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Internet of Things (IoT) in military setting generally consists of a diverse range of Internet-
connected devices and nodes (e.g. medical devices to wearable combat uniforms), which are
a valuable target for cyber criminals, particularly state-sponsored or nation state actors. A
common attack vector is the use of malware. In this paper, we present a deep learning based
method to detect Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) malware via the device’s Operational
Code (OpCode) sequence. We transmute OpCodes into a vector space and apply a deep
Eigenspace learning approach to classify malicious and bening application. We also
demonstrate the robustness of our proposed approach in malware detection and its
sustainability against junk code insertion attacks. Lastly, we make available our malware
sample on Github, which hopefully will benefit future research efforts (e.g. for evaluation of
proposed malware detection approaches).
Deep Eigenspace Learning A prevalent data type in machine learning is graphs as a complex
data structure for representing relationships between vertices. There are very few algorithms
for data mining and deep learning that consider a graph as an input. A logical alternative is
therefore to integrate a graph into a vector space. Graph embedding is essentially a bridge
between recognizing statistical patterns and graph mining. Eigenvectors and individual values
are two characteristic elements in the continuum of the graph, which could turn the adjacency
matrix of a graph linearly into a vector space. It denotes ownvectors, uniqueness values and
the adjacency or affinity matrix of a line. In this article, for the learning process, we employ a
sub-set of v and ÿ. Av = λv To obtain substantive knowledge of the structure of CGFs
generated, a graph is produced which illustrates the cumulative of all samples in our dataset.
The figure below consists of two major diagonal building blocks (marked with red
boundaries), indicating that the samples contain two main data distributions. Based on the
spectrum theory of the graph, there should be an explicit owngap in the proper values of the
matrix in this case, and it depicts the presence of a gap between π2 and πk(k>2)

Domain: Networking

Elementary schools have embraced computers as an effective means of engaging

students in the learning process. They serve the students' needs in a variety of ways. Students
welcome computers as a tool for learning—as well as a fun choice at free-time. Adults
marvel at how easily students interact with computers and how motivated they are to use

In support of this realization we've seen explosive growth of information technology

in elementary schools. A combination of federal legislation and funding in support of
increased access to technology has fueled this growth. Elementary schools now have
networked computer labs, libraries, classrooms, administrative offices and special services.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 served to expand and maintain an existing

system of universal service that provides schools and libraries with affordable access to
advanced telecommunications.1 As a result, the proportion of instructional classrooms with
Internet access increased from 14% in 1996 to 77% in the year 2000, with about 98% of
schools having some internet access.
While elementary schools may not be in the business of generating revenue, they are
held accountable for making sound investments in their educational facilities. In recent years
Technology Literacy Challenge Funds and E-Rate discounts allowed schools to invest in new
computers, peripherals, software, high-speed Internet access, networking equipment and
infrastructure, as well as personnel to mentor the use of information technology. K-12
technology expenditures were expected to reach $8.8 billion by 2001-2002.4

For the first time, in many schools, new computers and networking equipment have
been deployed en masse. This creates a need to provide adequate technical support for these
installations. Elementary schools often struggle to afford technicians who have formal
certification or IT-related degrees. It is common to find a part-time technician supporting a
multi-platform LAN of servers, routers, switches and hubs with anywhere from 50 to 150
networked clients, the installed software and peripherals; printers, scanners, still and digital
video cameras, and projection devices. The age of the equipment varies widely with a number
of operating system implementations and software versions to match, further increasing the
need for support.

Computer networks present a new set of challenges to administrators and technical

support personnel for providing a safe learning environment. Not so long ago the hot debate
about network security in elementary schools was whether students should have password-
protected accounts or whether the "cubby rule" sufficed. The cubby rule states, "You don't
touch things in your neighbor's cubby" (and, by extension, you don't log into your neighbor's
account on the network and mess with their files). Kindergarteners being introduced to
computer lab rules nod their heads sagely when network security policy is presented in this
context. They know the cubby rule.

Today, network security is a much bigger issue and the context is difficult to define.
The dangers are real; they are physical, digital and intellectual, with threats that multiply and
divide. The threats exist within and without, feeding off vulnerabilities that are inherent in the
technology and the users. It is daunting for technical support personnel in elementary schools
(who quite often have other professional responsibilities) to identify, quantify, and justify the
measures necessary to maintain a safe and secure network installation.

