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1. Description of the business

1.1. Mission of the enterprise

1.2. Vision of the enterprise

1.3. Objectives

1.4. Goals of company

2. Background experience

2.1. Weakness and Strength of the competitors

2.2. Potential advantage over the competitors


3. Marketing plan

3.1. Location selection

3.2. Total Demand

3.3. Market Share

3.4. Promotional Measures

3.5. Marketing Strategy

4. Production Plan

4.1. Production Process

4.2. Features and benefit of product

4.3. Fixed capital

4.4. Raw Material Requirement

4.5. Direct labor cost

4.6. Veterinary Service Equipments

5. Organization and Management plan


The name of business is Etalu dairy and beef enterprise. The business address is Dubti woreda.
The business provides milk production to the dwellers existing in the town. The main customers
are cafes, restaurants and households.
The business has been established to solve challenges related holistic livestock production(milk
production, fattening, fodder production & livestock rearing). As a result decreasing livestock
production due to shrink of grazing lands, in appropriate community based livestock
interventions coupled with increasing population in the urban area, the demand for livestock
production has been alarmingly increased with the supply remaining almost constant. This
situation led me to the development of the business.
The business is believed to create temporary job opportunity for 15 individuals for the time
being. In the future when the enterprise enters in to full production and activity, the farm will
earn or give job opportunity for 5 individuals.
The capital required for running the business or working capital is 150,000birr, this money will
covered by Micro finance as a loan.

1. Description of the business

The name of business is Etalu dairy and beef enterprise. Currently the venture is in operation in
dubti woreda at place called galibora.

1.1. Mission of the enterprise

Satisfying ultimate and main demand of needy beneficiaries specially child & pregnant/lactating
women with increased livestock production like; supplying healthy or unadulterated milk and
milk products, live animal at reasonable price

1.2. Vision of the enterprise

 To see healthy and prosperous community having access to increased livestock products
like; pure milk and milk products, live animal
 Provide the community livestock products at reasonable price that the community can
buy & contribute to stabilize livestock products price

 To see our business profitable and grow much for the future & address more community
needs by community based interventions

1.3. Objectives
 To minimize livestock products shortage in the market (like; milk and milk product, live
animal, meat)
 Create access for the community for pure milk & milk products, live animal & meat from
nearer place without delay
 Promoting health of beneficiaries by supplying quality milk & milk products, meat
 Produce livestock feed to fill shortage specially in times of drought & create access for
local livestock owners with livestock feed
 To make community based response for livestock production related challenges
 To gain the profit from increased livestock production

1.4. Goals of company

 To have a healthy, successful company that is a leader in customer service & community
based responses for community problems
 To have a loyal customer who proud in our production

2. Background experience
Ethiopia is known for its animal husbandry. Ethiopia’s animal population stands first in Africa
and tenth in the world. However the contribution it has towards economic developments and
social well-being is still in its cradle. This is mainly due to the fact that the practices of animal
husbandry are traditional and modern ways of keeping livestock are very limited.
Currently, with the increase in the number of population and decreasing trend of livestock
production due to natural & man made problems, rising income of some sector of the economy,
the demand for livestock populations and other dairy product is increasing.
As we know, the living style of afar community is associated with herding livestock and
consuming their byproducts but now the living style of the community is changing due to huge
development schemes of sugar factory & contributing natural challenges. The regional
government enforce the community to gather in one village assuming the community to benefit
from different services like; education, health, water and sanitation etc and making them enforce
to herd limited livestock (not more than 4 or 5). Periodic natural disaster like drought also greatly
reduces livestock production. In response to this, some private efforts was tried to supply milk &
its products in Dubti town by herding cows but still more community based responses should be
designed and respond to high prevailing demand in Dubti town.

