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Research Methodology

The purpose of this chapter is to explain in detail the research methods and the

methodology implemented for this study. This chapter will discuss the research

design, population, sampling method, data gathering procedure and the statistical

treatment which have been used in this study.

Research Design

A descriptive survey research design is used in this study. Descriptive survey research

design is a study to delineate the participants in a precise way. The researcher chose

this research design to describe the Causes of Academic Stress Among the Senior

High Students and researcher to choose this exactly by gathering information without

expressive respondents confidential identity. Descriptive survey is a study designed to

depict the participants in accurate way.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are 133 Grade 11 Senior High School Students of

Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School.

Data Gathering Procedures

The data gathering procedures to be used in the study are the following: Questionnaire

Form. This instrument was structured by the researchers to set up the socio-

demographic profile of the student respondents. The said instrument will be used to

determine the gender, age, and strand of the respondents. The first part is intended for

the profile of the respondents and the second part are questions intended for the

questions needed to be answer by the respondents. The evidences on the Causes of

Academic Stress to school and individual performances and also its causes whether it

would be a self inquiry or family problem were also listed in different sets. Survey

Questionnaire for Students.Survey questionnaire will be given at the vacant or recess

time with the approval of the teacher incharge. This instrument will be used to

determine the causes of academic stress among senior high school students.

1. Part I - Peronal Profile of the Respondents

Part II - Questions needed to be answered by the respondents

2. Survey questionnaire will be given at vacant or recess time with the approval of the

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Education plays an important role in the lives of people especially a student. The

academic performance of a student plays a vital role in deciding the next stage of their

education. Students nowadays face different academic problems such as exam stress,

unmotivated in attending their classes and the inability to understand the subject.

Academic stress involves mental distress regarding anticipated academic challenges

or even the fear of academic failure. Stressors may show up in the different aspects of

students environment school, home, peer-relations and even their neighborhood. Most

of the students reported normal (54%) or lower (39%) stress levels, but women

reported significantly higher stress level than men. The main sources were

examinations choosing a career path and family troubles. The students main responses

to stress were listening to music, talking with someone about the problem and

exercise (Acosta-Gomez, 2018). The mental health of students, especially in

terms of academic stress and its impact, has become a serious issue among school and

policy makers because of increasing incidents of suicides among students across the

globe. According to Lancet Report these high levels of academic stress in students

which can also lead to psychological disorders.

The K-12 program is a mastery of concepts and skills developing life long

learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle level skills

development, employment and entrepreneurship. Thus, the students, parents, and even

the educators are stressed. This new system is whole new adjustment to every
one. For instance, the students have different subject like they used to in Junior

High School. They are bombarded with school works that leads to the stress of

students. A student of the University of the Philippines, Tristan Yuvienco, made a

research about mental depression among college students in Metro Manila. According

to his survey, 96% of the participants having experienced an episode of moderately

intense to very intense depression during their stay in school. Academic work is the

biggest factor that gave them “depressed feelings”. Followed by family issues and

relationship problems (Butuyan, 2016).

This study will be beneficial to others, to show the causes of academic stress.

Education is important in a person’s life but their health is more important. It is

important to know the causes of academic stress of student that can greatly affect their

academic performances. It should be address as soon as possible because stress can

lead to depression. Schools together with the parents should work together to develop

a strategy that best fits the needs of students and the context of community.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Causes of Academic Stress Among Senior High School

Students of Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School

Specifically this study aims to answer the following questions

1. What is the profile of Senior High School Students in terms of following selected variables

A. Age

B. Gender

C. Strand

2. What are the causes of Academic Stress among Senior High School Students?

3. What are the top 3 causes of Academic Stress Among Senior High School Students?

4. What is the least cause of Academic Stress Among Senior High School Students?

Significance of the Study

In many ways, whether a tiny range scale or in a wide range scale the findings of this

research will benefit the following individuals in their respective field:

School Heads. Knowing the causes of academic stress in the students, the schools

administration may know the different concerns that stresses the students.

By that, they can formulate solutions with the help of the teaching staff to attend the problems of

the students in their academic field.

Parents. The parents are the baseline of communication in relation to their child's

problems. Knowing that their children experiences academic stress they can somehow attend the

needs and problems to their children. This study will help the parent to be aware that their

children experience stress.

