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Year 36 No.

66 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green June 25, 2023

I n our journey as Christians,

we can say that our life is
full of adventures, moving us

loyalty is the fruit of knowing
our true value and dignity. As
Jesus reminds us, “Are not two
forward and making us hold on
to our faith in God. With these AND sparrows sold for a small coin?
Yet not one of them falls to the

adventures, our commitment to ground without your Father’s
Christ will always be put to the knowledge. Even all the hairs
test—a test of loyalty, bravery, and on your head are counted. So do
truthfulness. Thus, our scriptural
readings today remind us about THAT I not be afraid; you are worth more
than many sparrows.” Thus, loyalty

our call to be still in trusting the is knowing your worth and having
Lord. In whatever situations we
are, even in circumstances that
“ peace amid the storms of life.
Brave. In the Gospel, Jesus tells
seem unsettling or frightening, us, “Do not be afraid” three times.
God will always be there for us. This highlights the truth that God
In the First Reading, Jeremiah is always on our side as long as
trusts the Lord even though many we remain in him. If we remain
are against him. Though his so- in God, God will remain in us (Jn
called friends try to trap and 15:4). We need not be afraid in our
trip him, the prophet remains journey because God is our guide
faithful to God whom he knows and protector. So, be brave and
as faithful, true, and trustworthy. tell yourself, “Even though I walk
This faithfulness of God is what through the valley of the shadow
St. Paul reminds us of in the of death, I fear no evil, for you
Second Reading. God saves us are with me; your rod and your
even though we are sinful. God staff, they comfort me” (Ps 23:4).
cares for us even though we seem True. Being not afraid entails
to be going far away from him. truthfulness as well: meaning
As the Apostle declares, “For if that we never back down in our
by the transgression of the one commitment and our promise
the many died, how much more to God. This is the point where
did the grace of God and the we acknowledge that whatever
gracious gift of the one man Jesus happens, we remain standing firm
Christ overflow for the many” in God. True to this, Jesus also is
(Rom 5:15). The grace of God will true to his words, “Everyone who
always be there for us as our saving by Msgr. Peter Cañonero acknowledges me before others
help. God will never abandon us. I will acknowledge before my
God cares for us as he heavenly Father. But whoever
promised. That is why in the our weakness, God is there. Thus, denies me before others, I
Gospel, Jesus keeps telling us, being “not afraid” is a call for us will deny before my heavenly
“Do not be afraid.” Do not be to be loyal, brave, and true in Father.” Thus, we can always
afraid to commit yourselves to terms of our commitment to God. call to God and say, “Lord, in
God because he will always be Loyal. Being loyal to God is your great love, answer me” (Ps
faithful in whatever circumstances remaining committed to him. 69). The Lord always tells us
we may find ourselves. Our Whatever our hardships, we must that no matter how difficult life
commitment to God will help always remember that our loyalty may be, we are to “be still and
us to be still and to realize that in to God stands above all. This know that I am God”(Ps 46:10).
INTRODUCTORY RITES our sins, and bring us to who were my friends are on
everlasting life. the watch for any misstep of
Entrance Antiphon All—Amen. mine. ‘Perhaps he will be
(Cf. Ps 28 [27]:8–9)
(Recited when there is no opening song.) Gloria trapped; then we can prevail,
and take our vengeance on
The Lord is the strength of his All — Glory to God in the him.’ But the L ord is with
people, a saving refuge for the highest, and on earth peace me, like a mighty champion:
one he has anointed. Save your to people of good will. We my persecutors will stumble,
people, Lord, and bless your praise you, we bless you, we they will not triumph. In
heritage, and govern them for adore you, we glorify you, we their failure they will be put
ever. give you thanks for your great to utter shame, to lasting,
Greeting glory, Lord God, heavenly King, unforgettable confusion. O
(The sign of the cross is made here.) O God, almighty Father. Lord Lord of hosts, you who test
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten the just, who probe mind
P—The Lord be with you. Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, and heart, let me witness the
All—And with your spirit. Son of the Father, you take vengeance you take on them,
Introduction away the sins of the world, have for to you I have entrusted my
(These [or similar words] may be used mercy on us; you take away the cause. Sing to the Lord, praise
to address the assembly.) sins of the world, receive our the Lord, for he has rescued
prayer; you are seated at the the life of the poor from the
P—By Jesus’ passion, death, right hand of the Father, have power of the wicked!”
and resurrection, the Lord mercy on us. For you alone are
Jesus overcame the power — The word of the Lord.
the Holy One, you alone are All—Thanks be to God.
of sin and death. In the the Lord, you alone are the
Eucharist, he left us a living Most High, Jesus Christ, with Responsorial Psalm (Ps 69)
m e m o r i a l o f h i s s av i n g the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
mystery. He sent the Holy R—Lord, in your great love,
God the Father. Amen. answer me.
Spirit to be with us always. Sr. M.C.A Parco, fsp
Indeed, the Lord strengthens Collect
A F♯m Bm
his disciples for the task of P—Let us pray. (Pause)      

