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Just the Facts

sean Connolly
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Just the Facts

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oP ra Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

SS 3
Connolly, Sean.
o;are STDs / Sean Connolly.
p. cm, -- (Just the facts)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
a ISBN 1-58810-681-0
1. Sexually transmitted diseases--Juvenile literature. [1. Sexually
transmitted diseases. 2. Diseases.] |.Title. Il. Series,
RC200.25 .C66 2002

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The author and publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: pp.6, ==
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The dawn of the 21st century has curable STDs such as syphilis would be
brought with it an exciting array of wiped out. That has not happened, and
scientific advances. People eat better, since then more than a dozen other new
remain healthier, and live longer than at STDs have been identified.
any other time in history. So it seems
The following pages offer an explanation
strange that we are still trying to
of what STDs are, as well as how they
combat some of the same curable
can be prevented and treated. No matter
diseases that affected people more than
what form they take—virus, bacteria,
2,000 years ago. Yet that is where we
or insect—they all pass from person to
stand with gonorrhea, one of the 25 or
person in the same way. What happens
so sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
after that depends on the disease itself,
Although it is sexual contact that
and many STDs mask their arrival for a
spreads these diseases from one person
long time.
to another, it is ignorance about them
that really allows them to flourish. The core of this book deals closely with
Too few people—even some who are six of the most common STDs. They also
themselves infected—follow the simple represent three of the main types of
medical advice on how to prevent sexually transmitted disease: viral,
STD infection. bacterial, and insect. It examines them
closely, providing details on their
Knowing the enemy symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
This book aims to overturn some of that Just as importantly, this book offers
ignorance. It looks at the recent rise in advice on how to deal personally with
STDs, especially since the STD infections, how to talk to others
well-publicized spread of HIV and about the issue, and where to find
AIDS—a sexually transmitted disease. confidential advice and counseling :
As recently as the late 1970s, many
medical experts were predicting that
ane ane
What Are STDs?
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are many changes in people’s sexual
infections that can be spread by having behavior. One of the most important
sex with another person who is infected. changes since that time is that young
They are among the most common people are becoming sexually active
infectious diseases in the world today. earlier in life, yet marrying later. This
More than 24 STDs have now been combination means that, overall, people
identified. Most of these are curable, now have more sexual partners in their
although some are not. Many people lives. With the increase in sexual
who have an STD do not even know it. partners comes the increased risk of
They may look healthy, but they still contracting—or infecting someone else
could have an STD. Some people do not with—a sexually transmitted disease.
tell their sexual partner, even if they
know they have an STD.

Secrecy and shame The Woodstock Festival in 1969

was typical of the decade when
Until the late 20th century, STDs were
a new era of sexual freedom
known as venereal diseases or simply was beginning.
VD. Although these diseases were
quite widespread, many people
preferred not to discuss them. Soldiers
and sailors sometimes received a brief
pep talk about the dangers of
contracting syphilis or gonorrhea—two
of the most common STDs—but
the subject rarely was taught in schools.
As a result, few people knew much
about the diseases or how to prevent or —
treat them.

Unfortunately, this ignorance and air of »

secrecy continued well into the 1960s
and even beyond. That era brought
The hidden foe
Many organisms cause these diseases.
Most of them are too small to be seen
A micrograph (photo of a microscopic
with the naked eye, except for pubic
image) shows the presence of
lice—tiny insects that live and breed in Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria,
the pubic hair around a person’s genital which causes a common STD.