Teacher. This study may be beneficial to teachers to let them know that their students

experience stress from their academics. They will be able to provide solutions to lessen the

academic stress of their students and guide them in coping with it.

Students. Knowing that the students are experiencing stress, students may learn how to

handle their performances in school and manage their time in order for them not to be stressed.

The researchers. This study may give additional understanding about academic stress.

This will also add information that could help them understand the study of academic stress and

will be aware of the issue in our society.

Future researchers. This study will help the future researchers to know the causes of

academic stress of students and this will serve as their basis in their future research.

This study will be beneficial to others, to show the causes of academic stress. Education is

very important in a person's life but their health is more important. It is important to know the

causes of academic stress of students that can greatly affect their academic performances. It

should be addressed as soon as possible because stress can lead to depression. Schools together

with the parents should work together to develop a strategy that best fits the needs of students

and the context of community.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers have take into consideration the important variable in this study which is the

causes of academic stress.

The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender, and strand will be


Figure 1. Shows the schematic diagram of the study.

This study aimed to determined the Profile of Grade 11 Students

Senior High School Students



Strand Causes of Academic Stress

Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to determine the Causes of Academic Stress among the Academic

Strands of Grade 11 students of Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School where there

is a population of 200 but in this case a sample of 133 Grade 11 Academic strand

students will be covered in this study. Respondents will come from the Grade 11

HUMSS that has 99 students will only give 66 respondents, from Grade 11 ABM

has 56 students will only give 37 respondents and Grade 11 STEM which has 45

students will only give 30 respodents. The set of respondents will answer the survey

questionnaire on the causes of academic stress where that questionnaire will have part

I and II. Part I will cover the personal information of the respondents and part II of the

questionnaire will cover all the questions and statements that is needed to answer.


This chapter attempts to present a brief resume of research findings related to

academic stress, hardiness, achievement motivation, and problem solving behavior. In

the present context, the interest of the researcher is to review the findings of past

researches. The previous researches help the researchers to conceptualize and

hypothesize phenomenon, and do critical appraisal which may contribute with regard

to design appropriate methodology. Keeping in mind these objectives, the researcher

reviewed literature in order to obtain information and the status of work being done in

this area. Therefore, literature from various sources was extensively reviewed in the

light of the present investigation.

In the words of Turney, “The researcher who undertakes a research project

without systematically reviewing other studies and writings related to the problem is

not only a derelict in his responsibility as a researcher but also endangers the

successful completions and evaluation of his research.”

According to Wilson (1997) he found out that the women are more likely to to

express their fear than men, and are more likely to report fears to others might view as

silly. Women are more expressive of feelings of depression and anxiety (Aneshensel 7

Pearlin, 1987), and of stress (eg. Barnett & Baruch, 1987: Caldwell, 1987,

Cohen & Williamson, 1988). Many students investigating this gender difference have

conceptualized self-repeated stress in terms of greater role conflict for women (eg.

Aneshensel & Pearlin 1987, Barnett & Baruch, 1987). These studies states that a lot

of women are experiencing stress than males and that they can be more vocal of their
feelings than men. A lot of people do not take the feelings of women seriously and

think that they are just overreacting. Students, especially female students will have a

hard time doing their school works and will experience academic stress. They will be

having a hard time in their workloads and according to the study mentioned above,

women are more likely to experience stress. About one half of female and one-third of

male students students in their study estimated their own general stress level as

moderate or high. As in recently found specific gender differences in behavioral and

health patterns. (Ziherl & Mastern 2010, Voltmer, 2010) Gender has been found

to be an important risk factor for stress-related dysfunction among adults (Kessler,

1979, Markush & Favero, 1974). There is evidence that adolescent females have a

more external locus of control than males (eg. Doherty & Baldwin (1985) that

adolescent females experience their social role as more conflict ridden than do

adolescent males (Duovan & Adelson 1966). Sulaiman (2009) found in their

study that “female students have different stress compared to male students this

maybe because female students tend to be more emotional and sensitive toward what

is happening in their surrounding.” According to Watson (2002) he did not find a

significant difference in the perceived stress between male and female students when

the researchers made a comparison of perceived levels; and coping styles of Junior

and Senior students in nursing and social work program. Females are more affected

gender when it comes to academic stress (Busari 2012).

