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Aspect Regression Classification

Output Continuous numerical values Discrete categorical labels

Learning Objective Predict the value of a continuous Assign input to predefined categories
target variable

Example Predicting housing prices, stock Spam detection, image recognition

Applications market analysis
Evaluation Metrics Mean Squared Error (MSE), R Accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score

Decision No decision boundaries Decision boundaries separating

Boundaries different classes

Output Interpreted as a numerical value Interpreted as class labels or

Interpretation probabilities

Loss Function Typically uses a measure of Typically uses measures like cross
distance/error entropy loss

Algorithm Linear regression, polynomial Logistic regression, support vector

Examples regression machines

Training Data Requires continuous target variable Requires labeled categorical/class


Prediction Predicts a numerical value Predictsa class label or probability

Aspect Clustering Classification

Objective Group similar data points together Assign data points to predefined

Labeling Unlabeled data Labeled data

Input Data Unlabeled data Labeled data

Output Cluster assignments Class labels

Ground Truth No ground truth information required Requires ground truth labels for

Example Customer segmentation, image Email spam detection, sentiment

Applications segmentation analysis
Training Process No explicit training process Training on labeled data with known

Supervision Unsupervised learning Supervised learning

Decision No explicit decision boundaries Explicit decision boundaries
Boundaries between classes

Evaluation Metrics Internal metrics (e.g., silhouette Accuracy, precision, recall, F1score
Human Minimal human involvement Manual labeling of training data is
Involvement required

Output Interpreted as clusters/groups Interpreted as class labels


Number of Classes No predetermined number of Predetermined number of classes

Unsupervised Reinforcement
Aspect Supervised Reinforcement Learning Learning
Learning Objective Learn a policy by mimicking expert Discover the optimal policy from
behavior interactions

Feedback Labeled data (state-action pairs with Rewards or intrinsic signals from
rewards) environment

Training Data Requires labeled data with desired Does not require explicit labels or
actions actions

Training Process Mimics expert behavior through Employs exploration and trial
supervised learning and-error

Expert Knowledge Relies on expert demonstrations or Does not require expert

advice demonstrations

Exploration No explicit exploration mechanism Exploration is an integral part of

required learning
Example Game-playing agents, robot control Discovering optimal strategies or
Applications policies

Agent's Interaction Feedback provided by an external Interacts directly with the

supervisor environment

Learning Efficiency Relatively faster with labeled data May require more interactions for

Policy Optimization Directly optimized based on labeled Policy optimized based on

data rewards or signals

Dependency on Less dependency, focuses on Highly dependent on rewards for

Rewards imitating labels learning

Training Data Requires as G Regenerate response Can learn from limited or

Quantity labeled data unlabeled data
Aspect Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning
Definition Uses labeled training data to learn Uses unlabeled data to discover
patterns patterns
Input Data Requires input data with Requires input data without any
corresponding labels labels

Learning Objective Predict or classify new, unseen data Discover inherent structures or


Training Process Training data includes input-output Training data consists only of input
pairs data

Example Image classification, spam filtering Clustering, anomaly detection


Evaluation Metrics Accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score Coherence, clustering quality


Human Manual labeling of training data is No manual labeling is necessary

Involvement required
Decision Explicitly learned from labeled data Implicitly learned from unlabeled
Boundaries data

Dependency on High dependency on labeled data for No dependency on labeled data for
Labels training training
Aspect Decision Tree Random Forest

Algorithm Type Single predictive model Ensemble learning model

Construction Top-down recursive Combination of multiple decision trees

Independence Independent trees Dependent trees

Training Process Greedy algorithm, one tree at a Constructed by aggregating multiple

time trees

Feature Selection Selects the best feature at Randomly selects subsets of features
each split

Bias-Variance Prone to overfitting with Reduces overfitting through ensemble

Tradeoff Complex trees averaging
Generalization Low generalization due to Improved generalization with ensemble
overfitting voting

Prediction Speed Fast during prediction Slower than decision tree due to
ensemble size