area. Bacteria and viruses are two

common types of organisms that cause
infection as they pass from one person
to another in body fluids. Fungi and
even yeasts can also cause STDs.
Most of the time, STDs cause no
symptoms, particularly in women.
Some people can confuse STD
symptoms with those of other diseases
not transmitted through sexual contact.
Even when an STD causes no symptoms,
an infected person may be able to pass
the disease on to a sexual partner.
That is why many doctors recommend
regular testing for people who have
more than one sexual partner.
The risks for women Using our knowledge
Although STDs are dangerous for Understanding the basic facts about
whoever develops them, women face STDs—the ways in which they are
particular risks. The early symptoms of spread, their common symptoms, and
some STDs are hardly noticeable in how they can be treated—is the first
women, since their sexual organs are step toward prevention. If they are
inside their bodies. Men, on the other detected and treated early, many STDs
hand, can often detect early symptoms can be treated effectively. Some can
because their sexual organ (the penis) is even be cured. However, other infections
easily visible. Other risks are directly have become resistant to the drugs
related to the female reproductive used to treat them and now require
system. Some STDs can spread into the newer types of medicine. Recent
uterus (womb) and Fallopian tubes to research suggests that having some
cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). types of STD actually increases the risk
This serious condition can cause both of being infected with the HIV virus,
infertility and complications if the which in turn leads to AIDS.
woman becomes pregnant. Some of
these complications can be fatal.

Approximately 15 percent of all infertile

women are infertile because of damage
GESTDs [are] hidden
caused by PID. Other STDs may also epidemics of tremendous
lead to cervical cancer in women. They health and economic
can also pass from a mother to her baby
before, during, or immediately after consequence in the United
birth. Although some of these infections States. They represent a
of the newborn can be cured easily,
growing threat to the
others may cause a baby to be
permanently disabled or even to die. nation’s health, and national
action is urgently needed.99
(1997 Institute of Medicine report)
Many STDs can be passed on P
from mothers to newborn ¢
babies, while others can prevent ‘9
women from having children. ey,
Epidemic Proportions?
An epidemic is a disease that affects The figures that they have amassed
many people at the same time, confirm that there does seem to be an
spreading from person to person in a epidemic. Recent figures compiled by
place that does not normally have that the World Health Organization have
disease. Many infectious diseases, shown more than 330 million new cases
such as flu, spread as epidemics. It of these four diseases each year for the
seems clear that many sexually past decade.
transmitted diseases are expanding
According to 2002 statistics from the
along these lines. At least 25 STDs have
Centers for Disease Control and
been identified so far; these are all on
Prevention, more than 65 million people
the increase and new variations are
in the United States are currently living
regularly found. The question is: How
with an incurable sexually transmitted
widespread are they?
disease. An additional 15 million people
become infected with one or more STDs
Keeping tabs
each year, roughly half of whom contract
Four of the most widespread STDs are
lifelong infections. Approximately 25
curable. They are: gonorrhea,
percent of all new STD infections are
chlamydial infection, syphilis, and
in teenagers.
trichomoniasis. As the public has
become more aware of the possible Armed with the results of field
cures, more infected people are experience (awareness of how the
reporting to clinics for treatment. it is diseases progress), health officials can
only in these closely observed also predict some STD side effects.
conditions—with patients registered For example, between 10 and 40
and treatments monitored—that health percent of women infected with
officials can keep an accurate number gonorrhea will go on to develop pelvic
of affected people. inflammatory disease (see page 8)
unless they receive early treatment.

An American snapshot
The United States compiles some of the most
detailed statistics about sexually transmitted
diseases, and the numbers are alarming. More
than 15.3 million new cases of STDs occur
each year, at least one-fifth of them among
teenagers. Approximately two-thirds of people
who acquire STDs in the United States are
younger than 25. Of the top eleven
reportable diseases in the United States in a
typical year, five are transmitted sexually
(chlamydial = infection, gonorrhea, HIV, syphilis,
and hepatitis B). The cost of these diseases Is
also high. In most years, the United States
spends about $8 to $10 billion on major
STDs (other than HIV and AIDS) and their
preventable complications. This figure rises to
approximately $17 billion if sexually
transmitted HIV infections are included.
History of STDs
People have passed diseases on to each Although there is now some evidence
other sexually for as long as we can tell. (see page 15) suggesting otherwise,
Many distinct STDs might once have many experts believe that syphilis was
been considered as simply different first introduced into Europe in 1493 by
forms of the same disease. Nevertheless, crew members returning from
they were definitely understood to be Christopher Columbus’s first expedition
linked to sexual conduct. to America. Within a few decades, it had
become a major public disease. It was
Gonorrhea is mentioned in some of the
around this time that Paracelsus, a
earliest writings in many cultures. The
famous German doctor and chemist,
ancient Chinese recognized it and tried
began to argue that the new disease
many remedies, including acupuncture,
was somehow spread from person to
to treat it. The same disease is
person. Although he could find no cure
mentioned in the Old Testament of the
for the disease—or even identify the
Christian Bible. Ancient Jewish doctors
real cause of it—his views gained
advised people to wash with special
importance over the next few centuries.
soaps if they touched someone infected
People began to understand how
with the disease.
syphilis (and gonorrhea) spread through
sexual contact. Condoms and other
New arrival?
protective devices became
People in medieval Europe viewed
more common.
gonorrhea as something to be feared
and avoided, but not something that
they understood. Many people believed
that the disease, like other dangerous
illnesses such as the plague, was a
punishment from God.

