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30 Self-test 3 (Units 13 – 20): diphthongs

ST.3.1. Exercise 1
Match words in spelling (column A) with their transcriptions (column B).

1. air a. oH?r
2. buy b sT?
3. choice c. u`T?k
4. crayon d. a`H
5. dear e. cH?
6. doe f. k`H
7. don’t g. d?
8. fury h. sRNHr
9. lie i. oiT?
10. mayor j. !SH?qh
11. Pearce k. C?T
12. pure l. rsdHj
13. steak m. !S`Ty'?(mc
14. their n. c?Tms
15. theory o. ld?
16. though p. Cd?
17. thousand r. !jqdHPm
18. tour s. !uNHHcY
19. vowel t. !eiT?qh
20. voyage u. c?T

ST.3.1. Answers 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

ST.3.2. Exercise 2 – CD.II.31
Which word is the odd one out when it comes to a vowel sound? Circle it.

1. gauge, ail, April, obey, fried

2. height, aisle, sigh, foil, reply
3. heir, affair, Sarah, pure, care
4. bear, boor, during, lure, moor
5. fowl, oyster, coin, annoy, buoy
6. owl, own, loud, Macleod, sound
7. loaf, ideal, mere, museum, theory
8. brooch, weird, foe, though, mauve

ST.3.3. Exercise 3 – CD.II.32

Find 15 mistakes in the transcription of a poem. The number in the bracket
refers to a number of erroneous symbols.

m?T { m?T { m?!udla? { ?!mPmHl?r No, No, November (Anonymous)

N9s?l jq?Tmy C? fkdTHM reh9q { (3) Autumn crowns the glowing sphere,
vHms?r fq@9ro Hy eTk ?u sRd? { (2) Winter’s grasp is full of cheer,
it ah!svh9m c?l { rzc zm cH? { (2) You between them, sad and dear,
Bind your brows with leafage sere.
a`imc iN9 aq?Ty vHS kh9eHcY rH? {{ (3)
Saying, “I remember
rdHM { `H qh!ldla? (1)
When the year was not a bier” –
vdm C? ih9q v?y mPs ? ad? { (2) Ah, woe, November!
`T { v`T { m?!udla? {{ (2)

ST.3.4. Exercise 4 – CD.II.33

Write the symbols for the marked vowels in the line below, e.g.:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
famous bicycle annoy mountain oak cereal pair insured

ST.3.5. Exercise 5 – CD.II.34
Transcribe the following words:

1. alloy 9. Idaho
2. bait 10. lousy
3. Blair 11. Pearson
4. crow 12. prow
5. curiosity 13. scarcely
6. foyer 14. sci-fi
7. frontier 15. secure
8. hazel 16. Soho

ST.3.6. Exercise 6 – CD.II.35

Transcribe the following sentences:

1. Won’t you go for a stroll? 1.

2. Air the classroom carefully, Mary. 2.
3. James Bond will take the cake again. 3.
4. Boys take enjoyment in spoiling toys. 4.
5. Our accountant’s house is downtown. 5.
6. It’s not nearly as fearful as it appears. 6.
7. Would I like a pint? I don't mind if I do! 7.
8. Do you actually feel secure about your fuel? 8.

ST.3.7. Exercise 7 – CD.II.36

Read the following sentences, pay particular attention to the pronunciation of
the distinguished vowel sounds in each line:

1. .`H. - That guy from Idaho was blind in one eye.

2. .?T. - So the old boat floated slowly to the coast.
3. /dH. - They named the baby Jane if I’m not mistaken.
4. .NH. - She’s a noisy and boyish hoyden! A real tomboy!
5. .H?. - He merely sneered and jeered at her surreal fears.
6. .d?. - The mayor declared the turn of affairs scared him.
7. .T?. - The pure but immature can be lured by wrongdoers.
8. .`T. - How about an outing to the renowned Fountain Restaurant?

ST.3.8. Exercise 8 – CD.II.37
Read the following sentences and then write them in spelling:

1. !m?Ta?ch^!m?Ty g`T^!k?Tmkh^C?^!q?Tc^Hy
2. `H^!gH?^!cH?cqhy !qH?kh^!fPm s?^m`H!cYH?qh?
3. ?m^!NHkh^!NHmsl?ms cUyms !qH?kh^!lNHr?m iN9^!rjHm
4. `H^!cd?rdH^!cdHuy ldHmkh^s?^!akdHl e?^CHr !edHki?
5. C?q^?^!S`Ty'?(mcy^?u !q`Tmc !g`TyHy^Hm CHr !s`Tm
6. !s`Hl !ek`Hy { it^!m?T { !`Ts^?u !r`Hs { !`Ts^?u !l`Hmc
7. `H^!c?Tms !jd?^vdC?q^`H^kHu^!Uorsd?y^N9^!c`Tmrsd?y
8. `Hk !RN9kh220^roh9j !lN9^!ekt9?mskh^@9es?q^?^!sT?q^?u !iT?q?o

ST.3.9. Exercise 9 – CD.II.38

Read the limerick from transcription.

C?^!vPy^?^iUM !kdHch^?u !q`Hf?

gt^!rl`Hkc^?y Rh !q?Tc^Pm^?^!s`Hf?
CdH^qh!s29mc eql C?^!q`Hc
vHC C?^!kdHch^Hm!r`Hc
?m C?^!rl`Hk^Pm C?^!edHr^?u C?^!s`Hf?

ST.3.10. Exercise 10
In the space below transcribe the words, from units 13-20, which you found

Wells (2008) - /!RN9kh. or /!RT?kh..


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