acrimony

18. Our new mayor is a kind and _________________________ individual.

alien altruistic acrimonious

19. The ________________________ of sandhill cranes to our area is an annual occurrence.

acuity alteration migration

20. An _______________________ might leave his country for political or economic reasons.
immigrant immigration acrimony

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 3

Lesson 3
in- in, into; not arbitr consider, -able able to be
judge -ary that which; someone or something that belongs to;
noc/ harm, injure of, related to; one who
nox -ation an action or process
-ence state, quality, act
-ent one who, that which; like, related to
-ly in the manner of, having the quality of
at-or one who, that which; condition, state, activity
i-ous/ having the quality of

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

noxious arbitrary innocent innocently

arbitrable innocuous arbitration innocuously
innocence arbitrator

1. ________________________ not harmful

2. ________________________ a person chosen to settle a dispute

3. ________________________ injurious; harmful

4. ________________________ subject to decision by arbitration

5. ________________________ the state of harmlessness or guiltlessness

6. ________________________ related to personal judgment; left to chance

process of settling a dispute with the help of a

7. ________________________ third party

8. ________________________ related to being guiltless or blameless

9. ________________________ in a harmless manner

10. ________________________ in a guiltless or blameless manner

14 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Early tests indicate the rash to be of an _______________________ nature.

arbitrary innocuous innocent

2. The decision of the _______________________ was acceptable to both labor and

management. arbitrator arbitration innocence

3. The popular novel was about recapturing the _______________________ of childhood.

arbitration arbitrator innocence

4. The _______________________ waste in the stream killed the fish.

innocuous noxious arbitrary

5. Setting the boundaries between the countries was a/an _______________________ matter.
arbitrable innocent noxious

6. Without consulting the facts, Beth made an _______________________ decision.

innocent innocuous arbitrary

7. Due to successful _______________________, the matter was resolved out of court.

innocence arbitration arbitrator

8. My little brother _______________________ locked us out of the house.

arbitrary innocently innocuously

9. The jury found the defendant to be _______________________.

noxious arbitrary innocent

10. Nolan’s jokes were _______________________ told because he didn’t want to offend
anyone at the party. arbitrable innocuously innocently

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 15

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 3

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• consider, judge • one who, that which; condition,

• harm, injure state, activity
• in, into; not • move, travel
• that which; someone or something that • an action or process
belongs to; of, related to; one who • in the manner of, having the quality of
• state, quality, act • one who, that which; like, related to
• able to be • having the quality of

1. arbitr
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -ation
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ary
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. in-
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ence
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. noc/nox
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ly
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. at-or
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ent
9. ____________________________________________________________________

11. 10.


16 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

noxious innocence innocuous innocent innocently

arbitrable arbitrary arbitrator arbitration innocuously

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 17

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 4

Lesson 4
auct/ increase, ili-ary that which; someone or something that
aug/ grow, help belongs to; of, related to; one who
aux/ -ation an action or process
auxano -ative of, or relating to
meter to measure -ed that which denotes a past action
-eer one who
-esis action, process
-ing related to
-ion an action or process; state, quality, act
-ment that which; state, quality, act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

augment augmentation auxiliary augmented

auxesis auctioneer augmenting auxanometer
auction augmentative

1. ________________________ one who conducts the sale of goods at public auction

2. ________________________ an addition; the process of increasing

3. ________________________ causing an increase; related to increase

4. ________________________ to make greater

5. ________________________ an increase of cell size without cell division (biology)

6. ________________________ a public sale of property to the highest bidder

7. ________________________ additional; supporting

8. ________________________ apparatus for measuring rate of growth in plants

9. ________________________ increasing, adding to

10. ________________________ increased, added to

18 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. There was little left after Saturday’s _______________________ of my grandmother’s estate.

auxesis auction augmentation

2. The board must approve any ________________________ to the existing bylaws.

augmentation auxanometer auction

3. Leah’s part-time job helped to _________________________ her family’s income.

augmenting augment augmented

4. The plant’s __________________________ was discovered under a microscope.

auxanometer augmentation auxesis

5. The company manufactures _____________________ communication devices for people

who are hearing impaired. augmenting augmentative auxiliary

6. The income Jacob earned as an ___________________________ was quite impressive.

auxesis augmentation auctioneer

7. If the main power line fails, the hospital will use its _______________________ generator.
auxanometer auxiliary augmentative

8. I’m _________________________ my income with a second job.

augmented augmenting augment

9. An _______________________________ can be used in the laboratory, in the field, and in

the classroom. augmentation auxesis auxanometer

10. Blake _____________________________ his allowance by mowing lawns.

augment augmented augmenting

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 19

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 4

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• to make, to act • that which denotes a past action

• action, process • related to
• increase, grow, help • to measure
• of, or relating to • one who
• an action or process; state, quality, act • that which; someone or something that
• that which; state, quality, act belongs to; of, related to; one who
• an action or process

1. -ed
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ili-ary
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. meter
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -ation
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ing
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ative
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -eer
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. auct/aug/aux/
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -esis
9. ____________________________________________________________________


-ion ____________________________________________________________________

20 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

augment auction auctioneer auxiliary augmented

auxesis augmentation augmentative augmenting auxanometer

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 21

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 3-4

Lessons 3 and 4
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

arbitr -ly de- -ment

-ation at-or -ing -ion
-ary/ili-ary -ent -ative -able
in- i-ous/u-ous -eer
-ence -ed auct/aug/aux/auxano
noc/nox meter -esis

1. ________________________ increase, grow, help

2. ________________________ an action or process
3. ________________________ of, or relating to
4. ________________________ one who
5. ________________________ action, process
6. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act
7. ________________________ that which; state, quality, act
8. ________________________ in, into; not
9. ________________________ consider, judge
10. ________________________ harm, injure

that which; someone or something that belongs to;

11. ________________________ of, related to; one who
12. ________________________ state, quality, act
13. ________________________ one who, that which; condition, state, activity
14. ________________________ having the quality of
15. ________________________ in the manner of, having the quality of
16. ________________________ one who, that which; like, related to
17. ________________________ to measure
18. ________________________ that which denotes a past action
19. ________________________ related to
20. ________________________ able to be

22 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 3-4

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. auction _____ a one who conducts the sale of goods at public auction

2. innocent _____ b an addition; the process of increasing

3. auxiliary _____ c causing an increase; related to increase

4. innocently _____ d to make greater

5. augmenting _____ e an increase of cell size without cell division (biology)

6. arbitrary _____ f not harmful

7. augmented _____ g a person chosen to settle a dispute

8. auxanometer _____ h injurious; harmful

9. innocuously _____ i subject to decision by arbitration

10. arbitration _____ j the state of harmlessness or guiltlessness

11. auctioneer _____ k a public sale of property to the highest bidder

12. augmentative _____ l additional; supporting

13. noxious _____ m apparatus for measuring rate of growth in plants

14. auxesis _____ n increasing, adding to

15. arbitrator _____ o increased, added to

16. innocuous _____ p related to personal judgment; left to chance

17. innocence _____ q process of settling a dispute with the help of a
third party
18. augmentation _____
r related to being guiltless or blameless
19. arbitrable _____
s in a harmless manner
20. augment _____
t in a guiltless or blameless manner

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 23

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 3-4

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. yrlixaiua additional; supporting __________________

process of settling a dispute with the help of __________________
2. oitnratbria
a third party

apparatus for measuring rate of growth in __________________

3. mnoretexaau

4. contneylni in a guiltless or blameless manner __________________

5. gguanemnit increasing, adding to __________________

6. connetni related to being guiltless or blameless __________________

7. edtmgneua increased, added to __________________

8. oucsyluonin in a harmless manner __________________

9. mugtnea to make greater __________________

10. ixosnuo injurious; harmful __________________

an increase of cell size without cell division
11. exsuasi __________________

12. tirrablbea subject to decision by arbitration __________________

13. oitcnua a public sale of property to the highest bidder __________________

14. neconinec the state of harmlessness or guiltlessness __________________

15. enmttaoinuga an addition; the process of increasing __________________

16. brtiarayr related to personal judgment; left to chance __________________

17. ucouosnin not harmful __________________

one who conducts the sale of goods at public
18. eonrecitua __________________

19. tevineatmuga causing an increase; related to increase __________________

20. triotrarab a person chosen to settle a dispute __________________

24 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 3-4

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. ___________________________ occurs in certain muscle tissue of higher-order animals.

Arbitration Auxesis Auxanometer

2. Fumes from fertilizers and weed killers can be ___________________________, causing

ill health and respiratory distress. noxious innocent innocuous

3. Scheduling weekly meetings was __________________________ between managers

and staff. augmentative innocuous arbitrable

4. Reinforcements were sent to ___________________________ the existing army.

augmenting augment augmented

5. The defendant’s _____________________________ is presumed until proved otherwise.

innocence auxesis augmentation

6. The two friends exchanged trivial and _________________________ idle talk over lunch.
auxiliary arbitrary innocuous

7. If negotiations become deadlocked, an _______________________________ will be

called in. auctioneer arbitrator auxanometer

8. Joel was _________________________ of eating all the ice cream.

innocent arbitrary innocuous

9. The stockyard will hold an ____________________________ of cattle next weekend.

auxesis arbitration auction

10. The graft required several layers of skin ___________________________ before it

was complete. augmentation auxesis arbitration

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 25

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 3-4

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. An ________________________________ has to speak loudly and quickly.

arbitrator auctioneer auxanometer

12. In medieval Europe, _____________________________ was used to settle disputes

between merchants trading or selling goods. augmentation auction arbitration

13. Many small companies are __________________________ their finances by taking business
loans from banks. augmenting augment augmented

14. Even though Mackenzie was guilty of theft, she spoke ______________________________
of her actions. augmentative innocuously innocently

15. A sensitive _________________________ can allow measurement of growth as small as

a micrometer. auxesis auxanometer arbitrator

16. The chiropractor explained how she would _________________________ manipulate the
patient’s spine. innocently arbitrary innocuously

17. The Coast Guard’s ___________________________ helicopter was sent as a back-up for
the rescue mission. augmentative arbitrary auxiliary

18. A backyard fish pond has _____________________________ the beauty of our garden.
augmented augment augmenting

19. The recording studio used ___________________________ communication techniques

rather than natural speech. innocuous arbitrable augmentative

20. He made a sudden and _____________________________ decision to replace his old car.
arbitrary innocent augmentative

26 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

Lesson 5
de- from, away, capit/ head -al like, related to; an action or process
down, apart; capita -ate/ul-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
corp/ body -ation/ul-ation an action or process
per- through, corpor
very ul-ence state, quality, act
re- back, again

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

corporal recapitulation corporation decapitation

capital per capita decapitate recapitulate
corpulence capitulate

1. ________________________ a group formed to act as a single body

a summing up; a returning to the original

2. ________________________ argument, etc.

3. ________________________ bulkiness of body; a state of obesity

4. ________________________ related to the body

5. ________________________ to cut off the head of, to behead

6. ________________________ to consent or yield to; to surrender

7. ________________________ highly important; principal

8. ________________________ per head or unit of population

9. ________________________ to sum up; to rephrase

10. ________________________ the act or process of beheading

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 27

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 5

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The defense attorney’s _______________________________ of all the evidence won her

the case. decapitation recapitulation corporation

2. Health is a national issue of _______________________ importance.

capital corporal decapitate

3. Whipping was a form of ________________________ punishment.

decapitate capital corporal

4. The king was under pressure to ___________________________ to the people’s demands.

decapitate capitulate recapitulate

5. They formed a __________________________ to run their growing business.

corpulence per capita corporation

6. The professional wrestler’s ________________________ made him an impressive sight as

he entered the ring. corporation corpulence recapitulation

7. Connecticut is among the states with the highest income ___________________________.

per capita corpulence corporation

8. Following the broadcast, the TV news reporter will __________________________ the

president’s speech. capital capitulate recapitulate

9. A large grizzly bear can _______________________ a moose with one swipe of its paw.
corporal capital decapitate

10. During the French Revolution, the guillotine was used for ___________________________.

decapitation recapitulation per capita

28 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• through, very • head

• faithful • body
• from, away, down, apart; not • like, related to; an action or process
• an action or process • to make, to act; one who, that which
• back, again • state, quality, act

1. ul-ence
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. re-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ate/ul-ate
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. per- ____________________________________________________________________

5. capit/capita
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ation/ul-ation
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -al
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. de-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. corp/corpor
9. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 29

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 5

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

corporal corpulence per capita corporation decapitation

capital recapitulation capitulate decapitate recapitulate

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

30 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

Lesson 6
dis- apart, cern/ to distinguish; -able/ able to be
opposite of cert to separate; ifi-able
re- back, again make certain ific-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
ific-ation an action or process
i-fy to make, to act, to do
-ible able to be
-ing related to
-ment that which; state, quality, act
i-tude state, quality, act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

certitude discernible certification certificate

discernment discern discerning recertification
certify certifiable

1. ________________________ able to be confirmed

2. ________________________ distinguishable; able to tell apart

3. ________________________ the state of being free from doubt

4. ________________________ that which shows keen perception or judgment

5. ________________________ to confirm; make certain

6. ________________________ the action or process of being certified

7. ________________________ detect, perceive, make out clearly

8. ________________________ perceptive, clear-sighted

9. ________________________ document, certification, voucher

10. ________________________ action or process of being certified again

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 31

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 6

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. There was a lack of __________________________ evidence to support their claims.

discernible certifiable discerning

2. The assayer had to __________________________ the purity of the gold ore.

certificate discern certify

3. He spoke with absolute ___________________________ as to the cause of the explosion.

certification discernment certitude

4. The chess player’s ____________________________ of her opponent’s weaknesses won

her the game. discernment recertification certification

5. The island was barely ___________________________ through the thick fog.

certifiable discerning discernible

6. I should have my teaching ____________________________ by the end of the year.

certitude discernment certification

7. We could __________________________ a faint light at the end of the hall.

discerning discern certify

8. The judge was __________________________ when he ruled who the guilty party was.
certifiable discerning discernible

9. You will need to show a __________________________ of ownership for the car.

certificate recertification certitude

10. The handbook clearly explains the policies and procedures for _______________________.
discernment certitude recertification

32 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part. A definition may be used
more than once

• an action or process • to distinguish; to separate; make certain

• back, again • to make, to act, to do
• able to be • state, quality, act
• related to • that which; state, quality, act
• act, state, condition • to make, to act; one who, that which
• apart, opposite of

1. ____________________________________________________________________
1. ific-ation

2. ____________________________________________________________________
2. -able/ ifi-able

3. ____________________________________________________________________
3. dis-

4. ____________________________________________________________________
4. -ing

5. ____________________________________________________________________
5. -ment

6. ____________________________________________________________________
6. i-tude

7. ____________________________________________________________________
7. -ible

8. ____________________________________________________________________
8. cern/cert

9. ____________________________________________________________________
9. i-fy

8. ____________________________________________________________________
10. ific-ate

9. ____________________________________________________________________
11. re-

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 33

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 6

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

certitude certify discern certification certificate

discernment discernible certifiable discerning recertification

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

34 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 5-6

Lessons 5 and 6
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-ation/ific-ation/ul-ation ul-ence i-fy per-

-able/ifi-able i-tude re- capit/capita
dis- -ible ate/ific-ate/u -ation
-ing cern/cert -ate -al
-ment com- de- corp/corpor

1. ________________________ an action or process

2. ________________________ back, again

3. ________________________ able to be

4. ________________________ related to

5. ________________________ body

6. ________________________ apart, opposite of

7. ________________________ to distinguish; to separate; make certain

8. ________________________ to make, to act, to do

9. ________________________ able to be

10. ________________________ state, quality, act

11. ________________________ that which; state, quality, act

12. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which

13. ________________________ through, very

14. ________________________ from, away, down, apart; not

15. ________________________ an action or process

16. ________________________ head

17. ________________________ like, related to; an action or process

18. ________________________ state, quality, act

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 35

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 5-6

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. certify _____ a a group formed to act as a single body

2. discern _____ b a summing up; a returning to the original argument, etc.

3. discerning _____ c bulkiness of body; a state of obesity

4. per capita _____ d related to the body

5. recertification _____ e to consent or yield to; to surrender

6. decapitate _____ f able to be confirmed

7. certificate _____ g distinguishable; able to tell apart

8. certification _____ h the state of being free from doubt

9. recapitulate _____ i that which shows keen perception or judgment

10. decapitation _____ j highly important; principal

11. corporal _____ k per head or unit of population

12. discernment _____ l to sum up; to rephrase

13. certifiable _____ m to cut off the head of, to behead

14. capital _____ n the act or process of beheading

15. corporation _____ o to confirm; make certain

16. certitude _____ p the action or process of being certified

17. recapitulation _____ q detect, perceive, make out clearly

18. corpulence _____ r perceptive, clear-sighted

19. discernible _____ s document, certification, voucher

20. capitulate _____ t action or process of being certified again

36 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 5-6

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. ipetacetda to cut off the head of, to behead __________________

2. lprocrao related to the body __________________

3. treccifioitna the action or process of being certified __________________

4. ecsidmnrnte that which shows keen perception or judgment __________________

5. apcediatoitn the act or process of beheading __________________

6. tpilaac highly important; principal __________________

7. taleuitpacer to sum up; to rephrase __________________

8. duteritec the state of being free from doubt __________________

9. csnerid detect, perceive, make out clearly __________________

10. fitrecbaiel able to be confirmed __________________

11. neluprceoc bulkiness of body; a state of obesity __________________

a summing up; a returning to the original __________________
12. tipalunoitcear
argument, etc.

13. itryfec to confirm; make certain __________________

14. nerelbicisd distinguishable; able to tell apart __________________

15. aorropcoitn a group formed to act as a single body __________________

16. apclutitae to consent or yield to; to surrender __________________

17. rcetiicfeta document, certification, voucher __________________

18. rpe icpaat per head or unit of population __________________

19. ecsdinnirg perceptive, clear-sighted __________________

20. eroitnciafretci action or process of being certified again __________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 37

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 5-6

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. There was a need for constant _____________________________ because the speaker

could not stay on topic. recapitulation discernment certification

2. The right guard’s ___________________________ intimidated players who faced him.

certitude corpulence decapitation

3. You can take an online test for teacher ______________________________.

recapitulation discernment recertification

4. Dad didn’t believe in _______________________ punishment, but he did give us an

occasional spanking. corporal discernible decapitate

5. The cost ____________________________ for the project was $300.00.

certification certificate per capita

6. No one can predict the future with any degree of ______________________________.

certification certitude recapitulation

7. On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee had no alternative but to __________________________ to

Ulysses S. Grant and the Union Army. capitulate recapitulate certify

8. The large ____________________________ has branch offices in several cities.

per capita corpulence corporation

9. I’ve always known Lillian to use ____________________________ when giving advice.

recapitulation discernment certification

10. Reducing our nation’s deficit is of ___________________________ concern.

capital corporal decapitate

38 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 5-6

11. A witness must _________________________ that this is your legal signature.

capitulate discern certify

12. ___________________________ what the police found as evidence.

Recapitulate Capitulate Discern

13. The only ________________________ difference between the twins is that one is slightly
taller than the other. certifiable discernible decapitate

14. In the mythological adventure film, a Greek goddess helped _______________________

the monster. decapitate certifiable corporal

15. Colin’s citizenship was ________________________ once he produced his birth certificate.
discerning capital certifiable

16. Under sterile conditions, many insect larvae can survive ___________________________
for more than a year. recapitulation decapitation certification

17. Viola has her ____________________________ to be a personal trainer.

certification corpulence certitude

18. The mediator was very ___________________________ in his analysis of the problem.
certifiable discernible discerning

19. When he became disabled, the soldier was given a _______________________________

of honorable discharge. recertification certificate corporation

20. I was unable to __________________________ the very fine print on the eye chart.
discern capitulate recapitulate

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 39

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 7

Lesson 7
a- away, from; crypt conceal -ate to make, to act; one who, that which
not, without gnos know -ic/t-ic like, related to
dia- through, across -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
en- in, into -is that which
pro- for, before, -ism a state of being; a quality or act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

encrypt crypt agnostic diagnostic

prognosticate prognosis encryption
diagnosis cryptic

1. ________________________ a hidden underground chamber or vault

the doctrine that the existence of any ultimate being is

2. ________________________ unknown; skepticism

3. ________________________ having a hidden or ambiguous meaning

4. ________________________ to predict; to know before

the knowledgeable identification of an illness or other

5. ________________________ problem through examination of the symptoms

6. ________________________ to write in code; to encode

related to agnosticism; uncertain of all

7. ________________________ claims to knowledge

any forecast or prediction; a prediction

8. ________________________ concerning the outcome of a disease

9. ________________________ related to the diagnosis of an illness or other problem

10. ________________________ act or process of encoding

40 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. His ___________________________ prevented him from accepting any form of religion.

agnosticism prognosis encryption

2. The doctors will prescribe a treatment as soon as there is a _________________________.

crypt prognosis diagnosis

3. The saint’s remains are kept in a/an ___________________________ at a famous cathedral.

diagnosis crypt encryption

4. The spy had to ____________________________ all his messages to keep from getting
caught by the enemy. prognosticate prognosis encrypt

5. Alexis could not explain his ___________________________ remark.

cryptic agnostic diagnostic

6. Meteorologists ____________________________ weather patterns using charts and

satellite information. encryption encrypt prognosticate

7. Someone who is doubtful about something is ______________________________.

diagnostic cryptic agnostic

8. The __________________________ that the company can survive a lengthy recession is

quite dim. prognosis diagnosis encryption

9. The preferable system of _________________________ uses a private key where only the
recipient can decode the message. agnosticism encryption prognosis

10. The results of the ___________________________ tests for heart disease were all negative.
cryptic agnostic diagnostic

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 41

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 7

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• in, into • know

• conceal • like, related to
• to make, to act; one who, • that which
that which • a state of being; a quality or act
• for, before, forward • away, from; not, without
• to make, to act, to do • an action or process; state, quality, act

1. 1.
-ism ____________________________________________________________________

2. 2.
a- ____________________________________________________________________

3. 3.

4. 4.
-ion ____________________________________________________________________

5. 5.
en- ____________________________________________________________________

6. 6.
-ate ____________________________________________________________________

7. 7.

8. 8.
pro- ____________________________________________________________________

9. 9.

10. -is
8. ____________________________________________________________________

42 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

encrypt diagnostic agnosticism agnostic diagnosis

prognosticate crypt cryptic prognosis encryption

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 43

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 8

Lesson 8
com- with, dign worth, worthy -ant one who, that which; state, quality
together press to press it-ary that which; someone or something that belongs
con- with, to; of, related to; one who
together -ation an action or process
de- from, away, i-fy to make, to act, to do
down, apart;
not -ity state, quality, act
im- in, into; not -ive tending to or performing
in- in, into; not

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

indignity dignitary indignant compress

dignity indignation depress impressive
condign dignify

1. ________________________ deserved; appropriate

2. ________________________ anger resulting from injustice

3. ________________________ to give distinction to; to exalt

4. ________________________ the quality of deserving respect; self respect

5. ________________________ an act that offends one’s self respect; an insult

6. ________________________ one who possesses exalted rank

7. ________________________ not pleased, angry

8. ________________________ press down; diminish; lower in spirits

9. ________________________ squeeze, press together

10. ________________________ deserving attention, admiration, or respect

44 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The awards ceremony was in honor of the diplomatic __________________________.

dignity dignitary indignity

2. The prosecuting lawyers will seek the _________________________ punishment for the
heartless crimes. condign impressive indignant

3. Ashley’s mom wanted to ___________________________ her daughter’s artwork by giving it

a prime spot on the wall. compress depress dignify

4. As stated in the Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings are born free and equal in
__________________________ and rights. indignity dignity indignation

5. Most students fear the ________________________ of being sent to the office.

dignity indignation indignity

6. The public’s ___________________________ was aroused by the self-serving politicians.

indignation dignitary dignity

7. The actress was ____________________________ at the reporter’s personal questions.

condign impressive indignant

8. _____________________________ the lever to start the machine.

Depress Compress Dignify

9. _____________________________ this clay into a small ball.

Depress Dignify Compress

10. The Canadian Rockies are a/an _____________________________ sight.

indignant impressive condign

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 45

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 8

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part. A definition may be used
more than once.

• back, again • an action or process

• in, into; not • that which; someone or something that
• to press belongs to; of, related to; one who
• one who, that which; state, quality • to make, to act, to do
• with, together • state, quality, act
• worth, worthy • from, away, down, apart; not
• tending to or performing • that which

1. dign
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. de-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ant
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. con-

5. it-ary
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. press
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. in-

8. -ation
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. i-fy

10. 8.
im- ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ity

12. com-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

13. -ive
8. ____________________________________________________________________

46 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

indignity condign indignation indignant compress

dignity dignitary dignify depress impressive

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 47

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 7-8

Lessons 7 and 8
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

dign in- com- -ate

de- -ation dom pro-
-ant i-fy -ism -ic/t-ic
con- im- a- -is
it-ary -ity crypt -ive
press -ion en-

1. ________________________ in, into; not

2. ________________________ to press
3. ________________________ one who, that which; state, quality
4. ________________________ with, together
5. ________________________ worth, worthy
that which; someone or something that belongs to; of,
6. ________________________ related to; one who
7. ________________________ in, into
8. ________________________ conceal
9. ________________________ for, before, forward
10. ________________________ to make, to act, to do
11. ________________________ know
12. ________________________ like, related to
13. ________________________ a state of being; a quality or act
14. ________________________ away, from; not, without
15. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act
16. ________________________ an action or process
17. ________________________ state, quality, act
18. ________________________ from, away, down, apart; not
19. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which
20. ________________________ that which
21. ________________________ tending to or performing

48 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 7-8

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. agnostic _____ a deserved; appropriate

2. crypt _____ b anger resulting from injustice

3. diagnostic _____ c to give distinction to; to exalt

4. depress _____ d the quality of deserving respect; self

5. diagnosis _____ e an act that offends one’s self respect; an insult

6. compress _____ f to write in code; to encode

7. condign _____ g related to agnosticism; uncertain of all claims to

8. cryptic _____
h any forecast or prediction; a prediction concerning
9. indignity _____ the outcome of a disease

10. prognosticate _____ i the knowledgeable identification of an illness or other

problem through examination of the symptoms
11. impressive _____
j act or process of encoding
12. agnosticism _____
k one who possesses exalted rank
13. dignity _____
l not pleased, angry
14. encrypt _____
m press down; diminish; lower in spirits
15. dignitary _____
n squeeze, press together
16. indignation _____
o deserving attention, admiration, or respect
17. indignant _____
p an underground chamber or vault
18. prognosis _____
q the doctrine that the existence of any ultimate being
19. encryption _____ is unknown; skepticism

20. dignify _____ r having a hidden or ambiguous meaning

s to predict; to know before

t related to the diagnosis of illness or other problem

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 49

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 7-8

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. ynercoitnp act or process of encoding __________________

2. gnitanndi not pleased, angry __________________

3. serevispim deserving attention, admiration, or respect __________________

related to agnosticism; uncertain of all __________________

4. itscogna
claims to knowledge

5. nrceytp to write in code; to encode __________________

6. ngytidnii an act that offends one’s self respect; an insult __________________

7. ersopmcs squeeze, press together __________________

8. ingdnoc deserved; appropriate __________________

9. soteactigonrp to predict; to know before __________________

10. ingytid the quality of deserving respect __________________

11. erspsed press down; diminish; lower in spirits __________________

the knowledgeable identification of an illness

12. sagoniids or other problem through examination of the __________________

13. yrtpc an underground chamber or vault __________________

any forecast or prediction; a prediction __________________

14. nsigorpso
concerning the outcome of a disease

15. atiyrgidn one who possesses exalted rank __________________

related to the diagnosis of an illness or __________________

16. atndigcsoi
other problem

the doctrine that the existence of any ultimate __________________

17. sicmitsngoa
being is unknown; skepticism

18. itanoidngni anger resulting from injustice __________________

19. pyccitr having a hidden or ambiguous meaning __________________

20. finyigd to give distinction to; to exalt __________________

50 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 7-8

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. You can ___________________________ files directly on any removable media.

depress encrypt prognosticate

2. Due to his outburst, the detective suffered the ________________________________ of

having to leave the courtroom. indignity dignity prognosis

3. When you break the law you must expect ______________________________ punishment.
indignant diagnostic condign

4. Some philosophers remain _______________________ as to whether people have free will.

agnostic condign cryptic

5. Reports of animal abuse aroused public _____________________________.

encryption agnosticism indignation

6. The symptoms described by the patient indicate a _____________________ of fibromyalgia.

crypt diagnosis encryption

7. The ___________________________ for the patient’s full recovery from heart surgery was
very encouraging. encryption agnosticism prognosis

8. Leah wanted to ___________________________ her parents for all their support while she
attended medical school. dignify encrypt prognosticate

9. The school band’s performance was very ______________________________.

diagnostic impressive condign

10. I won’t ___________________________ as to whether or not the new Internet company

will succeed. dignify encrypt prognosticate

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 51

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 7-8

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. Advancement in medical technology has made ______________________________ tools

such as MRIs, CT/PET scans, ultrasounds, and digital X-rays readily available.
diagnostic cryptic indignant

12. The bishop was buried in a _____________________________ beneath the altar.

diagnosis encryption crypt

13. The lecturer explained the difference between atheism and ___________________________.
agnosticism encryption indignation

14. He wrote a/an ____________________________ letter to the editor of the paper.

indignant diagnostic condign

15. Can you _____________________________ your speech into five minutes?

depress encrypt compress

16. The credit card company uses data ___________________________ technology to protect
personal information. prognosis encryption crypt

17. The new highway might ____________________________ business along the old road.
depress compress encrypt

18. The fortune-teller kept muttering ____________________________ warnings.

agnostic condign cryptic

19. The city council candidate maintained her _____________________________ in spite of the
crowd’s rude behavior. dignity agnosticism indignity

20. The ceremony was in honor of the foreign ______________________________.

dignitary diagnosis crypt

52 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

Lesson 9
in- in, into; not dom home -able able to be
pre- before, in domin/ master -ance state, quality, act
front of domit -ant one who, that which; state, quality
-ate/estic-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
-ation an action or process
est-ic like, related to
ic-ile like, of, related to
-ion an action or process; state, quality, act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

indomitable domination domestic dominion

dominate dominant domicile predominance
domesticate predominant

1. ________________________ to control or have power over others

2. ________________________ most common or powerful; before all others

3. ________________________ authority over others

4. ________________________ that which is more controlling or important

5. ________________________ not easily subdued; unyielding

6. ________________________ state of being dominant or superior

7. ________________________ related to the home; not foreign

8. ________________________ home, dwelling, residence

9. ________________________ rule, control

10. ________________________ to make domestic, to tame

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 53

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 9

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The troops marched into battle with ___________________________ courage.

domestic indomitable dominant

2. The country’s dictator could easily ___________________________ his followers with his
intense personality. domestic dominate domesticate

