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 Length : 3 meters.
 Shape : convoluted tube.
 Function: absorption rather than digestion.
 Lining : it is lined by mucosa that has finger-like projection
called villi. This villi increase the surface area of absorption.
 Parts : 1- duodenum.

 Duodenum is the first part and is about 20 cm long.
Bile duct opens into the duodenum transferring the bile
from liver to intestine.
Bile is concerned with digestion of lipids.

 Jejunum is the second part of small intestine.

 Ileum is the last part and it ends by opening into the the
cecum of the large intestine in the right side of body.
It started at right side of body and ends at left side.
Parts :
Its first part is called cecum lying in the right lower part of
the abdomen. Appendix is attached to its posterior wall.
From the cecum, the ascending colon passes up the right
side of the abdomen where it reaches below the liver
forming the hepatic flexure then it turns to the left forming
the transverse colon which crosses the below the stomach
from right side to the left side reaching the spleen forming
splenic flexure then descends downwards on the left side of
the body as descending colon.
Descending colon continue as sigmoid colon which continue
to form rectum. Rectum opens into the anal canal
 Cecum and appendix present in the right lower part of
abdomen .
 Cecum receives the opening of appendix in its posterior
surface . Inflammation of appendix is called appendicitis
and usually requires surgery.
 Ascending colon ascends on the right side of body while
transverse colon traverses the abdomen from right to
left. Descending colon descends on the left side of body.
 Sigmoid colon has S-shape .
 Rectum opens into the anal canal then to the anal
1-3 pairs of salivary glands opening in mouth.
2- liver
3- pancreas.
 Liver :
It is the largest organ weighing about 0.5 kg having right
and left lobes.
Liver lies in the right upper part of the abdomen under the
Gall bladder lies in the lower surface of liver.
Hepatic ducts and vessels enter and leave liver through the
hilum in the lower surface of liver.
Hilum shows the followings :
1- portal vein.
2- hepatic artery.
3-hepatic ducts.
Portal vein : it supplies the liver with its major blood supply.
Hepatic artery :carries oxygenated blood and provides small
amount of liver blood supply.
Hepatic ducts :
- they are right and left hepatic ducts.
- they drains the bile to the duodenum for digestion of food.
- They unite together to form common hepatic duct which
units with cystic duct (duct from gall bladder) to form
common bile duct. This CBD opens into the duodenum.
All of this is called biliary tree.
 Pancreas :
It lies in the upper abdomen traversing it from right to left
from the spleen to the duodenum..
It has a duct called pancreatic duct that opens with CBD into
the duodenum .
Pancreas considers as endocrine and exocrine gland.

It is a vascular organ lying in the upper left part in the
abdominal cavity between the stomach, diaphragm and lower
ribs (9th, 10th, and 11th ribs).
Spleen considered as a lymphatic organ.

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