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The Love Story of Dewi Sinta and Sri Rama

In the era of the Ramayana kingdom, it is told that a king named

Dasaratna in the country of Ayodhya had four sons from his three
queens, one of whom was Kausalya who gave birth to a child, Sri Rama.
One day, the king of Mithila, King Prabu Janaka, held a contest,
who won would marry his daughter Dewi Sinta. Hearing the news,
Rama went to Prabu Janaka's kingdom, where Rama won the contest
and managed to bring Dewi Sinta home as his wife to Ayodhya
Then there was a King of Alengkadiraja named Prabu Rahwana
who was in love and wanted Dewi Sinta one day when Rama and Sinta
were meditating in the forest suddenly Sinta was kidnapped by Ravana
Sinta “Ramaaa….help me…”
Rama ”noo….. Sintaaaaa…”

Realizing this, Rama was determined to go to Alengka. He went with

the help of King Kiskendha Sugriwa and Hanuman. Arriving in Alengka,
he fought with Ravana.
Rama ”rahwana… where is Sinta!”
Rahwana ”hahaha…. Beat me first, if you can!”
Rama ”I will beat you I will cut off your head than I will trample it
and I will burn it hahaha….”
Rahwana “haa!.....okey come on!!”
(adegan perang)
And finally Rama managed to defeat Ravana and cut ten necks
of Ravana, then Rama met Dewi Sinta again
Rama “Sintaaaaa…. I’m cominggg”
Sinta “Ramaaaaaa…. I miss youu”
Rama “are you okey Sinta?”
Sinta “yes I’m okey”

And finally Rama brought Sinta back to Ayodhya and lived peacefully

okey that was a story telling for me if there is a mistake I’m
apologize that’s all for me and see you next time

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