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The supplies below are linked to online sources for convenience.
• U.S. Size 8 (5mm) knitting needles

• Approximately 492 yards (449.885 meters) of Worsted/Medium-Weight (Category 4) yarn. Note: The yarn used for the photographed scarf
is Lion Brand Wool Ease yarn in the color “Grey Heather”; three skeins total are required (note, the scarf uses approximately 2 ½ skeins out of
the three total required skeins)

• Scissors


• Row Counter (to count each row knitted and to stay on track)

• Tapestry / Darning Needle (to weave in any loose ends)

• Knitting Needle Point Protects (to prevent the live stitches from accidentally slipping off the knitting needles)


Some of the stitches and techniques below are linked to corresponding video tutorials for reference.
• CO: Cast on

• St(s): Stitch(es)

• K: Knit

• P: Purl

• Rep: Repeat

• Rem: Remain

• 1x1 Ribbing: Consists of alternating one knit stitch with one purl stitch across the row; the 1x1 ribbing is worked on both ends of the scarf

• Approx: Approximately

• “ / Cm(s): Inch(es) / Centimeter(s)

• BO: Bind off

• Ribbing BO: Ribbing Bind Off (creates a slightly stretchier bind off edge)

• Weaving in loose ends

For information about other terms within the knitting pattern, such as asterisks, brackets, and parenthesis, visit our website here.


• The Mountaineer Scarf is seamlessly knitted flat in rows, vertically
in a classic rectangular shape. The scarf is knitted bottom-up, first
beginning with the bottom 1x1 ribbing, then working the body of
the scarf in the stitch pattern, and then ending with the other end
consisting of a 1x1 ribbing.

• The Mountaineer Scarf is reversible. There is no right side or

wrong side of the fabric. The stitches involved for this scarf consist
of knit and purl stitches only.

• The scarf may be made as long or as short as desired, by simply

working more repeats in the stitch pattern. The stitch count
remains the same for the entirety of the pattern.

• All measurements were taken after wet-blocking the finished scarf.
Length: Approx. 85.5” (217.17 cm); Width: Approx. 8”-8.5” (20.32
cm - 21.59 cm). Ribbing Length: Approx. 1.5” (3.81 cm).

• The length of the scarf may be made longer or shorter by

following the pattern instructions for more or less repeats of the
stitch pattern (Pattern Pt. 1: “Body Of The Scarf”).

• Approx. 18 stitches x Approx. 21 rows = Approx. 4” (10.16 cm).
Note: Gauge was taken after steam-blocking the finished scarf.


• Begin: Cast on 43 stitches.

• Bottom Ribbing Row 1: *K1, p1, repeat from * across the row until the last stitch: k1. [43 sts rem]

• Bottom Ribbing Row 2: *P1, k1, repeat from * across the row until the last stitch: p1. [43 sts rem]

• Bottom Ribbing Rows 3-8: Repeat Bottom Ribbing Rows 1 and 2. [43 sts rem]


• Body Row 1: *K3, p1, repeat from * across the row until the last 3 stitches: k3. [43 sts rem]

• Body Row 2: K1, *p1, k1, repeat from * across the row until the last 2 stitches: p1, k1. [43 sts rem]

• Next: Repeat Body Rows 1 and 2 until the length of the scarf reaches approx. 83” (210.82 cm) from the cast on edge. [43 sts rem]


• Top Ribbing Row 1: *K1, p1, repeat from * across the row until the last stitch: k1. [43 sts rem]

• Top Ribbing Row 2: *P1, k1, repeat from * across the row until the last stitch: p1. [43 sts rem]

• Top Ribbing Rows 3-8: Repeat Top Ribbing Rows 1 and 2. [43 sts rem]

• Next: Bind off all stitches in any preferred bind off method. Video tutorials for a regular bind off technique plus a ribbing bind off technique are
both linked in the Stitch Glossary section above – See: Notes Pt. 2: “Abbreviations + Stitch Glossary.

• To Finish: Break yarn and weave in any loose ends.


Due to the ribbed texture of the finished Mountaineer Scarf, it is recommended to either briefly steam-block or wet-block the finished scarf to
allow the fabric to gently stretch, soften, and look its best prior to wearing.

• Steam-blocking: The photographed Mountaineer Scarf was steam-blocked using an electric steamer. To steam-block the finished scarf,
swiftly move the electric steamer across the fabric of the scarf, holding the steamer approximately 5” (12.7 cm) away from the fabric. Avoid

• Wet-blocking: Alternately to steam-blocking the scarf, the scarf may be wet-blocked. To wet-block the finished scarf, soak it in cold water
with a squirt of fabric softener or wool soap for approx. 20 minutes, then gently towel-wring out any excess water and lay it flat, pinned onto
blocking mats to dry.

• Cleaning: As with all hand-knitted items, it is best to gently hand-wash the finished scarf in cold water and lay it flat to dry. If using the
recommended yarn listed in the “Supplies” section above, the finished scarf may be washed in a washing machine on the delicate cycle with
cold water and then laid flat to dry. It is always recommended to use a laundry delicates’ bag like this one to wash all hand-knitted items in.
Refer to the yarn label for specific instructions on washing and care for the yarn chosen to knit the scarf with.

• Video Tutorial + Tips: Watch a video tutorial of our favorite wet-blocking process here. To learn more about the blocking process we
recommend, including items and tools we use to block, visit our page here.

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