3. The entire country was subject to the king’s ______________________________.

domicile dominion predominance

4. Kara’s ____________________________ emotion at the moment was an eager enthusiasm.

domestic indomitable predominant

5. The noblemen were the ______________________________ class, because they controlled

much of the country’s wealth. domestic dominant indomitable

6. There was a time when opera had _____________________________ as public

entertainment. predominance domination dominion

7. Most family pets are _____________________________ animals.

dominant indomitable domestic

8. Many auction houses vie for _____________________________ in the high-end world of art.
domicile dominion domination

9. Josh’s recent marriage served to ______________________________ the young man.

domicile domesticate dominate

10. For voting purposes Bart’s ______________________________ is in Los Angeles.

dominion predominance domicile

54 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• home • state, quality, act

• other • like, of, related to
• an action or process • able to be
• like, related to • one who, that which; state, quality
• in, into; not • to make, to act; one who, that which
• before, in front of • an action or process; state, quality, act
• master

1. in-

2. ic-ile

3. -able

4. dom

5. -ance
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. pre-

7. est-ic
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ation
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ant
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. domin/domit
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ion

12. -ate

13. estic-ate
9. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 55

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson 9

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

indomitable domesticate dominant domestic dominion

dominate domination predominant domicile predominance

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

56 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson10
Lesson 1

Lesson 10
con- with, dorm sleep -ancy state, quality, act
together tact/ touch -ant one who, that which; state, quality
in- in, into; not tang -ency state, quality, act
-ent one who, that which; like, related to
-ful having the quality of
-ible able to be
it-ory like, relating to, having the quality of; a place or
thing connected with

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

dormant intact dormitory tangible

tangency tangent dormancy intangible
contact tactful

1. ________________________ a line that touches a curve at only one point

2. ________________________ incapable of being touched; not easy to describe

3. ________________________ able to be touched or perceived through touch; actual

4. ________________________ a state of inactivity

5. ________________________ a place with sleeping facilities for a number of people

6. ________________________ the state of being temporarily inactive

7. ________________________ state of touching at a single point

8. ________________________ touching, connection, union

9. ________________________ having the quality of being sensitive or diplomatic

10. ________________________ not damaged or broken, whole

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 57

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The following diagram illustrates the ___________________________ lines created by

inscribing a circle in a triangle. dormancy tangent dormitory

2. College freshmen often reside in a __________________________ their first year of school.

dormitory tangent dormancy

3. Before the accident, Scott had a/an _________________________ feeling of coming disaster.
tangible tactful intangible

4. The eruptive cycles of some volcanoes are followed by long periods of

_________________________. tangency dormancy contact

5. The praise was noteworthy, but the child was hoping for a more _______________________
reward, like a new toy. intangible tangible tactful

6. Some animals are _________________________ during the winter to conserve their energy.
dormant intact tangible

7. Describe the curves by designating the points of curvature and

__________________________. dormancy dormitory tangency

8. The car turned over when the rear wheels lost __________________________ with the road.
tangency contact dormancy

9. The vase Marsha dropped remained ______________________________.

intact tactful intangible

10. No one was offended by Blake’s ______________________________ remark.

intact dormant tactful

58 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson10
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• touch • like, related to

• with, together • one who, that which; state, quality
• having the quality of • one who, that which; like, related to
• sleep • able to be
• in, into; not • like, relating to, having the quality of;
• state, quality, act a place or thing connected with

1. -ancy
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. dorm
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. con-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -ful
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ant
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ible
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. in-
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ent
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. tact/tang
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ency
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. it-ory
9. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 59

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

dormant contact tangent dormitory tangible

tangency intact tactful dormancy intangible

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

60 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 9-10

Lessons 9 and 10
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-ful -ance -ity -ion

pre- -ation -ent -ate/estic-ate
dom domin/domit di- dorm
-ency -ant -able -ible
in- con- ic-ile it-ory
-ancy tact/tang est-ic

1. ________________________ home
2. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act
3. ________________________ like, of, related to
4. ________________________ able to be
5. ________________________ one who, that which; state, quality
6. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which
7. ________________________ an action or process
8. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which
9. ________________________ touch
10. ________________________ with, together
11. ________________________ having the quality of
12. ________________________ sleep
13. ________________________ one who, that which; like, related to
14. ________________________ able to be
15. ________________________ state, quality, act
like, relating to, having the quality of; a place or thing
16. ________________________ connected with
17. ________________________ like, related to
18. ________________________ in, into; not
19. ________________________ before, in front of
20. ________________________ master
21. ________________________ state, quality, act
22. ________________________ state, quality, act

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 61

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 9-10

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. indomitable _____ a line that touches a curve at only one point

2. dominant _____ b incapable of being touched; not easy to describe

3. dominion _____ c able to be touched or perceived through touch; actual

4. contact _____ d a state of inactivity

5. intact _____ e a place with sleeping facilities for a number of people

6. tactful _____ f state of being dominant or superior

7. dominate _____ g related to the home; not foreign

8. predominant _____ h home, dwelling, residence

9. tangency _____ i rule, control

10. dormant _____ j to make domestic, to tame

11. domesticate _____ k the state of being temporarily inactive

12. domination _____ l state of touching at a single point

13. dormancy _____ m touching, connection, union

14. predominance _____ n having the quality of being sensitive or diplomatic

15. dormitory _____ o not damaged or broken, whole

16. domestic _____ p to control or have power over others

17. domicile _____ q most common or powerful; before all others

18. tangible _____ r authority over others

19. intangible _____ s that which is more controlling or important

20. tangent _____ t not easily subdued; unyielding

62 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 9-10

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. gncenaty state of touching at a single point __________________

2. rmtanod the state of being temporarily inactive __________________

3. oinniomd authority over others __________________

4. cneanmiorepd state of being dominant or superior __________________

having the quality of being sensitive __________________
5. ltctauf
or diplomatic

incapable of being touched; not easy __________________
6. ielntabign
to describe

7. rodncamy a state of inactivity __________________

8. edantimo to control or have power over others __________________

9. atnocct touching, connection, union __________________

10. egnttan line that touches a curve at only one point __________________

11. derpnimotna most common or powerful; before all others __________________

12. liceimod home, dwelling, residence __________________

a place with sleeping facilities for __________________

13. rtimyrood
a number of people

able to be touched or perceived __________________
14. bligenta
through touch; actual

15. cttani not damaged or broken, whole __________________

16. ionmndta that which is more controlling or important __________________

17. batelimondi not easily subdued; unyielding __________________

18. semtciod related to the home; not foreign __________________

19. iontainomd rule, control __________________

20. citsemoetad to make domestic, to tame __________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 63

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 9-10

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Bullies try to physically _____________________________ others.

intact domesticate dominate

2. The student _____________________________ is currently closed for remodeling.

dormitory domicile dormancy

3. Successful people often have a/an _____________________________ air of confidence.

dormant intangible tactful

4. “I have sole _____________________________ over this land,” declared the dictator.

contact tangency dominion

5. A ghost is not a/an _____________________________ object.

tangible intangible indomitable

6. The geyser has been _____________________________ for five years now.

dominant tangible dormant

7. English is one of the world’s _____________________________ languages.

predominant intact indomitable

8. The student’s _____________________________ is in Tebeau Hall.

domination domicile contact

9. A _____________________________ is a line, curve, or surface touching another but not

intersecting. predominance dormancy tangent

10. Politicians should always try to be _____________________________ when dealing with

the public. tactful dominant intact

11. The coach’s _____________________________ spirit helped the team achieve victory.
indomitable dormant tangible

64 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 9-10

12. They needed a _____________________________ staff to help to run their large household.
tactful domestic dominant

13. It is exciting to see trees and flowers break free of _____________________________ after
the long winter months. tangency domination dormancy

14. The place where two curves are touching is a point of _____________________________.
dormancy tangency predominance

15. The new tower will be the _____________________________ building in the city.
dominant tangible domesticate

16. There was a _____________________________ of consonants over vowels in the word

puzzle. dominion tangency predominance

17. Nora has been under the _____________________________ of a very strict father since
childhood. domination dormancy domicile

18. Man has many purposes to breed and _____________________________ wild animals.
dominant dominate domesticate

19. The pilot lost _____________________________ with the control tower.

contact dominion predominance

20. The package arrived with the contents fully _____________________________.

intangible tactful intact

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 65

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 11
iso- equal dyn/ power, force -ast one associated with
dynam/ -ic like, related to
dynamo -ics science, related to, system
meter/ to measure -ism a state of being; a quality or act
-ite related to, having the quality of
-y state of, quality, act; body, group

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

dynamometry metric dynamite dynamic

isodynamic dynamometer dynasty dynamism
dynamo dynamics

1. ________________________ of, or relating to equality or uniformity of force

2. ________________________ an individual possessing unusual energy

3. ________________________ energetic; forceful; of, or relating to power

4. ________________________ an active, forceful state or quality

a powerful group or family; a succession of

5. ________________________ hereditary rulers

6. ________________________ a powerful explosive of nitroglycerin

7. ________________________ a system or process of change, growth, or activity

8. ________________________ of, related to, or using the metric system

9. ________________________ device for measuring power or force

10. ________________________ process of measuring forces doing work

66 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson11
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. New weight machines offer ________________________ resistance that increases

muscular strength. metric isodynamic dynamic

2. Anna’s fluency and __________________________ as a speaker always impressed

her audience. dynamism dynamics dynasty

3. With the amazing advances in electronics, one surely feels the ________________________
force of technology. isodynamic metric dynamic

4. The nation’s leaders were a tightly knit _______________________________ of

industrialists and bankers. dynasty dynamo dynamometer

5. By the age of thirty, this ____________________________ had become president of a large

corporation. dynamite dynamometer dynamo

6. He is fully aware of the emotional _________________________________ around him.

dynamics dynamite dynasty

7. The _______________________________ unit of energy is the joule.

isodynamic dynamic metric

8. A chassis ______________________________ can be used in a lab under controlled

conditions to simulate driving on the road. dynamics dynamometer dynamo

9. A blast of ________________________________ lifted the rock out of the way.

dynamite dynamism dynamometry

10. ____________________________ is incorporated into many computerized exercise systems.

Dynamics Dynamite Dynamometry

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 67

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• power, force • a state of being; a quality or act

• one associated with • science, related to, system
• to measure • state of, quality, act; body, group
• like, related to • equal
• state, quality, act • related to, having the quality of

1. iso-
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -ite
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. meter/
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -ics
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ast
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -y 6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ic
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ism
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. dyn/
9. ____________________________________________________________________

68 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson11
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

dynamometry dynamo dynamometer dynamite dynamic

isodynamic metric dynamics dynasty dynamism

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 69

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 12
a- away, from; err stray, -ant one who, that which; state, quality
not, without wander on-eous like, having the quality of
ab- away, from spers/ scatter, -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
sperse sprinkle, -ive tending to or performing
di- apart,
away; not -or one who, that which; condition, state, activity

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

erroneous err disperse dispersion

errant aberrant aspersion dispersive
error asperse

1. ________________________ that which strays away from the right or normal way

2. ________________________ to make a mistake; to go astray

something incorrectly done out of ignorance or

3. ________________________ carelessness

4. ________________________ roving or wandering; itinerant

5. ________________________ the quality of being mistaken; incorrect

6. ________________________ to spread false charges; slander

7. ________________________ to scatter in all directions

8. ________________________ the act of defaming or slandering

9. ________________________ a scattering in all directions

10. ________________________ tending to scatter in all directions

70 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson12
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. You are less likely to ___________________________ if you prepare carefully in advance.

asperse disperse err

2. John’s coworkers were concerned about his increasingly ____________________________

behavior at the office. aberrant errant erroneous

3. The _____________________________ traveler longed for a place to call home.

dispersive errant erroneous

4. Monica’s testimony was filled with ______________________________ information.

erroneous errant dispersive

5. He wasted an hour of traveling time before he discovered his _________________________

of turning left at the fork. aspersion dispersion error

6. Brandon’s ____________________________ was directed at someone he didn’t even know.

aspersion dispersion error

7. A severe thunderstorm caused the picnickers to ___________________________ in a hurry.

asperse disperse err

8. Some plant seeds rely on birds for ______________________________.

dispersion aspersion error

9. After Tom was fired, he didn’t hesitate to ___________________________ his boss’s

character after he fired him. err disperse asperse

10. Flint glass has greater _______________________________ ability than crown glass.
dispersive erroneous aberrant

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 71

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• scatter, sprinkle, strew • like, having the quality of

• away, from • away, from; not, without
• an action or process; state, quality, act • apart, away; not
• stray, wander • one who, that which; condition, state,
• one who, that which; state, quality activity
• one who • tending to or performing

1. on-eous
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ab-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ion
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. spers/sperse
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. err
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. a-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ant
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -or
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. di-
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ive
8. ____________________________________________________________________

72 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson12
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

erroneous error aberrant disperse dispersion

errant err asperse aspersion dispersive

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 73

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 11-12

Lessons 11 and 12
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

iso- -ics err -ive

di- on-eous a- -ast
-ite ab- -ant -y
meter/metr -ion -or -ic
dyn/dynam/dynamo spers/sperse dis- -ism

1. ________________________ like, having the quality of

2. ________________________ away, from
3. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act
4. ________________________ scatter, sprinkle, strew
5. ________________________ equal
6. ________________________ related to, having the quality of
7. ________________________ to measure
8. ________________________ science, related to, system
9. ________________________ one associated with
10. ________________________ stray, wander
11. ________________________ away, from; not, without
12. ________________________ one who, that which; state, quality
13. ________________________ one who, that which; condition, state, activity
14. ________________________ apart, away; not
15. ________________________ tending to or performing
16. ________________________ state of, quality, act; body, group
17. ________________________ like, related to
18. ________________________ a state of being; a quality or act
19. ________________________ power, force

74 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 11-12

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. dynasty _____ a that which strays away from the right or normal way

2. dynamo _____ b to make a mistake; to go astray

3. dynamic _____ c something incorrectly done out of ignorance

or carelessness
4. asperse _____

d roving or wandering; itinerant
5. dynamism _____
e the quality of being mistaken; incorrect
6. metric _____
f a powerful explosive of nitroglycerin
7. isodynamic _____
g a system or process of change, growth, or activity
8. dynamite _____
h of, related to, or using the metric system
9. dispersive _____
i device for measuring power or force
10. aspersion _____
j process of measuring forces doing work
11. errant _____
k to spread false charges; slander
12. dispersion _____
l to scatter in all directions
13. dynamometry _____
m the act of defaming or slandering
14. disperse _____
n a scattering in all directions
15. dynamometer _____
o tending to scatter in all directions
16. dynamics _____
p of, or relating to equality or uniformity of force
17. err _____
q an individual possessing unusual energy
18. error _____
r energetic; forceful; of, or relating to power
19. erroneous _____
s an active, forceful state or quality
20. aberrant _____
t a powerful group or family; a succession of
hereditary rulers

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 75

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 11-12

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


a system or process of change, __________________

1. csiynmad
growth, or activity

that which strays away from the right
2. rebanart __________________
or normal way

3. rer to make a mistake; to go astray __________________

4. maimsynd an active, forceful state or quality __________________

5. serveipsid tending to scatter in all directions __________________

6. atrnre roving or wandering; itinerant __________________

7. eesrpsa to spread false charges; slander __________________

a powerful group or family; __________________

8. tasynyd
a succession of hereditary rulers

9. cmaiyodnis of, or relating to equality or uniformity of force __________________

10. mmoerytyand process of measuring forces doing work __________________

something incorrectly done out
11. oerrr __________________
of ignorance or carelessness

12. osniepsra the act of defaming or slandering __________________

13. yomadn an individual possessing unusual energy __________________

14. rpeessid to scatter in all directions __________________

15. enoreruos the quality of being mistaken; incorrect __________________

16. maicynd energetic; forceful; of, or relating to power __________________

17. reticm of, related to, or using the metric system __________________

18. tmmoreeaydn device for measuring power or force __________________

19. sierndopsi a scattering in all directions __________________

20. taimendy a powerful explosive of nitroglycerin __________________

76 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review
Review: Lessons 11-12

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. With the death of the emperor came the collapse of the __________________________.
aspersion dynasty dynamo

2. Though the facts were correct, their conclusions were ___________________________.

erroneous dispersive isodynamic

3. In a Communist regime, there is little tolerance for __________________________ behavior

from citizens. dynamic errant aberrant

4. The new leadership created a prosperous and _____________________________ economy.

erroneous dynamic dispersive

5. The cow was always looking for her _____________________________ calf.

errant dynamic erroneous

6. The audience was slow to ____________________________ following the concert.

asperse err disperse

7. The teacher’s _______________________________ was very motivating for his students.

dynamism dynamics aspersion

8. When pine trees are healthy, they have smaller, more _________________________ seeds.
isodynamic dispersive metric

9. Banks seldom __________________________ in determining a checking account balance.

err disperse asperse

10. The company manufactures _____________________________ headphones that provide

excellent sound quality. dynamic isodynamic aberrant

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 77

Word Roots Level 2 Review: Lessons 11-12

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. The automobile industry uses ___________________________ to check the force or torque
of car engines. dynamism dynamics dynamometry

12. _________________________ is a very dangerous substance.

Dynamite Dynamics Dynamism

13. The bill contains a/an ____________________________ in addition.

aspersion dispersion error

14. The new president of the college is an innovative _______________________________.

dynasty dynamo dynamometer

15. Political candidates ought not ____________________________ their campaign rivals.

disperse asperse err

16. Researchers utilize ____________________________ graphs for various reasons.

dispersion isodynamic errant

17. Knowing the population ___________________________ of fish helped Polynesian societies

determine when to refrain from fishing. dynamism dispersion dynamics

18. The _____________________________ of her character destroyed her political career.

aspersion dispersion dynamism

19. Despite its advantages, the ____________________________ system still hasn’t caught on
in the United States. dispersive metric isodynamic

20. A hand held ______________________________ is used for determining grip strength of

patients with hand trauma and dysfunction. dynamo dynamite dynamometer

78 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson13
Lesson 1

Lesson 13
con- with, centr center -al like, related to; an action or process
together ethn/ race, nation -ation/iz-ation an action or process
ec- out, away, ethno* -ic like, related to
-ist one who
-ity state, quality, act
-olog study of, science
*For more information on connecting vowels and combining forms, please refer to page v in the Introduction.

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

concentric ethnicity eccentric eccentricity

ethnic concentration central centralization
ethnologist ethnocentric

1. ________________________ related to common racial or cultural traits

2. ________________________ the focusing of attention on one idea or task

3. ________________________ a specialist in cultural anthropology

inclined to regard one’s own social group as

4. ________________________ superior to all others

5. ________________________ having a common center

6. ________________________ a classification or affiliation by race or culture

7. ________________________ off center; out of the ordinary, odd

8. ________________________ related to the center or middle

9. ________________________ the state or quality of deviation from the ordinary

10. ________________________ the process of gathering together, consolidation

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 79

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. America’s “melting pot” refers to the diverse ____________________________ groups that

have come to this country. ethnocentric ethnic eccentric

2. It is the ________________________________ view that would expect foreign cultures to

imitate our way of life. ethnocentric central concentric

3. The archer aimed at his target within the three _______________________________ circles.
central eccentric concentric

4. The renowned ______________________________ was also a published author.

ethnologist eccentricity concentration

5. The government’s ______________________________ on tax relief has won them a great

deal of support. ethnicity concentration centralization

6. The application contained questions concerning education, employment, and

_____________________________. eccentricity centralization ethnicity

7. Comets move in _____________________________ orbits.

ethnic eccentric ethnocentric

8. We think James has remained a bachelor due to his ________________________________.

eccentricity concentration centralization

9. The president is the _____________________________ figure in our government.

concentric ethnocentric central

10. ____________________________ of all data into one file improved the company’s efficiency.
Concentration Centralization Eccentricity

80 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson13
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part. A definition may be used
more than once.

• like, related to; an action or process • race, nation

• out, away, from • an action or process
• with, together • like, related to
• center • one who
• an action or process • state, quality, act
• study of, science • worth, worthy

1. -ity
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ec-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -olog
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. centr
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -al
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ation
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. con-
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. iz-ation
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. ethn/ethno
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ist
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ic
9. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 81

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

concentric ethnologist concentration eccentric eccentricity

ethnic ethnicity ethnocentric central centralization

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

82 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson14
Lesson 1

Lesson 14
circum- around flect/ bend -ible able to be
de- from, away, flex -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
down, apart; not
in- in, into; not
re- back, again

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

deflect reflection reflex inflect

reflect circumflex inflexible flexible
inflection deflection

1. ________________________ a change of course or direction

2. ________________________ bent, turned, or directed back (physics)

3. ________________________ unbending; rigid

4. ________________________ bending around; curved (biology)

the process of bending back (an image in a

5. ________________________ mirror) or thinking back

6. ________________________ a change in tone or pitch

7. ________________________ to bend back, to mirror; to think back on

8. ________________________ to turn away from a fixed direction

9. ________________________ to change or vary the pitch of

10. ________________________ able to bend easily; easily adaptable

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 83

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. A _____________________________ action is a learned or built-in response to a stimulus.

flexible reflex circumflex

2. The blood clot was found in the left ____________________________ branch of the
coronary artery. circumflex flexible inflexible

3. The bureaucracy’s ____________________________ position made it very difficult to

change policies. flexible circumflex inflexible

4. The dog was fascinated by his own ____________________________ in the lake’s surface.
deflection reflection inflection

5. The sudden ___________________________ of the ball off the rim sent it flying into
Gabrielle’s hands. deflection reflection inflection

6. Julie could tell from the ___________________________ of Cole’s voice that he was excited.
reflection deflection inflection

7. _________________________ for a moment–is what you plan to do the wise decision?

Reflect Deflect Inflect

8. The goalie tried to ____________________________ the ball with his hands.

inflect reflect deflect

9. When Deeanne read the script her voice would ______________________________.

inflect deflect reflect

10. The springs are made of _____________________________ steel.

circumflex flexible reflex

84 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson14
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• around • in, into; not

• apart, opposite of • bend
• able to be • back, again
• from, away, down, apart; not • an action or process; state, quality, act

1. -ible
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. in-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. flect/flex
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. circum-
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ion
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. re-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. de-
7. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 85

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

deflect inflection circumflex reflex inflect

reflect reflection deflection inflexible flexible

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

86 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 13 and 14
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

de- con- re- -ic

-ion -ible -al -ist
dis- flect/flex -ation/iz-ation -ity
ec- circum- ethn/ethno -olog
centr in- -ant

1. ________________________ around

2. ________________________ with, together

3. ________________________ able to be

4. ________________________ from, away, down, apart; not

5. ________________________ in, into; not

6. ________________________ an action or process

7. ________________________ back, again

8. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act

9. ________________________ like, related to; an action or process

10. ________________________ out, away, from

11. ________________________ center

12. ________________________ study of, science

13. ________________________ race, nation

14. ________________________ like, related to

15. ________________________ one who

16. ________________________ state, quality, act

17. ________________________ bend

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 87

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. concentric _____ a a change of course or direction

2. ethnic _____ b bent, turned, or directed back (physics)

3. inflect _____ c unbending; rigid

4. ethnocentric _____ d bending around; curved (biology)

5. flexible _____ e the process of bending back (an image in a

mirror) or thinking back
6. deflect _____
f a classification or affiliation by race or culture
7. reflect _____
g off center; out of the ordinary, odd
8. concentration _____
h related to the center or middle
9. centralization _____
i the state or quality of deviation from the ordinary
10. eccentricity _____
j the process of gathering together, consolidation
11. ethnologist _____
k a change in tone or pitch
12. eccentric _____
l to bend back, to mirror; to think back on
13. ethnicity _____
m to turn away from a fixed direction
14. inflexible _____
n to change or vary the pitch of
15. reflection _____
o able to bend easily; easily adaptable
16. reflex _____
p related to common racial or cultural traits
17. central _____
q the focusing of attention on one idea or task
18. inflection _____
r a specialist in cultural anthropology
19. circumflex _____
s inclined to regard one’s own social group as
20. deflection _____ superior to all others

t having a common center

88 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


the process of bending back (an image in a __________________

1. cetnoilefr
mirror) or thinking back

2. onhtetsigol a specialist in cultural anthropology __________________

3. xceilrfcmu bending around; curved (biology) __________________

4. noccirtenc having a common center __________________

5. fedtceoinl a change of course or direction __________________

6. inhcte related to common racial or cultural traits __________________

7. ferexl bent, turned, or directed back (physics) __________________

8. atrtnecnoionc the focusing of attention on one idea or task __________________

9. bixeelfnli unbending; rigid __________________

10. celitnofin a change in tone or pitch __________________

11. yettihcin a classification or affiliation by race or culture __________________

inclined to regard one’s own social group as __________________
12. onhternecitct
superior to all others

13. ctelefr to bend back, to mirror; to think back on __________________

14. bixeflel able to bend easily; easily adaptable __________________

15. leftced to turn away from a fixed direction __________________

16. cletnfi to change or vary the pitch of __________________

17. atrnelc related to the center or middle __________________

18. cirtncece off center; out of the ordinary, odd __________________

19. arntecaziliont the focusing of attention on one idea or task __________________

the state or quality of deviation from __________________

20. ticirtyeeccn
the ordinary

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 89

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The World’s Fair featured cuisine, music, and cultural events from all
________________________ backgrounds. ethnic ethnocentric circumflex

2. The committee was _____________________________ in its opposition to our request.

flexible inflexible concentric

3. The choir sang with much ________________________________ in their voices.

inflection deflection concentration

4. The design includes both overlapping and _________________________________ circles.

inflexible eccentric concentric

5. The capital is located in the ________________________________ part of the state.

circumflex central eccentric

6. They wore armor that can ___________________________ bullets.

deflect inflect reflect

7. Chess requires considerable ______________________________.

concentration centralization reflection

8. Wearing evening gowns all day is just part of Camilla’s ______________________________

behavior. inflexible ethnocentric eccentric

9. Grace has written extensively about gender, class, and _____________________________

in relation to social policy. ethnicity centralization eccentricity

10. We could see the full moon _____________________________ off the still water of the lake.
inflect reflect deflect

90 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

11. We need a foreign policy that is more _________________________________.

central inflexible flexible

12. The author is known for his mysteriousness and _______________________________.

eccentricity ethnicity inflection

13. Elliot gave much ____________________________ to the problem but still had no answers.
inflection reflection deflection

14. ______________________________ practices can lead to problems of both racism and

prejudice. Ethnocentric Concentric Flexible

15. The _________________________________ of all shipping operations is now in Atlanta.

concentration deflection centralization

16. The ________________________________ artery in the patient’s heart was 90% blocked.
circumflex concentric eccentric

17. The goal was scored by means of a ______________________________ off the goalkeeper.
reflection deflection inflection

18. Sneezing is a/an ____________________________ action.

eccentric reflex inflexible

19. The ______________________________ was hired as a consultant by the tourist industry.

ethnologist ethnicity deflection

20. Dad will always ______________________________ his voice when he means business.
reflect deflect inflect

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 91

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 15
de- from, away, funct perform -al like, related to; an action or process
down, apart; -ary that which; someone or something that belongs
not to; of, related to; one who
dys- bad, badly -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
per- through, very -ism a state of being; a quality or act
non- not -less without
-ory like, relating to, having the quality of; place
or thing connected with

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

functionalism functionless nonfunctional functionary

defunct functional dysfunction dysfunctional
perfunctory function

1. ________________________ done as a duty; having a superficial quality

2. ________________________ abnormal, impaired, or incomplete functioning

one who performs in a certain position, especially

3. ________________________ an official

4. ________________________ no longer used or active

5. ________________________ the purpose something serves

6. ________________________ related to the function or usefulness of something

7. ________________________ functioning or performing abnormally

8. ________________________ without a function or purpose

9. ________________________ serving no function or purpose

10. ________________________ condition or belief in the practical application of things

92 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson15
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Doctors determined the liver ____________________________ was caused by cirrhosis.

function dysfunction functionary

2. Glass has an important _____________________________ in modern architecture.

function functionalism dysfunction

3. The court clerk was the lowest paid __________________________________ on the payroll.
dysfunction function functionary

4. Membership in the organization declined, causing it to become

___________________________. perfunctory defunct functional

5. The older brother gave a ______________________________ apology to his little sister for
pinching her. dysfunctional perfunctory defunct

6. Is that oil lamp _____________________________ or merely decorative?

dysfunctional functional functionless

7. Bailey grew up in a _________________________________ family.

defunct perfunctory dysfunctional

8. The farm is currently __________________________________.

nonfunctional perfunctory dysfunctional

9. The data stored on the computer is outdated and __________________________________.

functional functionless dysfunctional

10. The philosopher based his thinking on the theories of behaviorism and
____________________________. functionary dysfunction functionalism

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 93

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• a state of being; a quality or act • perform

• not • through, very
• without • that which; someone or something that
• state, quality, act belongs to; of, related to; one who
• like, related to; an action or process • an action or process; state, quality, act
• from, away, down, apart; not • like, relating to, having the quality of;
• bad, badly place or thing connected with

1. -al
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. non-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ism
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. de-
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. funct
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. dys-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -less
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ory
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. per-
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ary
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ion
9. ____________________________________________________________________

94 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson15
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

functionalism perfunctory functional nonfunctional functionary

defunct functionless function dysfunction dysfunctional

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 95

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 16
mis- bad, wrong gastr/ stomach -al like, related to; an action or process
gastro* -ation an action or process
nom/ name, law, -ative of, or relating to
nomin custom, order -ee one who
-er one who, that which
-ic like, related to
-ism a state of being; a quality or act
-itis inflammation
-ology study of, science
-y state of, quality, act; body, group
*For more information on connecting vowels and combining forms, please refer to page v in the Introduction.

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

gastritis gastronomy nominal nominee

nomism nomology nomination nominative
gastric misnomer

1. ________________________ the art or custom of good eating

2. ________________________ of, or relating to the stomach

3. ________________________ inflammation of the stomach lining

4. ________________________ the study of laws and lawmaking

5. ________________________ conduct based on moral law

6. ________________________ an error in naming a person or thing

7. ________________________ being something in name only but not reality

8. ________________________ process of naming someone for an award or office

9. ________________________ one who is selected to run for a position

10. ________________________ of, or relating to the nominative case

96 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson16
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. For years, Naomi lived with ____________________________ disorders.

nominal gastric nominative

2. The upscale restaurant introduced Asian ______________________________ to the

Western menu. gastronomy gastritis nomism

3. Hudson suffered with severe ______________________________ from an ulcer.

nomology gastronomy gastritis

4. Stimson’s text is widely used by the branch of _______________________________ that

focuses on criminal law. nomology gastronomy nomism

5. The anthropologist theorized that _____________________________ existed among

ancient cultures. gastritis nomism misnomer

6. Naming their dog Itsy-Bitsy is a ____________________________, since the dog is really

very large. misnomer nomism nomination

7. The Spaniards retained _______________________________ possession of the Bahamas.

nominative gastric nominal

8. Jackson has a very good chance of winning the _________________________________.

nomination nominee misnomer

9. She was hoping to be the Republican Party ___________________________________.

misnomer nominee nomination

10. ________________________________ pronouns are usually the subject of a sentence.