spreading the Gospel because Grant, O Lord, that we
Lord, in your great love,
it is not without problems and may always revere and love
difficulties. your holy name, for you never
E7 A
This, too, is the experience deprive of your guidance those

of Jeremiah. Beset by terror you set firm on the foundation      

ans wer me.
and persecution, the prophet of your love.
entrusts his cause to the Lord Through our Lord Jesus 1. For your sake I bear insult,/
who rescues “the life of the Christ, your Son, who lives and and shame covers my face./
poor from the power of the reigns with you in the unity of I have become an outcast to
wicked.” the Holy Spirit, God, for ever my brothers,/ a stranger to my
and ever. children,/ because zeal for your
Penitential Rite All—Amen. house consumes me,/ and the
P—Brethren (brothers and insults of those who blaspheme
sisters), let us acknowledge THE LITURGY you fall upon me. (R)
our sins, and so prepare OF THE WORD
ourselves to celebrate the 2. I pray to you, O Lord,/ for
sacred mysteries. (Pause) First Reading (Jer 20:10–13) the time of your favor, O God!/
(Sit) In your great kindness answer
P—You were sent to heal the
contrite of heart: Lord, have me/ with your constant help./
Faced with internal crisis and external
mercy. danger, Jeremiah nearly despairs in Answer me, O L o r d , for
his calling as a prophet. But in faith bounteous is your kindness;/
All—Lord, have mercy.
he hangs on to the promises of the Lord in your great mercy turn toward
P—You came to call sinners: me. (R)
who, in turn, ultimately vindicates
Christ, have mercy.
the prophet. 3. “See, you lowly ones, and be
All—Christ, have mercy.
A reading from the Book of glad;/ you who seek God, may
P—You are seated at the right your hearts revive!/ For the Lord
hand of the Father to intercede the Prophet Jeremiah
for us: Lord, have mercy. hears the poor,/ and his own
JEREMIAH said: “I hear the who are in bonds he spurns
All—Lord, have mercy. whisperings of many: ‘Terror not./ Let the heavens and the
P—May almighty God have on every side! Denounce! Let earth praise him,/ the seas and
mercy on us, forgive us us denounce him!’ All those whatever moves in them!” (R)
Second Reading (Rom 5 :12–15) a small coin? Yet not one of Prayers of the Faithful
them falls to the ground without
We are justified, says Paul, by faith P —In Jesus Christ, we are
your Father’s knowledge. Even
in Jesus Christ. Because sin entered reconciled with the Father and
the world, we have been alienated all the hairs of your head are
counted. So do not be afraid; made his adopted children.
from God. But Christ has restored Confident of the Father’s love,
us to a right relationship with God. you are worth more than
many sparrows. Everyone who let us raise our petitions to
A reading from the Letter of acknowledges me before others him as we say:
Saint Paul to the Romans I will acknowledge before my R—Lord, hear our prayer.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: heavenly Father. But whoever
Through one man sin entered denies me before others, I C—For Pope Francis, bishops,
the world, and through sin, will deny before my heavenly priests, deacons, and all the
death, and thus death came Father.” faithful: may we witness
to all men, inasmuch as all to the saving power of the
—The Gospel of the Lord.
sinned—for up to the time of All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus Gospel, even amid opposition,
the law, sin was in the world, Christ. unbelief, and lukewarmness.
though sin is not accounted We pray: (R)
Homily (Sit)
when there is no law. But C — Fo r g ove r n m e n t a n d
death reigned from Adam to Profession of Faith (Stand) civil leaders: may they help
Moses, even over those who All—I believe in one God, safeguard human dignity,
did not sin after the pattern the Father almighty, maker promote peace among
of the trespass of Adam, who of heaven and earth, of all people, and attend to the
is the type of the one who things visible and invisible. needs of the poor, the weak,
was to come. I believe in one Lord Jesus and the voiceless in society.
But the gift is not like the Christ, the Only Begotten Son We pray: (R)
transgression. For if by the of God, born of the Father
transgression of the one the before all ages. God from God, C —For the families of our
many died, how much more Light from Light, true God nation and of the whole world:
did the grace of God and from true God, begotten, not inspire every family to embody
made, consubstantial with the Good News of Jesus. We
the gracious gift of the one
the Father; through him all pray: (R)
man Jesus Christ overflow things were made. For us men
for the many. and for our salvation he came C —For the poor and those
—The word of the Lord. down from heaven, (at the words who are in dire need: bring
All—Thanks be to God. that follow, up to and including and them the comfort and graces
became man, all bow) and by the they need and grant them
Alleluia (Jn 15:26b, 27a) Holy Spirit was incarnate of the hope through those who
Virgin Mary and became man. extend their help in any way.
All —Alleluia, alleluia. The For our sake he was crucified
Spirit of truth will testify to under Pontius Pilate, he suffered We pray: (R)
me, says the Lord; and you also death and was buried, and C—For all those who have gone
will testify. Alleluia, alleluia. rose again on the third day in ahead of us: bring them the
accordance with the Scriptures. comfort they need and grant
Gospel (Mt 10:26–33) He ascended into heaven and them the hope of eternal life.
P—A reading from the holy is seated at the right hand of We pray: (R)
Gospel according to Matthew the Father. He will come again
All—Glory to you, Lord. in glory to judge the living and C—Let us pray for the urgent
the dead and his kingdom will concerns of our community,
JESUS SAID to the Twelve: “Fear have no end. those who are in need of our
no one. Nothing is concealed I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life, who prayers, and our personal
that will not be revealed, nor
proceeds from the Father and intentions (pause). We pray: (R)
secret that will not be known.
What I say to you in the the Son, who with the Father P —Almighty Father, hear the
darkness, speak in the light; and the Son is adored and prayers of your people. Heal
what you hear whispered, glorified, who has spoken the wounds of sin that divide
through the prophets.
proclaim on the housetops. and confuse us. Strengthen us
I believe in one, holy,
And do not be afraid of those catholic, and apostolic Church. with the power of your Holy
who kill the body but cannot I confess one Baptism for the Spirit and help us in our journey
kill the soul; rather, be afraid of forgiveness of sins and I look back to you.
the one who can destroy both forward to the resurrection We ask this through Christ
soul and body in Gehenna. of the dead and the life of the our Lord.
Are not two sparrows sold for world to come. Amen. All—Amen.
Presentation of the Gifts

