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Reference: This sentence is taken from the lesson "OF STUDIES" written by 'Francis
Bacon', a great essayist of English Literature.
Context: While describing the importance of studies and reading books the author
mentioned these lines.
Meaning : OF STUDIES is taken from "THE ESSAYS" of Bacon, who is one of the most
famous English Writers, English Philosopher, Statesman and a pioneer of modern
scientific thought.
Bacon explains that there are three uses of studies. They give us delight and
education. Reading helps us to improve communicative skills efficiently and
effectively. Studies also help us to improve the skill of judgement to deal
1successfully with particular cases. Bacon prescribes some rules of study. We
should not read just to contradict and argue with others. At the same time we
should not study blindly to believe whatever is there in the books. There are
different types of books and Bacon suggests us to choose the right one. Some can be
read in parts, some to be read completely and some other may skip through pagês.
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some
CommentThough the essay is very short, the words and the phrases used by the
authorare very valuable and expandable.

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