Nominal Gastric Nominative

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 97

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• around • like, related to; an action or process

• stomach • of, or relating to
• a state of being, a quality or act • an action or process
• bad, wrong • inflammation
• name, law, custom, order • study of, science
• like, related to • state of, quality; act; body, group
• one who • one who, that which

1. -ism
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -ic
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. nom/nomin
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. mis-
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -er
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ee
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ation
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -itis
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ology
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -y
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -al
7. ____________________________________________________________________

12. gastr/gastro
8. ____________________________________________________________________

13. -ative
9. ____________________________________________________________________

98 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson16
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

gastritis gastric nomology nominal nominee

nomism gastronomy misnomer nomination nominative

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 99

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 15 and 16
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-ism -ous non- -ory -ative

-ic -ee de- -y per-
nom/nomin -ation funct -al -ary
mis- -itis dys- gastr/gastro
-er -ology -less -ion

1. ________________________ stomach
2. ________________________ a state of being, a quality or act
3. ________________________ bad, wrong
4. ________________________ name, law, custom, order
5. ________________________ like, related to
6. ________________________ one who
7. ________________________ not
8. ________________________ like, related to; an action or process
9. ________________________ from, away, down, apart; not
10. ________________________ bad, badly
11. ________________________ perform
12. ________________________ through, very
that which; someone or something that belongs to;
13. ________________________ of, related to; one who
14. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act
like, relating to, having the quality of; place or thing
15. ________________________ connected with
16. ________________________ an action or process
17. ________________________ of, or relating to
18. ________________________ without
19. ________________________ inflammation
20. ________________________ study of, science
21. ________________________ state of, quality, act; body, group
22. ________________________ one who, that which

100 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. function _____ a the art or custom of good eating

2. functionary _____ b of, or relating to the stomach

3. defunct _____ c inflammation of the stomach lining

4. nominee _____ d the study of laws and lawmaking

5. misnomer _____ e conduct based on moral law

6. nomination _____ f related to the function or usefulness of something

7. nominal _____ g functioning or performing abnormally

8. perfunctory _____ h without a function or purpose

9. nominative _____ i serving no function or purpose

10. dysfunction _____

j condition or belief in the practical application of things

11. nomism _____ k an error in naming a person or thing

12. dysfunctional _____ l being something in name only but not reality

13. functional _____ m process of naming someone for an award or office

14. nomology _____ n one who is selected to run for a position

15. nonfunctional _____ o of, or relating to the nominative case

16. functionless _____ p done as a duty; having a superficial quality

17. functionalism _____ q abnormal, impaired, or incomplete functioning

18. gastric _____ r one who performs in a certain position, especially

an official
19. gastritis _____
s no longer used or active
20. gastronomy _____
t the purpose something serves

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 101

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. ortsgaonym the art or custom of good eating __________________

condition or belief in the practical application __________________

2. anomsilcitunf
of things

one who performs in a certain position,

3. itcnunoyraf __________________
especially an official

4. tircasg of, or relating to the stomach __________________

5. imomsn conduct based on moral law __________________

6. einmone one who is selected to run for a position __________________

7. nlamoin being something in name only but not reality __________________

process of naming someone for an award __________________

8. animonoint
or office

9. emormnis an error in naming a person or thing __________________

10. aevitimnon of, or relating to the nominative case __________________

11. iotnucnf the purpose something serves __________________

12. yngoolom the study of laws and lawmaking __________________

13. ayldnsofitcun functioning or performing abnormally __________________

14. ftcednu no longer used or active __________________

15. rtgssatii inflammation of the stomach lining __________________

related to the function or usefulness of __________________

16. lfaunnocit

17. yproretncuf done as a duty; having a superficial quality __________________

18. selnusfnoitc without a function or purpose __________________

19. lanufnonntcoi serving no function or purpose __________________

20. oitfsydnncu abnormal, impaired, or incomplete functioning __________________

102 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The dusty, broken equipment was a sign that the factory had been
________________________ for many years. defunct perfunctory dysfunctional

2. A very plain diet was the only solution for Sue’s _______________________________.
gastronomy misnomer gastritis

3. Civilized societies adhere to a system of ___________________________________.

nomology nomism functionalism

4. ___________________________ juices help the stomach with the digestive process.

Gastric Functional Perfunctory

5. One of Patsy’s kidneys was ________________________________.

nominal gastric nonfunctional

6. I was a _______________________________ for best musician at our local music festival.

nominee functionary misnomer

7. That was certainly a ______________________________ “hello” he gave us.

dysfunctional nominative perfunctory

8. My armchair is also ______________________________ as a daybed.

functionless functional defunct

9. The famous chef wrote a book on _________________________________.

gastronomy nomology functionalism

10. Gina had a _________________________________ part in the school play.

nominative dysfunctional nominal

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Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. The chief ___________________________ of the kidneys is to purify the blood.

function misnomer functionary

12. The robot no longer worked, so it was ________________________________.

perfunctory dysfunctional nominal

13. The company’s top executive was replaced by a new _____________________________.

functionary nominee nomism

14. Since Fred is quite tall, calling him Shorty is indeed a ______________________________.
nomism nomination misnomer

15. Some examples of ______________________________ pronouns are: I, she, you, they, we,
it, and he. nominative perfunctory functional

16. Eli suffered from severe gastrointestinal _________________________________.

functionalism dysfunction gastronomy

17. The official was given a title but basically had a _________________________________ job.
nominative dysfunctional functionless

18. Jeff decided to pursue a career in ________________________________.

nomism nomology functionalism

19. Carmen was surprised to hear she had the ______________________________ for player of
the year. nomination misnomer nomology

20. _____________________________ is one of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology.

Nomology Gastronomy Functionalism

104 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson17
Lesson 1

Lesson 17
de- from, away, gen/ cause, birth, -ate to make, to act; one who, that which
down, apart; gend/ race, produce -ation an action or process
not gener -ative of, or relating to
en- in, into -er one who, that which
re- back, again -esis action, process
-ic like, related to
ea-logy study of, science
-ous having the quality of

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

degenerative regenerate generate generation

genealogy genesis generic generous
gender engender

1. ________________________ beginning or birth of something; origin

2. ________________________ to make new; to form again

3. ________________________ to bring forth; to produce

the science or study of family descent from their

4. ________________________ ancestors

5. ________________________ of, or causing a decline in quality or strength

masculine or feminine identity; the formal classification

6. ________________________ by which nouns and pronouns are grouped

7. ________________________ produce, cause, bring about

8. ________________________ of, or relating to a whole group or class

9. ________________________ the process of formation or causation

10. ________________________ free-giving, overflowing

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 105

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Sam could trace his _____________________________ back to the Ute tribe.

gender genesis genealogy

2. The famous band had its _____________________________ in a tiny garage.

genesis generation gender

3. Certain crustaceans can _____________________________ missing body parts.

engender regenerate generate

4. Encouraging words _________________________________ kindness.

gender engender regenerate

5. The mail carrier suffered from ______________________________________ disc disease.

generic generous degenerative

6. In some birds, color and pattern can help to identify the _____________________________
of a particular animal. genesis gender genealogy

7. The new power plant will ________________________________ electricity for the entire city.
generate regenerate engender

8. A ________________________________ medication is the same drug but at a lower price.

generous degenerative generic

9. The biology class is studying the __________________________________ of fruit flies.

generation genealogy gender

10. This restaurant serves unusually __________________________________ portions.

generic generous degenerative

106 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson17
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• having the quality of • to make, to act; one who, that which

• study of, science • of, or relating to
• from, away, down, apart; not • one who, that which
• in, into • having the quality of
• action, process • like, related to
• back, again • an action or process
• cause, birth, race, produce • around

1. de-
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ea-logy
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. en-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. gen/gend/
6. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -esis
4. ____________________________________________________________________

6. re-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ate
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -er
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ative
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ic
9. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ous
9. ____________________________________________________________________

12. -ation
9. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 107

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

degenerative gender genesis generate generation

genealogy regenerate engender generic generous

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

108 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson18
Lesson 1

Lesson 18
con- with, together grac/ pleasing, ul-ate to make, to act; one who, that which
grace/ thankful ific-ation an action or process
grat/ -ful having the quality of
i-fy to make, to act, to do
-is that which
u-ity state, quality, act
i-ous having the quality of
i-tude state, quality, act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

gracious gratis grateful grace

gratuity gratify graceful gratification
congratulate gratitude

to express pleasure at another’s success, good

1. ________________________ fortune, etc.

2. ________________________ a state of thankfulness

3. ________________________ to give pleasure; to satisfy

4. ________________________ having or showing kindness, courtesy, charm, etc.

5. ________________________ a gift of money for a service rendered; a tip

6. ________________________ without charge; free

7. ________________________ full of gratitude, thankful

8. ________________________ having the quality of being lovely and elegant

9. ________________________ beauty or charm of form; pleasing quality

10. ________________________ pleasure, satisfaction

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 109

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Many websites offer downloadable games ______________________________ for simply

visiting their site. graceful grateful gratis

2. The father was the first to ________________________ his son upon his college graduation.
gratis congratulate gratify

3. The Wilsons were very generous when showing their ______________________________

for Tristan’s assistance. gratuity gratitude grace

4. The opera singer’s joy was to _________________________________ her audience.

grace congratulate gratify

5. The host’s _______________________________ manner put his guests at ease.

gracious grateful gratis

6. The attentive waitress deserved a generous ________________________________ for

her services. gratitude gratification gratuity

7. We are _____________________________ for the anniversary card you sent us.

grateful graceful gratis

8. Bonnie is _____________________________ enough to become a fine dancer.

gratis grateful graceful

9. It’s impossible for me to run up and down stairs with any ____________________________.
grace gratification gratitude

10. Eating an ice cream cone on a hot day gives me much _____________________________.
grace gratification gratuity

110 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson18
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part. A definition may be used
more than once.

• with, together • having the quality of

• able to be • that which
• to make, to act; one who, that which • state, quality, act
• pleasing, thankful • an action or process
• to make, to act, to do • having the quality of

1. -ful
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ul-ate
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. con-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. i-fy
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. grac/grace/
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -is
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. u-ity
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. i-ous
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. i-tude
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. ific-ation
8. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 111

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

gracious congratulate gratify grateful grace

gratuity gratis gratitude graceful gratification

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

112 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 17 and 18
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-ful gen/gend/gener -in -er

de- en- u-ity -ative
-ic re- -ous/i-ous -itis
con- i-fy i-tude
-ate/ul-ate -is ea-logy
-action/ific-ation grac/grace/grat/grate -esis

1. ________________________ of, or relating to

2. ________________________ having the quality of

3. ________________________ one who, that which

4. ________________________ cause, birth, race, produce

5. ________________________ an action or process

6. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which

7. ________________________ from, away, down, apart; not

8. ________________________ with, together

9. ________________________ in, into

10. ________________________ back, again

11. ________________________ to make, to act, to do

12. ________________________ that which

13. ________________________ pleasing, thankful

14. ________________________ action, process

15. ________________________ state, quality, act

16. ________________________ having the quality of

17. ________________________ study of, science

18. ________________________ state, quality, act

19. ________________________ like, related to

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 113

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. generic _____ a to express pleasure at another’s success,
good fortune, etc.
2. gratis _____
b a state of thankfulness
3. grace _____
c to give pleasure; to satisfy
4. genesis _____
d having or showing kindness, courtesy, charm, etc.
5. generous _____
e a gift of money for a service rendered; a tip
6. generate _____
f masculine or feminine identity; the formal classification
7. gender _____ by which nouns and pronouns are grouped

8. congratulate _____ g produce, cause, bring about

9. graceful _____ h of, or relating to a whole group or class

10. gratuity _____ i the process of formation or causation

11. gratitude _____ j free-giving, overflowing

12. degenerative _____ k without charge; free

13. generation _____ l full of gratitude, thankful

14. gratify _____ m having the quality of being lovely and elegant

15. genealogy _____ n beauty or charm of form; pleasing quality

16. gracious _____ o pleasure, satisfaction

17. engender _____ p beginning or birth of something; origin

18. regenerate _____ q to make new; to form again

19. gratification _____ r to bring forth; to produce

20. grateful _____ s the science or study of family descent from their

t of, or causing a decline in quality or strength

114 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. itaevdreenge of, or causing a decline in quality or strength __________________

2. srgait without charge; free __________________

3. yrgtaif to give pleasure; to satisfy __________________

the science or study of family descent from __________________
4. loaneeygg
their ancestors

5. aereteng produce, cause, bring about __________________

6. iseengs beginning or birth of something; origin __________________

7. felutagr full of gratitude, thankful __________________

to express pleasure at another’s success, __________________
8. tleauatnorgc
good fortune, etc.

9. regca beauty or charm of form; pleasing quality __________________

10. arnoiteeng the process of formation or causation __________________

having or showing kindness, courtesy,

11. iocsuagr __________________
charm, etc.

12. dgetiuatr a state of thankfulness __________________

13. aretnegeer to make new; to form again __________________

14. iencerg of, or relating to a whole group or class __________________

15. uitaytrg a gift of money for a service rendered; a tip __________________

masculine or feminine identity; the formal

16. denreg classification by which nouns and pronouns __________________
are grouped

17. oruenegs free-giving, overflowing __________________

18. elucrafg having the quality of being lovely and elegant __________________

19. tgarciiftiona pleasure, satisfaction __________________

20. dgnereen to bring forth; to produce __________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 115

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The approaching storm could easily ____________________________ hazardous

driving conditions. regenerate gratify engender

2. By establishing a family tree, they determined their _________________________________.

genealogy gender genesis

3. The fatigued troops were unable to __________________________________ themselves.

engender congratulate regenerate

4. The dinner bill included everything but the ____________________________________.

gratuity gender genealogy

5. The majestic scenery served to ____________________________ the eyes of the beholder.

regenerate gratify engender

6. Aunt Vivian was the most _______________________________ hostess I’ve ever known.
gracious generic grateful

7. Collecting stamps gives Richard tremendous ____________________________________.

gratuity gratification generation

8. My grandmother has _______________________________ arthritis of the spine.

generic graceful degenerative

9. Let me ___________________________________ you for a job well done!

congratulate engender regenerate

10. The movie tickets were given to us __________________________________.

generic gratis graceful

116 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

11. Lauren’s ________________________________ reminds me of a princess.

grace gender genesis

12. The __________________________________ of ideas is a valuable talent.

gratification gratitude generation

13. Uncle Ted has a most _________________________________ nature.

generous graceful generic

14. The long, __________________________________ neck of a swan is a sight to behold.

gracious grateful graceful

15. I am _________________________________ for all of my blessings.

grateful graceful gracious

16. You need to fill in your name, date of birth, and __________________________________ on
the application. genesis gender generation

17. Roberto purchased the __________________________________ brand of the cereal.

generic degenerative graceful

18. The mayor tried to __________________________________ enthusiasm and support for his
proposed plan. regenerate congratulate generate

19. A news item about a boy being adopted was the ________________________________ of
her story. genesis gratification genealogy

20. How can I express my _______________________________ for all your help?

gratuity gratification gratitude

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 117

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 19
con- with, together ject throw -ile like, of, relating to
e- out, away, -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
from -ory like, relating to, having the quality of; place or
in- in, into; not thing connected with
pro- for, before, -ure state, quality, act; that which; process, condition
re- back, again
tra- across,

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

conjecture rejection reject injection

projectile ejection eject projection
trajectory project

1. ________________________ the action of being refused or thrown back

a throwing together of information based on

2. ________________________ inference

3. ________________________ an object designed to be hurled forward

4. ________________________ the curve that an object takes in space; path

5. ________________________ the act of being thrown out or away

6. ________________________ throw forward, jut out

7. ________________________ to throw back, to refuse to take

8. ________________________ throw out, expel, emit, spew

the insertion of medicine through a needle into a vein;

9. ________________________ a shot

10. ________________________ protrusion, overhang, forecast

118 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson19
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The forensic specialist tried to determine the original _______________________________

of the bullet. injection conjecture trajectory

2. Her body’s ______________________________ of the liver transplant was very unfortunate.

rejection projectile injection

3. The newspaper’s editorial column was mostly ________________________________ rather

than fact. rejection conjecture ejection

4. A javelin is a __________________________________.
trajectory projectile conjecture

5. The crew tried to determine Jerry’s injuries after his unexpected _______________________
from the cockpit. ejection injection rejection

6. The ledges _____________________________ about one foot around the building.

reject eject project

7. We hope the board members don’t ____________________________ the new proposals.

reject eject project

8. The police will have to ___________________________ the demonstrators from the building.
project reject eject

9. Min had the choice of taking the medication orally or by _____________________________.

ejection injection rejection

10. The narrow _____________________________ scarcely provided a foothold.

projectile trajectory projection

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• state, quality, act; that which; process, • out, away, from

condition • for, before, forward
• in, into; not • back, again
• like, relating to, having the quality of; • across, through
place or thing connected with • throw
• with, together • to make, to act, to do
• an action or process; state, quality, act • like, of, relating to

1. -ile
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -ure
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. in-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. ject
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. con-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. tra-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ion
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ory
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. e-
9. ____________________________________________________________________

10. pro-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. re-
7. ____________________________________________________________________

120 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson19
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

conjecture trajectory ejection reject injection

projectile rejection project eject projection

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 20
con- with, together join/ join -al like, related to; an action or process
en- in, into joint/ -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
re- back, again jug/ -ive tending to or performing
junct -ure state, quality, act; that which; process, condition

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

junction enjoin conjunction conjoin

rejoin conjunctive joint juncture
conjugal conjoint

1. ________________________ of or relating to marriage or joining

2. ________________________ to direct to do something; order; forbid

3. ________________________ point of joining or meeting

4. ________________________ serving to join together; connective; combined

5. ________________________ to join again; reunite

6. ________________________ linked together

7. ________________________ a joining together or being joined together; union

8. ________________________ place of joining

9. ________________________ to join together; unite; combine

10. ________________________ joining place, connection

122 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson20
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The gas station was located at the _______________________________ of Highway 4 and

Main Street. junction joint conjunction

2. The judge had to ____________________________ the company to discontinue its

false advertising. conjoin rejoin enjoin

3. The interest groups worked together to defeat the bill because of their
____________________________ principles. joint conjugal conjunctive

4. The wounded soldier was anxious to _______________________________ his regiment.

enjoin conjoin rejoin

5. The ________________________________ ceremony took place in a very quaint chapel.

conjugal conjunctive conjoint

6. The ________________________________ effort of the team made its success in the

tournament possible. conjunction conjugal conjoint

7. The ________________________________ of heavy rains and high winds caused flooding.

joint conjunction juncture

8. I have severe pain around the _________________________________ of my finger.

conjoint juncture joint

9. The electrician placed the wiring at the _____________________________ of the two walls.
juncture joint conjunction

10. The two rivers eventually ________________________________.

enjoin conjoin rejoin

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 123

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• state, quality, act; that which; • with, together

process, condition • join
• in, into • back, again
• bend • like, related to; an action or process
• tending to or performing • an action or process; state, quality, act

1. -al
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. en-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ure
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. re-
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ion
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. con-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ive
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. join/joint/
8. ____________________________________________________________________

124 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson20
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

junction conjugal conjunctive conjunction conjoin

rejoin enjoin conjoint joint juncture

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 125

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 19 and 20
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-al re- -ive -ile

ject tang pro- -ory
e- -ion tra- -ure
en- con- in- join/joint/ jug/junct

1. ________________________ like, related to; an action or process

2. ________________________ in, into
3. ________________________ state, quality, act; that which; process, condition
4. ________________________ back, again
5. ________________________ like, of, relating to
6. ________________________ in, into; not
7. ________________________ throw
8. ________________________ with, together
9. ________________________ across, through
10. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act

like, relating to, having the quality of; place or thing

11. ________________________ connected with
12. ________________________ out, away, from
13. ________________________ for, before, forward
14. ________________________ tending to or performing
15. ________________________ join

126 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. project _____ a of or relating to marriage or joining

2. eject _____ b to direct to do something; order; forbid

3. joint _____ c point of joining or meeting

4. conjoin _____ d serving to join together; connective; combined

5. ejection _____ e to join again; reunite

6. conjugal _____ f throw forward, jut out

7. juncture _____ g to throw back, to refuse to take

8. enjoin _____ h throw out, expel, emit, spew

9. conjoint _____ i the insertion of medicine through a needle

into a vein, a shot
10. conjunction _____
j protrusion, overhang, forecast
11. projectile _____
k the action of being refused or thrown back
12. trajectory _____
l a throwing together of information based on
13. rejection _____ inference

14. conjecture _____ m an object designed to be hurled forward

15. rejoin _____ n the curve that an object takes in space; path

16. injection _____ o the act of being thrown out or away

17. projection _____ p linked together

18. junction _____ q a joining together or being joined together; union

19. conjunctive _____ r place of joining

20. reject _____ s to join together; unite; combine

t joining place, connection

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 127

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. tjnnoicu point of joining or meeting __________________

a throwing together of information based on __________________
2. cejreutonc

3. rcuteujn joining place, connection __________________

4. rctoyjrtea the curve that an object takes in space; path __________________

a joining together or being joined together; __________________

5. nnniotujcco

6. joprconeit protrusion, overhang, forecast __________________

7. ievnnccujot serving to join together; connective; combined __________________

8. cjeet throw out, expel, emit, spew __________________

9. oeinnj to direct to do something; order; forbid __________________

10. enojietc the act of being thrown out or away __________________

11. ticnoeejr the action of being refused or thrown back __________________

12. ooncnij to join together; unite; combine __________________

13. certje to throw back, to refuse to take __________________

14. tcninojo linked together __________________

15. nijto place of joining __________________

the insertion of medicine through a needle __________________

16. iitejcnno
into a vein; a shot

17. oerijn to join again; reunite __________________

18. glanujoc of or relating to marriage or joining __________________

19. tcpjoer throw forward, jut out __________________

20. orjpcteeil an object designed to be hurled forward __________________

128 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The middle-class citizens were the ______________________________ force holding the

nation together. ejection conjugal conjunctive

2. Do you know for sure or is it merely _____________________________?

projection conjunction conjecture

3. The ____________________________ of the space shuttle took it into Earth’s atmosphere.

trajectory juncture projectile

4. The policeman directed traffic at the _____________________________ of the two main

thoroughfares. ejection junction joint

5. I will ____________________________ the team once my injury heals.

conjoin enjoin rejoin

6. There is a huge difference between infatuation and _____________________________ love.

conjugal conjoint conjunctive

7. Remember to _____________________________ your voice so you’re heard in the last row.

project eject enjoin

8. Dean had a good idea, but I still had to _________________________________ it.

eject project reject

9. The firefighters had to ________________________________ the onlookers to stand clear.

rejoin enjoin conjoin

10. They failed at their attempt to ____________________________ two very different concepts.
reject enjoin conjoin

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 129

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. The publisher’s _____________________________ of his manuscript was very discouraging.

rejection ejection projection

12. The fastest way to get the painkiller into the patient was by ___________________________.
ejection conjecture injection

13. Remember, deliberately throwing the ball at the batter is grounds for ____________________
from the game projection trajectory ejection

14. The volcano will ________________________________ lava and ashes.

project eject reject

15. Kamal’s __________________________ indicates what the population is likely to be by 2050.

projection projectile conjecture

16. The project was completed on time due to the _______________________________ efforts
of all those involved. projection conjugal conjoint

17. The direction signs were put at the _______________________________ of the two
mountain paths. juncture trajectory conjecture

18. The word “if” is a conditional _________________________________.

juncture conjunction conjecture

19. My grandma is having surgery done on the ball-and-socket __________________________

of her hip. conjoint trajectory joint

20. A torpedo was the _____________________________ they were referring to.

projectile trajectory projection

130 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson21
Lesson 1

Lesson 21
ad- to, toward, dict say, speak -ate to make, to act; one who, that which
near jur/ right, oath, i-fy to make, to act, to do
per- through, very jure/ to swear -ice one who, that which
juris/ -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
-ist one who
-or one who, that which; condition, state, activity
-y state of, quality, act; body, group

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

perjury adjure dictate jury

juror justify justice jurist
jurisdiction diction

to command solemnly, especially under oath; to appeal

1. ________________________ to earnestly

2. ________________________ to show to be right or correct; to prove

3. ________________________ a member of a jury

4. ________________________ legal power to interpret and administer the law

5. ________________________ the deliberate telling of a lie while under oath

6. ________________________ the quality or style of speech

7. ________________________ to say or state something with authority or power

8. ________________________ righteousness, fairness

9. ________________________ a group of citizens chosen to decide a legal case

10. ________________________ an expert in law; judge, attorney

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Carlo was unwilling to commit ____________________________ to win the defendant’s

freedom. justice perjury jurisdiction

2. The workers could not _____________________________ their decision to leave work early.
adjure dictate justify

3. The judge will ___________________________ the witness to answer truthfully or face

going to jail. adjure justify dictate

4. Becky was summoned as a ______________________________ for the high profile case.

jury jurist juror

5. Neither county had _______________________________ over the members of the small

community. justice jurisdiction diction

6. In the name of _______________________________, all men should be equal.

justice perjury jurisdiction

7. The enemy insisted on being able to _______________________________ the terms of

surrender. adjure justify dictate

8. I was part of the ______________________________ in a criminal case.

jury perjury justice

9. Earl Warren was a famous ____________________________.

juror jurist jurisdiction

10. Poor _____________________________ marred the effectiveness of Dinah’s speech.

diction justice jurisdiction

132 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson21
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• state of, quality, act; body, group • right, oath, to swear

• one who, that which • to make, to act, to do
• say, speak • one who, that which; condition, state,
• power, force activity
• through, very • one who
• to, toward, near • to make, to act; one who, that which
• an action or process; state, quality, act

1. -y
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. dict
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ad-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -ist
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. per-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ice
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ate
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. i-fy
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ion
7. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -or
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. jur/jure/
7. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 133

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

perjury jurisdiction justify dictate jury

juror adjure diction justice jurist

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

134 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson22
Lesson 1

Lesson 22
e- out, away, lect/ read, choose -ible able to be
from leg/ -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
il- in, into; not lig -ive tending to or performing
in- in, into; not -ure state, quality, act; that which; process, condition
re- back, again
se- apart, aside

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

election selection ineligible reelection

lecture illegible elective selective
eligible legible

1. ________________________ qualified; fit to be chosen

2. ________________________ an available choice

3. ________________________ impossible to read

4. ________________________ an informative talk presented to a group

5. ________________________ the act or process of selecting by vote

6. ________________________ able to be read

7. ________________________ not fit to be chosen

8. ________________________ open to choice, not required

9. ________________________ the process of electing someone again

10. ________________________ tending to choose carefully

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 135

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Only native-born citizens are __________________________ for the office of United

States president. ineligible eligible legible

2. The faded document was completely ______________________________.

illegible legible eligible

3. Toward the end of the ______________________________ campaign, the three candidates

debated twice. reelection selection election

4. The professor’s ____________________________ on aerodynamics was very informative.

selection election lecture

5. The produce stand had a wide ____________________________ of local fresh fruits

and vegetables. selection election reelection

6. The new edition is in larger, more _______________________________ print.

illegible ineligible legible

7. Poor grades caused the student to be _________________________________ for the team.

eligible ineligible illegible

8. Psychology is a/an ____________________________ course for me.

elective selective ineligible

9. The senator was up for ____________________________ in November.

selection lecture reelection

10. All parents should be very ____________________________ about what their children
access on the computer. elective legible selective

136 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson22
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part. A definition may be used
more than once.