P—Pray, brethren...
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Gifts
P —Receive, O Lord, the
sacrifice of conciliation and
praise and grant that, cleansed
by its action, we may make
offering of a heart pleasing
to you.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface II: The mystery of
we celebrate with constant
Bread and drink this Cup, we
P—The Lord be with you. devotion may be our sure
proclaim your Death, O Lord,
All—And with your spirit. pledge of redemption.
until you come again.
Through Christ our Lord.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the THE COMMUNION RITe All—Amen.
Lord. The Lord’s Prayer THE CONCLUDING RITE
P—Let us give thanks to the All—Our Father...
Lord our God. P—The Lord be with you.
P—Deliver us... All—And with your spirit.
All—It is right and just All —For the kingdom, the
P—It is truly right and just, power and the glory are yours Solemn Blessing
our duty and our salvation, now and for ever. P—Bow down for the blessing.
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, Invitation to Peace (Pause)
May almighty God bless
almighty and eternal God, Invitation to Communion
through Christ our Lord. you in his kindness and pour
For out of compassion for out saving wisdom upon you.
the waywardness that is ours, P—Behold the Lamb of God, All—Amen.
he humbled himself and was behold him who takes away P—May he nourish you always
born of the Virgin; by the the sins of the world. Blessed with the teachings of the faith
passion of the Cross, he freed are those called to the supper and make you persevere in
us from unending death, and of the Lamb. holy deeds.
by rising from the dead, he All—Lord, I am not worthy All—Amen.
gave us life eternal. that you should enter my roof,
but only say the word and my P—May he turn your steps
And so, with Angels and towards himself and show you
Archangels, with Thrones and soul shall be healed.
the path of charity and peace.
Dominions, and with all the Communion Antiphon
hosts and Powers of heaven, All—Amen.
(Ps 145 [144]:15)
we sing the hymn of your glory, P—And may the blessing of
as without end we acclaim: The eyes of all look to you, almighty God, the Father, and
Lord, and you give them their
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God food in due season. the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
of hosts. Heaven and earth are come down on you and remain
full of your glory. Hosanna in Prayer after Communion with you for ever.
the highest. Blessed is he who (Stand) All—Amen.
comes in the name of the Lord. P—Let us pray. (Pause) Dismissal
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) Renewed and nourished by
the Sacred Body and Precious P—Go in peace, glorifying the
Acclamation (Stand) Blood of your Son, we ask of Lord by your life.
All—When we eat this your mercy, O Lord, that what All—Thanks be to God.

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