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Plural nouns


Plural means more than one. To turn a word into plural,

we usually just add (s)

a cat catS

an egg egg S

a bone bone S

an apple appleS

If the word ends with s, ss, sh, ch or x ,add (es)

a bus bus es

a box box es

a dish dish es

a dress dress es

If the word ends with a consonant and (y) ,drop (y) and
add (ies)

a baby Babies

a story Stories

a lorry Lorr ies

a family Families

If the word ends with a vowel and (y) , add (s)

a boy boy s

a toy toy s

a monkey monkeys

a donkey donkeys

If the word ends with (f) or (fe) ,drop them and

add (ves)

a scarf scar ves

a wolf wol ves

a knife kni ves

a leaf lea ves

Some nouns are irrregular

a tooth teeth

a mouse mice

a child children

a man men

Write the plural.

Singular Plural

A library

A class

A car

A child

A country

A bird

A duck

A cherry

A flower

A nest
Created by Sheets Database

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