• state, quality, act; that which; process, • read, choose

condition • an action or process; state, quality, act
• out, away, from • apart, aside
• stray, wander • tending to or performing
• able to be • back, again
• in, into; not

1. -ible
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. re-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ion
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. lect/leg/lig
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. e-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ive
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. il-
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ure
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. se-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

10. in-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 137

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

election eligible illegible ineligible reelection

lecture selection legible elective selective

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

138 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 21 and 22
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-or e- lect/leg/lig -ive -ist -y

ad- re- -ure -al -ate i-fy
dict -ous il- in- -ice
-ible -ion se- per- jur/jure/juris/just

1. ________________________ state of, quality, act; body, group

2. ________________________ say, speak
3. ________________________ to, toward, near
4. ________________________ one who
5. ________________________ through, very
6. ________________________ tending to or performing
7. ________________________ in, into; not
8. ________________________ state, quality, act; that which; process, condition
9. ________________________ apart, aside
10. ________________________ in, into; not
11. ________________________ able to be
12. ________________________ back, again
13. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act
14. ________________________ read, choose
15. ________________________ out, away, from
16. ________________________ one who, that which
17. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which
18. ________________________ to make, to act, to do
19. ________________________ one who, that which; condition, state, activity
20. ________________________ right, oath, to swear

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 139

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. jurist _____ a able to be read

2. jury _____ b not fit to be chosen

3. eligible _____ c open to choice, not required

4. adjure _____ d the process of electing someone again

5. lecture _____ e tending to choose carefully

6. juror _____ f the quality or style of speech

7. perjury _____ g to say or state something with authority or power

8. selection _____ h righteousness, fairness

9. ineligible _____ i a group of citizens chosen to decide a legal case

10. legible _____ j an expert in law; judge, attorney

11. reelection _____ k to command solemnly, especially under oath; to

appeal to earnestly
12. selective _____
l to show to be right or correct; to prove
13. diction _____
m a member of a jury
14. election _____
n legal power to interpret and administer the law
15. dictate _____
o the deliberate telling of a lie while under oath
16. elective _____
p qualified; fit to be chosen
17. justice _____
q an available choice
18. illegible _____
r impossible to read
19. justify _____
s an informative talk presented to a group
20. jurisdiction _____
t the act or process of selecting by vote

140 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. csiteuj righteousness, fairness __________________

2. ctenoiels an available choice __________________

3. tyfjsui to show to be right or correct; to prove __________________

4. cleeeroitn the process of electing someone again __________________

5. ictnoid the quality or style of speech __________________

6. bigillee qualified; fit to be chosen __________________

to command solemnly, especially under oath;

7. rdeuja __________________
to appeal to earnestly

8. geileblil impossible to read __________________

9. csidnjiruoti legal power to interpret and administer the law __________________

10. vteiceel open to choice, not required __________________

11. ulertec an informative talk presented to a group __________________

12. rrouj a member of a jury __________________

13. iteslceev tending to choose carefully __________________

14. srjtiu an expert in law; judge, attorney __________________

15. nleiiigelb not fit to be chosen __________________

16. lnoitcee the act or process of selecting by vote __________________

17. rjyuerp the deliberate telling of a lie while under oath __________________

a group of citizens chosen to decide a legal

18. ujyr __________________

19. eibelgl able to be read __________________

to say or state something with authority or __________________
20. dettaci

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 141

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The _________________________ in her testimony was exposed during cross-examination.

perjury justice selection

2. Simon was very disappointed that he was not _______________________________ to play

in the championship game. illegible eligible ineligible

3. The _____________________________ to merge or not is up to the board of directors.

reelection selection election

4. My sociology class listened to a ________________________________ on prison reform.

lecture jurisdiction diction

5. The ________________________________ had to be replaced because of his prejudice.

jury lecture juror

6. Please don’t ________________________________ to me as though I am a child.

dictate justify adjure

7. The actor was told to improve his ____________________________________.

jurisdiction diction selection

8. There’s very little _____________________________ of winter clothes in the spring.

selection reelection election

9. Parts of the letter were ______________________________.

ineligible illegible eligible

10. The university had no _______________________________ since the crime occurred

off campus. jurisdiction jury lecture

142 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

11. The politician will ______________________________ his followers to remain faithful to

the cause. justify dictate adjure

12. Does the end ever _______________________________ the means?

justify dictate adjure

13. Is there no _______________________________ after a crime like this?

selection jurisdiction justice

14. Be sure to write your signature so that it is _________________________________.

illegible legible ineligible

15. Some people feel that judgeships shouldn’t be ________________________________

positions. elective eligible selective

16. The school board voted unanimously for Alane’s ________________________________.

jurisdiction justice reelection

17. After foot surgery, I had to be very __________________________________ about the shoes
I wore. selective elective legible

18. A bad credit report made them ________________________________ for the loan.
eligible ineligible illegible

19. The ________________________________ failed to reach a verdict.

jury jurisdiction juror

20. Her reputation as a _____________________________ in the federal courts is impeccable.

juror jury jurist

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 143

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 23
bi- two lingu language, -al like, related to; an action or process
dis- apart, tongue -ance state, quality, act
opposite of turb to agitate ul-ence state, quality, act
per- through, very ul-ent one who, that which; like, related to
tri- three -ics science, related to, system
-ist one who

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

disturb perturb trilingual disturbance

linguist lingual turbulence turbulent
bilingual linguistics

1. ________________________ the science of language

2. ________________________ having or expressed in three languages

3. ________________________ one who specializes in languages

4. ________________________ involving the use of two languages

5. ________________________ of, or relating to the tongue

6. ________________________ to bother or interrupt

7. ________________________ to worry, to upset

confusion, excited activity; wind currents that move

8. ________________________ very quickly

9. ________________________ interruption, disorder, turmoil

10. ________________________ stormy, disorderly

144 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson23
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Although her native tongue was Spanish, the _____________________________ teacher

spoke English fluently. bilingual trilingual lingual

2. The anthropologist researched the ________________________________ of all the

neighboring tribes. turbulence disturbance linguistics

3. Most European students are _______________________________ and know not only

English but a second foreign language as well. lingual trilingual bilingual

4. Avery enjoyed traveling around the world as a professional ___________________________.

linguistics disturbance linguist

5. The dentist discovered an infection on the _____________________________ side of the

patient’s tooth. lingual bilingual trilingual

6. The sea is too ______________________________ for sailing.

lingual turbulent bilingual

7. Don’t ______________________________ the baby, she’s asleep.

disturbance perturb disturb

8. Our nation experienced much _______________________________________ in the 1960s.

disturbance linguistics turbulence

9. You can work in here without much _________________________________.

disturbance turbulence linguistics

10. The student’s failure to do his assignments will surely ____________________________ his
teacher. disturb perturb disturbance

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 145

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• one who • one who, that which; like, related to

• two • apart, opposite of
• faithful • through, very
• three • language, tongue
• to agitate • like, related to; an action or process
• state, quality, act • science, related to, system

1. -ist
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ul-ent
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. dis-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. lingu
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. bi-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ance
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. tri-
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. per-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. turb
7. ____________________________________________________________________

10. ul-ence
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ics
7. ____________________________________________________________________

12. -al
8. ____________________________________________________________________

146 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson23
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

disturb bilingual lingual trilingual disturbance

linguist perturb linguistics turbulence turbulent

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 147

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 24
ex- out, away, meter to measure -al like, related to; an action or process
from ped/ foot dl-er one who, that which
im- in, into; not pede/ -ite related to, having the quality of
peri- around, pedo -ity state, quality, act
surrounding veloc/ swift
thermo heat

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

velocity pedal pedometer perimeter

peddler velocipede thermometer impede
velocimeter expedite

1. ________________________ a lever operated by the foot

2. ________________________ any of various early bicycles or tricycles

3. ________________________ to hurry; to speed up the process

4. ________________________ speed; swiftness

5. ________________________ an instrument for measuring speed

6. ________________________ a traveling salesperson

an instrument that measures the distance a person

7. ________________________ travels by walking

8. ________________________ an instrument that measures temperature

9. ________________________ circumference or distance around a figure

10. ________________________ to slow the movement or progress of

148 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson24
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The ____________________________ registered the ship’s speed at 32 knots.

velocipede pedometer velocimeter

2. Museum staff estimated the _________________________ dated back to the mid-1800s.

velocity velocipede pedometer

3. The ____________________________ carried a basket filled with souvenirs for sale.

peddler velocipede pedal

4. Clearing all the debris from the road helped ____________________________ the
reconstruction phase. pedal impede expedite

5. Specialists attempted to determine the bullet’s __________________________ by measuring

how deeply it had penetrated the wall. perimeter velocimeter velocity

6. When Elena pushed down on the ___________________________, the van leaped forward.
pedal peddler velocipede

7. I wear a ___________________________ on my belt to see how many steps I take in a day.

thermometer velocimeter pedometer

8. The _____________________________ outside my window indicates it’s 95 degrees.

thermometer velocimeter pedometer

9. The family walked the _____________________________ of the property they now own.
velocity perimeter velocimeter

10. The troops were unable to _____________________________ the approaching enemy.

impede expedite pedal

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• an action or process • to measure

• foot • related to, having the quality of
• like, related to; an action or process • state, quality, act
• around, surrounding • out, away, from
• one who, that which • in, into; not
• swift • heat

1. ex-

2. meter
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ped/pede/
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. peri-
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. thermo
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. veloc/veloci
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -al

8. dl-er

9. -ite

10. -ity
7. ____________________________________________________________________

11. im-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

150 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson24
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

velocity velocimeter velocipede pedometer perimeter

peddler pedal expedite thermometer impede

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 151

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 23 and 24
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

veloc/veloci at-or -ite lingu peri- -ics

-al per- ex- im- thermo -ist
dl-er turb bi- -ity -ance ul-ent
dis- meter tri- ped/pede/pedo ul-ence

1. ________________________ one who

2. ________________________ one who, that which; like, related to
3. ________________________ apart, opposite of
4. ________________________ language, tongue
5. ________________________ two
6. ________________________ out, away, from
7. ________________________ measure
8. ________________________ foot
9. ________________________ around, surrounding
10. ________________________ heat
11. ________________________ swift
12. ________________________ like, related to; an action or process
13. ________________________ one who, that which
14. ________________________ related to, having the quality of
15. ________________________ state, quality, act
16. ________________________ in, into; not
17. ________________________ state, quality, act
18. ________________________ three
19. ________________________ through, very
20. ________________________ to agitate
21. ________________________ state, quality, act
22. ________________________ science, related to, system

152 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. turbulent _____ a a lever operated by the foot

2. disturb _____ b any of various early bicycles or tricycles

3. thermometer _____ c to hurry; to speed up the process

4. impede _____ d speed; swiftness

5. perimeter _____ e an instrument for measuring speed

6. lingual _____ f to bother or interrupt

7. expedite _____ g to worry, to upset

8. perturb _____ h confusion, excited activity; wind currents that move

very quickly
9. bilingual _____
i interruption, disorder, turmoil
10. pedal _____
j stormy, disorderly
11. pedometer _____
k the science of language
12. linguistics _____
l having or expressed in three languages
13. turbulence _____
m one who specializes in languages
14. disturbance _____
n involving the use of two languages
15. trilingual _____
o of or relating to the tongue
16. velocity _____
p a traveling salesperson
17. linguist _____
q an instrument that measures the distance a person
18. velocimeter _____ travels by walking

19. velocipede _____ r an instrument that measures temperature

20. peddler _____ s circumference or distance around a figure

t to slow the movement or progress of

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 153

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. ciovdeeple any of various early bicycles or tricycles __________________

2. ltliruagni having or expressed in three languages __________________

an instrument that measures the distance a __________________

3. modeertep
person travels by walking

4. rutbsid to bother or interrupt __________________

5. pimdee to slow the movement or progress of __________________

6. guniltisisc the science of language __________________

7. ycotilev speed; swiftness __________________

confusion, excited activity; wind currents that __________________

8. lubcneeurt
move very quickly

9. apeld a lever operated by the foot __________________

10. igunlsit one who specializes in languages __________________

11. teeidpex to hurry; to speed up the process __________________

12. reptbru to worry, to upset __________________

13. mertthomere an instrument that measures temperature __________________

14. ibllguina involving the use of two languages __________________

15. micereveolt an instrument for measuring speed __________________

16. edcianbutrs interruption, disorder, turmoil __________________

17. mierpeert circumference or distance around a figure __________________

18. alliugn of or relating to the tongue __________________

19. ldpdeer a traveling salesperson __________________

20. ulbnetutr stormy, disorderly __________________

154 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. My great-grandmother used a three-wheeled ________________________________ to go

to school. velocipede velocimeter pedometer

2. The ____________________________ worked as a translator in the United Nations building.

peddler linguist velocipede

3. Some hawks descend with terrific ____________________________________ on their prey.

turbulence disturbance velocity

4. The __________________________________ was chased from the street corner.

linguist peddler velocipede

5. Pierre is _________________________________ and fluent in both French and German.

trilingual lingual bilingual

6. The ________________________________ meeting ended in a fist-fight.

turbulent bilingual lingual

7. I need a new __________________________________ for my bicycle.

peddler pedometer pedal

8. If you ignore your curfew, that will _______________________________ your parents.

perturb impede disturb

9. To _________________________________ the application, you can apply online.

impede expedite disturb

10. Each student was given a ________________________________ to wear throughout the

school day. thermometer perimeter pedometer

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Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. A ______________________________ blood vessel ruptured in the patient’s mouth.

lingual bilingual turbulent

12. We experienced much _________________________________ on our flight to Hawaii.

velocity turbulence linguistics

13. In studying _______________________________, Jin discovered that there are many

endangered languages around the world. turbulence velocity linguistics

14. My friend, Jason, is _______________________________; he speaks his native language of

Japanese, as well as English and Portuguese. trilingual lingual bilingual

15. There was a big ________________________________ at the courthouse today.

turbulence velocipede disturbance

16. Bad weather will definitely _______________________________ our vacation plans.

perturb disturb expedite

17. So many government regulations will ______________________________ the growth of the

economy. impede expedite perturb

18. The __________________________________ of the swimming pool was lit by dim lights.
velocimeter pedometer perimeter

19. Mom still uses a mercury _________________________________ when we are sick.

velocipede thermometer pedometer

20. The __________________________________ used a large font that made it easy to read.
velocipede perimeter velocimeter

156 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson25
Lesson 1

Lesson 25
ex- out, away, pel/ drive, push l-ant one who, that which; state, quality
from puls/ -ate to make, to act; one who, that which
pro- for, before, pulse -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
-ive tending to or performing
re- back, again
at-or one who, that which; condition, state, activity

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

propellant pulse expel repel

pulsate repellant propel pulsator
repulsive expulsion

1. ________________________ tending to drive back or away; disgusting

2. ________________________ that which is resistant; pushing away

3. ________________________ any regular beat, vibration, etc.

4. ________________________ a driving force; an explosive substance

5. ________________________ the act of driving or forcing out

6. ________________________ to vibrate

7. ________________________ to push or force out

8. ________________________ to push forward

9. ________________________ to push back

any machine, device, or part that beats, throbs, or

10. ________________________ vibrates

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 157

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. We could hear the planes’ motors _______________________________ steadily and

powerfully on the runway. repel propel pulsate

2. The paramedic felt a faint _______________________________ in the badly injured man.

pulsator pulse propellant

3. During World War II, diesel was used as the primary ________________________________
for submarines. propellant pulsator expulsion

4. The ____________________________ fabric on their jackets kept them dry during the heavy
rainstorms. propellant repulsive repellant

5. Lei’s offensive behavior made her the most ______________________________ character

in the play. repellant repulsive propellant

6. Consistently failing grades caused the student’s _____________________________ from

the university. expulsion propellant pulse

7. We watched the whale ____________________________ water from its blowhole.

repel propel expel

8. The bow serves to _____________________________ the arrow.

repel pulsate propel

9. Boric acid crystals _____________________________ cockroaches.

repel expel propel

10. A __________________________ is often used in the milking industry.

propellant pulsator pulse

158 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson25
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• one who, that which; condition, state, activity • drive, push

• out, away, from • one who, that which; state, quality
• study of, science • an action or process; state, quality, act
• for, before, forward • tending to or performing
• to make, to act; one who, that which
• back, again

1. ex-
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. pel/puls/pulse
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. pro-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. at-or
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ive
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. l-ant
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ate
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ion
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. re-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

propellant repulsive repellent expel repel

pulsate pulse expulsion propel pulsator

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

160 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson26
Lesson 1

Lesson 26
gen cause, birth, -ic like, related to
race, produce -ics science, related to, system
graph write, written -ite related to; having the quality of
mania intense craving, -ology study of, science
loss of reason -y state of, quality, act; body, group
meter/ to measure
techn art, skill
pyro* fire, heat

*For more information on connecting vowels and combining forms, please refer to page v in the Introduction.

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

pyrogenic pyromania graphics graphite

pyrography graphic pyrometer graphology
pyrometric pyrotechnics

process of burning designs on wood or leather

1. ________________________ with heated tools

2. ________________________ an irresistible impulse to start fires

3. ________________________ the science of fireworks

4. ________________________ producing heat

5. ________________________ of, or relating to the measuring of high temperatures

an instrument that measures unusually high

6. ________________________ temperatures

7. ________________________ the art or science of illustrative drawings

related to pictorial arts; described or illustrated in a

8. ________________________ very clear way

9. ________________________ study of handwriting

10. ________________________ a soft, black carbon used for lead in pencils

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 161

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Igneous, or __________________________, rocks are formed from cooled and solidified

volcanic magma. pyrometric pyrogenic graphic

2. ___________________________ should be performed only in a very controlled environment.

Pyrotechnics Pyrography Graphology

3. Her obsession with all kinds of fireworks ultimately lead to ___________________________.

pyrotechnics pyrography pyromania

4. The intricate __________________________ on their furniture was created by Native

American craftsmen. pyrography graphite graphology

5. Workers use an extremely accurate ___________________________ cone to determine the

temperature of the kiln. graphic pyrometric pyrogenic

6. The museum had an exhibition of the _____________________________ arts.

graphic pyrometric pyrogenic

7. The software contained excellent animated ______________________________.

graphite pyrography graphics

8. The detective asked the expert in _________________________________ to analyze

the note. pyromania graphite graphology

9. The surface temperature of the kiln was measured with a ____________________________.

graphics pyrometer pyromania

10. ___________________________ is a mineral resource found in Mexico.

Graphite Graphics Graphology

162 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson26
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• study of, science • intense craving, loss of reason

• related to; having the quality of • to measure
• cause, birth, race, produce • state of, quality, act; body, group
• power, force • art, skill
• write, written • science, related to, system
• like, related to • fire, heat

1. pyro
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -ic
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ology
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. gen
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ics
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. graph
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -y
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. mania
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ite
8. ____________________________________________________________________

10. meter/metr
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. techn
8. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 163

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

pyrogenic pyrometric graphic graphics graphite

pyrography pyromania pyrotechnics pyrometer graphology

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

164 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 25 and 26
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

pyro gen -ate pro- centr techn

re- -de l-ant -ics mania meter/metr
-ology -ion -ive graph -y
-ic ex- at-or pel/puls/pulse -ite

1. ________________________ out, away, from

2. ________________________ drive, push

3. ________________________ for, before, forward

4. ________________________ one who, that which; condition, state, activity

5. ________________________ tending to or performing

6. ________________________ one who, that which; state, quality

7. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which

8. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act

9. ________________________ back, again

10. ________________________ fire, heat

11. ________________________ like, related to

12. ________________________ study of, science

13. ________________________ cause, birth, race, produce

14. ________________________ science, related to, system

15. ________________________ write, written

16. ________________________ state of, quality, act; body, group

17. ________________________ intense craving, loss of reason

18. ________________________ related to; having the quality of

19. ________________________ to measure

20. ________________________ art, skill

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 165

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. propel _____ a tending to drive back or away; disgusting

2. pyrometric _____ b that which is resistant; pushing away

3. pyrotechnics _____ c any regular beat, vibration, etc.

4. graphite _____ d a driving force; an explosive substance

5. pyrography _____ e the act of driving or forcing out

6. graphics _____ f an instrument that measures unusually high

7. pyrometer _____
g the art or science of illustrative drawings
8. pyrogenic _____
h related to pictorial arts; described or illustrated in a
9. pulsator _____ very clear way

10. propellant _____ i study of handwriting

11. pyromania _____ j a soft, black carbon used for lead in pencils

12. repel _____ k to vibrate

13. repulsive _____ l to push or force out

14. expel _____ m to push forward

15. graphology _____ n to push back

16. expulsion _____ o any machine, device, or part that beats, throbs,
or vibrates
17. pulsate _____
p process of burning designs on wood or leather
18. pulse _____ with heated tools

19. graphic _____ q an irresistible impulse to start fires

20. repellant _____ r the science of fireworks

s producing heat

t of, or relating to the measuring of high temperatures

166 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. olpper to push forward __________________

2. pleurvies tending to drive back or away; disgusting __________________

process of burning designs on wood __________________
3. argyorppyh
or leather with heated tools

4. hapscirg the art or science of illustrative drawings __________________

5. alsupet to vibrate __________________

6. epslu any regular beat, vibration, etc. __________________

7. nhecsicoyrtp the science of fireworks __________________

8. goolhypgra study of handwriting __________________

9. aetnlpler that which is resistant; pushing away __________________

10. leepx to push or force out __________________

11. groypince producing heat __________________

related to pictorial arts; described or __________________
12. higcpar
illustrated in a very clear way

13. eeplr to push back __________________

14. ormayaipn an irresistible impulse to start fires __________________

15. olisnpxue the act of driving or forcing out __________________

16. teipharg a soft, black carbon used for lead in pencils __________________

17. rmeoirtycp of, or relating to the measuring of __________________

high temperatures

any machine, device, or part that beats, __________________

18. taosprlu
throbs, or vibrates

19. apporleltn a driving force; an explosive substance __________________

an instrument that measures unusually __________________

20. emtreypor
high temperatures

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 167

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The ______________________________ used to expel the contents of the pressurized

bottle was nitrous oxide. pulsator propellant pyrometer

2. Having tangled with a skunk, Puffy, the family dog, returned home with the most
____________________________ odor. repulsive graphic repellant

3. The celebration ended with a dazzling show of _________________________________.

pyrography pyromania pyrotechnics

4. The ship’s engine beat with a steady ________________________________.

pulsator pulse propellant

5. Will was trying hard to _________________________________ air from his lungs.

propel repel expel

6. On the 4th of July, we were all wowed by the exquisite display of ______________________
explosions in the air. repellant pyrometric pyrogenic

7. Under standard conditions, _______________________________ is the most stable form

of carbon. graphite graphics graphology

8. A digital _______________________________ is more prevalent today than a mercurial one.

propellant pyrotechnics pyrometer

9. I developed a website with bright and colorful _________________________________.

pyrography graphite graphics

10. This fabric is both fire and water ________________________________.

repulsive repellant pyrogenic

168 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

11. The ________________________________ of gas from the engine made a loud noise.
propellant pyrometer expulsion

12. The reporter gave a ______________________________ description of the accident.

graphic pyrogenic repulsive

13. The man had a criminal history related to arson and ________________________________.
pyromania pyrotechnics pyrography

14. With the aid of a stethoscope the doctor heard the patient’s heart
_____________________________. propel repel pulsate

15. The force of his kick managed to ____________________________ the ball high into the air.
propel expel repel

16. The ancient craft of _____________________________ was revived during the Victorian era.
pyromania pyrotechnics pyrography

17. The teacher used ___________________________________ to study the students’

handwriting. graphology graphite pyromania

18. Magnets of the same polarity will ______________________________ each other.

propel expel repel

19. A high quality ___________________________ will increase milk production, as well as,
protect the cows’ udders. pulsator pyrometer graphite

20. _____________________________ cones are composed of silica and melting agents.

Repulsive Pyrometric Graphic

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 169

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 27
PREFIX ROOT -ic like, related to SUFFIX
de- from, away, rid/ laugh, smile -ation an action or process
down, apart; ris -ible able to be
not sens/ to feel, -ic like, related to
sense/ to perceive -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
ibil-ity state, quality, act
it-ive tending to or performing
i-ment that which; state, quality, act
-ory like, relating to, having the quality of; place
or thing connected with
-ulous having the quality of

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

derisory risibility sensitive sense

ridiculous sensibility sentiment sensible
derision sensation

1. ________________________ comical; absurd; unreasonable

2. ________________________ the quality of being perceptive

3. ________________________ contempt; the act of mocking or making fun of

4. ________________________ tending to be emotional or easily hurt; tender, painful

5. ________________________ worthy of scorn; ridiculously small amount

6. ________________________ perception, feeling

7. ________________________ emotion, feeling

8. ________________________ feeling, sensation

9. ________________________ an ability or inclination to laugh

10. ________________________ capable of feeling or perceiving; tangible

170 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson27
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. People once thought the idea of man flying was _______________________________.

sensible derisory ridiculous

2. After the accident, Levi had no _______________________________ in his left thumb.

sensation risibility derision

3. The _____________________________ from Elsa’s peers was due to her extravagant

lifestyle. sentiment derision sensibility

4. In difficult times, one’s ____________________________ may prove a great asset.

risibility derision sensation

5. The diva was insulted by the ____________________________ salary increase she was
offered by the producer. sensible sensitive derisory

6. The difference is that not everyone inherits music _____________________________.

sensibility derision risibility

7. Don’t be so _____________________________, I’m only joking.

derisory sensible sensitive

8. Resisting ___________________________, Sophia discarded all her old letters and cards.
sentiment derision risibility

9. The word “tactile” refers to the ___________________________ of touch.

sentiment sense derision

10. Animals are quick to be ____________________________ of impending danger.

ridiculous derisory sensible

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 171

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• to feel • like, related to

• from, away, down, apart; not • that which; state, quality, act
• an action or process; state, quality, act • write, written
• able to be • state, quality, act
• an action or process • like, relating to, having the quality of;
• tending to or performing place or thing connected with
• laugh, smile • having the quality of

1. i-ment
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -ible
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. de-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. rid/ris
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ation
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. it-ive
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ic
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ion
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. ibil-ity
6. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ory
7. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ulous
6. ____________________________________________________________________

12. sens/sense
6. ____________________________________________________________________

172 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson27
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

derisory derision sensibility sensitive sense

ridiculous risibility sensation sentiment sensible

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 173

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 28
pre- before, in sed/ sit, settle -ary that which; someone or something that
front of sede/ belongs to; of, related to; one who
super- over, above sess/ -ate to make, to act; one who, that which
side -ation an action or process
-ative of, or relating to
-ent one who, that which; like, related to
-ion an action or process; state, quality, act
i-ment that which; state, quality, act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

preside supersede sedimentary sedate

sedentary sediment sedation sedimentation
session sedative

1. ________________________ a meeting of an official group

2. ________________________ matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid

3. ________________________ tending to soothe, calm, or tranquilize

4. ________________________ to be in charge; to sit before a group as leader

5. ________________________ of or marked by much sitting about

6. ________________________ to cause to be set aside; to replace

7. ________________________ calm, quiet, still

8. ________________________ of, relating to, or containing sediment

9. ________________________ calmness resulting from taking a sedative

the process whereby material such as sand or stone is

10. ________________________ deposited as sediment

174 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson28
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Our ______________________________ lifestyle has led to an increase in obesity.

sedimentary sedentary sedative

2. The remaining _______________________________ had a thick and sticky consistency.

sediment session sedation

3. The harp music seemed to have a _____________________________ effect on the patients.

sedimentary sedentary sedative

4. The legislature was in _____________________________ throughout the day.

sediment session sedation

5. When the automobile was invented, it quickly began to _____________________________

the horse and buggy. sedate supersede preside

6. The mayor was asked to _______________________________ over the council meetings.

preside sedate supersede

7. The defendant remained ______________________________ throughout the trial.

sedimentary sedate sedentary

8. Limestone is a ________________________________ rock similar to marble.

sedentary sedate sedimentary

9. For some patients, _______________________________ is necessary to rest.

sedation sediment sedimentation

10. In geology class we’re studying rocks formed by ___________________________________.

sedation sedimentation session

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 175

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• over, above • stray, wander

• that which, someone or something that • one who, that which; like, related to
belongs to; of, related to; one who • an action or process; state, quality, act
• before, in front of • that which; state, quality, act
• of, or relating to • to make, to act; one who, that which
• sit, settle • an action or process

1. -ate
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -ation
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. pre-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -ary
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. super-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ent
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ion
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. sed/sede/
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. i-ment
6. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ative
7. ____________________________________________________________________

176 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson28
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

preside session sediment sedimentary sedate

sedentary supersede sedative sedation sedimentation

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 177

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 27 and 28
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-ible -ion -ulous -ary -ative

-ation rid/ris i-ment super- -ent
de- ibil-ity pre- un- sed/sede/sess/side
-ic -ory -ate sens/sense/sent it-ive

1. ________________________ that which; state, quality, act

2. ________________________ able to be
3. ________________________ from, away, down, apart; not
4. ________________________ laugh, smile
5. ________________________ an action or process
6. ________________________ tending to or performing
7. ________________________ like, related to
8. ________________________ an action or process; state, quality, act
9. ________________________ state, quality, act

like, relating to, having the quality of; place or thing

10. ________________________ connected with
11. ________________________ having the quality of
12. ________________________ to feel, to perceive
13. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which
14. ________________________ before, in front of

that which, someone or something that belongs to; of,

15. ________________________ related to; one who
16. ________________________ over, above
17. ________________________ one who, that which; like, related to
18. ________________________ sit, settle
19. ________________________ of, or relating to

178 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. sense _____ a a meeting of an official group

2. sensitive _____ b matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid

3. sedation _____ c tending to soothe, calm, or tranquilize

4. sedate _____ d to be in charge; to sit before a group as leader

5. derision _____ e of or marked by much sitting about

6. sensation _____ f to cause to be set aside; to replace

7. preside _____ g calm, quiet, still

8. derisory _____ h of, relating to, or containing sediment

9. sedative _____ i calmness resulting from taking a sedative

10. sensibility _____ j the process whereby material such as sand or stone
is deposited as sediment
11. risibility _____
k comical; absurd; unreasonable
12. sedimentation _____
l the quality of being perceptive
13. sedentary _____
m contempt; the act of mocking or making fun of
14. ridiculous _____
n an ability or inclination to laugh
15. sedimentary _____
o worthy of scorn; ridiculously small amount
16. supersede _____
p perception, feeling
17. sediment _____
q tending to be emotional or easily hurt; tender, painful
18. sensible _____
r emotion, feeling
19. session _____
s feeling, sensation
20. sentiment _____
t capable of feeling or perceiving; tangible

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 179

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. iltybiiisr an ability or inclination to laugh __________________

2. emitneds matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid __________________

3. eessn feeling, sensation __________________

4. netyraimdes of, relating to, or containing sediment __________________

5. toianssne perception, feeling __________________

6. tadeives tending to soothe, calm, or tranquilize __________________

7. colusudiir comical; absurd; unreasonable __________________

tending to be emotional or easily hurt; __________________

8. esveintsi
tender, painful

9. adetes calm, quiet, still __________________

the process whereby material such as

10. ttainoemnides __________________
sand or stone is deposited as sediment

11. bsiensiilyt the quality of being perceptive __________________

to be in charge; to sit before a group __________________

12. serpdei
as leader

13. mitnesnte emotion, feeling __________________

14. itsadeno calmness resulting from taking a sedative __________________

15. siorryed worthy of scorn; ridiculously small amount __________________

16. sereedups to cause to be set aside; to replace __________________

contempt; the act of mocking or __________________
17. esirdoni
making fun of

18. nisesleb capable of feeling or perceiving; sensible __________________

19. inssoes a meeting of an official group __________________

20. nedesrayt of or marked by much sitting about __________________

180 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The children’s natural __________________________ was stimulated by the clown’s antics.

derision risibility sensibility

2. The committee chairperson moved for adjournment, knowing that would

_________________________ voting on the bill under discussion.
supersede preside sedate

3. Jax preferred more _____________________________ forms of relaxation, like listening

to music. sedimentary derisory sedentary

4. Judge Thompson will ________________________________ at the trial.

sedate preside supersede

5. Where was the first _____________________________ of the U.N. General Assembly held?
sediment sentiment session

6. _____________________________ remained at the bottom of the coffeepot.

Sediment Derision Risibility

7. Certain drugs are prescribed for their _______________________________ effects.

ridiculous sedative sedentary

8. We spent a ______________________________ evening at home watching a movie.

sensible sedative sedate

9. ______________________________ rocks are formed in layers, sometimes on the seabed.

Sedimentary Sedentary Derisory

10. _______________________________ was necessary for the trauma victims.