According to Misra, Ranjita, Mckean, (2000) their study examined the

perceptions of academic stress among students were 21 years and 42 years

respectively. The faculty members perceived the students to experience a higher level

of stress and to display reactions to stressors more frequently than the students
actually perceived. This study indicates the number of people living into clear age

differences from changes . (Lazarus & Novacek 1987). Interpretations of age

differences are evaluated a developmental interpretation says that the age differences

in coping from changes to people cope it. The findings tend to support the

developmental interpretation although contextual interpretation also applies.

According to Montero (2014) the study focused on the influence of age among

university students in Botswana. Ranging in age from 18 to 29 years old, completed

the difficulty in emotion regulation scale and coping strategy inventory. Students

likely use problem solving , cognitive restructuring and express emotion coping

strategies. There was a unique finding positively correlated with the problem solving,

cognitive restructuring, expressing emotion, social support, problem avoidance and

wishful thinking coping strategies. Chen, Peng (2017) examined the different

types of experiences of stressors by adults of different ages. One-hundred and ninety-

six community dwelling adults ranging at 18 to 89 years old, experiencing the past

month and coping strategies. Positive and negative effects were measured in different

types of stressors adults reported. Older adults were less likely than younger adults in

coping problem and reported lower levels of positive effect. Gmelch & Burns (1994)

states that the overall of stress among 800 department chairs, stratified by discipline.

Also expressed high stress both in faculty and in administrative areas of concern.

Pakaslahti, Karjalainen and Keltikangas-Järvinen (2010) explored the relationship

adolescents’ pro-social problem-solving strategies and pro-social behavior, and their

associations with social acceptance among their peers. Age- and gender-related

variance was also examined. The subjects were 777 14-year-old adolescents (381 girls

and 396 boys) and 877 17-year-olds (464 girls and 413 boys). The classification of

adolescents into popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average status groups,
on the basis of peer nominations. The results showed that pro-social problem-solving

strategies and pro-social behavior were only minimally related, but both predicted

social acceptance among peers. The rejected adolescents had low levels and the

controversial85adolescents’ high levels of both pro-social strategies and behavior,

while the popular and neglected adolescents did not differ from the average ones in

terms of strategies, but they did in their behavior. The popular adolescents had a high

level and the neglected adolescents a low level of pro-social behavior. Analysis of

gender and age differences revealed that the girls andthe 14-year-olds achieved higher

scores on both pro-social strategies and behavior than the boys or the 17-year-olds.

The results extend our knowledge of adolescent social functioning. It shows up in

most students with a clinical mental health diagnosis, but many students even without

a diagnosis exhibit behaviors – such as hair trigger anger, inability to self-regulate or

calm themselves, sudden withdrawal from learning and social interaction – that affect

not only themselves but everyone in their orbit.  It acts as a silent disruptor in the

classroom and in school life generally.New research findings also show that stress is

contagious at a physiological level (Palumbo et al., 2017).  More students are arriving

at school with SDR and with difficulties in coping, making it hard to build a positive

learning environment.

We all know that the strand STEM deals with science, technology, engineering and

mathematics. When you hear the word STEM the first thing that comes in your mind

is difficult. The students who take this strand must be good in computing numbers,

memorizing adept symbols, sign, formulas, also analyzing and solving problems. One

of the stressors of this strand is the heavy load of specialized subjects like, physics,

calculus, earth and life science. Students are also expected to conduct experimental
research. One must be an analytical and critical thinkers if they want to succeed under

the mentioned strand (Wubshet Estifanous Madebo 2016). Their study discussed

that excessive stress causes physical and mental health problems, which may lead to

either negative effect or reduction in the students academic performance and their

professional development. The period of shifting from school life to as health science

roam from high school to higher education is a period of bearing and shouldering

more demands and expectations from others as well as from self. According to Ajmal

Majeed (2016) studied about salat offset the negative health effects of stress. His

study findings concluded that the salat is acting a very effective treatment on stress. It

helps in giving more strength and in normal terms and helps in maintaining human

psychology and physiology health.


Stress, the focus of the study is a characteristic that interferes with cognitive

functioning and involves psysiological disruption in humans(Grady 1978; Tobias 1979).