Columbus’s crew encountered Nativ

Americans, who many Europeans bla
for the spread of syphilis to Europe.

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Effective treatment Tests in the early 1940s showed that
penicillin was highly effective against
By the early 20th century, medical
syphilis, gonorrhea, and other
science had a better idea of how
bacteria-related STDs. It remains the
diseases were passed on generally.
preferred treatment for syphilis. New
Powerful microscopes and new
varieties need to be developed to deal
medicines enabled researchers to
with strains of gonorrhea that have
identify viruses and bacteria—the
become resistant to the drug.
causes of many diseases. In 1905, the
German scientist Fritz Schaudinn
discovered the bacterium that is
responsible for syphilis. A year later, Paul Ehrlich, shown here with
ther G entciaen. t Japanese scientist Sahachiro Hata,
anomier German scientist, August Von made the medical breakthrough in
Wassermann, developed the first blood the treatment of syphilis.
test to check for the disease in a patient. io

In 1909, a third German scientist, Paul

Ehrlich, discovered the first effective
treatment for syphilis: the arsenic-
containing compound Salvarsan.
Salvarsan did work well against syphilis,
but it was expensive to produce and
never became widespread as a
treatment. The real breakthrough came
when the antibiotic penicillin was first
observed. Although this medicine was
first discovered in 1928, it took another
decade for the medical world to produce
enough of it to be distributed widely.
Health posters during World War II warned
soldiers of the risks of contracting STDs, or :
venereal diseases (VD), as they were then . faite tage