Sensation Risibility Sedation

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 181

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. The employees were given a _______________________________ Christmas bonus.

derisory sensitive sedate

12. That’s the most ______________________________ thing I’ve ever heard of!
sedentary ridiculous sedimentary

13. The losing team was the target of _______________________________ from the opponents.
derision risibility sensibility

14. It’s a great reflection of the owners’ style and _________________________________.

sensation sensibility sentiment

15. After the accident Brody had no __________________________________ in his left hand.
sensation derision sentiment

16. The tips of our fingers are especially ________________________________.

ridiculous sedentary sensitive

17. That’s my exact _____________________________ on the matter.

sentiment sensation sedation

18. A healthy diet gives one a _________________________________ of well-being.

session sediment sense

19. To his credit, Donald is a very ________________________________ young man.

sensible sedentary derisory

20. Dams can block _________________________________, which can then cause deltas or
landforms to erode away. sentiment sedimentation sensation

182 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson29
Lesson 1

Lesson 29
as- to, toward, soci companion, -able able to be
near join -al like, related to; an action or process
dis- apart, -ate to make, to act; one who, that which
opposite of
-ation an action or process
un- not
-ety state, quality, act
-ism a state of being; a quality or act
-ology study of, science

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

socialism social unsociable association

associate dissociate sociology dissociation
society sociable

1. ________________________ to separate from; to disunite

2. ________________________ related to the organization and activities of society

3. ________________________ friendly; outgoing

a system of society where there is only collective

4. ________________________ ownership

5. ________________________ to join together; to logically connect

6. ________________________ the state of living together as a community

7. ________________________ not friendly or outgoing

8. ________________________ the science of the development of human society

9. ________________________ union, connection, affiliation

10. ________________________ the process of separating or disuniting from

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 183

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. A formal reception marked the introduction of the debutante into

______________________________. socialism dissociation society

2. Lepers were forced to ______________________________ from their families and live

in isolation. dissociation dissociate associate

3. Following the Bolshevik Revolution, ________________________________ took root

in Russia. sociology socialism association

4. Uncle Karl’s ____________________________ nature wins him friends everywhere he goes.

unsociable social sociable

5. The local Chamber of Commerce holds a monthly ________________________________

event for new residents of the town. social unsociable sociable

6. Most consumers _______________________________ brand-name products with superior

quality. association dissociate associate

7. Our new neighbors like to stick to themselves and remain ____________________________.

social sociable unsociable

8. I’m taking economics and _______________________________ next semester.

sociology socialism dissociation

9. Our local farmers’ ______________________________ markets all of our produce.

dissociation society association

10. Asher’s ______________________________ from his former companions was due to their
corrupt influence on him. dissociation association socialism

184 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson29
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• having the quality of • to make, to act; one who, that which

• to, toward, near • not
• apart, opposite of • state, quality, act
• able to be • a state of being; a quality or act
• companion, join • study of, science
• like, related to; an action or process • an action or process

1. -ology
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. un-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ation
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -able
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. as-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. soci
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -al
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. dis-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ate
6. ____________________________________________________________________

10. -ism
7. ____________________________________________________________________

11. -ety
7. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 185

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

socialism society dissociate unsociable association

associate social sociable sociology dissociation

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

186 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson30
Lesson 1

Lesson 30
dis- apart, solu/ to loosen; -able able to be
opposite of solute/ set free -ent one who, that which; like, related to
re- back, again solv/ bil-ity state, quality, act
-tion state, quality, act

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

resolve dissolution resolution dissolute

solvent solubility resolvable resolute
solution dissolve

1. ________________________ able to be settled or solved

2. ________________________ an action or process for solving a problem

to find an answer to; to decide; to separate into

3. ________________________ components

4. ________________________ corrupt, loose, immoral

5. ________________________ solution, clearing up; a fixed purpose

to make a solid disappear into a liquid solution; to end

6. ________________________ an agreement

7. ________________________ capability of being dissolved

8. ________________________ set in purpose, determined

9. ________________________ able to dissolve other substances

10. ________________________ the act or process of dissolving or breaking up

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 187

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. All parties agreed to the _____________________________ of the partnership.

resolution solution dissolution

2. They had to ____________________________ the argument amicably to avoid legal action.

dissolute resolve dissolve

3. The ____________________________ properties of rubbing alcohol are useful for removing

many resins. dissolute resolute solvent

4. He could find no easy ____________________________ to her dilemma.

dissolution solubility solution

5. It is easy to prove the _____________________________ of salt and sugar in water.

resolution solubility dissolution

6. I will ____________________________ sugar in water for my hummingbird feeder.

resolve dissolve resolute

7. Victoria was faced with the _____________________________ of a difficult matter.

resolution solubility dissolution

8. Their dispute was _____________________________ in a peaceful manner.

solvent dissolute resolvable

9. He was a __________________________ person who thought only of himself.

resolute dissolute solvent

10. George Washington was a _____________________________ and forceful leader.

resolute dissolute resolvable

188 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson30
Lesson 1

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• apart, opposite of • back, again

• able to be • to loosen; set free
• state, quality, act • one who, that which; like, related to
• conceal • state, quality, act

1. -tion
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. -able
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. re-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -ent
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. dis-
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. bil-ity
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. solu/solute/
7. ____________________________________________________________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 189

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

resolve solution solubility resolution dissolute

solvent dissolution dissolve resolvable resolute

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

190 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 29 and 30
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-ology un- soci re- -ism

-able -ation -al bil-ity -ative
dis- as- -ent -ate
solu/solute/solv/solve -tion -ety

1. ________________________ state, quality, act

2. ________________________ able to be

3. ________________________ back, again

4. ________________________ study of, science

5. ________________________ not

6. ________________________ an action or process

7. ________________________ state, quality, act

8. ________________________ to, toward, near

9. ________________________ companion, join

10. ________________________ like, related to; an action or process

11. ________________________ apart, opposite of

12. ________________________ to make, to act; one who, that which

13. ________________________ a state of being; a quality or act

14. ________________________ state, quality, act

15. ________________________ one who, that which; like, related to

16. ________________________ to loosen; set free

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 191

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. resolute _____ a capability of being dissolved

2. dissolute _____ b an action or process for solving a problem

3. dissolve _____ c to find an answer to; to decide; to separate into

4. resolvable _____
d able to dissolve other substances
5. social _____
e the act or process of dissolving or breaking up
6. resolution _____
f the state of living together as a community
7. sociable _____
g not friendly or outgoing
8. dissociate _____
h the science of the development of human society
9. socialism _____
i union, connection, affiliation
10. associate _____
j the process of separating or disuniting from
11. sociology _____
k to separate from; to disunite
12. dissolution _____
l related to the organization and activities of society
13. unsociable _____
m friendly; outgoing
14. association _____
n a system of society where there is only collective
15. dissociation _____ ownership

16. resolve _____ o to join together; to logically connect

17. society _____ p to make a solid disappear into a liquid solution;

to end an agreement
18. solvent _____
q solution, clearing up; a fixed purpose
19. solution _____
r able to be settled or solved
20. solubility _____
s corrupt, loose, immoral

t set in purpose, determined

192 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. loesrituno solution, clearing up; a fixed purpose __________________

related to the organization and activities __________________

2. lcoasi
of society

3. atsacosiino union, connection, affiliation __________________

4. vlosnet able to dissolve other substances __________________

5. seertluo set in purpose, determined __________________

6. eicysto the state of living together as a community __________________

7. lbiiytouls capability of being dissolved __________________

8. caiedtsios to separate from; to disunite __________________

9. tluonissoid the act or process of dissolving or breaking up __________________

a system of society where there is only
10. ssmilicao __________________
collective ownership

11. uolsidset corrupt, loose, immoral __________________

the science of the development of human __________________

12. ysgoocoil

to find an answer to; to decide; to separate __________________

13. vesrelo
into components

14. bosaciel friendly; outgoing __________________

to make a solid disappear into a liquid __________________
15. lodsisev
solution; to end an agreement

16. tiaecsosa to join together; to logically connect __________________

17. bavelosler able to be settled or solved __________________

18. sdiicositano the process of separating or disuniting from __________________

19. tluinoos an action or process for solving a problem __________________

20. sonubiacel not friendly or outgoing __________________

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 193

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Longtime employees were overcome with nostalgia at the ____________________________

of the company. dissolution resolution association

2. ____________________________ often consolidates power in a small ruling group, who use

it to benefit themselves. Society Sociology Socialism

3. I like to _______________________________ summer with picnics and outdoor fun.

dissociate dissolve associate

4. Drug addiction is a major concern of _________________________________.

socialism society solubility

5. We _________________________________ to return to Europe again next year.

resolve dissolve associate

6. For some sugar substitutes, only a hot liquid is a suitable

___________________________________. resolvable resolute solvent

7. The __________________________________ of the murder crime took three years.

dissolution solution dissociation

8. ________________________________ customs vary from country to country.

Social Sociable Unsociable

9. Some separation methods, such as extraction or absorption, rely on differences in

______________________________. dissociation resolution solubility

10. The club members decided to _____________________________ from the original founders.
dissolve dissociate associate

194 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

11. The meeting was as _________________________________ as it was businesslike.

unsociable sociable resolvable

12. Stirring your cocoa will help the chocolate ______________________________.

resolve dissociate dissolve

13. Have you made a New Year’s ___________________________________ yet?

resolution dissolution association

14. I don’t mean to be ________________________________, but I need to get up early in

the morning. sociable resolute unsociable

15. The salesman’s _________________________________ with his firm lasted more than
twenty years. dissociation association dissolution

16. The issue of the book’s authorship was not ____________________________________.

resolvable solvent dissolute

17. Elsa was a serious, ________________________________ student in college.

dissolute resolute social

18. Miles’ _______________________________ conduct caused his unpopularity.

dissolute sociable resolute

19. The idea of ionic _________________________________ is used to explain electrical

conductivity. socialism dissociation resolution

20. My brother has a degree in both psychology and _________________________________.

socialism dissociation sociology

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 195

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 31
de- from, away, tect/ cover -able able to be
down, apart; teg/ -ion an action or process; state, quality, act
not tege -ive tending to or performing
in- in, into; not
u-ment that which; state, quality, act
pro- for, before,
-or one who, that which; condition, state, activity
un- not

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

detection protection protect detectable

protégé undetectable detective detector
integument detect

1. ________________________ impossible to detect

2. ________________________ the act of covering or shielding from injury or destruction

the act of noticing or discovering something’s

3. ________________________ existence; the uncovering of clues (criminology)

an outer covering of a plant or animal, like a

4. ________________________ shell or husk (biology)

an individual guided and helped by someone

5. ________________________ older and wiser

6. ________________________ discover, uncover, notice

7. ________________________ to keep someone or something from being harmed, etc.

8. ________________________ an investigator, private eye

9. ________________________ able to be discovered, noticed, or uncovered

10. ________________________ a device that can tell if a substance or object is present

196 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson31
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. The dense vegetation offered the soil ___________________________ from the

blustery winds. detection protection integument

2. The coach was confident that his ____________________________ would someday be a

great quarterback. protégé detective detector

3. Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas because it is ________________________________

without a monitor. detective detectable undetectable

4. Doctors agree that early ________________________________ offers cancer patients the

best chance for survival. detection protection integument

5. Insects have a/an _______________________________ that protects both the thorax and
detector protégé integument

6. I could ________________________________ a note of pity in her voice.

protégé protect detect

7. These days we have to ________________________________ ourselves from identity theft.

protect detect detectable

8. Sgt. James is the __________________________________ on the case.

detector protégé detective

9. His behavior was so unruly, the police suspected that alcohol or drugs would be
___________________________ in his blood. protection detectable undetectable

10. A metal _________________________________ improves safety at an airport.

detective integument detector

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 197

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• tending to or performing • for, before, forward

• one who, that which • able to be
• from, away, down, apart; not • not
• cover • an action or process; state, quality, act
• action, process • that which; state, quality, act
• in, into; not

1. tect/teg/tege
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. un-
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. -ive
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. de-
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -or
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. in-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -able
7. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -ion
8. ____________________________________________________________________

9. pro-
6. ____________________________________________________________________

10. u-ment
7. ____________________________________________________________________

198 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson31
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

detection integument undetectable protect detectable

protégé protection detect detective detector

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

© 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 199

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

Lesson 32
con- with, together verd/ green -ant one who, that which; state, quality
re- back, again virid -escent becoming, having
strict to tie -ite related to, having the quality of
-ity state, quality, act
-ion an action or process; state, quality, act
-ive tending to or performing
-or one who, that which; condition, state, activity

A. Spelling and Defining Words

Write each word from the choice box next to its definition.

viridity viridescent restrict restriction

verdant constrict constrictor restrictive
viridite constriction

1. ________________________ squeeze, pinch, bind

2. ________________________ having or becoming a greenish color

3. ________________________ tending to curb, constrain, or hold back

4. ________________________ green with vegetation

5. ________________________ tightness, constraint, binding

6. ________________________ a greenish mineral common in certain igneous rocks

7. ________________________ confine, constrain, hold back

8. ________________________ the quality or state of being green

9. ________________________ action or process of curbing, limiting, or regulating

10. ________________________ something that constrains, squeezes, or compresses

200 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Lesson32
Lesson 1

B. Completing the Sentence

Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. As copper is oxidized, it takes on a _______________________________ color.

restrictive viridescent verdant

2. The geologist believed that the volcanic rock containing _____________________________

was approximately 70 million years old. viridite viridity restriction

3. The neighbors commented on the _________________________________ of their newly

planted lawn. viridite constrictor viridity

4. _________________________________ in the patient’s chest made breathing very difficult.

Constriction Restriction Viridity

5. In early spring, the landscape displays __________________________________ fields and

flowering hillsides. restrictive verdant viridescent

6. Doesn’t that tight bracelet _________________________________ your arm?

restrictive restrict constrict

7. Firemen tried to ___________________________________ the area around the blaze.

constrictor constrict restrict

8. There will be no ________________________________ on the employees’ right to strike.

constriction restriction constrictor

9. It was rather unsettling when Charlie had an unexpected encounter with a 5-foot boa
______________________________. constrictor constriction restriction

10. The rules in our housing development are very ________________________________.

verdant viridescent restrictive

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson

C. Defining the Word Parts

Write the definition from the choice box next to its correct word part.

• green • back, again

• one who, that which; state, quality • state, quality, act
• with, together • one who, that which; condition, state, activity
• becoming, having • around, surrounding
• related to, having the quality of • an action or process, state, quality, act
• to tie • tending to or performing

1. -ive
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. strict
2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. re-
3. ____________________________________________________________________

4. -or
4. ____________________________________________________________________

5. -ion
5. ____________________________________________________________________

6. -ant
7. ____________________________________________________________________

7. -ity
6. ____________________________________________________________________

8. -escent
7. ____________________________________________________________________

9. -ite
8. ____________________________________________________________________

10. verd/
8. ____________________________________________________________________

11. con-
8. ____________________________________________________________________

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Word Roots Level 2 Lesson32
Lesson 1

D. Writing Sentences
Use each word from the choice box to write a sentence in context so that its meaning is clear to
the reader.

viridity viridite constrict restrict restriction

verdant viridescent constriction constrictor restrictive

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

E. (optional) Creative Writing

Use some or all of the words from the choice box above to write one or more paragraphs or a
short story on a separate piece of paper.

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Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

Lessons 31 and 32
A. Write each word part from the choice box next to its definition.

-able bi- re- -escent un-

-ion u-ment -or -ite tect/teg/tege
-ive con- verd/virid in- -ity
de- strict -ant pro-

1. ________________________ cover

2. ________________________ not

3. ________________________ back, again

4. ________________________ from, away, down, apart; not

5. ________________________ an action or process, state, quality, act

6. ________________________ in, into; not

7. ________________________ able to be

8. ________________________ for, before, forward

9. ________________________ that which; state, quality, act

10. ________________________ tending to or performing

11. ________________________ to tie

12. ________________________ one who, that which; condition, state, activity

13. ________________________ with, together

14. ________________________ one who, that which; state, quality

15. ________________________ state, quality, act

16. ________________________ becoming, having

17. ________________________ related to, having the quality of

18. ________________________ green

204 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

B. Write the letter of the correct definition for each word.


1. restrict _____ a impossible to detect

2. constrictor _____ b the act of covering or shielding from injury or

3. restrictive _____
c the act of noticing or discovering something’s
4. viridescent _____ existence; the uncovering of clues (criminology)

5. viridity _____ d an outer covering of a plant or animal, like a

shell or husk (biology)
6. viridite _____
e an individual guided and helped by someone
7. undetectable _____ older and wiser

8. protect _____ f squeeze, pinch, bind

9. detection _____ g confine, constrain, hold back

10. protection _____ h action or process of curbing, limiting, or regulating

11. integument _____ i tending to curb, constrain, or hold back

12. constrict _____ j something that constrains, squeezes, or compresses

13. protégé _____ k having or becoming a greenish color

14. detector _____ l a greenish mineral common in certain igneous rocks

15. detective _____ m the quality or state of being green

16. detectable _____ n tightness, constraint, binding

17. restriction _____ o green with vegetation

18. verdant _____ p discover, uncover, notice

19. detect _____ q to keep someone or something from being harmed, etc.

20. constriction _____ r an investigator, private eye

s able to be discovered, noticed, or uncovered

t a device that can tell if a substance or object is


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Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

C. Use the jumbled letters to write the correct word for each definition.


1. teednuatcebl impossible to detect __________________

a greenish mineral common in certain __________________

2. eitirdvi
igneous rocks

3. tveieectd an investigator, private eye __________________

action or process of curbing, limiting, __________________

4. oittcirnesr
or regulating

an outer covering of a plant or animal, like a __________________

5. mugeintten
shell or husk (biology)

6. cetted discover, uncover, notice __________________

7. sercirtt confine, constrain, hold back __________________

the act of covering or shielding from __________________

8. ronpittceo
injury or destruction

9. cbateleedt able to be discovered, noticed, or uncovered __________________

10. tdyiiirv the quality or state of being green __________________

11. rrvitetseci tending to curb, constrain, or hold back __________________

an individual guided and helped by someone __________________

12. tpéorég
older and wiser

13. cttoiirnsonc tightness, constraint, binding __________________

a device that can tell if a substance or __________________

rttoceed object is present

something that constrains, squeezes, __________________

oosnrcctirt or compresses

16. cdseneirtiv having or becoming a greenish color __________________

17. tirsnocct squeeze, pinch, bind __________________

the act of noticing or discovering something’s
18. ideetontc __________________
existence; the uncovering of clues (criminology)

to keep someone or something from

19. eotctrp __________________
being harmed, etc.

20. adrtnev green with vegetation __________________

206 © 2018 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849

Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

1. Many police departments require their officers to wear bullet-proof vests for
________________________________. protection detection restriction

2. The man longed for the _______________________________ hillsides of his Scottish home.
restrictive verdant viridescent

3. She was a __________________________________ of a great composer.

detective detector protégé

4. We could see the valley ahead which looked like a sea of ____________________________.
integument viridity constriction

5. Our smoke ______________________________ is battery operated.

detector detection constrictor

6. As Carey’s pet boa began to ____________________________ around my arm, I knew it

was time to pull away. detect protect constrict

7. The bank was shocked to discover how an employee had embezzled for so long without
______________________________. constriction detection protection

8. The dermis and the epidermis layers of the skin are a/an ____________________________
that protect both humans and other mammals. integument constrictor protégé

9. ______________________________ sometimes forms and settles in the fissures of quartz.

Viridity Integument Viridite

10. The police were able to _________________________________ and intercept the robbers
before they entered the store. detect protect constrict

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Word Roots Level 2 Review: LessonsReview

D. (Continued) Write the best word from the gray box to complete each sentence.

11. The artificial lighting had a _______________________________ effect on the vegetation.

restrictive viridescent detectable

12. We have good laws that serve to ________________________________ our privacy.

detect restrict protect

13. I _________________________________ my son’s use of the Internet to one hour each day.
restrict protect detect

14. My uncle is a _________________________________ on the police force.

detector detective protégé

15. My parents put a ________________________________ on how much sugar we eat.

detector constriction restriction

16. All raptors will hold small prey inside their feet and immobilize them by
______________________________. constriction detection restriction

17. That particular jurisdiction has laws that are not very ________________________________.
detectable restrictive undetectable

18. My friend, Akeelah, has a ferret, a pig, a baby raccoon, and a boa
____________________________ for pets. detector integument constrictor

19. The subtle flaw in the cut diamond was ____________________________________ to the
naked eye. undetectable detectable restrictive

20. Doctors claim that the condition is inherited but not ________________________________
at birth. restrictive undetectable detectable

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Word Roots Level 2 Answers

Answer Key
Lesson 1 6. alien 17. at-ory
A. (p. 1) 7. alienation 18. ate/b-ate/n-ate
1. acuity 8. alienate 19. -id or ist-ic
2. acrid 9. altruistic
3. migratory 10. alter B. (p. 10)
4. migrate 1. h
5. acerbate B. (p. 6) 2. q
6. immigration 1. alteration 3. s
7. migration 2. alternate 4. n
8. acrimony 3. inalienable 5. t
9. immigrant 4. alternative 6. j
10. acrimonious 5. altruism 7. p
6. alien 8. a
B. (p. 2) 7. alter 9. m
1. migrate 8. alienate 10. f
2. acrid 9. alienation 11. r
3. acuity 10. altruistic 12. o
4. Immigration 13. i
5. acerbate C. (p. 7) 14. d
6. migratory 1. act, state, condition 15. l
7. acrimony 2. to make, to act; one who, 16. g
8. migration that which 17. b
9. acrimonious 3. other 18. k
10. immigrant 4. able to be 19. c
5. in, into; not 20. e
C. (p. 3) 6. faithful
1. one who, that which; 7. an action or process C. (p. 11)
state, quality 8. of, or relating to 1. immigration
2. having the quality of 9. having the quality of 2. altruistic
3. to make, to act; one who, 10. like, related to 3. alteration
that which 4. migration
4. sharp, bitter D. (p. 8) 5. alienation
5. an action or process Sentences will vary. 6. alter
6. in, into; not 7. inalienable
7. like, related to E. (p. 8) 8. acrimony
8. state, quality, act Paragraphs will vary. 9. acrid
9. move, travel 10. migrate
10. state, quality, that which 11. alternate
11. like, relating to, having Review Lessons 1 and 2 12. acerbate
the quality of; place or A. (p. 9) 13. alien
thing connected with 1. -ation 14. acuity
2. i-en or imoni-ous 15. acrimonious
D. (p. 4) 3. in- or im- 16. altruism
Sentences will vary. 4. migr 17. alienate
5. n-ative 18. immigrant
E. (p. 4) 6. -id or ist-ic 19. alternative
Paragraphs will vary. 7. -ity 20. migratory
8. acer/acr/acu
9. -ant D. (p. 12)
Lesson 2 10. i-mony 1. migratory
A. (p. 5) 11. i-en or imoni-ous 2. acrid
1. inalienable 12. in- or im- 3. altruism
2. alteration 13. al/alter 4. inalienable
3. altruism 14. -able 5. alternate
4. alternate 15. -ism 6. alien
5. alternative 16. tru 7. alteration

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Word Roots Level 2 Answers

8. acrimony D. (p. 17) Review: Lessons 3 and 4

9. acuity Sentences will vary. A. (p. 22)
10. acerbate 1. auct/aug/aux/auxano
11. alternative E. (p. 17) 2. -ation
12. alienate Paragraphs will vary. 3. -ative
13. alter 4. -eer
14. Acrimonious 5. -esis
15. migrate Lesson 4 6. -ion
16. immigration A. (p. 18) 7. -ment
17. alienation 1. auctioneer 8. in-
18. altruistic 2. augmentation 9. arbitr
19. migration 3. augmentative 10. noc/nox
20. immigrant 4. augment 11. -ary/ili-ary
5. auxesis 12. -ence
6. auction 13. at-or
Lesson 3 7. auxiliary 14. i-ous/u-ous
A. (p. 14) 8. auxanometer 15. -ly
1. innocuous 9. augmenting 16. -ent
2. arbitrator 10. augmented 17. meter
3. noxious 18. -ed
4. arbitrable B. (p. 19) 19. -ing
5. innocence 1. auction 20. -able
6. arbitrary 2. augmentation
7. arbitration 3. augment B. (p. 23)
8. innocent 4. auxesis 1. k
9. innocuously 5. augmentative 2. r
10. innocently 6. auctioneer 3. l
7. auxiliary 4. t
B. (p. 15) 8. augmenting 5. n
1. innocuous 9. auxanometer 6. p
2. arbitrator 10. augmented 7. o
3. innocence 8. m
4. noxious C. (p. 20) 9. s
5. arbitrable 1. that which denotes a 10. q
6. arbitrary past action 11. a
7. arbitration 2. that which; someone or 12. c
8. innocently something that belongs 13. h
9. innocent to; of, related to; one 14. e
10. innocuously who 15. g
3. measure 16. f
C. (p. 16) 4. an action or process 17. j
1. consider, judge 5. related to 18. b
2. an action or process 6. of, or relating to 19. i
3. that which; someone or 7. one who 20. d
something that 8. increase, grow, help
belongs to; of, related to; 9. action, process C. (p. 24)
one who 10. that which; state, quality, 1. auxiliary
4. in, into; not act 2. arbitration
5. state, quality, act 11. an action or process; 3. auxanometer
6. harm, injure state, quality, act 4. innocently
7. in the manner of, having 5. augmenting
the quality of D. (p. 21) 6. innocent
8. one who, that which, Sentences will vary. 7. augmented
condition, state, activity 8. innocuously
9. one who, that which; like E. (p. 21) 9. augment
related to Paragraphs will vary. 10. noxious
10. having the quality of 11. auxesis
11. able to be 12. arbitrable
13. auction

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Word Roots Level 2 Answers

14. innocence 3. to make, to act; one D. (p. 34)

15. augmentation who, that which Sentences will vary.
16. arbitrary 4. through, very
17. innocuous 5. head E. (p. 34)
18. auctioneer 6. an action or process Paragraphs will vary.
19. augmentative 7. like, related to; an action
20. arbitrator or process
8. from, away, down, apart; Review: Lessons 5 and 6
D. (p. 25) not A. (p. 35)
1. Auxesis 9. body 1. -action/ific-ation/ul-ation
2. noxious 2. re-
3. arbitrable D. (p. 30) 3. -ible or -able or ifi-able
4. augment Sentences will vary. 4. -ing
5. innocence 5. corp/corpor
6. innocuous E. (p. 30) 6. dis-
7. arbitrator Paragraphs will vary. 7. cern/cert
8. innocent 8. i-fy
9. auction 9. -able or -ible or ifi-able
10. augmentation Lesson 6 10. i-tude or ul-ence
11. auctioneer A. (p. 31) 11. -ment
12. arbitration 1. certifiable 12. ate/ific-ate/u-ate
13. augmenting 2. discernible 13. per-
14. innocently 3. certitude 14. de-
15. auxanometer 4. discernment 15. -ation
16. innocuously 5. certify 16. capit/capita
17. auxiliary 6. certification 17. -al
18. augmented 7. discern 18. ul-ence or i-tude
19. augmentative 8. discerning
20. arbitrary 9. certificate B. (p. 36)
10. recertification 1. o
2. q
Lesson 5 B. (p. 32) 3. r
A. (p. 27) 1. certifiable 4. k
1. corporation 2. certify 5. t
2. recapitulation 3. certitude 6. m
3. corpulence 4. discernment 7. s
4. corporal 5. discernible 8. p
5. decapitate 6. certification 9. l
6. capitulate 7. discern 10. n
7. capital 8. discerning 11. d
8. per capita 9. certificate 12. i
9. recapitulate 10. recertification 13. f
10. decapitation 14. j
C. (p. 33) 15. a
B. (p. 28) 1. an action or process 16. h
1. recapitulation 2. able to be 17. b
2. capital 3. apart, opposite of 18. c
3. corporal 4. related to 19. g
4. capitulate 5. that which; state, quality, 20. e
5. corporation act
6. corpulence 6. state, quality, act C. (p. 37)
7. per capita 7. able to be 1. decapitate
8. recapitulate 8. to distinguish; to 2. corporal
9. decapitate separate; make certain 3. certification
10. decapitation 9. to make, to act, to do 4. discernment
10. to make, to act; one 5. decapitation
C. (p. 29) who, that which 6. capital
1. state, quality, act 11. back, again 7. recapitulate
2. back, again 12. able to be 8. certitude

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Word Roots Level 2 Answers

9. discern 9. encryption 5. that which; someone or

10. certifiable 10. diagnostic something that belongs
11. corpulence to; of, related to; one
12. recapitulation C. (p. 42) who
13. certify 1. a state of being; a quality 6. to press
14. discernible or act 7. in, into; not
15. corporation 2. away, from; not, without 8. an action ot process
16. capitulate 3. conceal 9. to make, to act, to do
17. certificate 4. an action or process; 10. in, into; not
18. per capita state, quality, act 11. state, quality, act
19. discerning 5. in, into 12. with, together
20. recertification 6. to make, to act; one who, 13. tending to or performing
that which
D. (p. 38) 7. know D. (p. 47)
1. recapitulation 8. for, before, forward Sentences will vary.
2. corpulence 9. like, related to
3. recertification 10. that which E. (p. 47)
4. corporal Paragraphs will vary.
5. per capita D. (p. 43)
6. certitude Sentences will vary.
7. capitulate Review: Lessons 7 and 8
8. corporation E. (p. 43) A. (p. 48)
9. discernment Paragraphs will vary. 1. im- or in-
10. capital 2. press
11. certify 3. -ant
12. Recapitulate Lesson 8 4. com- or con-
13. discernible A. (p. 44) 5. dign
14. decapitate 1. condign 6. it-ary
15. certifiable 2. indignation 7. en-
16. decapitation 3. dignify 8. crypt
17. certification 4. dignity 9. pro-
18. discerning 5. indignity 10. i-fy
19. certificate 6. dignitary 11. gnos
20. discern 7. indignant 12. -ic/t-ic
8. depress 13. -ism
9. compress 14. a-
Lesson 7 10. impressive 15. -ion
A. (p. 40) 16. -ation
1. crypt B. (p. 45) 17. -ity
2. agnosticism 1. dignitary 18. de-
3. cryptic 2. condign 19. -ate
4. prognosticate 3. dignify 20. -is
5. diagnosis 4. dignity
6. encrypt 5. indignity B. (p. 49)
7. agnostic 6. indignation 1. g
8. prognosis 7. indignant 2. p
9. diagnostic 8. Depress 3. t
10. encryption 9. Compress 4. m
10. impressive 5. i
B. (p. 41) 6. n
1. agnosticism C. (p. 46) 7. a
2. diagnosis 1. worth, worthy 8. r
3. crypt 2. from, away, down, apart; 9. e
4. encrypt not 10. s
5. cryptic 3. one who, that which; 11. o
6. prognosticate state, quality 12. q
7. agnostic 4. with, together 13. d
8. prognosis 14. f
15. k

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Word Roots Level 2 Answers

16. b 7. domestic 3. intangible

17. l 8. domicile 4. dormancy
18. h 9. domination 5. tangible
19. j 10. domesticate 6. dormant
20. c 7. tangency
B. (p. 54) 8. contact
C. (p. 50) 1. indomitable 9. intact
1. encryption 2. dominate 10. tactful
2. indignant 3. dominion
3. impressive 4. predominant C. (p. 59)
4. agnostic 5. dominant 1. state, quality, act
5. encrypt 6. predominance 2. sleep
6. indignity 7. domestic 3. with, together
7. compress 8. domination 4. having the quality of
8. condign 9. domesticate 5. one who, that which;
9. prognosticate 10. domicile state, quality
10. dignity 6. able to be
11. depress C. (p. 55) 7. in, into; not
12. diagnosis 1. in, into; not 8. one who, that which; like,
13. crypt 2. like, of, related to related to
14. prognosis 3. able to be 9. touch
15. dignitary 4. home 10. state, quality, act
16. diagnostic 5. state, quality, act 11. like, relating to, having
17. agnosticism 6. before, in front of the quality of; a place or
18. indignation 7. like, related to thing connected with
19. cryptic 8. an action or process
20. dignify 9. one who, that which; D. (p. 60)
state, quality Sentences will vary.
D. (p. 51) 10. master
1. encrypt 11. an action or process; E. (p. 60)
2. indignity state, quality, act Paragraphs will vary.
3. condign 12. to make, to act; one
4. agnostic who, that which
5. indignation 13. to make, to act; one Review: Lessons 9 and 10
6. diagnosis who, that which A. (p. 61)
7. prognosis 1. dom
8. dignify D. (p. 56) 2. -ion
9. impressive Sentences will vary. 3. ic-ile
10. prognosticate 4. -ible
11. diagnostic E. (p. 56) 5. -ant
12. crypt Paragraphs will vary. 6. -ate
13. agnosticism 7. -ation
14. indignant 8. estic-ate
15. compress Lesson 10 9. tact/tang
16. encryption A. (p. 57) 10. con-
17. depress 1. tangent 11. -ful
18. cryptic 2. intangible 12. dorm
19. dignity 3. tangible 13. -ent
20. dignitary 4. dormancy 14. -able or -ible
5. dormitory 15. -ency
6. dormant 16. it-ory
Lesson 9 7. tangency 17. est-ic
A. (p. 53) 8. contact 18. in-
1. dominate 9. tactful 19. pre-
2. predominant 10. intact 20. domin/domit
3. dominion 21. -ance or -ancy
4. dominant B. (p. 58) 22. -ancy or -ance
5. indomitable 1. tangent
6. predominance 2. dormitory

