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A- Hi whats your name

Adri- Hello my name ia adriana

A- Nice my name is Angeles i come with a friend
B- Hello how are you? My name is Angie
Adri- Nice to meet you
B- Nice to meet you too
A- Where are you from?
Adri- Im from los Olivos and where are you from?
A- Im from ancon
B- And im from comas
A-How old are you?
Adri- Im 16 years old and she is 18
B- Really? Im 14 years old
A- And how did you find out about this party
Adri- I was at home sleeping and my friend call me to invit me to this party and you?
A-I was walking down the street and a guy gave me an invitation to this party and i decide to
B-and i was in class and angeles called me to invite me
Adri- I feel like ive seen you somewhere maybe you know my friend
A- I dont know how is your friend?
Adri- She is tall, she is dark brown eyes, she is slim and her hair is brown and straight
B- What is her name?
Adri- Her name is Lucia
A- Yes we know her, is she with you
Adri- Yes come with her she is dancing
Adri- What are your hobbies?
A- My hoby is dancing coreos
Adri- Seriosly? And what kind of music do you dance?
A- i dance kpop music
Adri- oh, thats great and you angie?
B- Mine is to play voleyball
Adri- its cool
A- And you? What is you hobbie?
Adri- Mine is watching movies
A- What kind of movies do you watch?
Adri- Drama of actions
A- its gree and you study or work?
Adri- I study
B- What weel are you?
Adri- Im in for grad and do you study or work?
A- I study at university
B- Im in school
Adri- what school are you in?
B- At the estados unidos school
Adri- and you angeles? In which university are you?
A- in upn
Adri- and what do you study?
A- I study business
Adri- And you angie?
B- I study for my final exam
A- And what do you plan to study after school?
Adri- I want to study hotel management and tourism
A- oh thats great do you think you can us your cellphone number to be in contacts
Adri- I dont hace a cellphone but i do have an email
A- what is you email adress?
Adri- Is and yours?
A- Mine is
B- Mine is
Adri- ol it was pleasure to meet you, i will write to you later
B- Nice to meet you
A- Byee

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