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CONSENT FORM FOR (insert name of participant)

RESEARCH TITLE: Cross-Culture in the Workplace Study

RESEARCHER/S: (insert names of student team members)

I have been given information about the Cross-Culture in the Workplace Study and discussed the research
project with (add researcher’s name here) who is conducting this research as part of a post-graduate
module, MGNT978 Cross Cultural Management, supervised by Dr. Alison Thirlwall in the Faculty of
Business at the University of Wollongong in Dubai.

I have read the Participant Information Sheet. I have been advised that any potential risks and burdens
associated with this research are unlikely and I have had an opportunity to ask (add appropriate
researcher’s name here) any questions I may have about the research and my participation.

I understand that my participation in this research is voluntary, I have been invited to participate and I am
free to withdraw from the research at any time. My non-participation or withdrawal of consent will not
affect my relationship with the Faculty of Business at the University of Wollongong in Dubai.

If I have any enquiries about the research, I can contact Dr. Alison Thirlwall on 04 278 1943 or at If I have any concerns or complaints regarding the way the research is or
has been conducted, I can contact the Ethics Officer, Human Research Ethics Committee, Office of
Research, University of Wollongong on 0061 24 221 3386 or email quoting
Ethics number 2015/394.

By signing below I am indicating my consent to (please tick):

o Be interviewed about my cultural experiences in the workplace

o Have my interview audio recorded for transcription

I understand that the data collected from my participation will be treated confidentially and any identifying
information will be changed during the transcription process. The information I provide will be used for a
student report and poster presentation, and potential academic publications, and I consent for it to be used in
that manner.

Signed Date

....................................................................... ......./....../......
Name (please print)

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