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Word Roots Level 2 Answers

B. (p. 62) 15. dominant 3. error

1. t 16. predominance 4. errant
2. s 17. domination 5. erroneous
3. r 18. domesticate 6. asperse
4. m 19. contact 7. disperse
5. o 20. intact 8. aspersion
6. n 9. dispersion
7. p 10. dispersive
8. q Lesson 11
9. l A. (p. 66) B. (p. 71)
10. k 1. isodynamic 1. err
11. j 2. dynamo 2. aberrant
12. i 3. dynamic 3. errant
13. d 4. dynamism 4. erroneous
14. f 5. dynasty 5. error
15. e 6. dynamite 6. aspersion
16. g 7. dynamics 7. disperse
17. h 8. metric 8. dispersion
18. c 9. dynamometer 9. asperse
19. b 10. dynamometry 10. dispersive
20. a
B. (p. 67) C. (p. 72)
C. (p. 63) 1. isodynamic 1. like, having the quality of
1. tangency 2. dynamism 2. away, from
2. dormant 3. dynamic 3. an action or process;
3. dominion 4. dynasty state, quality, act
4. predominance 5. dynamo 4. scatter, sprinkle, strew
5. tactful 6. dynamics 5. stray, wander
6. intangible 7. metric 6. away, from; not, without
7. dormancy 8. dynamometer 7. one who, that which;
8. dominate 9. dynamite state, quality
9. contact 10. Dynamometry 8. one who, that which,
10. tangent condition, state, activity
11. predominant C. (p. 68) 9. apart, away; not
12. domicile 1. equal 10. tending to or
13. dormitory 2. related to, having the performing
14. tangible quality of
15. intact 3. measure D. (p. 73)
16. dominant 4. science, related to, Sentences will vary.
17. indomitable system
18. domestic 5. one associated with E. (p. 73)
19. domination 6. state of, quality, act; Paragraphs will vary.
20. domesticate body, group
7. like, related to
D. (p. 64) 8. a state of being; a quality Review: Lessons 11 and 12
1. dominate or act A. (p. 74)
2. dormitory 9. power, force 1. on-eous
3. intangible 2. ab-
4. dominion D. (p. 69) 3. -ion
5. tangible Sentences will vary. 4. spers/sperse
6. dormant 5. iso-
7. predominant E. (p. 69) 6. -ite
8. domicile Paragraphs will vary. 7. meter/metr
9. tangent 8. -ics
10. tactful 9. -ast
11. indomitable Lesson 12 10. err
12. domestic A. (p. 70) 11. a-
13. dormancy 1. aberrant 12. -ant
14. tangency 2. err 13. -or

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Word Roots Level 2 Answers

14. di- 8. dispersive Lesson 14

15. -ive 9. err A. (p. 83)
16. -y 10. isodynamic 1. deflection
17. -ic 11. dynamometry 2. reflex
18. -ism 12. Dynamite 3. inflexible
19. dyn/dynam/dynamo 13. error 4. circumflex
14. dynamo 5. reflection
B. (p. 75) 15. asperse 6. inflection
1. t 16. dispersion 7. reflect
2. q 17. dynamics 8. deflect
3. r 18. aspersion 9. inflect
4. k 19. metric 10. flexible
5. s 20. dynamometer
6. h B. (p. 84)
7. p 1. reflex
8. f Lesson 13 2. circumflex
9. o A. (p. 79) 3. inflexible
10. m 1. ethnic 4. reflection
11. d 2. concentration 5. deflection
12. n 3. ethnologist 6. inflection
13. j 4. ethnocentric 7. Reflect
14. l 5. concentric 8. deflect
15. i 6. ethnicity 9. inflect
16. g 7. eccentric 10. flexible
17. b 8. central
18. c 9. eccentricity C. (p. 85)
19. e 10. centralization 1. able to be
20. a 2. in, into; not
B. (p. 80) 3. bend
C. (p. 76) 1. ethnic 4. around
1. dynamics 2. ethnocentric 5. an action or process;
2. aberrant 3. concentric state, quality, act
3. err 4. ethnologist 6. back, again
4. dynamism 5. concentration 7. from, away, down, apart;
5. dispersive 6. ethnicity not
6. errant 7. eccentric
7. asperse 8. eccentricity D. (p. 86)
8. dynasty 9. central Sentences will vary.
9. isodynamic 10. Centralization
10. dynamometry E. (p. 86)
11. error C. (p. 81) Paragraphs will vary.
12. aspersion 1. state, quality, act
13. dynamo 2. out, away, from
14. disperse 3. study of, science Review: Lessons 13 and 14
15. erroneous 4. center A. (p. 87)
16. dynamic 5. like, related to; an action 1. circum
17. metric or process 2. con-
18. dynamometer 6. an action or process 3. -ible
19. dispersion 7. with, together 4. de-
20. dynamite 8. an action or process 5. in-
9. race, nation 6. -ation/iz-ation
D. (p. 77) 10. one who 7. re-
1. dynasty 11. like, related to 8. -ion
2. erroneous 9. -al
3. aberrant D. (p. 82) 10. ec-
4. dynamic Sentences will vary. 11. centr
5. errant 12. -olog
6. disperse E. (p. 82) 13. ethn/ethno
7. dynamism Paragraphs will vary. 14. -ic

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15. -ist 11. flexible D. (p. 95)

16. -ity 12. eccentricity Sentences will vary.
17. flect/flex 13. reflection
14. Ethnocentric E. (p. 95)
B. (p. 88) 15. centralization Paragraphs will vary.
1. t 16. circumflex
2. p 17. deflection
3. n 18. reflex Lesson 16
4. s 19. ethnologist A. (p. 96)
5. o 20. inflect 1. gastronomy
6. m 2. gastric
7. l 3. gastritis
8. q Lesson 15 4. nomology
9. j A. (p. 92) 5. nomism
10. i 1. perfunctory 6. misnomer
11. r 2. dysfunction 7. nominal
12. g 3. functionary 8. nomination
13. f 4. defunct 9. nominee
14. c 5. function 10. nominative
15. e 6. functional
16. b 7. dysfunctional B. (p. 97)
17. h 8. functionless 1. gastric
18. k 9. nonfunctional 2. gastronomy
19. d 10. functionalism 3. gastritis
20. a 4. nomology
B. (p. 93) 5. nomism
C. (p. 89) 1. dysfunction 6. misnomer
1. reflection 2. function 7. nominal
2. ethnologist 3. functionary 8. nomination
3. circumflex 4. defunct 9. nominee
4. concentric 5. perfunctory 10. Nominative
5. deflection 6. functional
6. ethnic 7. dysfunctional C. (p. 98)
7. reflex 8. nonfunctional 1. a state of being, a quality
8. concentration 9. functionless or act
9. inflexible 10. functionalism 2. like, related to
10. inflection 3. name, law, custom, order
11. ethnicity C. (p. 94) 4. bad, wrong
12. ethnocentric 1. like, related to; an action 5. one who, that which
13. reflect or process 6. one who
14. flexible 2. not 7. an action or process
15. deflect 3. act, state, condition 8. inflammation
16. inflect 4. from, away, down, apart; 9. study of, science
17. central not 10. state of, quality; act;
18. eccentric 5. perform body, group
19. centralization 6. bad, badly 11. like, related to; an action
20. eccentricity 7. without or process
8. like, relating to, having 12. stomach
D. (p. 90) the quality of; place or 13. of, or relating to
1. ethnic thing connected with
2. inflexible 9. through, very D. (p. 99)
3. inflection 10. that which; someone or Sentences will vary.
4. concentric something that belongs
5. central to; of, related to; one E. (p. 99)
6. deflect who Paragraphs will vary.
7. concentration 11. an action or process;
8. eccentric state, quality, act
9. ethnicity
10. reflect

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Review: Lessons 15 and 16 12. nomology C. (p. 107)

A. (p. 100) 13. dysfunctional 1. from, away, down, apart;
1. gastr/gastro 14. defunct not
2. -ism 15. gastritis 2. study of, science
3. mis- 16. functional 3. in, into
4. nom/nomin 17. perfunctory 4. cause, birth, race,
5. -ic 18. functionless produce
6. -ee 19. nonfunctional 5. action, process
7. non- 20. dysfunction 6. back, again
8. -al 7. to make, to act; one who,
9. de- D. (p. 103) that which
10. dys- 1. defunct 8. one who, that which
11. funct 2. gastritis 9. of, or relating to
12. per- 3. nomism 10. having the quality of
13. -ary 4. Gastric 11. like, related to
14. -ion 5. nonfunctional 12. an action or process
15. -ory 6. nominee
16. -ation 7. perfunctory D. (p. 108)
17. -ative 8. functional Sentences will vary.
18. -less 9. gastronomy
19. -itis 10. nominal E. (p. 108)
20. -ology 11. function Paragraphs will vary.
21. -y 12. dysfunctional
22. -er 13. functionary
14. misnomer Lesson 18
B. (p. 101) 15. nominative A. (p. 109)
1. t 16. dysfunction 1. congratulate
2. r 17. functionless 2. gratitude
3. s 18. nomology 3. gratify
4. n 19. nomination 4. gracious
5. k 20. Functionalism 5. gratuity
6. m 6. gratis
7. l 7. grateful
8. p Lesson 17 8. graceful
9. o A. (p. 105) 9. grace
10. q 1. genesis 10. gratification
11. e 2. regenerate
12. g 3. engender B. (p. 110)
13. f 4. genealogy 1. gratis
14. d 5. degenerative 2. congratulate
15. i 6. gender 3. gratitude
16. h 7. generate 4. gratify
17. j 8. generic 5. gracious
18. b 9. generation 6. gratuity
19. c 10. generous 7. grateful
20. a 8. graceful
B. (p. 106) 9. grace
C. (p. 102) 1. genealogy 10. gratification
1. gastronomy 2. genesis
2. functionalism 3. regenerate C. (p. 111)
3. functionary 4. engender 1. having the quality of
4. gastric 5. degenerative 2. to make, to act; one who,
5. nomism 6. gender that which
6. nominee 7. generate 3. with, together
7. nominal 8. generic 4. to make, to act, to do
8. nomination 9. generation 5. pleasing, thankful
9. misnomer 10. generous 6. that which
10. nominative 7. state, quality, act
11. function 8. having the quality of

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9. state, quality, act C. (p. 115) B. (p. 119)

10. an action or process 1. degenerative 1. trajectory
2. gratis 2. rejection
D. (p. 112) 3. gratify 3. conjecture
Sentences will vary. 4. genealogy 4. projectile
5. generate 5. ejection
E. (p. 112) 6. genesis 6. project
Paragraphs will vary. 7. grateful 7. reject
8. congratulate 8. eject
9. grace 9. injection
Review: Lessons 17 and 18 10. generation 10. projection
A. (p. 113) 11. gracious
1. -ative 12. gratitude C. (p. 120)
2. -ful 13. regenerate 1. like, of, relating to
3. -er 14. generic 2. state, quality, act;
4. gen/gend/gener 15. gratuity that which; process,
5. ific-ation 16. gender condition
6. -ate/ul-ate 17. generous 3. in, into; not
7. de- 18. graceful 4. throw
8. con- 19. gratification 5. with, together
9. en- 20. engender 6. across, through
10. re- 7. an action or process;
11. i-fy D. (p. 116) state, quality, act
12. -is 1. engender 8. like, relating to, having
13. grac/grace/grat/grate 2. genealogy the quality of; place or
14. -esis 3. regenerate thing connected with
15. u-ity 4. gratuity 9. out, away, from
16. i-ous 5. gratify 10. for, before, forward
17. ea-logy 6. gracious 11. back, again
18. i-tude 7. gratification
19. -ic 8. degenerative D. (p. 121)
9. congratulate Sentences will vary.
B. (p. 114) 10. gratis
1. h 11. grace E. (p. 121)
2. k 12. generation Paragraphs will vary.
3. n 13. generous
4. p 14. graceful
5. j 15. grateful Lesson 20
6. g 16. gender A. (p. 122)
7. f 17. generic 1. conjugal
8. a 18. generate 2. enjoin
9. m 19. genesis 3. junction
10. e 20. gratitude 4. conjunctive
11. b 5. rejoin
12. t 6. conjoint
13. i Lesson 19 7. conjunction
14. c A. (p. 118) 8. joint
15. s 1. rejection 9. conjoin
16. d 2. conjecture 10. juncture
17. r 3. projectile
18. q 4. trajectory B. (p. 123)
19. o 5. ejection 1. junction
20. l 6. project 2. enjoin
7. reject 3. conjunctive
8. eject 4. rejoin
9. injection 5. conjugal
10. projection 6. conjoint
7. conjunction
8. joint

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9. juncture 17. j 8. justice

10. conjoin 18. c 9. jury
19. d 10. jurist
C. (p. 124) 20. g
1. like, related to; an action B. (p. 132)
or process C. (p. 128) 1. perjury
2. in, into 1. junction 2. justify
3. state, quality, act; 2. conjecture 3. adjure
that which; process, 3. juncture 4. juror
condition 4. trajectory 5. jurisdiction
4. back, again 5. conjunction 6. justice
5. an action or process; 6. projection 7. dictate
state, quality, act 7. conjunctive 8. jury
6. with, together 8. eject 9. jurist
7. tending to or performing 9. enjoin 10. diction
8. join 10. ejection
11. rejection C. (p. 133)
D. (p. 125) 12. conjoin 1. state of, quality, act;
Sentences will vary. 13. reject body, group
14. conjoint 2. say, speak
E. (p. 125) 15. joint 3. to, toward, near
Paragraphs will vary. 16. injection 4. one who
17. rejoin 5. through, very
18. conjugal 6. one who, that which
Review: Lessons 19 and 20 19. project 7. to make, to act; one who,
A. (p. 126) 20. projectile that which
1. -al 8. to make, to act, to do
2. en- D. (p. 129) 9. an action or process;
3. -ure 1. conjunctive state, quality, act
4. re- 2. conjecture 10. one who, that which,
5. -ile 3. trajectory condition, state, activity
6. in- 4. junction 11. right, oath, to swear
7. ject 5. rejoin
8. con- 6. conjugal D. (p. 134)
9. tra- 7. project Sentences will vary.
10. -ion 8. reject
11. -ory 9. enjoin E. (p. 134)
12. e- 10. conjoin Paragraphs will vary.
13. pro- 11. rejection
14. -ive 12. injection
15. join/joint/jug/junct 13. ejection Lesson 22
14. eject A. (p. 135)
B. (p. 127) 15. projection 1. eligible
1. f 16. conjoint 2. selection
2. h 17. juncture 3. illegible
3. r 18. conjunction 4. lecture
4. s 19. joint 5. election
5. o 20. projectile 6. legible
6. a 7. ineligible
7. t 8. elective
8. b Lesson 21 9. reelection
9. p A. (p. 131) 10. selective
10. q 1. adjure
11. m 2. justify B. (p. 136)
12. n 3. juror 1. eligible
13. k 4. jurisdiction 2. illegible
14. l 5. perjury 3. election
15. e 6. diction 4. lecture
16. i 7. dictate 5. selection

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6. legible 8. q Lesson 23
7. ineligible 9. b A. (p. 144)
8. elective 10. a 1. linguistics
9. reelection 11. d 2. trilingual
10. selective 12. e 3. linguist
13. f 4. bilingual
C. (p. 137) 14. t 5. lingual
1. able to be 15. g 6. disturb
2. back, again 16. c 7. perturb
3. an action or process; 17. h 8. turbulence
state, quality, act 18. r 9. disturbance
4. read, choose 19. l 10. turbulent
5. out, away, from 20. n
6. tending to or performing B. (p. 145)
7. in, into; not C. (p. 141) 1. bilingual
8. state, quality, act; 1. justice 2. linguistics
that which; process, 2. selection 3. trilingual
condition 3. justify 4. linguist
9. apart, aside 4. reelection 5. lingual
10. in, into; not 5. diction 6. turbulent
6. eligible 7. disturb
D. (p. 138) 7. adjure 8. turbulence
Sentences will vary. 8. illegible 9. disturbance
9. jurisdiction 10. perturb
E. (p. 138) 10. elective
Paragraphs will vary. 11. lecture C. (p. 146)
12. juror 1. one who
13. selective 2. one who, that which; like,
Review: Lessons 21 and 22 14. jurist related to
A. (p. 139) 15. ineligible 3. apart, opposite of
1. -y 16. election 4. language, tongue
2. dict 17. perjury 5. two
3. ad- 18. jury 6. state, quality, act
4. -ist 19. legible 7. three
5. per- 20. dictate 8. through, very
6. -ive 9. to agitate
7. il- or in- D. (p. 142) 10. state, quality, act
8. -ure 1. perjury 11. science, related to,
9. se- 2. eligible system
10. in- or il- 3. election 12. like, related to; an action
11. -ible 4. lecture or process
12. re- 5. juror
13. -ion 6. dictate D. (p. 147)
14. lect/leg/lig 7. diction Sentences will vary.
15. e- 8. selection
16. -ice 9. illegible E. (p. 147)
17. -ate 10. jurisdiction Paragraphs will vary.
18. i-fy 11. adjure
19. -or 12. justify
20. jur/jure/juris/just 13. justice Lesson 24
14. legible A. (p. 148)
B. (p. 140) 15. elective 1. pedal
1. j 16. reelection 2. velocipede
2. i 17. selective 3. expedite
3. p 18. ineligible 4. velocity
4. k 19. jury 5. velocimeter
5. s 20. jurist 6. peddler
6. m 7. pedometer
7. o 8. thermometer

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9. perimeter 20. turb 10. pedometer

10. impede 21. ul-ence or -ity or -ance 11. lingual
22. -ics 12. turbulence
B. (p. 149) 13. linguistics
1. velocimeter B. (p. 153) 14. trilingual
2. velocipede 1. j 15. disturbance
3. peddler 2. f 16. disturb
4. expedite 3. r 17. impede
5. velocity 4. t 18. perimeter
6. pedal 5. s 19. thermometer
7. pedometer 6. o 20. velocimeter
8. thermometer 7. c
9. perimeter 8. g
10. impede 9. n Lesson 25
10. a A. (p. 157)
C. (p. 150) 11. q 1. repulsive
1. out, away, from 12. k 2. repellant
2. measure 13. h 3. pulse
3. foot 14. i 4. propellant
4. around, surrounding 15. l 5. expulsion
5. heat 16. d 6. pulsate
6. swift 17. m 7. expel
7. like, related to; an action 18. e 8. propel
or process 19. b 9. repel
8. one who, that which 20. p 10. pulsator
9. related to, having the
quality of C. (p. 154) B. (p. 158)
10. state, quality, act 1. velocipede 1. pulsate
11. in, into; not 2. trilingual 2. pulse
3. pedometer 3. propellant
D. (p. 151) 4. disturb 4. repellant
Sentences will vary. 5. impede 5. repulsive
6. linguistics 6. expulsion
E. (p. 151) 7. velocity 7. expel
Paragraphs will vary. 8. turbulence 8. propel
9. pedal 9. repel
10. linguist 10. pulsator
Review: Lessons 23 and 24 11. expedite
A. (p. 152) 12. perturb C. (p. 159)
1. -ist 13. thermometer 1. out, away, from
2. ul-ent 14. bilingual 2. drive, push
3. dis- 15. velocimeter 3. for, before, forward
4. lingu 16. disturbance 4. one who, that which
5. bi- 17. perimeter 5. tending to or performing
6. ex- 18. lingual 6. one who, that which;
7. meter 19. peddler state, quality
8. ped/pede/pedo 20. turbulent 7. to make, to act; one who,
9. peri- that which
10. thermo D. (p. 155) 8. an action or process;
11. veloc/veloci 1. velocipede state, quality, act
12. -al 2. linguist 9. back, again
13. dl-er 3. velocity
14. -ite 4. peddler D. (p. 160)
15. -ity or -ance or ul-ence 5. bilingual Sentences will vary.
16. im- 6. turbulent
17. -ance or -ity or ul-ence 7. pedal E. (p. 160)
18. tri- 8. perturb Paragraphs will vary.
19. per- 9. expedite

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Lesson 26 8. -ion D. (p. 168)

A. (p. 161) 9. re- 1. propellant
1. pyrography 10. pyro 2. repulsive
2. pyromania 11. -ic 3. pyrotechnics
3. pyrotechnics 12. -ology 4. pulse
4. pyrogenic 13. gen 5. expel
5. pyrometric 14. -ics 6. pyrogenic
6. pyrometer 15. graph 7. graphite
7. graphics 16. -y 8. pyrometer
8. graphic 17. mania 9. graphics
9. graphology 18. -ite 10. repellant
10. graphite 19. meter/metr 11. expulsion
20. techn 12. graphic
B. (p. 162) 13. pyromania
1. pyrogenic B. (p. 166) 14. pulsate
2. Pyrotechnics 1. m 15. propel
3. pyromania 2. t 16. pyrography
4. pyrography 3. r 17. graphology
5. pyrometric 4. j 18. repel
6. graphic 5. p 19. pulsator
7. graphics 6. g 20. Pyrometric
8. graphology 7. f
9. pyrometer 8. s
10. Graphite 9. o Lesson 27
10. d A. (p. 170)
C. (p. 163) 11. q 1. ridiculous
1. fire, heat 12. n 2. sensibility
2. like, related to 13. a 3. derision
3. study of, science 14. l 4. sensitive
4. cause, birth, race, 15. i 5. derisory
produce 16. e 6. sensation
5. science, related to, 17. k 7. sentiment
system 18. c 8. sense
6. write, written 19. h 9. risibility
7. state of, quality, act; 20. b 10. sensible
body, group
8. intense craving, loss of C. (p. 167) B. (p. 171)
reason 1. propel 1. ridiculous
9. related to; having the 2. repulsive 2. sensation
quality of 3. pyrography 3. derision
10. measure 4. graphics 4. risibility
11. art, skill 5. pulsate 5. derisory
6. pulse 6. sensibility
D. (p. 164) 7. pyrotechnics 7. sensitive
Sentences will vary. 8. graphology 8. sentiment
9. repellant 9. sense
E. (p. 164) 10. expel 10. sensible
Paragraphs will vary. 11. pyrogenic
12. graphic C. (p. 172)
13. repel 1. that which; state, quality,
Review: Lessons 25 and 26 14. pyromania act
A. (p. 165) 15. expulsion 2. able to be
1. ex- 16. graphite 3. from, away, down, apart;
2. pel/puls/pulse 17. pyrometric not
3. pro- 18. pulsator 4. laugh, smile
4. at-or 19. propellant 5. an action or process
5. -ive 20. pyrometer 6. tending to or performing
6. l-ant 7. like, related to
7. -ate

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8. an action or process; D. (p. 177) 7. ridiculous

state, quality, act Sentences will vary. 8. sensitive
9. state, quality, act 9. sedate
10. like, relating to, having E. (p. 177) 10. sedimentation
the quality of; place or Paragraphs will vary. 11. sensibility
thing connected with 12. preside
11. having the quality of 13. sentiment
12. to feel 14. sedation
Review: Lessons 27 and 28 15. derisory
D. (p. 173) A. (p. 178) 16. supersede
Sentences will vary. 1. i-ment 17. derision
2. -ible 18. sensible
E. (p. 173) 3. de- 19. session
Paragraphs will vary. 4. rid/ris 20. sedentary
5. -ation
6. it-ive D. (p. 181)
Lesson 28 7. -ic 1. risibility
A. (p. 174) 8. -ion 2. supersede
1. session 9. ibil-ity 3. sedentary
2. sediment 10. -ory 4. preside
3. sedative 11. -ulous 5. session
4. preside 12. sens/sense/sent 6. Sediment
5. sedentary 13. -ate 7. sedative
6. supersede 14. pre- 8. sedate
7. sedate 16. -ary 9. Sedimentary
8. sedimentary 17. super- 10. Sedation
9. sedation 18. -ent 11. derisory
10. sedimentation 19. sed/sede/sess/side 12. ridiculous
20. -ative 13. derision
B. (p. 175) 14. sensibility
1. sedentary B. (p. 179) 15. sensation
2. sediment 1. s 16. sensitive
3. sedative 2. q 17. sentiment
4. session 3. i 18. sense
5. supersede 4. g 19. sensible
6. preside 5. m 20. sedimentation
7. sedate 6. p
8. sedimentary 7. d
9. sedation 8. o Lesson 29
10. sedimentation 9. c A. (p. 183)
10. l 1. dissociate
C. (p. 176) 11. n 2. social
1. to make, to act; one who, 12. j 3. sociable
that which 13. e 4. socialism
2. an action or process 14. k 5. associate
3. before, in front of 15. h 6. society
4. that which, someone or 16. f 7. unsociable
something that belongs 17. b 8. sociology
to; of, related to; one 18. t 9. association
who 19. a 10. dissociation
5. over, above 20. r
6. one who, that which; like, B. (p. 184)
related to C. (p. 180) 1. society
7. an action or process; 1. risibility 2. dissociate
state, quality, act 2. sediment 3. socialism
8. sit, settle 3. sense 4. sociable
9. that which; state, quality, 4. sedimentary 5. social
act 5. sensation 6. associate
10. of, or relating to 6. sedative 7. unsociable

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8. sociology 6. state, quality, act 7. solubility

9. association 7. to loosen; set free 8. dissociate
10. dissociation 9. dissolution
D. (p. 190) 10. socialism
C. (p. 185) Sentences will vary. 11. dissolute
1. study of, science 12. sociology
2. not E. (p. 190) 13. resolve
3. an action or process Paragraphs will vary. 14. sociable
4. able to be 15. dissolve
5. to, toward, near 16. associate
6. companion, join Review: Lessons 29 and 30 17. resolvable
7. like, related to; an action A. (p. 191) 18. dissociation
or process 1. -tion or bil-ity or -ety 19. solution
8. apart, opposite of 2. -able 20. unsociable
9. to make, to act; one who, 3. re-
that which 4. -ology D. (p. 194)
10. a state of being; a quality 5. un- 1. dissolution
or act 6. -ation 2. Socialism
11. state, quality, act 7. bil-ity or -tion or -ety 3. associate
8. as- 4. society
D. (p. 186) 9. soci 5. resolve
Sentences will vary. 10. -al 6. solvent
11. dis- 7. solution
E. (p. 186) 12. -ate 8. Social
Paragraphs will vary. 13. -ism 9. solubility
14. -ety or -tion or bil-ity 10. dissociate
15 . -ent 11. sociable
Lesson 30 16. solu/solute/solv/solve 12. dissolve
A. (p. 187) 13. resolution
1. resolvable 14. unsociable
2. solution B. (p. 192) 15. association
3. resolve 1. t 16. resolvable
4. dissolute 2. s 17. resolute
5. resolution 3. p 18. dissolute
6. dissolve 4. r 19. dissociation
7. solubility 5. l 20. sociology
8. resolute 6. q
9. solvent 7. m
10. dissolution 8. k Lesson 31
9. n A. (p. 196)
B. (p. 188) 10. o 1. undetectable
1. dissolution 11. h 2. protection
2. resolve 12. e 3. detection
3. solvent 13. g 4. integument
4. solution 14. i 5. protégé
5. solubility 15. j 6. detect
6. dissolve 16. c 7. protect
7. resolution 17. f 8. detective
8. resolvable 18. d 9. detectable
9. dissolute 19. b 10. detector
10. resolute 20. a
B. (p. 197)
C. (p. 189) C. (p. 193) 1. protection
1. state, quality, act 1. resolution 2. protégé
2. able to be 2. social 3. undetectable
3. back, again 3. association 4. detection
4. one who, that which; like, 4. solvent 5. integument
related to 5. resolute 6. detect
5. apart, opposite of 6. society 7. protect

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8. detective 6. one who, that which; C. (p. 206)

9. detectable state, quality 1. undetectable
10. detector 7. state, quality, act 2. viridite
8. becoming, having 3. detective
C. (p. 198) 9. related to, having the 4. restriction
1. cover quality of 5. integument
2. not 10. green 6. detect
3. tending to or performing 11. with, together 7. restrict
4. from, away, down, apart; 8. protection
not D. (p. 203) 9. detectable
5. one who, that which Sentences will vary. 10. viridity
6. in, into; not 11. restrictive
7. able to be E. (p. 203) 12. protégé
8. an action or process; Paragraphs will vary. 13. constriction
state, quality, act 14. detector
9. for, before, forward 15. constrictor
10. that which; state, quality, Review: Lessons 31 and 32 16. viridescent
act A. (p. 204) 17. constrict
1. tect/teg/tege 18. detection
D. (p. 199) 2. un- 19. protect
Sentences will vary. 3. re- 20. verdant
4. de-
E. (p. 199) 5. -ion D. (p. 207)
Paragraphs will vary. 6. in- 1. protection
7. -able 2. verdant
8. pro- 3. protégé
Lesson 32 9. u-ment 4. viridity
A. (p. 200) 10. -ive 5. detector
1. constrict 11. strict 6. constrict
2. viridescent 12. -or 7. detection
3. restrictive 13. con- 8. integument
4. verdant 14. -ant 9. Viridite
5. constriction 15. -ity 10. detect
6. viridite 16. -escent 11. viridescent
7. restrict 17. -ite 12. protect
8. viridity 18. verd/virid/viridi 13. restrict
9. restriction 14. detective
10. constrictor B. (p. 205) 15. restriction
1. g 16. constriction
B. (p. 201) 2. j 17. restrictive
1. viridescent 3. i 18. constrictor
2. viridite 4. k 19. undetectable
3. viridity 5. m 20. detectable
4. Constriction 6. l
5. verdant 7. a
6. constrict 8. q
7. restrict 9. c
8. restriction 10. b
9. constrictor 11. d
10. restrictive 12. f
13. e
C. (p. 202) 14. t
1. tending to or performing 15. r
2. to tie 16. s
3. back, again 17. h
4. one who, that which; 18. o
condition, state, activity 19. p
5. an action or process, 20. n
state, quality, act

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Pronunciation Key
ă asp, fat, parrot ə a in ago
ā ape, date, play e in agent
ŏ ah, car, father i in sanity
ĕ elf, ten, berry o in comply
ē even, meet, money u in focus
i is, hit, mirror ər perhaps, murder
ī ice, bite, high
ō open, tone, go sh she, cushion, dash
ô all, horn, law th thin, nothing, truth
oo ooze, tool, crew th then, father, lathe
oo look, pull, moor zh azure, leisure
yoo use, cute, few
yoo united, cure, globule ́ primary accent
ŭ up, cut, color ́ secondary accent
ûr urn, fur, deter

Greek and Latin Prefixes

a- Greek — away, from; not, without as- Latin — to, toward, near
agnostic: related to agnosticism; associate: to join together; to logically
uncertain of all claims to knowledge connect [ə-sṓ-shē-āt́, ə-sṓ-sē-āt’]
[ag-nŏs’-tik] association: union, connection,
agnosticism: the doctrine that the affiliation [ə-sō-sē-ā’-shən]
existence of any ultimate being is bi- Latin — two
unknown; skepticism [ăg-nŏs-́tǝ-siz-́əm]
bilingual: involving the use of two
asperse: to spread false charges; languages [bī-lēnǵ-gwəl]
slander [ə-spûrs’]
aspersion: the act of defaming or circum- Latin — around
slandering [ə-spûr’-zhən] circumflex: bending around; curved
(biology) [sûŕ-kəm-flĕks]
ab- Latin — away, from
aberrant: that which strays away from com- Latin — with, together
the right or normal way compress: squeeze, press together
[ə-bĕŕ-ənt, ăb’-ər-ənt] [kəm-prĕs’]

ad- Latin — to, toward, near con- Latin — with, together

adjure: to command solemnly, concentration: the focusing of
especially under oath; to appeal to attention on one idea or task
earnestly [ə-jooŕ] [kŏń-sən-trā́-shən]