Interpretability Highly interpretable, easy to Less interpretable due to ensemble

visualize combination

Robustness Sensitive to noisy data More robust due to averaging across


Performance May perform well on simple More effective on complex and diverse
datasets datasets

Hyperparameter Fewer hyperparameters to More hyperparameters to tune for

Tuning tune optimal ensemble
Aspect Parametric Algorithms Non-Parametric Algorithms
Model Fixed number of parameters Number of parameters grows with the data

Assumptions Assumes a specific functional Makes fewer assumptions about the model
form for the model structure

Training Faster training process Slower training process


Flexibility Less flexible in modeling More flexible in modeling complex

complex relationships relationships

Complexity Controlled complexity due to Adaptive complexity based on available

Control fixed number of parameters data

Feature May require feature engineering Can capture nonlinear patterns without
Engineering for nonlinear patterns feature engineering

Generalization May not generalize well if model Can generalize well without strict
assumptions are wrong assumptions

Examples Linear Regression, Logistic Decision Trees, Random Forests, Support

Regression Vector Machines, K-Nearest Neighbors
Data Efficiency Requires less training data for Requires more training data for accurate
model estimation estimates

Interpretability More interpretable due to fixed Less interpretable due to flexible model
model structure structure

Outlier Sensitive to outliers due to More robust to outliers due to adaptive

Sensitivity predefined model structure model structure
Aspect Overfitting Underfitting

Model Complexity Excessively complex model Overly simplistic model

Training Error Low training error Higher training error

Generalization Poor generalization to unseen Poor generalization to both training

data and unseen data

Bias Low bias, high variance High bias, low variance

Model Performance Performs well on training data Performs poorly on both training and
unseen data

Complexity Control Lacks appropriate regularization Lacks complexity to capture

or constraints underlying patterns
Key Cause Captures noise or outliers in the Fails to capture important patterns or
training data relationships
Performance on Performs poorly on unseen data Performs poorly on both training and
New Data unseen data

Model Difficulty in interpreting due to Simpler model structure aids

Interpretation excessive complexity interpretation

Solution Regularization, feature selection, Increasing model complexity, adding

or model simplification features, or obtaining more data
Aspect Support Vector Machine (SVM) Logistic Regression

Algorithm Type Discriminative algorithm Discriminative algorithm

Decision Boundary Separates data using hyperplanes Separates data using a linear or
nonlinear boundary
Objective Maximizes the margin between Maximizes the likelihood of observed
classes labels

Nonlinearity Can handle nonlinear boundaries Can handle nonlinear boundaries

with kernel trick through feature engineering

Probability Not originally designed for direct Can estimate class probabilities
Estimation probability estimation directly
Regularization Regularization parameter for Regularization parameter for
margin control controlling model complexity
Robustess Resilient to overfitting Susceptible to overfitting
Interpretable Less interpretable due to complex More interpretable due to linear
decision boundaries decision boundaries

Handling Outliers Robust to outliers due to margin Sensitive to outliers depending on

based approach regularization

Feature Importance Not explicitly provides feature Can provide feature importance
importance through coefficient values

Handling May require additional techniques May require additional techniques

Imbalanced Data

Training Complexity Can be computationally expensive Computationally efficient for large

with large datasets datasets
Aspect Linear Regression Nonlinear Regression
Model Type Assumes a linear relationship Allows for complex, nonlinear
between variables relationships

Equation y= bO + b1'x y= f(x, B)

Parameters Intercept (b0) and slope (b1) Parameters (3) can represent
coefficients nonlinear effects

Linearity Assumption Assumes a linear relationship Does not assume a linear

between variables relationship
Feature Engineering No feature engineering required for May require feature
linearity transformation or creation

Model Complexity Simpler model structure Can capture more complex

Model Highly interpretable Less interpretable due to
Interpretability nonlinear effects

Performance Works well for linear relationships More suitable for capturing
nonlinear patterns
Model Evaluation Mean Squared Error (MSE), R Mean Squared Error (MSE), R
Metrics squared squared, etc.

Training Complexity Fast training and inference Training may require more time
and resources

Overfitting Prone to underfitting or Can potentially overfit complex

oversimplification relationships

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