Performance on major examinations appears to have ego-threatening components, and

measure of autonomic arousal appear to be closely associated with academic

performance (Morris and Liebert 1969). Accurate measurement of a student’s level of

perceive stress maybe important to the students ability to learn. Stress has a negative

effect on the academic performance of the students. This study was aim to explore the

stress and stressors and also to determine the association between stress levels and the

academic performance. Stress is one of the factors that has negative effect on the mastery

of the academic curriculum. It thus affect students more on their feeling of threat,

vulnerability and ability to cope that on the stressful even itself.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data gathered relative to the objectives of the study. It also

analyzed these data facilitated by the identified appropriate statistic tools, and interprets

the results derived from the analysis.

Variable Category f %
Age 16-17 116 87.2
18-19 15 11.3
20 and above 2 1.5
Sex Male 28 21.1
Female 105 78.9
Strand ABM 38 28.6
HUMSS 65 48.9
STEM 30 22.6
Table 1. Profile of the Respondents

This table shows the age, sex and strand of the respondents of Rafael B. Lacson

Memorial High School. The age of the respondents is categorized into three; 16-17 has

the frequency of 116 with 87.2%, 18-19 has the frequency of 15 with 11.3%, and 20 and

above has the frequency of 2 with 1.5%. The next column shows the Sex of the

respondents which is categorized into two; male and female. The male has a frequency of

28 and with 21.1% and female dominated the number of repsondetnts with 78.9%. This

contributed to the fact that there are more female students are enrolled in the academic

strand of RBLMHS. The last row shows the strand of the respondents which is

categorized into three; ABM, HUMSS and STEM. The ABM have 38 respondents with

28.6%, HUMSS have 65 respondents with 48.9%, and STEM have 30 respondents with

Table 2.1 Causes Of Academic Stress - Deadline of School Related Outputs

Statement 1 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the deadline of 4.05 Sometimes
the school-related outputs.
Table 1

shows the first statement with the mean of 4.05 which is interpreted into ‘Sometimes’.

This implies that the students is stressing out because of the school works they can not

submit on the deadline. This might result to failure of students.

Kimberly Key, PhD states, As a result their performance in school and at work suffers.

The deadlines that students encounter in the classroom may be different in content than

the work they do at work. Actually the importance of meeting those deadlines is the

same. Many of the objectives and jobs that need to be completed require that employees

work with deadlines. Students must meet assignment deadlines set by the instructor. In

both of the areas the deadline requirements may take more effort to complete. In fact,

failure to meet the deadlines in either the classroom or the workforce can mean instant

termination. The clue for us to handle stress adaptively is to acquire the skills we need to

feel adequate. This requires a good honest exploration into ourselves. We must explore

the strengths we have for coping with stress, as well as learn new skills.

Table 2.2 Causes Of Academic Stress - Overloaded School- Related Outputs

Statement 2 Mea Description
I feel stressed because of the overloaded 4.11 Sometimes
school-related output to be passed.
Table 2

shows the second statement which has the mean of 4.11 and is describe as ‘Sometimes’.

Galloway states, “Our study suggests that [students who are overloaded] experience

higher levels of stress and more physical problems like sweating, headaches, exhaustion,

stomach problems, and/or sleeping difficulties,”

This implies that though students pass their outputs, they feel stressed because of

the school works which is too much for them to handle a lot of outputs to be passed.

Table 2.3 Causes Of Academic Stress - Parents Expectations

Statement 3 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the pressure 3.03 Often
from parents expectation.
This table shows the third statement which is I feel stressed because of the pressure

from parents expectation. With the mean of 3.03 and is describe as’Often’. This implies

that if the parents continue to pressure their children to reach their expectation, they feel

that they are a failure that leads to stress and anxiety and may develop into depression.

“In this new era, a parent can keep track of their child’s academic results, assignments,

levels and reports. Some parents obsess over these scores so much that the need for their

child to achieve the top score overtakes all else. Parental pressure leads to stress and

anxiety. The child always has their nose in books, is stressed, and faces anxiety and fears

failing. (Sinha, 2016)

Table 2.4 Causes of Academic Stress - Overloaded Topics to Study

Statement 4 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the overloaded 3.86 Sometimes
topics to study.
This table shows the fourth statement with the mean of 3.86 and is described as

‘Sometimes’. This implies that if the stduents often feel stressed, they will not be able to

learn and cope up with the lessons.

