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A mechanism able to detect the maleware/malicious data in the text/emails:

Description of the project:

This project implements a spam email classifier using the Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm. The

classifier analyzes email subjects to differentiate between spam and ham (non-spam) messages. By

leveraging the CountVectorizer for text processing and Multinomial Naive Bayes for classification, this

project offers an efficient solution for email filtering.

•How it Works
Text Processing:
Email subjects are processed using the CountVectorizer, which converts text into a matrix of token

counts. This step involves creating a vocabulary of words present in the dataset.

Training the Model:

The dataset, comprising labeled spam and ham email subjects, is split into training and testing sets. The

Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier is trained on the training data to learn the patterns and characteristics

of spam emails.

When a new email subject is provided, the trained classifier uses the CountVectorizer to convert it into

token counts and predicts whether it's spam or ham based on the learned patterns.

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Flow Chart:

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Commands use:
 Kaggle Dataset:

A dataset from Kaggle, a platform for data science competitions and datasets.

 Jupyter Notebook:

An interactive, open-source web application for creating and sharing documents that contain live code,

equations, visualizations, and narrative text.

 Pandas (pd):

A powerful data manipulation library in Python, used for data cleaning, analysis, and manipulation.

 Scikit-learn (SKlearn):

A machine learning library in Python that provides simple and efficient tools for data analysis and


 Count Vectorization:

A technique to convert a collection of text documents into a matrix of token counts.

 Train_Test_Split:

A function from Scikit-learn used to split the dataset into training and testing sets for model evaluation.

 Sklearn Naive Bayes:

Implementation of Naive Bayes algorithm for classification in Scikit-learn.

 MultinomialNB:

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A specific Naive Bayes variant for multinomial-distributed data, commonly used in text classification


 Pickle in Jupyter Notebook:

Pickle is a module in Python used for serializing and deserializing Python objects. In Jupyter Notebook, it

can be used to save and load trained models.

 Streamlit:

A Python library for creating web applications for data science and machine learning with minimal effort.

 win32com.client import Dispatch:

A module used to interact with Windows components, in this case, it's imported for text-to-speech


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Result & Discussion:

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In conclusion, our Spam Email Classification project utilizes Kaggle's dataset, Jupyter Notebook, and

Pandas for efficient data processing. Scikit-learn's tools, including Count Vectorization and

Train_Test_Split, enable effective model development and evaluation. The choice of Multinomial Naive

Bayes demonstrates its aptness for text classification. Leveraging Pickle in Jupyter Notebook ensures

model preservation. Streamlit facilitates a user-friendly web application, enhancing accessibility.In

conclusion, our Spam Email Classification project utilizes Kaggle's dataset, Jupyter Notebook, and Pandas

for efficient data processing. Scikit-learn's tools, including Count Vectorization and Train_Test_Split,

enable effective model development and evaluation. The choice of Multinomial Naive Bayes

demonstrates its aptness for text classification. Leveraging Pickle in Jupyter Notebook ensures model

preservation. Streamlit facilitates a user-friendly web application, enhancing accessibility.The integration

of win32com.client for text-to-speech functionality adds a unique dimension. This project amalgamates

diverse technologies, providing a comprehensive solution for spam email identification. With an

emphasis on user experience through Streamlit and inclusive features like text-to-speech, our approach

not only addresses technical challenges but also prioritizes user interaction. The outcome is a robust

tool, accessible and effective in classifying spam emails.

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 James.G., Witten.D, Hastie.T.,Tibshirani.R.,(2017) An Introduction to Statistical Learning , with

Applications in R . 2nd Edition. Springer

 (Intro to Machine Learning - MOOC)




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