A Network Security Policy defines the school's expectations for proper computer and
network use and defines procedures to prevent and respond to security incidents. The goal of
the policy, written clearly and concisely, is to balance the availability of resources with the
need for protection. The policy describes what is covered, defines contacts and
responsibilities, and outlines how violations will be handled.

Title 1: Detecting Phishing Web Pages with Visual Similarity Assessment Based on Earth
Mover's Distance (EMD)

Author: Fu, A.Y.; Liu Wenyin; Xiaotie Deng

Year: 2006


An effective approach to phishing Web page detection is proposed, which uses Earth
Mover's Distance (EMD) to measure Web page visual similarity. We first convert the
involved Web pages into low resolution images and then use color and coordinate features to
represent the image signatures. We use EMD to calculate the signature distances of the
images of the Web pages. We train an EMD threshold vector for classifying a Web page as a
phishing or a normal one.


Large-scale experiments with 10,281 suspected Web pages are carried out to show
high classification precision, phishing recall, and applicable time performance for online
enterprise solution. We also compare our method with two others to manifest its advantage.
We also built up a real system which is already used online and it has caught many real
phishing cases.


This corpus is available for free for developers developing applications. There are
other techniques for identification of phishing web-pages include image processing. It not
highly effective and accurate.

Title 2: A Hybrid System to Find & Fight Phishing Attacks Actively

Author: Hong Bo; Wang Wei; Wang Liming; Geng Guanggang; Xiao Yali; Li Xiaodong;
Mao Wei
Year: 2011


Traditional anti-phishing methods and tools always worked in a passive way to

receive users' submission and determine phishing URLs. Usually, they are not fast and
efficient enough to find and take down phishing attacks. We analyze phishing reports from
Anti-phishing Alliance of China(APAC) and propose a hybrid method to discover phishing
attacks in an active way based on DNS query logs and known phishing URLs.


We develop and deploy our system to report living phishing URLs automatically to
APAC every day. Our system has become a main channel in supplying phishing reports to
APAC in China and can be a good complement to traditional anti-phishing methods.


The webpage image is divided into block and block by block characters are cross checked
with the certain base line and reach to the conclusion. In case of Logo based watermarks in
those logos are checked. Server based techniques directly scan E-mail servers, domain
servers which host websites, DNS servers which resolve the URLs.

Title 3: MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters

Author: J. Dean and S. Ghemawat

Year: 2008


Map Reduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and
generating large data sets. Users specify a map function that processes a key/value pair to
generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and a reduce function that merges all
intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key. Many real world tasks are
expressible in this model, as shown in the paper.

Our implementation of MapReduce runs on a large cluster of commodity machines
and is highly scalable: a typical MapReduce computation processes many terabytes of data on
thousands of machines. Programmers and the system easy to use: hundreds of MapReduce
programs have been implemented and upwards of one thousand MapReduce jobs are
executed on Google's clusters every day.


In some cases, users of MapReduce have found it convenient to produce auxiliary les
as additional outputs from their map and/or reduce operators. We do not provide support for
atomic two-phase commits of multiple output les produced by a single task.

Title 4: Modelling Intelligent Phishing Detection System for E-banking Using Fuzzy Data
Mining Author: Aburrous, M.; Hossain, M.A.; Dahal, K.; Thabatah, F.

Year: 2009


In this paper, we present novel approach to overcome the 'fuzziness' in the e-banking
phishing Website assessment and propose an intelligent resilient and effective model for
detecting e-banking phishing Websites. The proposed model is based on Fuzzy logic (FL)
combined with Data Mining algorithms to characterize the e-banking phishing Website
factors and to investigate its techniques by classifying there phishing types and defining six e-
banking phishing Website attack criteria's with a layer structure.


 The proposed e-banking phishing Website model showed the significance

importance of the phishing Website two criteria's (URL & Domain Identity)
and (Security & Encryption) in the final phishing detection rate result, taking
into consideration its characteristic association and relationship with each
others as showed from the fuzzy data mining classification and association
rule algorithms.

 As it fulfilled all the requirements, we didn’t modify it, instead concentrated
on making it efficient and speedy.