2.1. Weakness and Strength of the competitors

Competitors with regards to livestock production like; dairy products in the area are very few
and the trends of competition are very limited. Still the major supplier of livestock products in
the area is individuals who rely on traditional way of animal breeding. So, thus individuals have
the following strong and weak points:

a) Strength of competitors
 They supply the milk product to the door of the customers
 They provide service on credit basis
b) Weaknesses of competitors
 No competitors on the area on comprehensive livestock production, only work on milk
 The milk production and distribution is backward lacking sanitary cares and hence
subject to infection by bacteria and other related disease
 They have less access to modern techniques of production
 Lack of knowledge about dairy husbandry and production
 No other livestock services in dubti town which are vital to increased production like;
livestock feed production

2.2. Potential advantage over the competitors

To stay profitable in the market requires some sort of advantage over the competitors.
Accordingly, the business have the following potential advantages over the competitors.

a) Strength of the company

 The business is managed by personnels who have experience in different NGO’s projects
in Afar (livelihood, livestock, WASH etc projects)

 The company proposal is integrated livestock activity which are reinforcing each other to
achieve results (that is; livestock feed, diary farming & fatening)
 This company is well occupied in sophisticated milk production tools
 In the long-run this farm produce dairy products processing plant in order to supply a
well nourished dairy products
 This farm can win the competition by having providing healthy and unadulterated milk to
the society in order to prevent people from communicable disease
 This company has appropriate grazing land (.................hectare) for cows with water
canals which flow in to
 The company has different professionals (Veterinary medicine, animal science etc.)
b) Threats of company
 Weather Condition


Diary Farming
Increased Supply for
Livestock Products local
market Contribute for
Livestock Feed Nutritional
Status of PLWs
Increased Livestock & Under 5
Production children


3. Marketing plan
3.1. Location selection
Selecting the business location is one of several factors which is vitally important to the success
of small business and is one of the primary initial concerns of the entrepreneur.
The business is established in dubti woreda at place called galibora, this place has been selected
for a number of reasons;

 The farm near proximity to urban area, it can gain transport facility to transport fodder
and other supplies easily from the surrounding market and also easy access to veterinary
service to cure sick animal
 The dung of the cow does not affect the health of the people because it is located outside
the town and also it is easy to expel
 It is easy for further expansion and diversification in the long-run as there is sufficient
unutilized area
 Dubti is comfortable for cow specially for water grass supply
 Dubti is potential area to effectively implement the business & replicate to other woredas

The market area encompasses the place of location of the enterprise as well as dubti town and the
surrounding farmers associations but the main users of the livestock products like; milk and dairy
products are dweller of dubti town

3.2. Total Demand

The total demand of a month greatly surpasses the existing demand. There is strong demand for
livestock products like; live animal, milk and other dairy products while the supply is very
limited. This may be due to the fact that the management system, few community based
responses, shortage of feed and weather condition of the area influence the availability of
livestock feed, market competitive live animal & increased price on livestock products. The Afar
pastorals rear their animal in traditional ways by traveling long distance for searching of feed and
water, especially during summer the supply of livestock products like; milk become zero due to
in summer almost all cattle moved to dok’a(wet time destination area) for searching of feed and
also one person can have large animal in one place this situation can reduce production because
of scarcity of feed or it is difficult to feed huge number of animal at one place.

3.3. Market Share
Due to limited amount of supply, the enterprise has limited market share, it cannot meet the
current demand fully. The farms assume that there are about 78881 dwellers in dubti town. In
addition 30% of this number is estimated to have an effect demand of 1/2liter of milk per day,
feed..........., live animal.................. Accordingly the town needs 11832liters of milk each day to
the minimum (0.3*78881*0.5). By taking this data in to account the monthly need of the town is
354964.5liters (11832*30). When the supply capacity of the enterprise is considered, the farms
can supply the minimum of 45 liters per day, from the 3 cows the farm want to bought, if 3 cows
can give 15liter milk on each day. This figure becomes 1350liters per month (45*30). The
market share as compared to the total demand is 0.0038 or 0.38% (1350/354964). This shows
that there is a great potential for growth and expansion with expected increase in number of
population due to increase in new born, university students, rural to urban migration and
expansion in economic activities, As a result of the above mentioned factors the share would
even becomes very less with increase in the demand.
The selling price for the product is decreased from that of the competitors i.e., 25birr per liter,
this decrement in the price of the milk is to satisfy our customer demand by supplying healthy
and good quality milk at reasonable price.

3.4. Promotional Measures

The major promotional effort is through direct marketing, distributing our business card through
community, by using one or more advertising media to attain a measurable response and/or
transaction at any location. This promotional activity mainly done by personnel that works in the

3.5. Marketing Strategy

The farms has it is own marketing strategies in order to have competitive advantage over the
competitors and to increase its market share in the foreseeable future. Some of the strategies are

a) Providing good quality livestock products at reasonable and affordable prices

The farm offer quality milk to customer by protecting hygiene from the time of milking to
deliver to customer and sell milk at reasonable price, the price for a liter of milk is 25 birr which
is reduced by five birr as compared to other supplier.