Student Life in America survey, over 50% of students reported feeling stressed, 25%

reported that homework was their biggest source of stress, and on average teens are

spending one-third of their study time feeling stressed, anxious, or stuck.

Table 2.5 Causes of Academic Stress - Student’s Low Scores

Statement 5 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the low scores or 3.48 Sometimes
grades I received.

This table shows the fifth statement with the mean of 3.48 and is described as

‘Sometimes’. This implies that the students are obssesing about the scores that they

receive especially low scores. The students become more competitive and feel the


Another major cause of student stress are high stakes tests. Pass all, fail all situations are a

major source of pressure and stress ( Blazer, 2010).

Table 2. 6 Causes of Academic Stress - Teachers’s High Standard

Statement 6 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the teachers high 3.47 Sometimes
This table shows the sixth statement with the mean of 3.47 and is described as

‘Sometimes’. This implies that the teachers have high standards and expect more from

the students. If the teacher expects more from the students, the teacher should have high

standards in teaching as well, so that the students can meet their expectations.

Goldenberg concludes that teachers and students interact in complex ways, and that it is

the manner in which a teacher’s expectations influence teaching and interactions with

children that has the greatest impact on children’s achievement. Tailoring instruction to

individual needs, carefully monitoring progress and providing specific feedback helps

students succeed regardless of the teacher’s expectations.

Table 2.7 Causes of Academic Stress - Costly Projects

Statement 7 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the costly 3.74 Sometimes
This table shows the seventh statement with the mean of 3.74 and is described as

‘Sometimes’. This implies that the projects given by the teachers are expensive and

students can not afford to comply.

Scholarship America states, financial stress makes everything else harder. Study after

study show similar results. Worries about money lead to ongoing stress, anxiety and even

depression; they crowd out the brain's ability to focus on longer-term achievements; they

even lead to higher-risk decision-making with potentially disastrous consequences.

Table 2.8 Causes of Academic Stress - Performance Compraed with my Classmates

Statement 8 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the performance 3.23 Often
I have compared with my classmates.
This table

shows the eighth statement with the mena of 3.23 and is described as ‘Often’. This

implies that the students often feel envious or down because their classmates have better

performance than them. This might motivate the students to do more in the class.

For some students, comparing themselves with their classmates exacerbated their anxiety

if they perceived that they are less smart than the student or students whom they were

working with. (Cooper,2018)

Table 2.9 Causes of Academic Stress - Lack of Time to Fi nish the Task

Statement 9 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the time to finish 3.81 Sometimes
any task assigned to me.
This table shows the ninth statement with the mean of 3.81 and is described as

‘sometimes’. This implies that the students needs more time to finish the task assigned to

them and needs to learn how to manage their time. If not, it can cause the tasks and

school works to pile-up and can not submit it on time.

Oxford Learning states that, students with busy schedules can quickly become

overwhelmed because they are left with no free time to relax. As a child progresses from

elementary school to high school, the amount and difficulty level of schoolwork

increases—and students without good time management skills can experience even more

Table 2.10 Causes of Academic Stress - Difficulty of Performance to be Performed

Statement 10 Mea Description

I feel stressed because of the difficulty of 3.67 Sometimes
the performance to be performed.
This table shows the tenth statement with the mean of 3.67 and is described as

“Sometimes”. This implies that the students find it difficult to perform because they have

their own weaknesses.

Chapter 5


This Chapter features the summary and conclusion based on the results of the

investigation. On the later part of this chapter, recommendations are stated to provide

alternatives to remedy the weaknesses of the study and to help improve the identifies

problem of the respondents.


Majority of the respondents were female that consist of 105 out of 133 respondents.

Causes of academic stress among senior high school students was moderate in terms of

their academic performance and also moderate in terms of the involvement because of


The over-all learners’ performance under stress was at moderate level. The learners

who were male and female got the highest frequency of 116 who were aged 16-17 and

with a percentage of 87.2%.

In the area of the academic stress of students, the variable strand consist of three

where the HUMSS strand got the highest frequency of 65 with a percentage of 48.9%.