F. Morstatter, L. Wu, T. H. Nazer, K. M. Carley, and H. Liu, ‘‘A new approach to bot
detection: Striking the balance between precision and recall,’’ in Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf.
Adv. Social Netw. Anal. Mining, San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 2016, pp. 533–540.

The presence of bots has been felt in many aspects of social media. Twitter, one example of
social media, has especially felt the impact, with bots accounting for a large portion of its
users. These bots have been used for malicious tasks such as spreading false information
about political candidates and inflating the perceived popularity of celebrities. Furthermore,
these bots can change the results of common analyses performed on social media. It is
important that researchers and practitioners have tools in their arsenal to remove them.
Approaches exist to remove bots, however they focus on precision to evaluate their model at
the cost of recall. This means that while these approaches are almost always correct in the
bots they delete, they ultimately delete very few, thus many bots remain. We propose a
model which increases the recall in detecting bots, allowing a researcher to delete more bots.
We evaluate our model on two real-world social media datasets and show that our detection
algorithm removes more bots from a dataset than current approaches.

M. Sahlabadi, R. C. Muniyandi, and Z. Shukur, ‘‘Detecting abnormal behavior in social

network Websites by using a process mining technique,’’ J. Comput. Sci., vol. 10, no. 3, pp.
393–402, 2014.

Detecting abnormal user activity in social network websites could prevent from cyber-crime
occurrence. The previous research focused on data mining while this research is based on
user behavior process. In this study, the first step is defining a normal user behavioral pattern
and the second step is detecting abnormal behavior. These two steps are applied on a case
study that includes real and syntactic data sets to obtain more tangible results. The chosen
technique used to define the pattern is process mining, which is an affordable, complete and
noise-free event log. The proposed model discovers a normal behavior by genetic process
mining technique and abnormal activities are detected by the fitness function, which is based
on Petri Net rules. Although applying genetic mining is time consuming process, it can
overcome the risks of noisy data and produces a comprehensive normal model in Petri net
representation form

F. Brito, I. Petiz, P. Salvador, A. Nogueira, and E. Rocha, ‘‘Detecting social-network bots

based on multiscale behavioral analysis,’’ in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Emerg. Secur. Inf., Syst.
Technol. (SECURWARE), Barcelona, Spain, 2013, pp. 81–85.

Social network services have become one of the dominant human communication and
interaction paradigms. However, the emergence of highly stealth attacks perpetrated by bots
in social-networks lead to an increasing need for efficient detection methodologies. The bots
objectives can be as varied as those of traditional human criminality by acting as agents of
multiple scams. Bots may operate as independent entities that create fake (extremely
convincing) profiles or hijack the profile of a real person using his infected computer.
Detecting social networks bots may be extremely difficult by using human common sense or
automated algorithms that evaluate social relations. However, bots are not able to fake the
characteristic human behavior interactions over time. The pseudo-periodicity mixed with
random and sometimes chaotic actions characteristic of human behavior is still very difficult
to emulate/simulate. Nevertheless, this human uniqueness is very easy to differentiate from
other behavioral patterns. As so, novel behavior analysis and identification methodologies
are necessary for an accurate detection of social network bots. In this work, we propose a
new paradigm that, by jointly analyzing the multiple scales of users’ interactions within a
social network, can accurately discriminate the characteristic behaviors of humans and bots
within a social network. Consequently, different behavior patterns can be built for the
different social network bot classes and typical humans interactions, enabling the accurate
detection of one of most recent stealth Internet threats

T.-K. Huang, M. S. Rahman, H. V. Madhyastha, M. Faloutsos, and B. Ribeiro, ‘‘An analysis

of socware cascades in online social networks,’’ in Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. World Wide Web,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013, pp. 619–630.