The farm also offer good quality livestock feed to customer /local livestock owners at
reasonable price, the price for a ............unit of feed is.............birr which is reduced by .......... birr
compared to other suppliers.

The farm also provide well feed live animal to customer at reasonable price, the price for
a ............unit of live animal is .............birr which is reduced by .......... birr compared to other

b) Distribution mechanism

The farm has its own distribution center that is accessible to customers and also by supplying the
product up to home.
c) By giving credit facilities
The farm scheduled credit facilities for customers especially for governmental workers
d) Continuous feedback from customers
The customer advice is very important to grow our farm in industry level or to become profitable
and to achieve our goal, so we give opportunities for customers to provide their opinion with
regards to distribution (service), price and quality of the products.

4. Production Plan
4.1. Production Process
The farm will process milk in to different dairy products using its milk processing machine &
milking of cow through pre milking, milking and post milking activities to maintain hygienic
condition of milk.
Livestock feed will also be harvested from farms which already provided by the woreda for the
Well feed live animals
In addition to this, our productions will be produced based on the demand of customers by using
extension advice & modernize equipment, which their quality is approved by quality assurance

4.2. Features and benefit of product
Products are in good quality. For instance the milk is sweet and enriched with protein &
substitute breast feeding of children and it promote child growth.

4.3. Fixed capital

The fixed capital of the farm is presented below
No Types of fixed Unit of Quanti Cost/Birr Deprecation Source Rema
asset measure ty per year rk
1 Cows dwelling Blocks 1 30,000 The source
2 Office building Blocks 1 10,000 of capital is a
3 Water tank Units 1 4500 loan from
5 Cows Units 3 90000 micro
Total 135000 finance

N.B the cows dwelling are built by separating calves from heifer and milking cows.

4.4. Raw Material Requirement

No. Types of feed Unit of measure Cost per unit Daily Monthly rem
consumption consumption ark
1 Furishka Quintal 2000
2 Fagulo Quintal 2000
4 Hay Quintal 2000
Total 7000

4.5. Direct labor cost

No. Type of labor No. of Qualification Salary per Remark
employer month
1 Milker and feeders 2 Basic education 2000
2 Security 2 Basic education 2000

3 Vet. Clinic 1 Animal health 2500
Total 6500

4.6. Veterinary Service Equipments

No. Type of equipments Price Remark
1 Drugs 2000
2 Other like hoof cutter, ear tag, syringe, mouth gag etc 1000
Total 3000

5. Organization and Management plan


The above figure shows that the manager have organization hierarchy or over all leading role of
the organization such as production and marketing manager which include milkers, feeders and
milk distributers, procurement and finance which include accountant, casher and other service
workers such as animal health professional and security and sanitary workers etc…

Table 1. Budget & input required for irrigation plantation ለመስኖ መኖ ልማት
የማምረቻ ግብዓት ፍላጎት እና የሚያስፈልግ ወጪ

ተ.ቁ Farm machineries, inputs expenditure መለኪያ መጠን የአንዱ ዋጋ ጠ/ዋጋ

S.No detail Unit Quant Unit price Total
ለመስኖ መኖ ልማት ፣ የአርሻ ማሽነሪዎች ity
፣የግብዓት ዝርዝር አና የወጪ አይነት
Farm tools/ የእርሻ የእጅ መሳሪያ
1 ዶማ No 10 150 1500
2 Spade አካፋ No 50 150 7500
3 ዛቢያ No 50 150 7500
4 Axe መጥረቢያ No 10 200 2000
5 ሬክ No 10 75 750
6 ማጭድ No 50 125 6250
7 ገጀራ(ቆንጨራ) No 50 125 6250
Sub Total ንኡስ ድምር 31750
Infrastructure and building መሰረተ ልማት እና ግንባታ
8 Store and feed processing house building No 2 150000+2000 350000
መጋዘን እና መኖ ማቀነባበሪያ ግንባታ ቁጥር 00

