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Here are the steps on how to bathe a puppy:

1. Gather your supplies. You will need:

* A mild puppy shampoo
* A soft sponge or washcloth
* A towel
* A rubber mat for the bathtub (optional)
* A treat or two (optional)

2. Prepare the bath. Fill the bathtub with warm water (not hot). The water should be about
halfway up your puppy's legs. If you are using a sink, fill it with enough water to cover your
puppy's feet.

3. Get your puppy comfortable. If your puppy is not used to baths, start by giving them a treat or
two. This will help them associate baths with positive experiences. Then, gently place them in
the bathtub or sink.

4. Apply the shampoo. Start by wetting your puppy's coat with warm water. Then, apply a small
amount of shampoo to your hands and rub it into their coat. Be sure to avoid their eyes and

5. Rinse the shampoo off. Rinse the shampoo off your puppy's coat with warm water. Be sure to
rinse thoroughly so that no shampoo is left behind.

6. Dry your puppy. Use a towel to dry your puppy's coat. You can also use a blow dryer on a low
setting, but be sure to keep the dryer moving so that your puppy doesn't get too hot.

7. Reward your puppy. Give your puppy a treat or two after the bath. This will help them
associate baths with positive experiences.

Here are some additional tips for bathing your puppy:

* **Start bathing your puppy when they are young.** This will help them get used to the process
and make it less stressful for them.
* **Use a mild puppy shampoo.** Adult shampoos can be too harsh for puppies' skin.
* **Be gentle.** Don't scrub your puppy's coat too hard.
* **Avoid getting water in your puppy's eyes or ears.** If water does get in their eyes, rinse them
immediately with clean water.
* **Don't bathe your puppy too often.** Once a month is usually enough.

With these tips, you can bathe your puppy safely and easily.

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