Online social networks (OSNs) have become a popular new vector for distributing malware
and spam, which we refer to as socware. Unlike email spam, which is sent by spammers
directly to intended victims, socware cascades through OSNs as compromised users spread it
to their friends. In this paper, we analyze data from the walls of roughly 3 million Facebook
users over five months, with the goal of developing a better understanding of socware
cascades. We study socware cascades to understand: (a) their spatio-temporal properties, (b)
the underlying motivations and mechanisms, and (c) the social engineering tricks used to con
users. First, we identify an evolving trend in which cascades appear to be throttling their rate
of growth to evade detection, and thus, lasting longer. Second, our forensic investigation into
the infrastructure that supports these cascades shows that, surprisingly, Facebook seems to
be inadvertently enabling most cascades; 44% of cascades are disseminated via Facebook
applications. At the same time, we observe large groups of synergistic Facebook apps (more
than 144 groups of size 5 or more) that collaborate to support multiple cascades. Lastly, we
find that hackers rely on two social engineering tricks in equal measure?luring users with
free products and appealing to users' social curiosity?to enable socware cascades. Our
findings present several promising avenues towards reducing socware on Facebook, but also
highlight associated challenges
Phishing is direct attack on identity of user, attacker steals identity of user and
impersonate as that victim user. So it is way too different than the virus, malware attacks. It is
more of user specific attack so security need to be provided at user level. For user level
security toolbars are developed as add-on to the browsers. Netcraft toolbar for the
Mozilla browser. Mostly work of these toolbars is to just send URL to their respective servers
where all necessary processing is done. After finding the result it is sent back to the
toolbar which indeed displays the result in that respective browser. This process takes
considerable amount of time to reduce this real time processing at end user is necessary.
The other way is to use of Black Lists by the browsers. Black List is maintained by
browsers like Google Crome (Google Safe Browsing). These Black Lists are updated to
time manually by hiring expert who manually categories suspected URL whether they are
Genuine of phishing. These updates may take little time as it is done manually and updated
manually. Other browsers also use same technic for anti-phishing. Anti-phishing working
Group (AWPG) helps its partners to build anti-phishing solutions. AWPG generates
monthly reports about the current phishing activities. It keeps an eye on phishing
activities all over the world and collaborates with its partners with the information obtained.
Another main contributor to the anti-phishing work is It provide free corpus
of the current active phishing websites as well history. This corpus also contains detailed
information about that phishing website. corpus is updated by the
volunteering users who report phishing websites. This corpus is available for free for
developers developing applications. There are other techniques for identification of
phishing web-pages include image processing. In this technic snap-shot image of the
webpage is compared with the original web-pages of legitimate websites. The original sites
show up with certain logo characteristics which helps them to differentiate from the
duplicate phishing websites. The webpage image is divided into block and block by block
characters are cross checked with the certain base line and reach to the conclusion. In case of
Logo based watermarks in those logos are checked. Server based techniques
directly scan E-mail servers, domain servers which host websites, DNS servers which
resolve the URLs. E-mail server based technique extract all the suspected URLs from
inbox as well as from spams and examine them as most attacked users are from
phishing E-mails.


Robust malware detection for internet of things is a process performed by software and
hardware. Input Architecture is the method of translating a user-oriented data definition into a
computer-based program. This architecture is necessary in order to prevent mistakes in the
data input process and to display the correct way to the management to get the correct
information from the computerized system. This is done by designing userfriendly data entry
screens to accommodate huge data volumes. The aim of input design is to make data entry
simpler and error-free. The data entry system is designed in such a way that all data
processing can be done. It also offers a record screening service. When the data is entered, it
must test the authenticity of the results. Data can be entered with the aid of a phone.
Reasonable alerts are received as appropriate so that the consumer is not immediately in
maize. The goal of the interface design is therefore to create an interface structure that is
simple to navigate.

