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2. Weddings & Parties
3. Reunions & Group Events
4. Plan an Event
5. How to Plan Events for a Homecoming Party

How to Plan Events for a Homecoming Party

Homecoming Weekend is a time to gather with classmates and alumni and to show your true
sense of school spirit in every sense of the word. It is the perfect time to invite your friends and
parents to campus to experience the wonderful features of your college or university. During the
Homecoming Party, there are often many events planned. Here are some ideas for different
events that you can hold at a Homecoming Party.

o 1

Discover when your Homecoming Week will be held and organize a committee to
plan an event or events. If you are planning a large homecoming event, you will
need a large committee.

o 2

Brainstorm with your committee about great homecoming events. What events
would be popular with both classmates and alumni at your school could lie in a
great mix of what has been done before and the popular trends.

o 3

Consider kicking off Homecoming Week with a great breakfast. Give this
Homecoming Party breakfast your own regional or local twist to give it real
hometown appeal with lots of local favorites served.

o 4

Invite the college or university President or Dean to speak during a Homecoming

Party. They could select a topic of interest or answer questions from the crowd.

o 5

Hold a guided campus tour to show off your school to alumni, parents and friends
who may not have had the chance to see the beauties of your campus. This guided
tour may be especially helpful when your college or university thinks of doing

o 6

Host a homecoming athletic game with your best team. Encourage fans to
participate in tailgating picnics, perhaps holding a competition for the best one.

o 7

End the weekend homecoming events with a dinner and dance for everyone to get
together and socialize. Depending on your campus' style, a casual or more formal
event may be more popular.

Tips & Warnings

 Notice what other local colleges and universities have done for popular homecoming
events, as they may work well for your school with some adaptation.
 Always conform to the culture and traditions for your school. Homecoming Week is all
about school spirit.
 Consider holding a contest or a parade as a homecoming event, something that people of
all types can participate in and have fun. Either of these will really draw a great crowd.

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