ንኡስ ድምር 350000

የመስኖ መኖ ልማት ወጪ
9 ስራ ማስኬጃ Lump 12 20000 240000
10 የመሬት ዝግጅት Hectare 100 7000 700000
11 የሳር ዘር (6 kg/ha) K.g ኪግ 480 250 120000
12 የአልፋለፋ ዘር (6 kg/ha) K.g ኪግ 120 300 36000
13 ለመስኖ መኖ ልማት የሚወጣ K.g 1 1560000 1560000
14 የድርቆሽ ማሰሪያ ገመድ K.g 255 1500 382500
Sub total ንኡስ ድምር 3038500
Permanent materials expenditure የቋሚ እቃ ወጪ
15 የሳር ማሰሪያ ማሽን ቁጥር 1 700000 700000
16 ትራክተር ከነተሳቢው ቁጥር 2 400000 800000
17 ሳር ማጨጂያ ማሽን ቁጥር 1 250000 250000

18 የእርሻ መሳሪያ(መከስከሻ፣ማረሻ ሪጀር እና ልቪለር) ቁጥር 4 200000 800000
ንኡስ ድምር 2550000
የወጪ ድምር 5970250

Table 2. Irrigation improved feed production harvested ፈሮመ 100 hectare በመስኖ የተሻሻለ
መኖ ልማት ከ 100 ሄ/ር የሚገኝ ምርት

S.No ተ/ Detail ዝርዝር Unit Yearly solid feed production

ቁ መለኪያ የየአመቱ የድርቆሽ የመኖ ምርት(የአመቱ ሙሉ ምርት)
1ኛ 2ኛ 3ኛ 4ኛ 5ኛ
1 Solid feed ቶን 6300 ቶን 6300 ቶን 6300 ቶን 6300 ቶን 6300
produced(varied variety) ቶን
የሚገኝ ምርት ድረቆሽ
የተለያዩ ዝረያዎች Alfa
alfa produced የአልፋልፋ
ምርት 1100 tone
ቶን+5200 tone ቶን
በድምሩ 6300 ቶን
2 Average solid feed cost ብር/ኪ.ግ 3 3 3 3 3
አማካይ የድርቆሽ ዋጋ

Feed productions mentioned above assumed produced by irrigation and produced the whole year & the
feed varieties are Alfa Alfa, Panicum grass, elephant grass, sudan, rodass grass & goat grass) with farm
land size 100 hectare (80 for grass, 20 for alfa alfa production). Grass produced 9.286 tone by hectare one
time harvest (7 times harvest in a year), 65 tone yearly & alfa alfa production 6.875 tone by hectare one
time harvest (82 times hrvest in a yeat) 55 tone in a year.
ከላይ የተገለጸው ምርት ታሳቢ የተደረጉ የመኖ ልማቱ በመስኖ የሚለማ ስለሆነ ምርቱ ልማቱ አመቱን ሙሉ የሚከነወን
በሚል የመኖ ልማት (አልፋልፋ፣ ፓኒከም ሳር፣ ሱዳን ፣የዝሆን ሳር ፣ሮደስ ሳር እና በፍል ሳር)የመሬት ስፋት 100 ሄክታር
(80 ለሳር፣ 20 ለአልፋልፋ ልማት) የሳር ምርት ሳር 9.286 ቶን በሄክታር በአንድ ጊዜ አጨዳ (ሰባት ጊዜ አጨዳ
በአመት)65 ቶን በአመት እና የአልፋልፋ ምርት 6.875 ቶን በሄክታር በአንድ አጨዳ (8 ጊዜ አጨዳ በአመት)55 ቶን

Table 3. Improved feed production marketing profit & loss detail የተሻሻለ መኖ ልማትና
ግብይት ትርፍና ኪሳራ መግለጫ
ተ/ቁ ገቢ Profit መለኪያ Yearly solid feed production (all year round production)
S.No Unit የየአመቱ የድርቆሽ የመኖ ምርት(የአመቱ ሙሉ ምርት)
1st 1 ኛ 2nd 2 ኛ 3rd 3 ኛ 4th 4 ኛ 5th 5 ኛ
1 Profit from sell of solid Birr 18,900.000 18,900.000 18,900.000 18,900.000 18,900.000
feed Birr ብር
ከድርቆሽ ሽያጭ የተገኘ ገቢ
2 Input expense Birr ብር
-Loan interest የብድር -
ወለድ 12%
Maintenance cost