The user will enter the URL of the webpage, she wishes to visit. Using that URL, we will
download the source code of the webpage & then decide the values of the attributes. For
finding these values we will make use of Hadoop-MapReduce [9]. This will speed up
the process of attribute value assignment. Basic word count example [10] of Hadoop-
MapReduce is used to search sensitive words in webpages. In same way wherever
required help of Hadoop is taken. These calculated attributes are the input to the Prediction
module. Based on the records stored from database, training data is
prepared. All the characteristics of reported phishing website at corpus
are studied and based on that attributes are decided and training data for machine
learning algorithm is prepared. Using training data machine learning algorithm generates set
of rules based on which decision is to be made. Prediction module gets two inputs
rules generated by machine learning algorithm and attribute found from requested
URL. Prediction module finally predict URL falls under which category (Phishing,
Legitimate, and Doubtful).
While concentrating on getting the required attributes, which will be enough to decide the
phishiness of the website, we searched lot of documents, formulated a few on our own. But
since the attackers are quite advanced these days, we needed to consider the visual aspects
too, along with the usual coding methods. We got this architectural model the
Intelligent Phishing Detection System for e-banking Using Fuzzy Data Mining. As it
fulfilled all the requirements, we didn’t modify it, instead concentrated on making it
efficient and speedy. The three layers act as the backbone of the system. The layer
manager part of prediction module acts as the brain of the system, making the decisions
there itself. As the system is not limited to specific use, you can use it for any general
purpose. The twenty seven attributes as seen in the figure, are calculated in real time & these
values might be different from the values calculated for the same website, even if slight
changes are made to the website. Thus the user can remain free from a suspicious
website, although it was previously listed as the authentic one. In order to simplify the
system, we have simply kept all the three layers at the same priorities, thus ensuring that even
the less important factors can take part in decision making. This helps in detecting the
suspicious websites. There are some attributes which need only word count whether that
word is present in source code or not. For example ATM PIN is restricted word then
we just need to find out in source code of page word is present or not and assign value to
attribute. These situations are very often in anti-phishing systems based on machine learning.
Malware identification approaches may be either static or dynamic. In contextual malware
detection methods, the program is executed in a managed environment (e.g. a virtual machine
or sandbox) to capture the functional characteristics, such as the necessary resources, the
direction of execution, and the desired privilege, in order to identify the program as malware
or benign. Static methods (e.g. signature-based detection, byte-based detection, OpCode
sequence identification and control flow graph traversal) Statistically check the software code
for questionable programs. David et al have proposed Deepsign to automatically detect
malware using a signature generation process. The above generates a dataset based on API
call activity records, registry entries, site queries, port accesses, etc., in a sandbox and
transforms records to a binary matrix. They used the deep-seated network for classification
and allegedly achieved 98.6 percent accuracy. In another study, Pascanu et al. suggested a
method for modeling malware execution using natural language processing. They extracted
the relevant features using a recurrent neural network to predict future API calls. Both
logistic regression and multilayer perceptrons were then used as a classification module. Next
API call estimation and use the history of previous events as functionality. It has been
recorded that a true positive rate of 98.3 percent and a false positive rate of 0.1 percent is
obtained. Demme et al. investigated the feasibility of developing a malware detector on IoT
node hardware using output counters as a learning tool and KNearest Neighbor, Decision
Tree and Random Forest as classifiers. The reported accuracy rate for specific malware
families varies from 25 percent to 100 percent. Alam et al. used Random Forest to identify
malware codes on a dataset of Internet-connected mobile apps. They run APKs in an Android
emulator and documented different features, such as memory detail, permissions and a
network for classification, and tested their approach using different tree sizes. Their results
have shown that the ideal classifier includes 40 trees and a mean square root of 0.0171 has
been obtained.

• The original sites show up with certain logo characteristics which helps them to
differentiate from the duplicate phishing websites.

• The webpage image is divided into block and block by block characters are cross
checked with the certain base line and reach to the conclusion.

• In case of Logo based watermarks in those logos are checked. Server based
techniques directly scan E-mail servers, domain servers which host websites, DNS
servers which resolve the URLs.

• E-mail server based technique extract all the suspected URLs from inbox as well as
from spams and examine them as most attacked users are from phishing E-mails.

 Malware links are one of the most common and most dangerous attacks among

 The aim of these attacks is to steal the information used by individuals and
organizations to conduct transactions.
In our suggested solution, we use affinity-based criteria to minimize junk OpCode anti-
forensic injection technique. Specifically, our function collection process excludes fewer
instructive OpCodes to minimize the effects of insertion of OpCodes garbage. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the first OpCode based deep learning method for IoT and IoBT
malware detection. We then demonstrate the robustness of our proposed approach, against
existing OpCode based malware detection systems. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of
our proposed approach against junk-code insertion attacks. Specifically, our proposed
approach employs a class-wise feature selection technique to overrule less important
OpCodes in order to resist junkcode insertion attacks. Furthermore, we leverage all elements
of Eigenspace to increase detection rate and sustainability. Finally, as a secondary
contribution, we share a normalized dataset of IoT malware and benign applications2, which
may be used by fellow researchers to evaluate and benchmark future malware detection
approaches. On the other hand, since the proposed method belongs to OpCode based
detection category, it could be adaptable for non-IoT platforms. IoT and IoBT application are
likely to consist of a long sequence of OpCodes, which are instructions to be performed on
device processing unit. In order to disassemble samples, we utilized Objdump (GNU binutils
version 2.27.90) as a disassembler to extract the OpCodes. Creating n-gram OpCode
sequence is a common approach to classify malware based on their disassembled codes. The
number of rudimentary features for length N is CN, where C is the size of instruction set. It is
clear that a significant increase in N will result in feature explosion. In addition, decreasing
the size of feature increases robustness and effectiveness of detection because ineffective
features will affect performance of the machine learning approach.