Over-all the variable sex, age and strand showed no significant difference in this study.

Lastly, causes of academic stress of students to school parrticipation and

performnace could give impact and effect towards their studies and participation.

The causes of academic stress of senior high school students in terms of their

academic performance was at moderate level and way they handle and take stress

towards their academics.

The over-all learners’ performance under stress was at moderate level. The learners

who were male and female in terms of their age where most of the students that

encounter stress are aged 16-17 with a frequency of 116 and with a percentage of 87.2%.

most of the students fell stressed because of the time to finish the assigned tasks given to


Regardless of the sex, age and strand serves as variables that could contribute to

academic stress of the students, their performance does not significantly differ.

Lastly, the causes of academic stress to senior high school students can be predicted

in terms of their academic performance and stress that they do encounter at tasks and

time given to them.


On the bases of findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are advanced:

The causes of academic stress to senior high school must be developed and must be

involved to a highest level since based on the results, the students were in moderate level

This implies that students must be aware and open to their feelings in order to be able to

overcome stress. Students that were male and female should know how to participate and

involve themselves to a perception of handling things just right and overcome the

academic stress that they do encounter..

Likewise, to causes of academic stress to senior high school students, it will be

made possible if students will be more responsible, aware, and open for possibilities and

effects of stress towards their studies especially for both male and female, on the causes

of academic stress to senior high school students.

Finally, future researchers who wish to study similar investigation should include

variables which were not covered in this investigation.


Academic stress is a mental pressure established onto the student’s mind due to

overloaded and excess school works and high expectations of parents. Stress has become

part of students’ academic life due to the various internal and external expectations

placed upon their shoulders. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the problems

associated with academic stress as transitions occur at an individual and social level.

This study investigated the Causes of Academic Stress Among Grade 11 Academic

Strand, Senior High School Students. This study was conducted at Rafael B. Lacson

Memorial High School-Senior High School Department in Talisay City, Negros

Occidental. One Hundred Thirty-Three students Academic Strand Grade 11. The

researchers used survey questionnaire to gather data on the causes of academic stress. In

addition, the researchers used descriptive research design.

The result showed the over-all learners’ performance under stress was at moderate

level. The learners who were male and female in terms of their age where most of the

students that encounter stress are aged 16-17 with a frequency of 116 and with a

percentage of 87.2%. most of the students fell stressed because of the time to finish the

assigned tasks given to them.


We dedicate this research paper, first of all to our dearest parents and family for being

our inspiration for their undying support, morally and financially; to our research adviser

for introducing research to us and for making us understand the essence of making a

research study; to everyone who has been part of our journey from the start up to the end

of this research paper. And of course, we highly dedicate this success to the Almighty

God, for giving us strength to survive even in sleepless nights,for his guidance and

protection, for the gift of knowledge that enabled us to finish this study successfully.

The Researcher

We the researchers would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to those people who have

been part of part success.

To Mrs. Charmaine Grace N. Treyes, our subject teacher, for all the lessons she taught

us, her undying support and patience throughout this study.

To our fellow researchers, friends who helped and motivated us, we appreciated your


To our parents, for the support financially and motivations.

And above all, to the Lord Almighty God, for the love, guidance, and strength, without

Him, this research won’t be accomplished.

Revicarl Marie Alpire

Blk 28, Lot 1&3, Magnolia St,. Menlo III,

Brgy Zone 10, Talisay City

Contact no: 09129876873

Personal Information:

Gender: Female

Age: 17

kDate of birth: November 18, 2001

Place of birth: Bacolod City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background:

Senior High School: Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School

Junior High School: Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School

Elementary: Talisay Elementary School

Katelyn Joy C. Diopenes

Brgy. Zone 3, Catabla Baybay, Talisay City

Contact no: 09077700174

Personal Information:

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Date of birth: April 17, 2001

Place of birth: Bacolod City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background:

Senior High School: Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School

Junior High School: Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School

Elementary: Talisay South Elementary School

Ma. Trixie G. Jordan

Personal Information:

Gender: Female

Age: 18

kDate of birth: December 20, 2001

Place of birth: Bacolod City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background:

Senior High School: Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School

Junior High School: Rafael B. Lacson Memorial High School

Elementary: Efigenio Enrica Lizares Memorial School

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