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María Núñez Vicente


Writing a review of a film

LITTLE WOMEN, the wick of feminism.

In 1994, Columbia Pictures brought one of the classic works of literature to the big screen, Little
Women. It was a fourth remake of the novel by Luisa May Alcott, wrote in 1868 which evoking the
universal concept of family and home in the context of the Civil War of United States.

The film was directed by Gillian Armstrong, a woman that teamed up with a female producer,
female writer and female-led cast to make a movie based on a book by a female author. This was
a great expectation to be a film made by women in an industry dominated by men. Winona Ryder
(nominated for an Oscar for this role) and Susan Sarandon lead a cast full of what were then
young stars, like Kirsten Dunst and Christian Bale.

The script is a very reliable adaptation of the book. They were able to recreate the mid-19th
century society when the woman was only a complement to a man and her education was based
on it and it is that thought against which the film reacts. The story is about sisters March: the
beautiful Meg, the whirlwind of energy that wants to be a writer Jo, the tender Beth, and the
romantic Amy. They have different aspirations but depending on the events these will change, and
what makes them grow and mature as people.

I strongly recommend Little Women. It is a drama film with a beautiful soundtrack, and good
interpretation of part of actress and actors.
All in all, If I were you, I will watch the film, because if you are interested in the feminist ideology,
this is where you can see how the women become empowered and start making their own

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