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concentric: having a common center derisory: worthy of scorn; ridiculously

[kən-sĕń-trik] small amount [di-rī́-sə-rē]
condign: deserved; appropriate detect: discover, uncover, notice
[kən-dīń] [di-tĕkt’]
congratulate: to express pleasure at detectable: able to be discovered,
another’s success, good fortune, etc. noticed, or uncovered [di-tĕkt’-ə-bəl]
[kən-grăch́-ə-lāt́] detection: the act of noticing or
conjecture: a throwing together of discovering something’s existence; the
information based on inference uncovering of clues (criminology)
[kən-jĕḱ-chər] [di-tĕḱ-shən]
conjoin: to join together; unite; detective: an investigator, private eye
combine [kən-join’] [di-tĕk’-təv]
conjoint: linked together [kən-joint́] detector: a device that can tell if a
conjugal: of or relating to marriage or substance or object is present
joining [kŏń-jə-gəl] [di-tĕk’-tər]
conjunction: a joining together or di- Latin — apart, away, not
being joined together; union
disperse: scatter in all directions
conjunctive: serving to join together;
dispersion: a scattering in all directions
connective; combined [kən-jŭnk-́tiv]
constrict: squeeze, pinch, bind
dispersive: tending to scatter in all
directions [di-spûr’-sǝv]
constriction: tightness, constraint,
binding [kən-strik’-shən] dia-
Latin — through, across
constrictor: something that constrains, diagnosis: the knowledgeable
squeezes, or compresses [kən-strik’-tər] identification of an illness or other
contact: touching, connection, union problem through examination of the
[kŏn’-takt’] symptoms [dī’-ǝg-nō’-sis]
diagnostic: related to the diagnosis of
Latin — from, away, down, apart; not an illness or other problem
decapitate: to cut off the head of, to [dī’-ǝg-nŏs’-tǝk]
behead [di-kă’-pə-tāt’]
Latin — apart, opposite of
decapitation: the act or process of
beheading [di-kă’-pə-tā’-shən] discern: detect, perceive, make out
clearly [di-sûrn’]
deflect: to turn away from a fixed
direction [di-flĕkt’] discerning: perceptive, clear-sighted
deflection: a change of course or
direction [di-flĕk’-shən] discernible: distinguishable; able to tell
apart [di-sûŕ-nə-bəl]
defunct: no longer used or active
[di-fŭngkt́] discernment: that which shows keen
perception or judgment [di-sûrn-́mənt]
degenerative: of or causing a decline
in quality or strength [di-jĕn’-ər-ə-tiv] dissociate: to separate from; to
disunite [di-sṓ-shē-āt’, di-sṓ-sē-āt’]
depress: press down; diminish; lower in
spirits [di-prĕs’] dissociation: the process of separating
or disuniting from [di-sō’-sē-ā’-shən]
derision: contempt; the act of mocking
or making fun of [di-rizh́-ən] dissolute: corrupt, loose, immoral

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dissolve: to make a solid disappear enjoin: to direct to do something; order;

into a liquid solution; to end an forbid [ĕn-joiń]
agreement [di-zôlv’]
ex- Latin — out, away, from
dissolution: the act or process of
expedite: to hurry; to speed up the
dissolving or breaking up
process [ĕḱ-spǝ-dīt́]
expel: to push or force out [ik-spĕl’]
disturb: to bother or interrupt [di-stûrb’]
expulsion: the act of driving or forcing
disturbance: interruption, disorder,
out [ik-spŭĺ-shən]
turmoil [di-stûr’-bən(t)s]
il- Latin — in, into; not
dys- Greek — bad, badly
illegible: impossible to read
dysfunction: abnormal, impaired, or
incomplete functioning [dis-fŭngḱ-shən]
dysfunctional: functioning or im- Latin — in, into; not
performing abnormally immigrant: one who moves to another
[dis-fŭngḱ-shən-əl] country to settle [i’-mə-grənt]
immigration: the act of moving to a
Latin — out, away, from
new country to settle [iḿ-ǝ-grā́-shən]
eject: throw out, expel, emit, spew
impede: to slow the movement or
progress of [im-pēd’]
ejection: the act of being thrown out or
impressive: deserving attention,
away [ǝ-jĕḱ-shən]
admiration, or respect [im-prĕ’-sǝv]
elective: open to choice, not required
[ǝ-lĕk’-tǝv] in-
Latin — in, into; not
eligible: qualified; fit to be chosen inalienable: that may not be taken
[ĕl’-ǝ-jə-bəl] away or transferred [in-āĺ-yə-nə-bəl]
election: the act or process of selecting indignant: not pleased, angry
by vote [ǝ-lĕḱ-shən] [in-dig’-nənt ]
ineligible: not fit to be chosen indignation: anger resulting from
[i-nĕ’-lə-jə-bəl] injustice [iń-dig-nā́-shən]
reelection: the process of electing indignity: an act that offends one’s self
someone again [rē-ǝ-lĕk’-shən] respect; an insult [in-dīǵ-nǝ-tē]
indomitable: not easily subdued;
ec- Greek — out, away, from
unyielding [in-dŏḿ-ǝ-tə-bəl]
eccentric: off center; out of the
ineligible: not fit to be chosen
ordinary, odd [ǝk-sĕn’-trik]
eccentricity: the state or quality of
inflect: to change or vary the pitch of
deviation from the ordinary
inflection: a change in tone or pitch
en- Greek — in, into [in-flĕḱ-shən]
encrypt: to write in code; to encode inflexible: unbending; rigid
[ĕn-kript] [in-flĕḱ-sə-bəl]
encryption: act or process of encoding injection: the insertion of medicine
[ǝn-krip’-shən] through a needle into a vein, a shot
engender: to bring forth; to produce [in-jĕk’-shən]
[ĕn-jĕń-dər] innocence: the state of harmlessness

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innocent: related to being guiltless or pro-

Latin — for, before, forward
blameless [i’-nə-sənt] prognosis: any forecast or prediction; a
innocently: in a guiltless or blameless prediction concerning the outcome of a
manner [i’-nə-sənt-lē] disease [prŏg-nō’-səs]
innocuous: not harmful [i-nŏḱ-yoo-əs] prognosticate: to predict; to know
innocuously: in a harmless manner before [prŏg-nŏś-tǝ-kāt́]
[i-nŏḱ-yoo-əs-lē] project: throw forward, jut out [prə-jĕkt]
intact: not damaged or broken, whole projection: protrusion, overhang,
[in-tăkt’] forecast [prə-jĕk-shən]
intangible: incapable of being touched; projectile: designed to be hurled
not easy to describe [in-tăń-jə-bəl] forward [prə-jĕḱ-təl, prə-jĕḱ-tīl]
integument: an outer covering of a propel: to push forward [prə-pĕĺ]
plant or animal, like a shell or husk propellant: a driving force; an
(biology) [in-tĕǵ-yoo-mənt] explosive substance [prə-pĕĺ-ənt]
iso- Greek — equal protect: to keep someone or something
isodynamic: of or relating to equality or from being harmed [prə-tĕkt]
uniformity of force [ī́-sō-dī-năḿ-ǝk] protection: the act of covering or
shielding from injury or destruction
mis- Greek — bad, wrong [prə-tĕḱ-shən]
misnomer: an error in naming a person protégé: an individual guided and
or thing [mis-nō’-mər] helped by someone older and wiser
non- Greek — not [prṓ-tə-zhā́ ]
nonfunctional: serving no function or re- Latin — back, again
purpose [nŏn-fŭngk’-shǝ-nəl] recapitulate: to sum up; to rephrase
per- Latin — through, very [rḗ-kə-pich́ -ə-lāt́]
per capita: per head or unit of recapitulation: a summing up; a
population [pər-kăṕ-i-tə] returning to the original argument, etc.
perfunctory: done as a duty; having a [rḗ-kə-pich́ -ə-lā́-shən]
superficial quality [pər-fŭngḱ-tə-rē] recertification: action or process of
perjury: the deliberate telling of a lie being certified again
while under oath [pûŕ-jə-rē] [rē-sûr-tə-fə-kā’-shən]
perturb: to worry, to upset [pər-tûrb’] reelection: the process of electing
someone again [rē-ǝ-lĕk’-shən]
peri- Greek — around, surrounding reflect: to bend back, to mirror; to think
perimeter: circumference or distance back on [rǝ-flĕkt]
around a figure [pə-ri’-mə-tər] reflection: the process of bending back
pre- Latin — before, in front of (an image in a mirror) or thinking back
predominant: most common or [rǝ-flĕḱ-shən]
powerful; before all others reflex: bent, turned, or directed back
[pri-dŏḿ-ə-nənt] (physics) [rḗ-flĕkś]
predominance: state of being regenerate: to make new; to form again
dominant or superior [pri-dŏḿ-ə-nəns]] [rǝ-jĕń-ə-rāt́]
preside: to be in charge; to sit before a reject: to throw back, to refuse to take
group as a leader [pri-zīd́] [rǝ-jĕkt]

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rejection: the action of being refused or

thrown back [rǝ-jĕḱ-shən]
rejoin: to join again; reunite [rē-joiń]
repel: to push back [rǝ-pĕl]
repellant: that which is resistant;
pushing away [rǝ-pĕĺ-ənt]
repulsive: tending to drive back or
away; disgusting [rǝ-pŭĺ-siv]
resolute: set in purpose, determined
resolution: solution, clearing up; a
fixed purpose [rĕ’-zə-loo-shən]
resolvable: able to be settled or solved
resolve: to find an answer to; to decide;
to separate into components [rǝ-zôlv́]
restrict: confine, constrain, hold back
restriction: action or process of
curbing, limiting, or regulating
restrictive: tending to curb, constrain,
or hold back [rǝ-strik’-tǝv]
se- Latin — apart, aside
selection: an available choice
selective: tending to choose carefully
super- Latin — over, above
supersede: to cause to be set aside; to
replace [soo’-pər-sēd́]
tra- Latin — across, through
trajectory: the curve that an object
takes in space; path [trə-jĕḱ-tə-rē]
tri- Greek — three
trilingual: having or expressed in three
languages [trī-lēnǵ-gwəl]
un- Old English — not
undetectable: impossible to detect
unsociable: not friendly or outgoing

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Greek and Latin Roots

acer Latin — sharp, bitter auct Latin — increase, grow
acerbate: to annoy or irritate; to make auction: a public sale of property to the
taste bitter [ăś-ər-bāt́] highest bidder [ôḱ-shən]
auctioneer: one who conducts the sale
acr Latin — sharp, bitter
of goods at public auction [ôḱ-shə-nîŕ]
acrid: irritatingly sharp or bitter [ăḱ-rǝd]
acrimonious: having the quality of aug Latin — increase, grow
being bitter, nasty, or sarcastic augment: to make greater [ôg-mĕnt́]
[ă’-krə-mō’-nē-əs] augmentation: an addition; the process
acrimony: that which causes bitterness of increasing [ôg’-mǝn-tā́-shən]
or ill will [ă’-krə-mō’-nē] augmentative: causing an increase;
related to increase [ôg’-mĕń-tə-tiv]
acu Latin — sharp, bitter
augmented: increased, added to
acuity: keenness of vision or perception
[ə-kyoo’-ǝ-tē] [ôg’-mĕnt́-əd]
augmenting: increasing, adding to
Latin — other [ôg’-mĕnt’-ing]
alien: foreign [ā́-lē-ən]
aux Greek — increase, grow
alienate: to separate or make hostile
[ā́-lē-ə-nāt́] auxesis: an increase of cell size
without cell division (biology)
alienation: action of withdrawing or
separating from a former attachment
[ā́-lē-ə-nā-shəń] auxiliary: additional; supporting
altruism: selfless concern for the [ôg-zil’-yə-rē]
welfare of others [ăl-́troo-iź-əm] auxano Greek — increase, grow
altruistic: unselfish, generous auxanometer: apparatus for measuring
[ăl-́troo-iś-tǝk] rate of growth in plants
inalienable: that may not be taken [ôg-zǝ-nŏ’-mə-tər]
away or transferred [in-āĺ-yə-nə-bəl]
capit Latin — head
alter Latin — other capital: highly important; principal
alter: to change, to modify [ôĺ-tər] [kăṕ-ǝ-tǝl]
alteration: action of changing or capitulate: to consent or yield to;
modifying [ôĺ-tə-rā́-shən] to surrender [kə-pich́-ə-lāt́]
alternate: to do in turns [ôĺ-tər-nāt́] decapitate: to cut off the head of, to
alternative: a choice between two behead [di-kă’-pə-tāt’]
things or among many [ôl-tûŕ-nə-tiv] decapitation: the act or process of
beheading [di-kă’-pə-tā’-shən]
arbitr Latin — consider, judge
per capita: per head or unit of
arbitrable: subject to decision by
population [pər kăṕ-ǝ-tə]
arbitration [ŏŕ-bǝ-trə-bəl]
recapitulate: to sum up; to rephrase
arbitrary: related to personal judgment;
[rḗ-kə-pich́ -ə-lā́t]
left to chance [ŏŕ-bǝ-trĕŕ-ē]
recapitulation: a summing up; a
arbitration: process of settling a
returning to the original argument, etc.
dispute with the help of a third party
[rḗ-kə-pich́ -ə-lā́-shən]
arbitrator: a person chosen to settle a
dispute [ŏŕ-bǝ-trā́ -tər]
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Greek — center corp Latin — body
central: related to the center or middle corpulence: bulkiness of body; a state
[sĕn’-trəl] of obesity [kôŕ-pyə-lən(t)s]
centralization: the process of corpor Latin — body
gathering together, consolidation
corporal: related to the body
concentration: the focusing of
corporation: a group formed to act as
attention on one idea or task
a single body [kôŕ-pə-rā́-shən]
concentric: having a common center crypt Greek — conceal
[kən-sĕń-trik] crypt: an underground chamber or
eccentric: off center; out of the vault [kript’]
ordinary, odd [ik-sĕn’-trik] cryptic: having a hidden or ambiguous
eccentricity: the state or quality of meaning [krip’-tik]
deviation from the ordinary encrypt: to write in code; to encode
[ĕk’-sǝn-tri’-sə-tē] [ĕn-kript’]
ethnocentric: inclined to regard one’s encryption: act or process of encoding
own social group as superior to all [ĕn-krip’-shən]
others [ĕth́ -nō-sĕń-trik]
Latin — say, speak
Latin — to distinguish; to separate; make dictate: to say or state something with
certain authority or power [diḱ-tāt]
discern: detect, perceive, make out diction: the quality or style of speech
clearly [di-sûŕn] [diḱ-shən]
discernible: distinguishable; able to tell jurisdiction: legal power to interpret
apart [di-sûŕ-nə-bəl] and administer the law [jooŕ-is-diḱ-shən]
discerning: perceptive, clear-sighted
dign Latin — worth, worthy
condign: deserved; appropriate
discernment: that which shows keen
perception or judgment
dignify: to give distinction to; to exalt
cert Latin — to distinguish; to separate; dignitary: one who possesses exalted
make certain rank [diǵ-nǝ-tĕŕ-ē]
certifiable: able to be confirmed dignity: the quality of deserving
[sûŕ-tə-fī́-ə-bəl] respect; self respect [diǵ-nǝ-tē]
certificate: document, certification, indignant: not pleased, angry
voucher [sûŕ-tĭ’-fǝ-kit] [in-dig’-nənt]
certification: the action or process of indignation: anger resulting from
being certified [sûŕ-tə-fí-kā-shən] injustice [iń-dig-nā́-shən]
certify: to confirm; make certain indignity: an act that offends one’s self
[sûŕ-tə-fī́] respect; an insult [in-dīǵ-nǝ-tē]
certitude: the state of being free from
dom Latin — home
doubt [sûŕ-tǝ-tood́ ]
recertification: action or process of domestic: related to the home; not
being certified again foreign [də-mĕs’-tik]
[rē-sûŕ-tə-fi-kā’-shən] domesticate: to make domestic, to
tame [də-mĕs’-tǝ-kāt]

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domicile: home, dwelling, residence dynamo Greek — power, force

[dŏ’-mə-sīl] dynamometer: device for measuring
Latin — master power or force [dī-nə-mŏ’-mə-tər]
dominant: that which is more dynamometry: process of measuring
controlling or important [dŏḿ-ə-nənt] forces doing work [dī-nə-mŏ’-mə-trē]
dominate: to control or have power err Latin — stray, wander
over others [dŏḿ-ə-nāt́] aberrant: that which strays away from
domination: rule, control the right or normal way
[dŏḿ-ə-nā́ -shən] [ə-bĕŕ-ənt, ăb’-ər-ənt]
dominion: authority over others err: to make a mistake; to go astray
[də-miń-yən] [ûr, ĕr]
predominance: state of being dominant errant: roving or wandering; itinerant
or superior [pri-dŏḿ-ə-nən(t)s] [ĕŕ-ənt]
predominant: most common or erroneous: the quality of being
powerful; before all others mistaken; incorrect [ǝ-rṓ-nē-əs]
[pri-dŏḿ-ə-nənt] error: something incorrectly done out of
domit Latin — master ignorance or carelessness [ĕŕ-ər]
indomitable: not easily subdued; ethn Greek — race, nation
unyielding [in-dŏḿ-i-tə-bəl] ethnic: related to common racial or
dorm Latin — sleep cultural traits [ĕth́-nik]
dormancy: a state of inactivity ethnicity: a classification or affiliation
[dôŕ-mən-sē] by race or culture [ĕth-niś-ǝ-tē]
dormant: that which is temporarily ethno Greek — (combining form) race, nation
inactive [dôŕ-mənt] ethnocentric: inclined to regard one’s
dormitory: a place with sleeping own social group as superior to all
facilities for a number of people others [ĕth́ -nō-sĕń-trik]
[dôŕ-mǝ-tôŕ-ē] ethnologist: a specialist in cultural
dyn Greek — power, force anthropology [ĕth-nŏĺ-ə-jǝst]
dynasty: a powerful group or family; a flect Latin — bend
succession of hereditary rulers deflect: to turn away from a fixed
[dī́-nə-stē] direction [di-flĕkt’]
Greek — power, force deflection: a change of course or
direction [di-flĕḱ-shən]
dynamic: energetic; forceful; of or
relating to power [dī-năḿ-ik] inflect: to change or vary the pitch of
dynamics: a system or process of
change, growth, or activity [dī-năḿ-iks] inflection: a change in tone or pitch
dynamite: a powerful explosive of
nitroglycerin [dī-nə-mīt] reflect: to bend back, to mirror; to think
back on [rǝ-flĕkt’]
dynamism: an active, forceful state or
quality [dī́-nə-miź-əm] reflection: the process of bending back
(an image in a mirror) or thinking back
dynamo: an individual possessing
unusual energy [dī́-nə-mṓ]
isodynamic: of or relating to equality or
uniformity of force [ī́-sō-dī-năḿ-ik]

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flex Latin — bend genealogy: the science or study of

circumflex: bending around; curved family descent from their ancestors
(biology) [sûŕ-kəm-flĕks] [jḗ-nē-ŏĺ-ə-jē, jĕ́ -nē-ŏĺ-ə-jē]
flexible: able to bend easily; easily genesis: beginning or birth of
adaptable [flĕḱ-sə-bəl] something; origin [jĕń-ǝ-sis]
inflexible: unbending; rigid pyrogenic: produced by heat (geology)
[in-flĕḱ-sə-bəl] [pī́-rō-jĕń-ik]
reflex: bent, turned, or directed back gend Latin — cause, birth, race, produce
(physics) [rḗ-flĕkś] engender: to bring forth; to produce
Latin — perform [ĕn-jĕń-dər]
defunct: no longer used or active gender: masculine or feminine identity;
[di-fŭngkt́] the formal classification by which nouns
dysfunction: abnormal, impaired, or and pronouns are grouped [jĕń-dər]
incomplete functioning [dis-fŭngḱ-shən] gener
Latin — cause, birth, race, produce
dysfunctional: functioning or generate: produce, cause, bring about
performing abnormally [jĕń-ə-rāt́]
[dis-fŭngḱ-shən əl] generation: the process of formation or
function: the purpose something causation [jĕń-ə-rā́ shən]
serves [fŭngḱ-shən] generic: of, or relating to a whole group
functional: related to the function or or class [jə-nĕr’-ik]
usefulness of something [fŭngḱ-shən-əl] generous: free-giving, overflowing
functionalism: condition or belief in the [jĕn-ǝ-rəs]
practical application of things regenerate: to make new; to form again
[fŭngḱ-shən-əl-iz’-ǝm] [rǝ-jĕń-ə-rāt́]
functionary: one who performs in a
certain position, especially an official gnos
Greek — know
[fŭngḱ-shə-nĕŕ-ē] agnostic: related to agnosticism;
functionless: without a function or uncertain of all claims to knowledge
purpose [fŭngḱ-shən-ləs] [ăg-nŏś-tǝk]
nonfunctional: serving no function or agnosticism: the doctrine that the
purpose [nŏn-fŭngḱ-shən-əl] existence of any ultimate being is
perfunctory: done as a duty; having a unknown; skepticism
superficial quality [pər-fŭngḱ-tə-rē] [ăg-nŏś-tǝ-siź-əm]
diagnosis: the knowledgeable
gastr Greek — stomach identification of an illness or other
gastric: of or relating to the stomach problem through examination of the
[găś-trik] symptoms [dī’-ǝg-nō’-sis]
gastritis: inflammation of the stomach diagnostic: related to the diagnosis of
lining [gă-strī́-tis] an illness or other problem
gastro Greek — (combining form) stomach [dī’-ǝg-nŏs’-tǝk]
gastronomy: the art or custom of good prognosis: any forecast or prediction; a
eating [gă-strŏń-ə-mē] prediction concerning the outcome of a
disease [prŏg-nō’-səs]
gen Latin — cause, birth, race, produce prognosticate: to predict; to know
degenerative: of or causing a decline before [prŏg-nŏs’-tǝ-kāt́]
in quality or strength [di-jĕń-ər-ə-tiv]

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grac Latin — pleasing, thankful injection: the insertion of medicine

gracious: having or showing kindness, through a needle into a vein, a shot
courtesy, charm, etc. [grā́-shəs] [in-jĕḱ-shən]
project: throw forward, jut out [prə-jĕkt]
grace Latin — pleasing, thankful
projectile: designed to be hurled
grace: beauty or charm of form;
forward [prə-jĕḱ-təl, prə-jĕḱ-tīl]
pleasing quality [grās]
projection: protrusion, overhang,
graceful: having the quality of being
forecast [prə-jĕḱ-shən]
lovely and elegant [grās’-fəl]
reject: to throw back, to refuse to take
graph Greek — write, written [rǝ-jĕkt]
graphic: related to pictorial arts; rejection: the action of being refused or
described or illustrated in a very clear thrown back [rǝ-jĕḱ-shən]
way [gră’-fik] trajectory: the curve that an object
graphics: the art or science of takes in space; path [trə-jĕḱ-tə-rē]
illustrative drawings [gră’-fiks]
join Latin — join
graphite: a soft, black carbon used for
lead in pencils [gră’-fīt] conjoin: to join together; unite;
combine [kən-join’]
graphology: study of handwriting
[gră’-fŏl’-ǝ-jē] enjoin: to direct to do something; order;
forbid [ĕn-joiń]
pyrography: process of burning
designs on wood or leather with heated rejoin: to join again; reunite [rē-joiń]
tools [pī-rŏǵ-rə-fē] joint Latin — join
grat Latin — pleasing, thankful joint: place of joining [joint́]
congratulate: to express pleasure at conjoint: linked together [kən-joint́]
another’s success, good fortune, etc. jug Latin — join
[kən-grăch́-ə-lāt́] conjugal: of or relating to marriage or
gratification: pleasure, satisfaction joining [kŏń-jə-gəl]
junct Latin — join
gratify: to give pleasure; to satisfy
[grăt́-ə-fī́] conjunctive: serving to join together;
connective; combined [kən-jŭngḱ-tiv]
gratis: without charge; free [grăt́-is]
conjunction: a joining together or
gratitude: a state of thankfulness
being joined together; union
[grăt́-i-tood́ ]
gratuity: a gift of money for a service
junction: point of joining or meeting
rendered; a tip [grə-too’-ǝ-tē]
grate Latin — pleasing, thankful juncture: joining place, connection
grateful: full of gratitude, thankful [jŭngk’-shǝr]
Latin — right, oath, to swear
ject Latin — throw jurist: an expert in law; judge, attorney
conjecture: a throwing together of [joor’-ist]
information based on inference juror: a member of a jury [jooŕ-ər]
[kən-jĕḱ-chər] jury: a group of citizens chosen to
eject: throw out, expel, emit, spew decide a legal case [joor’-ē]
[ǝ-jĕkt] perjury: the deliberate telling of a lie
ejection: the act of being thrown out or while under oath [pûŕ-jə-rē]
away [ǝ-jĕḱ-shən]

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jure Latin — right, oath, to swear mania Greek — intense craving, loss of reason
adjure: to command solemnly, pyromania: an irresistible impulse to
especially under oath; to appeal to start fires [pī́-rō-mā́-nē-ə]
earnestly [ə-jooŕ]
Greek — to measure
juris Latin — right, oath, to swear auxanometer: apparatus for measuring
jurisdiction: legal power to interpret and rate of growth in plants
administer the law [jooŕ-is-diḱ-shən] [ôg-zǝ-nŏ’-mə-tər]
just Latin — right, oath, to swear dynamometer: device for measuring
power or force [dī-nə-mŏ’-mə-tər]
justice: righteousness, fairness
[jŭs-təs] pedometer: an instrument that
measures the distance a person travels
justify: to show to be right or correct; to
by walking [pǝ-dŏ’-mə-tər]
prove [jŭś-tə-fī́]
perimeter: circumference or distance
Latin — read, choose around a figure [pə-ri’-mə-tər]
election: the act or process of selecting pyrometer: an instrument that
by vote [ǝ-lĕḱ-shən] measures unusually high temperatures
elective: open to choice, not required [pī-rŏ’-mə-tər]
[ǝ-lĕk’-tiv] thermometer: an instrument that
lecture: an informative talk presented measures temperature
to a group [lĕḱ-chər] [thər-mŏ’-mə-tər]
reelection: the process of electing velocimeter: an instrument for
someone again [rē-ǝ-lĕḱ-shən] measuring speed [vḗ-lō-siḿ-ǝ-tər]
selection: an available choice
Latin — to measure
dynamometry: process of measuring
selective: tending to choose carefully
forces doing work [dī’-nə-mŏ’-mə-trē]
metric: of, related to, or using the
leg Latin — read, choose metric system [mĕt́-rik]
legible: able to be read [lĕj̀-ə-bəl] pyrometric: of or relating to the
illegible: impossible to read [i-lĕj̀-ə-bəl] measuring of high temperatures
lig Latin — read, choose
eligible: qualified; fit to be chosen migr
Latin — move, travel
[ĕl’-ǝ-jə-bəl] immigrant: one who moves to another
ineligible: not fit to be chosen country to settle [iḿ-ǝ-grənt]
[in-ĕĺ-ǝ-jə-bəl] immigration: the act of moving to a
new country to settle [iḿ-ǝ-grā́-shən]
lingu Latin — language, tongue
migrate: to move from one place to
bilingual: involving the use of two
another, often temporarily [mī́-grāt́]
languages [bī-lēnǵ-gwəl]
migration: movement from one place
lingual: of or relating to the tongue
to another [mī-grā́-shən]
migratory: regularly moving to another
linguist: one who specializes in
place [mī́-grə-tôŕ-ē]
languages [lēng-gwist]
linguistics: the science of language noc Latin — harm, injure
[lēng-gwiś-tiks] innocence: the state of harmlessness
trilingual: having or expressed in three [iń-ə-səns]
languages [trī-lēnǵ-gwəl] innocent: related to being guiltless or
blameless [iń-ə-sənt]

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innocently: in a guiltless or blameless propellant: a driving force; an

manner [iń-ə-sənt-lē] explosive substance [prə-pĕĺ-ənt]
innocuous: not harmful [i-nŏḱ-yoo-əs] repel: to push back [rə-pĕl’]
innocuously: in a harmless manner repellant: that which is resistant;
[i-nŏḱ-yoo-əs-lē] pushing away [rǝ-pĕĺ-ənt]
nom Greek — law, name, custom, order press Latin — to press
gastronomy: the art or custom of good compress: squeeze, press together
eating [gă-strŏń-ə-mē] [kəm-prĕs’]
misnomer: an error in naming a person depress: press down; diminish; lower in
or thing [mis-nō’-mər] spirits [di-prĕs’]
nomism: conduct based on moral law impressive: deserving attention,
[nṓ-miz-əm] admiration, or respect [im-prĕ’-siv]
nomology: the science of laws and puls
Latin — drive, push
lawmaking [nō-mŏĺ-ə-jē]
expulsion: the act of driving or forcing
nomin Greek — law, name, custom, order out [ik-spŭĺ-shən]
nominal: being something in name only pulsate: to vibrate [pŭĺ-sāt́]
but not reality [nŏm-ǝ-nəl] pulsator: any machine, device, or part
nomination: process of naming that beats, throbs, or vibrates [pŭĺ-sāt́-ər]
someone for an award or office repulsive: tending to drive back or
[nŏm-ə-nā́ -shən] away; disgusting [rǝ-pŭĺ-siv]
nominative: of, or relating to the
pulse Latin — drive, push
nominative case [nŏm’-nǝ-tiv́]
pulse: any regular beat, vibration, etc.
nominee: one who is selected to run
for a position [nŏm-ə-nē]
pyro Greek — (combining form) fire, heat
nox Latin — harm, injure
pyrogenic: produced by heat (geology)
noxious: injurious; harmful [nŏḱ-shəs]
ped Latin — foot pyrography: process of burning
expedite: to hurry; to speed up the designs on wood or leather with heated
process [ĕḱ-spǝ-dīt́] tools [pī-rŏǵ-rə-fē]
pedal: a lever operated by the foot pyromania: an irresistible impulse to
[pĕd́-l] start fires [pī́-rō-mā́-nē-ə]
peddler: a traveling salesman [pĕd́-lər] pyrometer: an instrument that
pede Latin — foot measures unusually high temperatures
impede: to slow the movement or
progress of [iḿ-pēd] pyrometric: of or relating to the
measuring of high temperatures
velocipede: any of various early
bicycles or tricylces [və-lŏś-ə-pēd]
pyrotechnics: the science of fireworks
pedo Latin — foot [pī́-rə-tĕḱ-niks]
pedometer: an instrument that
rid Latin — laugh, smile
measures the distance a person travels
by walking [pǝ-dŏ-mə-tər] ridiculous: comical; absurd;
unreasonable [ri-diḱ-yə-ləs]
pel Latin — drive, push
expel: to push or force out [ǝk-spĕĺ]
propel: to push forward [prə-pĕl’]