• Automatically find the initial cluster centers.

• Generate desired number of initial centers.

• Reduce the error rate of fault prediction.

• Propose a single technique

• C means is used for Clustering.

• Processing time is reduced

• Clear description of Metric Threshold


Software Fault Attribute Selection C Means

Dataset Base on ML Clustering

Faulty & Non Metric

Faulty Clusters Threshold

Input Design The configuration of the input is the relation between the information system
and the customer. It involves the creation of requirements and procedures for data preparation
and these measures are required to position transaction data in a functional form for analysis
and can be accomplished by checking a device for reading data from a written or printed
record or by making people lock the data directly into the database. The input architecture
focuses on managing the amount of input required, reducing errors, preventing delays,
avoiding unnecessary steps and making the process quick. The feedback is built in such a
way as to maintain protection and ease of use while maintaining.

Output Design A standard performance is one that meets the requirements of the end user
and communicates the details clearly. In any system, the effects of the processing are
transmitted by outputs to users and to other systems. In the production process, it is decided
how the material is to be transferred for immediate use, as well as the output of the hard copy.
This is the most critical and clear source information to the customer. Effective and insightful
performance architecture strengthens the interaction of the device and help users make
decisions.  Designing the output of the machine should continue in an coordinated, well
thought-out manner; the correct output should be produced thus ensuring that every output
feature is configured so that the program can be used conveniently and efficiently. When
evaluating the program output configuration, they will define the unique performance
required to satisfy the requirements.  Pick the methods to display the details.  Build a text,
study or other format containing information generated by the device.

There are three modules can be divided here for this project they are listed as below

• User Activity

• Malware Deduction

• Junk Code Insertion Attacks

From the above three modules, project is implemented. Bag of discriminative words are

User Activity: User managing IOT(Internet Thought Example for Nest Smart House, Kisi
Smart Lock, Canary Smart Protection Network, DHL's IoT Tracking and Monitoring
Program, Cisco's Wired Warehouse, ProGlove 's Smart Glove, Kohler Verdera Smart Mirror)
for a variety of occasions. If some computer targets any unauthorized malware apps, this
malware contains personal data per user hazard, bank account numbers and any kind of
personal documents are hacking possible.
Malware Deduction Users scan any connection in particular, not all network traffic data
created by malicious applications equate to malicious content. Many malwares take the form
of repackaged benign apps; thus, malware may also include the basic functionality of the
benign device. Subsequently, the network traffic that they produce can be described by mixed
benevolent and malicious network traffic. We're looking at the traffic flow header using N-
gram method from the natural language processing.

Junk Code Insertion Attacks: Junk Code Injection Attack is a software anti-forensic tactic
used against OpCode inspection. As the name suggests, the introduction of junk code can
involve the incorporation of innocuous OpCode sequences that do not run in malware, or the
inclusion of instructions (e.g. NOP) that do not necessarily make any difference in malware
operations. Junk Code Injection Technique is typically designed to obscure the malicious
OpCode sequence and reduce the proportion of malicious OpCodes in a malware
The research included reviewing the functionality of a few apps in order to make the program
more user-friendly. To do so, it was very important to keep the navigation from one computer
to the other well ordered and at the same time to minimize the amount of typing that the user
has to do. In order to make the application more available, the version of the browser had to
be selected to be compliant with the most of the browsers.

Functional Requirements Graphical User interface with the User. Software Requirements For
developing the application the following are the Software Requirements: Python Django
Operating Systems supported Windows 7 Windows XP Windows 8 Technologies and
Languages used to Develop Python Debugger and Emulator Any Browser (Particularly
Chrome) Hardware Requirements For developing the application the following are the
Hardware Requirements: Processor: Pentium IV or higher RAM: 256 MB Space on Hard
Disk: minimum 512MB

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