Total expense የወጭ

Table 4፡ The project’s detail expense & profit የፕሮጀክቱ ዝርዝር ወጪና ገቢ

Project ፕሮጀክት 1፡ Irrigation improved feed በመስኖ የተሻሻለ መኖ ልማት

መለኪያ Quantity ብዛት Unit Total expense ጠቅላላ ወጪ
Unit price
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th year 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year
year year year year 5ኛ 1 ኛ ዓመት 2ኛ 3ኛ ኛ ዓመት 5 ኛ ዓመት
1ኛ 2ኛ 3ኛ 4ኛ ዓመት ዓመት ዓመት
ዓመት ዓመት ዓመት ዓመት
Expense ወጪ
Running cost ስራ ማስኬጃ ጥቅል 1 1 1 1 1
Land preparation የመሬት ሄር 100 100 7000 700000 0 700000 0 0
Grass seed የሳር ዘር (10 ኪግ 750 750 400 300000 0 300000 0 0
Alfa alfa seed የአልፋለፋ ዘር ኪግ 150 150 500 75000 0 75000 0 0
(6 kg/ha)
Irrigation production cost ጥቅል 1 1 1 1 1 1560000 1560000 1560000 1560000 1560000 1560000
ለመስኖ መኖ ልማት የሚወጣ
Roap for rolling solid feed ቁጥር 255 255 255 255 255 1500 382500 382500 382500 382500 382500
የድርቆሽ ማሰሪያ ገመድ
Sub total ንኡስ ድምር 3017500 1942500 3017500 1942500 3017500
0 0 0 0 0
Permanent material ቋሚ እቃ 0 0 0 0 0
Grass packaging machine ቁጥር 1 700000 700000 0 0 0 0
የሳር ማሰሪያ ማሽን
Tractor with loading one ቁጥር 2 400000 800000 0 0 0 0
ትራክተር ከነተሳቢው
Grass harvesting machine ቁጥር 1 250000 250000 0 0 0 0
ሳር ማጨጂያ ማሽን
Farm materials ቁጥር 4 200000 800000 0 0 0 0
ሪጀር እና ልቪለር)
Sub total ንኡስ ድምር 2550000 0 0 0 0
Expense total የወጪ ድምር 55675000 1942500 3017500 1942500 3017500

Profit ገቢ

Solid grass የሳር ድርቆሽ (65 ኪግ 520000 520000 520000 520000 5200000 3 15600000 15600000 15600000 15600000 15600000
ton/ha/harvest) 0 0 0 0
Solid Alfa alfa አልፋልፋ ኪግ 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 3 3300000 330000 330000 3300000 3300000
ድርቆሽ (55 ton/ha/harvest) 00 00 00 00 00 0 0
Total income ጥቅል ገቢ 17650000 17650000 17650000 17650000 17650000
Total profit ጥቅል ትርፍ 13320000 16590000 14820000 16590000 16590000

Assumptions ታሳቢ የተደረጉ:

Since feed is produced by irrigation it is produced the whole year የመኖ ልማቱ በመስኖ የሚለማ ስለሆነ ምርቱ ልማቱ አመቱን ሙሉ የሚከነወን
 The feed varieties are Alfa Alfa, Panicum grass, elephant grass, sudan, rodass grass & goat grass) የመኖ ልማት (አልፋልፋ፣ ፓኒከም ሳር፣ ሱዳን
፣የዝሆን ሳር ፣ሮደስ ሳር እና በፍል ሳር)
 Farm land size 100 hectare (80 for grass, 20 for alfa alfa production) የመሬት ስፋት 100 ሄክታር (80 ለሳር፣ 20 ለአልፋልፋ ልማት)
 Seed amount የዘር መጠን፡ grass ሳር 6 kilo ኪሎ per hectare በሄክታር፣ alfa alfa አልፋልፋ 6 kilo per hectare ኪሎ በሄክታር
 Grass production, grass የሳር ምርት ሳር 9.286 ቶን በሄክታር በአንድ ጊዜ አጨዳ (ሰባት ጊዜ አጨዳ በአመት)65 ቶን በአመት
 የአልፋልፋ ምርት 6.875 ቶን በሄክታር በአንድ አጨዳ (8 ጊዜ አጨዳ በአመት)55 ቶን በአመት
 አንዴ የተዘራ ሳርና አልፋልፋ ቢያንስ ለሁለት አመት ይቆያል

