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A world traveler, strong and wise,A representative of the earth’s renewing skies,The turtle’s life

a lesson to learn,In every step, life’s journey turns.

The windows rolled down, the engine ablaze,Through the winding roads we race.The wind
caresses our faces,The thrill of speed, our blood races.

The tires screech as we take a turn,A blur of color as we rush and burn.The car an extension of
our will,Our minds, our hearts, our thrill.

The open road stretches far ahead,Through the hills, the valleys, and ahead of us, spread.The
horizon beckons, the promise of more,Adventures untold, waiting to explore.

The sunflowers sway in the wind,As we fly by, we leave them behind.The world beyond is ours
to see,As we chase after our destiny.

The music blares, the tunes so loud,As we drive and drive, to the farthest cloud.The road, our
canvas, the car, our brush,Creating art in every rush.

And as we drive into the night,Our journey continues with our lights.Into the unknown, with
freedom ahead,Driving into the future, with nothing to dread.

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