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Mentor:philipbedit AJJ
Short -Description:

What you Learn on this Machine Learning Master Class?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on developing algorithms
and statistical models to enable computer systems to learn from data and make predictions or
decisions without being explicitly programmed. It involves the analysis of large datasets to
identify patterns, extract insights, and create models that can generalize and make accurate
predictions or classifications on new, unseen data. By utilizing various techniques such as
supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning, machine learning has
numerous applications across industries, including image and speech recognition, natural
language processing, recommendation systems, fraud detection, and autonomous vehicles. Its
goal is to enable computers to learn and improve from experience, ultimately enhancing their
ability to solve complex problems and make intelligent decisions.

Total Duration: 45 Hrs | Modules: 7 | Assignments: 15 | Projects – 12

Related Tags : Python, ML, DL, Algorithms, ML Action, deployment, flask

Modules and description:

Module1: Introduction to AI And Machine Learning
Duration: 3hrs
Python for machine learning
Python For Machine Learning And Installation
Basic Python Programming- Part I
Python programming– Part II

Python for Machine Learning and Installation:
Learn how to install Python and set up your machine learning environment.
Basic Python Programming - Part I:
Master the data structure of Python programming. This content cover data types, list, tuple,
set, dictionary, c
Python Programming - Part II:
Explore fundamental Python topics, this content covers conditional statement, looping
statement, functions and modules
1. Write a program for Calculator using function:
2. Write a program for guessing number game by using looping
3. Write a program for getting a input string from the user and find and print the vowel
present the input

Module 2: Machine learning Libraries:

Duration: 4hrs
Pandas Library
Numpy for Prediction
Matplot Visualisation
Seaborn Visualization
Sklearn Library

Key Description:

Python Pandas: Explore the powerful pandas library in Python for data manipulation and analysis.
Pandas provides easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools, making it ideal for tasks like data
cleaning, transformation, filtering, and aggregation.

Python NumPy: Dive into NumPy, a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python. NumPy
provides efficient data structures and functions for working with arrays and matrices, enabling
advanced mathematical and statistical operations.

Python Matplotlib and Seaborn: Learn to create visually appealing plots and data visualizations using
Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries. Matplotlib offers extensive plotting capabilities, while Seaborn
provides a higher-level interface with built-in styles and advanced statistical visualization options.

Python Scikit-learn: Explore the Scikit-learn library, a popular machine learning framework in
Python. Scikit-learn offers a comprehensive set of tools for various machine learning tasks, including
1.collect data any data set from the Kaggle
i. loading data set
ii. display the information of the data
iii. display the null values count of each column
iv. display the statical measurement value
v. display the categorical data value count
Module 3: Machine learning elements
Duration: 5hrs
Data Collection And Processing
Handling Missing Data and Outliers
Encoding Categorical Variables
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Data Visualization Techniques
Training The Machine Learning Model
Data Collection and Processing:
This section focuses on the process of collecting and preparing data for machine learning. It covers
techniques for acquiring data from various sources, such as databases or APIs, and cleaning the data
by addressing inconsistencies, duplicates, and errors. Additionally, it may include data transformation
and normalization to make the data suitable for analysis and modeling.
Handling Missing Data and Outliers:
Dealing with missing data and outliers is crucial for maintaining data quality and preventing biased or
inaccurate analysis. This content provides strategies and techniques for identifying and handling
missing data points and outliers effectively. It covers methods such as imputation, removing outliers,
and statistical techniques for handling missing values, ensuring reliable and robust data for machine
Encoding Categorical Variables:
Categorical variables pose unique challenges in machine learning, as algorithms often require
numerical input. This content explains techniques for encoding categorical variables into numerical
representations that algorithms can process. It covers methods like one-hot encoding, label encoding,
and ordinal encoding, enabling the use of categorical data in machine learning models.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Data Visualization Techniques:
EDA is a critical step in understanding and gaining insights from data. This content focuses on
techniques for exploring and visualizing data to uncover patterns, relationships, and trends. It covers
statistical analysis, summary statistics, correlation analysis, and various visualization techniques, such
as histograms, scatter plots, and heatmaps, to facilitate better understanding and decision-making.
Training the Machine Learning Model:
This section guides you through the process of training a machine learning model using your prepared
and analysed data. It covers selecting an appropriate algorithm, splitting the data into training and
testing sets, training the model, and evaluating its performance. It may also include techniques for
model validation and hyperparameter tuning to optimize the model's accuracy and generalization.
Collect any data from Kaggle and find null values if null values present,
1. Solve the null value issue with imputation method
2. Use label encoding concept for categorical values
3. EDA – distplot, count plot, scatter plot
Module 4: supervised learning regression and classification -
duration: 8hrs
supervised learning regression and classification -model
Supervised machine learning learns from labeled data to make accurate predictions or classifications
on new data. It involves training a model using input features and corresponding output labels,
teaching the model to recognize patterns and relationships. In this content cover classification based
project , regression concept and projects , and NLP concept and project,This approach has
applications in various domains, such as image recognition and fraud detection, health care

Iris Flower Classification Using Ml
Titanic Survival Prediction - Classification
Loan Prediction Using the Machine Learning
Health care
Heart Disease Prediction Using the Machine Learning
Natural Language process
Fake News Prediction Using Machine learning
Sentiment Analysis Using NLP

Price :
Electricity Price Prediction
House Price Prediction Using Machine Learning
Medical Insurance Cost Prediction
1.rain fall prediction using machine learning
2. liver disease prediction
3. gold price prediction

Module 5: unsupervised learning clustering- model

Duration: 2 hr
Customer Segmentation Using The Machine Learning – Clustering
Unsupervised machine learning learns from unlabeled data to discover patterns and
relationships without predefined labels. It involves techniques like clustering and
dimensionality reduction to extract insights and understand the underlying structure of the
data. This approach has applications in customer segmentation, anomaly detection, and data
visualization, among others.

1.customent segmentation for super market
2. Music recommendation

Module 6: Neural Networks:

Duration: 3 hrs
Introduction of deep learning and terms
Covid 19 Detection Using Cnn

Neural networks are computational models inspired by the brain. They learn from data, adjust
connections between artificial neurons, and make predictions. With deep learning, they handle
complex tasks and excel in areas like computer vision and natural language processing. Neural
networks are versatile and powerful tools for solving various machine learning problems.
Handwritten detection using CNN
Note : create a dataset by your own handwritten

Module 7: Model Deployment Machine Learning

Duration : 3hr
Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning – Svm
Model deployement- Diabetes prediction
Machine learning model deployment refers to the process of making a trained machine
learning model available for use in real-world applications. It involves taking the trained model and
integrating it into a production environment where it can receive inputs, make predictions or
classifications, and provide outputs. During deployment, the model is typically wrapped within a
software application or service that exposes an interface for receiving data and delivering predictions.
This can be done through APIs, web services, or embedded within other software systems.
1.model deployment for Heart dieases

Learning Path:
Basic python Machine learning – installation, python fundamentals, python data structure
Machine learning libraries – Tools pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, seaborn, SKlearn
Machine learning action – procedures for preprocessing methods, model creation, model training , and
Types of machine learning- supervised machine learning and unsupervised machine learning
Neural network- deep learning and project with CNN
Model deployment – Model deployment procedure with flask integration

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