Table 5 The project’s action plan የፕሮጀክቱ ድርጊት መርሃ ግብር

S.No Detail activities ዝርዝር ተግባር Action Plan ድርጊት መርሃ ግብር
ተ/ቁ Unit Quantit April May Jun July Augu Septe Octo Nove Dece Jan Febr Marc Remark
መለኪያ y
ሚያዚ ግን e ሀም st ነሀ mber ber mber mbe uar uary h ምርመ
መጠን ያ ሰኔ መስ ጥቅ ህዳ r y የካ መጋ ራ
ታህ ጥር
1 Improved feed production activities Hectare 100
የተሸሻለ መኖ ልማት ሥራ መስራት ሄክታር
Site selection ቦታ መረጣ
Seed input preparation የዘር ግብአት
Site cleaning የማሳ ምንጣሮ እና ጉቶ
Capacity building activities የአቅም
ግንባታ ስራ መስራት
1st farming የመጀመሪያ እርሻ
2nd farming ሁለተኛ እርሻ/ክስካሶ
Labelling ሌብሊንግ ማድረግ
Rige opening ሪጅ ማውጣት
Seeding ዘር መዝራት
Watering ውሃ ማጠጣት
Harvesting ምርት መሰብሰብ/አጨዳ
Balling/ ሳር ማሰር
Site selection/ የቦታ መረጣ
Feed store building/ የመኖ መጋዘን

Assumptions ታሳቢዎ፡
 15000 sheep & goat to be fatened by this project. The fatening to be undertaken by three rounds & feed will be supplied by the project
itself by purchase. Feed required calculated assuming sheep or gaot kg of 20 kg, grass consumption 3 out of 100 body weight, 1 kg alfa
alfa & 1 kg molasses for 90 days) በዚህ ፕሮጀክት 15000 በጎችና ፍየሎች ለማሞከት ታቅዷል፡፡ የማሞከት ስራው በሶስት ዙር የሚከናወን ሲሆን ለዚሁ
ስራ የሚውል መኖ በፕሮጀክት ከሚመረተው ሳርና አልፋልፋ በግዢ ይሆናል፡፡ የመኖ ፍላጎት የተሰላው (አማካይ የበግ ወይም ፍየል ክብደት 20 ኪግ፣ የሳር መኖ
ፍጆታ 3 በመቶ የሰውነት ክብደት፣ 1 ኪሎ አልፋልፋና 1 ኪግ ሞላሰስ፣ ለ 90 ቀናት)

Assumptions ታሳቢዎች፡

 15000 sheep & goat to be fatened by this project. The fatening to be undertaken by three rounds & feed will be supplied by the project
itself by purchase. Feed required calculated assuming sheep or gaot kg of 200 kg, grass consumption 3 out of 100 body weight, 1 kg alfa
alfa & 1 kg molasses for 90 days) በዚህ ፕሮጀክት 1500 በሬዎችና ኮርማዎች ለማደለብ ታቅዷል፡፡ የማድለብ ስራው በሶስት ዙር የሚከናወን ሲሆን
ለዚሁ ስራ የሚውል መኖ በፕሮጀክት ከሚመረተው ሳርና አልፋልፋ በግዢ ይሆናል፡፡ የመኖ ፍላጎት የተሰላው (አማካይ የበሬ ክብደት 200 ኪግ፣ የሳር መኖ
ፍጆታ 3 በመቶ የሰውነት ክብደት፣ 1 ኪሎ አልፋልፋና 2 ኪግ ሞላሰስ፣ ለ 90 ቀናት)
Assumptions ታሳቢዎች፡
 Diary farming will start by 20 improved hybride cows የወተት እርባታው በ 20 የተሻሻሉ ዲቃላ ላሞች ሚጀመር ይሆናል
 Feed supply (hay ድርቆሽ፡ 3 for every 100 body weight፣ 400 kg average weight for 365 days፣ alfa alfa 2 kg daily for 365 days፣
concentrate feed 4kg daily for 305 days and 2kg daily for 60 days) ፣ molasus 1 kg daily per 1 cow)
 Average milk 25 kg per day for 305 days
 Newly born calves will grow for one year & sold for their meat production የሚወለዱት ጥጆች ለአንድ አመት አድገው ለስጋ እንደሚሸጡ
 Milk purchase price 15 birr per litere


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