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ris Latin — laugh, smile side Latin — sit, settle

derision: contempt; the act of mocking preside: to be in charge; to sit before a
or making fun of [di-rizh́-ən] group as a leader [pri-zīd́]
derisory: worthy of scorn; ridiculously soci Latin — companion, join
small amount [di-rī́-sə-rē]
associate: to join together; to logically
risibility: an ability or inclination to connect [ə-sṓ-shē-āt’, ə-sṓ-sē-āt’]
laugh [riź-ə-biĺ-ǝ-tē]
association: union, connection,
sed Latin — sit, settle affiliation [ə-sṓ-sē-ā-shəń]
sedate: calm, quiet, still [sə-dāt’] dissociate: to separate from; to
sedation: calmness resulting from disunite [di-sṓ-shē-āt’, di-sṓ-sē-āt’]
taking a sedative [sə-dā’-shən] dissociation: the process of separating
sedative: tending to soothe, calm, or or disuniting from [di-sṓ-sē-ā-shən]
tranquilize [sĕd́-ə-tiv] sociable: friendly; outgoing [sṓ-shē-bəl]
sedentary: of or marked by much social: related to the organization and
sitting about [sĕd́-n-tĕŕ-ē] activities of society [sṓ-shəl]
sediment: matter that settles to the socialism: a system of society where
bottom of a liquid [sĕd́-ə-mənt] there is only collective ownership
sedimentary: of, relating to, or [sṓ-shə-liź-əm]
containing sediment [sĕd́-ə-mĕn-tə-rē] society: the state of living together as a
sedimentation: the process whereby community [sə-sī́-ǝ-tē]
material such as sand or stone is sociology: the science of the
deposited as sediment development of human society
[sĕd́-ə-mən-tā’-shən] [sō’-sē-ŏ’-lə-jē]
sede Latin — sit, settle unsociable: not friendly or outgoing
supersede: to cause to be set aside; to
replace [soo’-pər-sēd́] solu Latin — to loosen, set free
sens Latin — to feel, to perceive dissolution: the act or process of
dissolving or breaking up
sensation: perception, feeling
resolution: solution, clearing up; a
sensibility: the quality of being
fixed purpose [rĕź-ə-loo’-shən]
perceptive [sĕn(t)-sə-bi’-lə-tē]
solubility: capability of being dissolved
sensible: capable of feeling or
perceiving; tangible [sĕn’(t)-sə-bəl]
solution: an action or process for
sensitive: tending to be emotional or
solving a problem [sə-loo’-shən]
easily hurt; tender, painful [sĕn’(t)-sə-tiv]
solute Latin — to loosen, set free
sense Latin — to feel, to perceive dissolute: corrupt, loose, immoral
sense: feeling, sensation [sĕn’(t)s] [di-sə-loot’]
sent Latin — to feel, to perceive resolute: set in purpose, determined
sentiment: emotion, feeling [rĕ-zə-loot’]
[sĕn’-tə-mənt] solv Latin — to loosen, set free
sess Latin — sit, settle resolvable: able to be settled or solved
session: a meeting of an official group [rǝ-zôlv-ə-bəl]
[sĕsh́ -ən] solvent: able to dissolve other
substances [sôĺ-vənt]

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Latin — to loosen, set free tangent: touching; adjacent [tăń-jənt]
dissolve: to make a solid disappear tangible: able to be touched or
into a liquid solution; to end an perceived through touch; actual
agreement [di-zôlv́] [tăń-jə-bəl]
resolve: to find an answer to; to decide; techn Greek — art, skill
to separate into components [rǝ-zôlv́]
pyrotechnics: the science of fireworks
spers Latin — scatter, sprinkle, strew [pī́-rə-tĕḱ-niks]
aspersion: the act of defaming or tect
Latin — cover
slandering [ə-spûr’-zhən]
detect: discover, uncover, notice
dispersion: a scattering in all directions [di-tĕkt’]
detectable: able to be discovered,
dispersive: tending to scatter in all noticed, or uncovered [di-tĕk’-tə-bəl]
directions [di-spûr’-siv]
detection: the act of noticing or
sperse Latin — scatter, sprinkle, strew discovering something’s existence; the
asperse: to spread false charges; uncovering of clues (criminology)
slander [ə-spûrs’] [di-tĕḱ-shən]
disperse: to scatter in all directions detective: an investigator, private eye
[di-spûrs’] [di-tĕk’-tiv]
detector: a device that can tell if a
strict Latin — to tie
substance or object is present
constrict: squeeze, pinch, bind
protect: to keep someone or something
constriction: tightness, constraint,
from being harmed [prə-tĕḱt]
binding [kən-strik’-shən]
protection: the act of covering or
constrictor: something that constrains,
shielding from injury or destruction
squeezes, or compresses [kən-strik’-tər]
restrict: confine, constrain, hold back
undetectable: impossible to detect
restriction: action or process of
curbing, limiting, or regulating teg Latin — cover
[rǝ-strik’-shən] integument: an outer covering of a
restrictive: tending to curb, constrain, plant or animal, like a shell or husk
or hold back [rǝ-strik’-tiv] (biology) [in-tĕǵ-yoo-mənt]

tact Latin — touch tege Latin — cover

contact: touching, connection, union protégé: an individual guided and
[kŏń-tăkt] helped by someone older and wiser
intact: not damaged or broken, whole [prṓ-tə-zhā́ ]
[in-tăkt’] thermo Greek — heat
tactful: having the quality of being thermometer: an instrument that
sensitive or diplomatic [tăkt́-fǝl] measures temperature
tang Latin — touch [thər-mŏ’-mə-tər]
intangible: incapable of being tru Latin — faithful
touched; not easy to describe altruism: selfless concern for the
[in-tăń-jə-bəl] welfare of others [ăĺ-troo-iz’-əm]
tangency: touching at a single point altruistic: unselfish, generous
[tăń-jən-sē] [ăl-troo-is’-tik]

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turb Latin — to agitate

disturb: to bother or interrupt [di-stûrb’]
disturbance: interruption, disorder,
turmoil [di-stûrb’-əns]
perturb: to worry, to upset [pər-tûrb’]
turbulence: confusion, excited activity;
wind currents that move very quickly
turbulent: stormy, disorderly
veloc Latin — swift
velocity: speed; swiftness [və-lŏś-ǝ-tē]
veloci Latin — swift
velocimeter: an instrument for
measuring speed [vḗl-ō-siḿ-ǝ-tər]
velocipede: any of various early
bicycles or tricycles [və-lŏś-ə-pēd]
verd Latin — green
verdant: green with vegetation
virid Latin — green
viridescent: having or becoming a
greenish color [vîŕ-i-dĕś-ənt]
viridite: a greenish mineral common in
certain igneous rocks [viŕ-i-dīt]
viridity: the quality or state of being
green [və-rid́-i-tē]

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Greek and Latin Suffixes

-able Latin — able to be nominal: being something in name only
arbitrable: subject to decision by but not reality [nŏm-ǝ-nəl]
arbitration [ŏŕ-bǝ-trə-bəl] nonfunctional: serving no function or
detectable: able to be discovered, purpose [nŏn-fŭngḱ-shən-əl]
noticed, or uncovered [di-tĕk’-tə-bəl] pedal: a lever operated by the foot
inalienable: that may not be taken [pĕd́-l]
away or transferred [in-āĺ-yə-nə-bəl] social: related to the organization and
indomitable: not easily subdued; activities of society [sṓ-shəl]
unyielding [in-dŏḿ-i-tə-bəl] trilingual: having or expressed in three
resolvable: able to be settled or solved languages [trī-lēng-́gwəl]
[rǝ-zôlv’-ə-bəl] -ance Latin — state, quality, act
sociable: friendly; outgoing disturbance: interruption, disorder,
[sṓ-shē-bəl] turmoil [di-stûrb’-əns]
undetectable: impossible to detect predominance: state of being dominant
[ŭn’-di-tĕk’-tə-bəl] or superior [pri-dŏḿ-ə-nən(t)s]
unsociable: not friendly or outgoing
[ən-sō’-shə-bəl] -ancy Latin — state, quality, act
dormancy: a state of inactivity
ifi-able Latin — able to be [dôŕ-mən-sē]
certifiable: able to be confirmed
[sûr’-tə-fī’-ə-bəl] -ant
Latin — one who, that which; state,
-al Latin — like, related to; an action or
aberrant: that which strays away from
the right or normal way
bilingual: involving the use of two [ə-bĕŕ-ənt, ăb’-ər-ənt]
languages [bī-lēng-́gwəl]
dominant: that which is more
capital: highly important; principal controlling or important [dŏḿ-ə-nənt]
dormant: that which is temporarily
central: related to the center or middle inactive [dôŕ-mənt]
errant: roving or wandering; itinerant
centralization: the process of gathering [ĕŕ-ənt]
together, consolidation
immigrant: one who moves to another
country to settle [i’-mə-grənt]
conjugal: of or relating to marriage or
indignant: not pleased, angry
joining [kŏń-jə-gəl]
[in-dig’-nənt ]
corporal: related to the body
predominant: most common or
powerful; before all others
dysfunctional: functioning or [pri-dŏḿ-ə-nənt]
performing abnormally
verdant: green with vegetation
[dis-fŭngḱ-shən-əl] [vûŕ-dǝnt]
functional: related to the function or
usefulness of something [fŭngḱ-shən-əl] l-ant Latin — one who, that which; state,
functionalism: condition or belief in the quality
practical application of things propellant: a driving force; an
[fŭngḱ-shən-əl-iź-əm] explosive substance [prə-pĕĺ-ənt]
lingual: of or relating to the tongue repellant: that which is resistant;
[lēng-́gwəl] pushing away [rǝ-pĕĺ-ənt]
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-ary Latin — that which; someone or pulsate: to vibrate [pŭĺ-sāt́]

something that belongs to; of, related to; regenerate: to make new; to form
one who again [rǝ-jĕń-ə-rāt́]
arbitrary: related to personal judgment; sedate: calm, quiet, still [sǝ-dāt]
left to chance [ŏŕ-bi-trĕŕ-ē]
b-ate Latin — to make, to act; one who, that
functionary: one who performs in a
certain position, especially an official
acerbate: to annoy or irritate; to make
taste bitter [ăś-ər-bāt́]
sedentary: of or marked by much
sitting about [sĕd́-n-tĕŕ-ē] estic-ate Latin — to make, to act; one who, that
sedimentary: of, relating to, or which
containing sediment [se-də-mĕn’-tə-rē] domesticate: to make domestic, to
tame [də-mĕs’-ti-kāt’]
ili-ary Latin — that which; someone or
something that belongs to; of, related to; ific-ate Latin — to make, to act; one who, that
one who which
auxiliary: additional; supporting certificate: document, certification,
[ôg-zil’-yə-rē] voucher [sər-ti’-fi-kət]
it-ary Latin — that which; someone or n-ate Latin — to make, to act; one who, that
something that belongs to; of, related to; which
one who alternate: to do in turns [ôĺ-tər-nāt́]
dignitary: one who possesses exalted
ul-ate Latin — to make, to act; one who, that
rank [diǵ-ni-tĕŕ-ē]
-ast Greek — one associated with capitulate: to consent or yield to; to
dynasty: a powerful group or family; a surrender [kə-pich́-ə-lāt́]
succession of hereditary rulers congratulate: to express pleasure at
[dī́-nə-stē] another’s success, good fortune, etc.
Latin — to make, to act; one who, that
which recapitulate: to sum up; to rephrase
alienate: to separate or make hostile
[ā-lē-ə-nāt] -ation Latin — an action or process
associate: to join together; to logically alienation: action of withdrawing or
connect [ə-sṓ-shē-āt́, ə-sṓ-sē-āt́] separating from a former attachment
decapitate: to cut off the head of, to [ā́-lē-ənā-shəń]
behead [di-kă’-pə-tāt’] alteration: the action of changing or
dictate: to say or state something with modifying [ôĺ-tə-rā́-shən]
authority or power [dik-tāt] arbitration: process of settling a
dissociate: to separate from; to dispute with the help of a third party
disunite [di-sṓ-shē-āt́, di-sṓ-sē-āt́] [ŏŕ-bi-trā’-shən]
dominate: to control or have power association: union, connection,
over others [dŏḿ-ə-nāt́] affiliation [ə-sō’-sē-ā’-shən]
generate: produce, cause, bring about augmentation: an addition; the process
[jĕ-nə-rāt] of increasing [ôg-mǝn-tā́-shən]
migrate: to move from one place to concentration: the focusing of
another, often temporarily [mī́-grāt́] attention on one idea or task
prognosticate: to predict; to know [kŏń-sən-trā́-shən]
before [prŏg-nŏś-ti-kāt́]

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corporation: a group acting as a single ul-ation Latin — an action or process

body [kôŕ-pə-rā́-shən] recapitulation: a summing up; a
decapitation: the act or process of returning to the original argument, etc.
beheading [di-kă’-pə-tā’-shən] [rē-kə-pich́ -ə-lā́-shən]
dissociation: the process of separating -ative Latin — of, or relating to
or disuniting from [di-sō-sē-ā-shən] augmentative: causing an increase;
domination: rule, control related to increase [ôg’-mĕń-tə-tiv]
[dŏḿ-ə-nā́ -shən] degenerative: of or causing a decline
generation: the process of formation or in strength or quality [di-jĕń-ər-ə-tiv]
causation [jĕń-ə-rā́ -shən] nominative: of, or relating to the
immigration: the act of moving to a nominative case [nŏm-nə-tiv]
new country to settle [iḿ-ǝ-grā́-shən] sedative: tending to soothe, calm, or
indignation: anger resulting from tranquilize [sĕd́-ə-tiv]
injustice [iń-dig-nā́-shən]
migration: movement from one place n-ative Latin — of, or relating to
to another [mī-grā́-shən] alternative: a choice between two
nomination: process of naming things or among many
someone for an award or office [ôl-tûŕ-nə-tiv]
[nŏm-ǝ-nā́-shən] -ed Latin — that which denotes a past
sedation: calmness resulting from augmented: increased, added to
taking a sedative [sǝ-dā’-shən] [ôg-mĕn-təd]
sedimentation: the process whereby
-ee Latin — one who
material such as sand or stone is
deposited as sediment nominee: one who is selected to run for
[sĕd́-ə-mən-tā-shən] a position [nŏ-mə-nē]
sensation: perception, feeling -eer Latin — one who
[sĕn-sā’-shən] auctioneer: one who conducts the sale
ific-ation Latin — an action or process of goods at public auction
certification: the action or process of
being certified [sûr-tə-fə-kā’-shən] i-en
Latin — having the quality of
gratification: pleasure, satisfaction alien: foreign [ā́-lē-ĕn]
[gră-tə-fə-kā’-shən] alienate: to separate or make hostile
recertification: action or process of [ā́-lē-ə-nāt́]
being certified again alienation: action of withdrawing or
[rē-sûr-tə-fə-kā’-shən] separating from a former attachment
iz-ation Latin — an action or process [ā́-lē-ə-nā-shəń]
centralization: the process of gathering inalienable: that may not be taken
together, consolidation away or transferred [in-āĺ-yə-nə-bəl]
[sĕn’-trə-lǝ-zā’-shən] -ence Latin — state, quality, act
innocence: the state of harmlessness
ul-ence Latin — state, quality, act
corpulence: bulkiness of body; a state
of obesity [kôŕ-pyə-ləns]

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turbulence: confusion, excited activity; -ety Latin — state, quality, act

wind currents that move very quickly society: the state of living together as a
[tûr’-byə-lən(t)s] community [sə-sī́-ǝ-tē]
-ency Latin — state, quality, act -ful Old English — full of; having the quality of
tangency: touching at a single point graceful: having the quality of being
[tăn’-jən(t)-sē] lovely and elegant [grāś-fəl]
-ent Latin — one who, that which; like, grateful: full of gratitude, thankful
related to [grāt́-fəl]
innocent: related to being guiltless or tactful: having the quality of being
blameless [i’-nə-sənt] sensitive or diplomatic [tăkt́-fəl]
innocently: in a guiltless or blameless i-fy Latin — to make, to act, to do
manner [i’-nə-sənt-ly] certify: to confirm; make certain
sedentary: of or marked by much [sûŕ-tə-fī́]
sitting about [sĕd́-n-tĕr-́ē] dignify: to give distinction to; to exalt
solvent: able to dissolve other [diǵ-nə-fī́]
substances [sôĺ-vənt] gratify: to give pleasure; to satisfy
tangent: touching; adjacent [tăń-jənt] [grăt́-ə-fī́]
ul-ent Latin — one who, that which; like, justify: to show to be right or correct; to
related to prove [jŭś-tə-fī́]
turbulent: stormy, disorderly -ible
Latin — able to be
[tûr’-byə-lənt] discernible: distinguishable; able to tell
on-eous Latin — like, having the quality of apart [di-sûr-́nə-bəl]
erroneous: the quality of being eligible: qualified; fit to be chosen
mistaken; incorrect [ǝ-rṓ-nē-əs] [ĕl’-ǝ-jə-bəl]
flexible: able to bend easily; easily
-er Latin — that which, one who adaptable [flĕḱ-sə-bəl]
engender: to bring forth; to produce illegible: impossible to read [i-lĕj̀-ə-bəl]
ineligible: not fit to be chosen
gender: masculine or feminine identity; [i-nĕ’-lə-jə-bəl]
the formal classification by which nouns
inflexible: unbending; rigid
and pronouns are grouped [jĕń-dər]
misnomer: an error in naming a person
intangible: incapable of being touched;
or thing [mis-nō’-mər]
not easy to describe [in-tăń-jə-bəl]
dl-er Latin — that which, one who legible: able to be read [lĕ́-jə-bəl]
peddler: a traveling salesperson sensible: capable of feeling or
[pĕd́-lər] perceiving; tangible [sĕń(t)-sə-bəl]
-escent Latin — becoming, having tangible: able to be touched or
viridescent: having or becoming a perceived through touch; actual
greenish color [vîr-́ǝ-dĕś-ənt] [tăń-jə-bəl]

-esis Greek — action, process -ic Latin — like, related to

auxesis: an increase of cell size concentric: having a common center
without cell division (biology) [kən-sĕń-trik]
genesis: beginning or birth of
something; origin [jĕń-ǝ-sis]

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cryptic: having a hidden or ambiguous agnosticism: the doctrine that the

meaning [krip’-tik] existence of any ultimate being is
dynamic: energetic; forceful; of or unknown; skepticism
relating to power [dī-năḿ-ik] [ăg-nŏś-tǝ-siź-əm]
eccentric: off center; out of the diagnostic: related to the diagnosis of
ordinary, odd [ik-sĕn-trik] an illness or other problem
eccentricity: the state or quality of [dī’-ǝg-nŏs’-tǝk]
deviation from the ordinary prognosticate: to predict; to know
[ĕk’-sǝn-tri’-sə-tē] before [prŏg-nŏś-ti-kāt́]
ethnic: related to common racial or -ice Latin — like, related to
cultural traits [ĕth́-nik] justice: righteousness, fairness
ethnicity: a classification or affiliation [jŭs’-təs]
by race or culture [ĕth-niś-ǝ-tē]
-ics Latin — science, related to, system
ethnocentric: inclined to regard one’s
own social group as superior to all dynamics: a system or process of
others [ĕth́ -nō-sĕń-trik] change, growth, or activity [dī-năḿ-iks]
gastric: of or relating to the stomach graphics: the art or science of
[găś-trik] illustrative drawings [gră-fiks]
generic: of, or relating to a whole group linguistics: the science of language
or class [jə-nĕr’-ik] [lēng-gwis’-tiks]
graphic: related to pictorial arts; pyrotechnics: the science of fireworks
described or illustrated in a very clear [pī́-rə-tĕḱ-niks]
way [grá-fik] -id Latin — like, related to
isodynamic: of or relating to equality or acrid: irritatingly sharp or bitter [ăḱ-rǝd]
uniformity of force [ī́-sō-dī-năḿ-ik]
-ile Latin — like, of, related to
metric: of, related to, or using the
projectile: designed to be hurled
metric system [mĕ́ -trik]
forward [prə-jĕk-́təl, prə-jĕk-́tīl]
pyrogenic: produced by heat (geology)
[pī́-rō-jĕń-ik] ic-ile Latin — like, of, related to
pyrometric: of or relating to the domicile: home, dwelling, residence
measuring of high temperatures [dŏ’-mə-sīl]
[pī-rə-mĕt́-rik] -ing Old English — related to
ridiculous: comical; absurd; augmenting: increasing, adding to
unreasonable [ri-diḱ-yə-ləs]
[ô̇ g-mĕnt-ing]
est-ic Latin — like, related to discerning: perceptive, clear-sighted
domestic: related to the home; not [di-sûr’-ning]
foreign [də-mĕs’-tik]
-ion Latin — an action or process; state,
ist-ic Latin — like, related to quality, act
altruistic: unselfish, generous aspersion: the act of defaming or
[ăl-troo-is’-tik] slandering [ə-spûr’-zhən]
t-ic Latin — like, related to auction: a public sale of property to the
highest bidder [ôḱ-shən]
agnostic: related to agnosticism;
uncertain of all claims to knowledge auctioneer: one who conducts the sale
[ăg-nŏś-tik] of goods at public auction [ôḱ-shə-nîŕ]

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conjunction: a joining together or inflection: a change in tone or pitch

being joined together; union [in-flĕḱ-shən]
[kən-jŭngk’-shən] junction: point of joining or meeting
constriction: tightness, constraint, [jŭngḱ-shən]
binding [kən-strik’-shən] jurisdiction: legal power to interpret
deflection: a change of course or and administer the law
direction [di-flĕḱ-shən] [joo’-ris-diḱ-shən]
derision: contempt; the act of mocking nonfunctional: serving no function or
or making fun of [di-rizh́-ən] purpose [nŏn-fŭngk’-shǝ-nəl]
detection: the act of noticing or projection: protrusion, overhang,
discovering something’s existence; the forecast [prə-jĕk’-shən]
uncovering of clues (criminology)
protection: the act of covering or
shielding from injury or destruction
diction: the quality or style of speech
reelection: the process of electing
dispersion: a scattering in all directions
someone again [rē-ǝ-lĕk’-shən]
reflection: the process of bending back
dominion: authority over others (an image in a mirror) or thinking back
[də-miń-yən] [rǝ-flĕḱ-shən]
dysfunction: abnormal, impaired, or rejection: the action of being refused or
incomplete functioning [dis-fŭngḱ-shən] thrown back [rǝ-jĕḱ-shən]
dysfunctional: functioning or restriction: action or process of
performing abnormally [dis-fŭngḱ-shən] curbing, limiting, or regulating
ejection: the act of being thrown out or [rǝ-strik’-shən]
away [ǝ-jĕḱ-shən] selection: an available choice
election: the act or process of selecting [sǝ-lĕḱ-shən]
by vote [ǝ-lĕḱ-shən] session: a meeting of an official group
encryption: act or process of encoding [sĕsh́ -ən]
-is Latin — that which
expulsion: the act of driving or forcing
out [ik-spŭĺ-shən] diagnosis: the knowledgeable
identification of an illness or other
function: the purpose something
problem through examination of the
serves [fŭngḱ-shən]
symptoms [dī’-ǝg-nō’-sis]
functional: related to the function or
gratis: without charge; free [grăt́-is]
usefulness of something [fŭngḱ-shən-əl]
prognosis: any forecast or prediction; a
functionalism: condition or belief in the
prediction concerning the outcome of a
practical application of things
disease [prŏg-nō’-səs]
functionary: one who performs in a -ism Latin — a state of being; a quality or act
certain position, especially an official agnosticism: the doctrine that the
[fŭngḱ-shə-nĕŕ-ē] existence of any ultimate being is
functionless: without a function or unknown; skepticism [ăg-nŏś-tǝ-siź-əm]
purpose [fŭngḱ-shən-ləs] altruism: selfless concern for the
injection: the insertion of medicine welfare of others [ăĺ-troo-iz-́əm]
through a needle into a vein, a shot functionalism: condition or belief in the
[in-jĕk’-shən] practical application of things

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dynamism: an active, forceful state or bil-ity Latin — state, quality, act

quality [dī́-nə-miź-əm] solubility: capability of being dissolved
nomism: conduct based on moral law [sŏĺ-yə-biĺ-ǝ-tē]
ibil-ity Latin — state, quality, act
socialism: a system of society where
risibility: an ability or inclination to
there is only collective ownership
laugh [riź-ə-biĺ-ǝ-tē]
sensibility: the quality of being
-ist Latin — one who perceptive [sĕn’(t)-sə-bi’-lə-tē]
ethnologist: a specialist in cultural
u-ity Latin — state, quality, act
anthropology [ĕth-nŏĺ-ə-jist]
gratuity: a gift of money for a service
jurist: an expert in law; judge, attorney
rendered; a tip [grə-too’-ǝ-tē]
linguist: one who specializes in -ive
Latin — tending to or performing
languages [lēnǵ-gwist] conjunctive: serving to join together;
linguistics: the science of language connective; combined [kən-jŭngḱ-tiv]
[lēng-gwiś-tiks] detective: an investigator, private eye
-ite Latin — related to, having the quality of
dispersive: tending to scatter in all
dynamite: a powerful explosive of
directions [di-spûr’-siv]
nitroglycerin [dī-nə-mīt]
elective: open to choice, not required
expedite: to hurry; to speed up the
process [ĕḱ-spǝ-dīt́]
impressive: deserving attention,
graphite: a soft, black carbon used for
admiration, or respect [im-prĕ’-siv]
lead in pencils [grắ-fīt]
repulsive: tending to drive back or
viridite: a greenish mineral common in
away; disgusting [rǝ-pŭĺ-siv]
certain igneous rocks [vîŕ-ǝ-dīt]
restrictive: tending to curb, constrain,
-itis Greek — inflammation or hold back [rǝ-strik’-tiv]
gastritis: inflammation of the stomach selective: tending to choose carefully
lining [gă-strī́-tis] [sə-lĕk’-tiv]
-ity Latin — state, quality, act it-ive Latin — tending to or performing
acuity: keenness of vision or sensitive: tending to be emotional or
perception [ə-kyoo’-ǝ-tē] easily hurt; tender, painful [sĕn’(t)-sə-tiv]
dignity: the quality of deserving
-less Old English — without
respect; self respect [diǵ-ni-tē]
functionless: without a function or
eccentricity: the state or quality of
purpose [fŭngḱ-shən-ləs]
deviation from the ordinary
[ĕk-sǝn-tri’-sə-tē] ea-logy Greek — study of, science
ethnicity: a classification or affiliation genealogy: the science or study of
by race or culture [ĕth-niś-ǝ-tē] family descent from their ancestors
indignity: an act that offends one’s self [jḗ-nē-ŏĺ-ə-jē, jĕ́ -nē-ŏĺ-ə-jē]
respect; an insult [in-dīǵ-ni-tē] -ly Old English — in the manner of, having
velocity: speed; swiftness [və-lŏś-i-tē] the quality of
viridity: the quality or state of being innocently: in a guiltless or blameless
green [və-rid́-i-tē] manner [i’-nə-sənt-lē]
innocuously: in a harmless manner

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-ment Latin — that which; state, quality, act -or Latin — one who, that which; condition,
augment: to make greater; to increase state, activity
[ôg’-mĕnt] constrictor: something that constrains,
augmentation: an addition; the process squeezes, or compresses [kən-strik’-tər]
of increasing [ôg-mǝn-tā́-shən] detector: a device that can tell if a
augmentative: causing an increase; substance or object is present
related to increase [ôg-mĕń-tə-tiv] [di-tĕk’-tər]
augmented: increased, added to error: something incorrectly done out of
[ôg-mĕnt́-əd] ignorance or carelessness [ĕr-́ər]
augmenting: increasing, adding to juror: a member of a jury [jooŕ-ər]
at-or Latin — one who, that which; condition,
discernment: that which shows keen
state, activity
perception or judgment [di-sûrń-mənt]
arbitrator: a person chosen to settle a
integument: an outer covering of a
dispute [ŏŕ-bǝ-trā́ -tər]
plant or animal, like a shell or husk
pulsator: any machine, device, or part
(biology) [in-tĕǵ-yoo-mənt]
that beats, throbs, or vibrates [pŭĺ-sāt́-ər]
sediment: matter that settles to the
bottom of a liquid [sĕd́-ə-mənt] -ory Latin — like, having the quality of; place
or thing connected with
i-ment Latin — that which; state, quality, act
derisory: worthy of scorn; ridiculously
sediment: matter that settles to the
small amount [di-rī́-sə-rē]
bottom of a liquid [sĕd́-ə-mənt]
perfunctory: done as a duty; having a
sedimentary: of, relating to, or
superficial quality [pər-fŭngḱ-tə-rē]
containing sediment [sĕd́-ə-mən-tər-ē]
trajectory: the curve that an object takes
sedimentation: the process whereby
in space; path [trə-jĕḱ-tə-rē]
material such as sand or stone is
deposited as sediment at-ory Latin — like, having the quality of; place
[sĕd́-ə-mən-tā’-shən] or thing connected with
sentiment: emotion, feeling migratory: regularly moving to another
[sen-tə-mənt] place [mī́-grə-tôŕ-ē]

i-mony Latin — state, quality; that which it-ory Latin — like, having the quality of; place
acrimony: that which causes bitterness or thing connected with
or ill will [ă’-krə-mō-nē] dormitory: a place with sleeping
facilities for a number of people
-olog Greek — study of, science
ethnologist: a specialist in cultural
anthropology [ĕth-nŏĺ-ə-jist] -ous Latin — having the quality of
generous: free-giving, overflowing
-ology Greek — study of, science
graphology: study of handwriting
[gră-fŏl’-ǝ-jē] i-ous Latin — having the quality of
nomology: the science of laws and gracious: having or showing kindness,
lawmaking [nō-mŏĺ-ə-jē] courtesy, charm, etc. [grā́-shəs]
sociology: the science of the noxious: injurious, harmful
development of human society [nŏḱ-shəs]

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imoni-ous Latin — having the quality of gastronomy: the art or custom of good
acrimonious: having the quality of eating [gă-strŏń-ə-mē]
being bitter, nasty, or sarcastic jury: a group of citizens chosen to
[ă’-krǝ-mō-nē-əs] decide a legal case [joor’-ē]
perjury: the deliberate telling of a lie
-ous Latin — having the quality of
while under oath [pûŕ-jə-rē]
generous: free-giving, overflowing
pyrography: process of burning
designs on wood or leather with heated
u-ous Latin — having the quality of tools [pī-rŏǵ-rə-fē]
innocuous: not harmful [i-nŏk-́yoo-əs]
innocuously: in a harmless manner
-tion Latin — state, quality, act
dissolution: the act or process of
dissolving or breaking up
resolution: solution, clearing up; a
fixed purpose [rĕ’-zə-loo’-shən]
solution: an action or process for
solving a problem [sə-loo’-shən]
i-tude Latin — state, quality, act
certitude: the state of being free from
doubt [sûŕ-tǝ-tood́ ]
gratitude: a state of thankfulness
[grăt́-ǝ-tood́ ]
-ulous Latin — having the quality of
ridiculous: comical; absurd;
unreasonable [ri-diḱ-yə-ləs]
-ure Latin — state, quality, act; process,
conjecture: a throwing together of
information based on inference
juncture: joining place, connection
lecture: an informative talk presented
to a group [lĕḱ-chər]
-y Greek — state, quality, act; body, group
dynamometry: process of measuring
forces doing work [dī-nə-mŏ’-mə-trē]
dynasty: a powerful group or family; a
succession of hereditary rulers

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