a ey
Dealing with Early precautions

the problem The ancient Egyptians were familiar with

condoms and used a linen sheath to protect
Penicillin and other antibiotics, of
against diseases. Silk was the preferred
course, only work against bacteria and
material for Chinese condoms, while the
have no effect on viral STDs such as
Japanese used leather and tortoiseshell
hepatitis B and herpes. However, after
sheaths. Men in ancient Rome used condoms
World War Il, the penicillin treatment
made from goat bladders. Europeans in the
began to achieve real success against
18th century used a variety of materials for
the two main STDs of the time, syphilis
their condoms, preferring those made from
and gonorrhea. The number of syphilis
silk, linen, and lamb gut.
Cases reported in the United States
fell from 106,000 in 1947 to 25,000
Challenging history
in 1975.
ARMM Female bones dug up in a churchyard in
Working against this successful trend Rivenhall, England, are thought to disprove ’
was the change in sexual thinking that the long-standing belief that Christopher
took hold in the 1960s and 1970s. STDs Columbus was responsible for importing
became more widespread as sexual syphilis into Europe in the late 15th century.
attitudes became freer, and also Archaeologists have unearthed the
because many people believed (wrongly) skeleton of a woman, aged between 25
that the diseases had been wiped out. and 50, who suffered from this sexually
The arrival of HIV and AIDS in the transmitted disease at least 50 years
eT 1980s distracted much attention away before Columbus discovered America in
from traditional STDs, and health 1492. Scientists are 95 percent certain
officials are still dealing with dangerous that the woman, who is believed to have
increases in nearly every sexually contracted the disease up to a decade
transmitted disease today. before her death, lived in the medieval
settlement some time between
1290 and 1445.
A Special Case
By the late 1970s, the world had sources—with a particular virus. It is
become more familiar with the range this virus, known as the Human
and dangers of sexually transmitted Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), that is
diseases. New STDs, such as the passed on from one person to another.
herpes virus, gained a lot of publicity, An HIV-positive person—that is,
and campaigns were started to make somebody infected with the HIV
the public more aware of both virus—can infect someone else. The
precautions and prevention. Then, in virus moves to another human when
the early 1980s, a new disease, which bodily fluids from an infected person
we now know as AIDS, began to sweep pass to another person.
across the world. The causes of AIDS
One of the major ways in which fluids
remained a mystery for several years,
pass from person to person is through
although it became apparent that the
sexual contact. For that reason, AIDS
condition seemed to be a deadly STD.
(and the HIV infection that leads to it)
AIDS seemed at first to be confined
qualifies as a sexually transmitted
to the gay community in major cities,
disease. There are other ways in which
but it soon became clear that the
this infection can be passed—through
condition was also linked to
sharing needles, infected blood, and
heterosexual relations.
even in a mother’s milk—but it is the
sexual transmission of the virus
Increased awareness
that worries medical
In the two decades since AIDS was first
experts most.
identified worldwide, many books have
been written on the subject. There has
also been a great deal of important
research. Most scientists now link the
deadly condition of AIDS—which leaves
the body open to infection from many
Hopes and fears
A number of treatments have been
discovered to slow the spread of HIV in
infected people, but there is no cure for
the infection or the deadly AIDS
condition that follows it. With the
number of people now infected (roughly
40 million at the beginning of 2002)
continuing to rise, the problem has
become critical.
Who Contracts STDs?
Back in the days when sexually
transmitted diseases were called
venereal diseases, most people chose
not to consider or even discuss the
problem. Young people rarely heard of
the diseases and their effects. At the
same time, many parents chose to
believe that the diseases were mainly
the problem of other people—the poor,
the badly brought up, uneducated
people, or those living in inner cities.
This almost deliberate ignorance of the
diseases led to what has been
described as a “culture of secrecy.”
The modern view of sexually transmitted
diseases is to be more aware, open, and
informative. This helps make knowledge
far more available to the general
public—young and old alike. With the
knowledge we have gained, we can see
that many of the old ideas about STDs
were inaccurate, and allowed the
diseases to spread.

at risk when it comes —

to STDs.
No boundaries other STDs. People should be prepared

We know now that anyone who is to use condoms (when they have sex) or
having a sexual relationship can choose to avoid sexual intercourse or
contract a sexually transmitted disease. other risky actions. They should be

It doesn’t matter who you are so much aware of the various diseases and their

as how you behave. STDs affect men symptoms so that they can be tested
and women of all backgrounds and (and treated if necessary) before it is

economic levels. They are most common too late. This advice is the same for

among teenagers and young adults. In anyone, anywhere.

fact, nearly two-thirds of all STDs occur Sometimes all of this encouragement to
in people younger than 25 years of age. “be sensible” almost gets lost among

Although the treatments for the many the other messages competing for
young people’s attention. For nearly four
STDs vary, much of the advice for
decades, sex has become more widely
preventing them remains the same.
discussed, and people can easily take it
“Safe sex” advice, which has become
for granted or consider it “no big deal.”
more widely known throughout the HIV
It can be hard for young people, the
and AIDS epidemic, holds true with all
group with the highest risk of
contracting STDs, to remember the need
to be cautious and sensible.
The road ahead
Despite our increased awareness of 4640ur society bombards our
STDs—and with it, an increased
kids with all kinds of
willingness to talk about them—more
needs to be done. The world as a whole tantalizing images through
is far from understanding the full picture television, music, film, and
about these diseases, and the diseases
advertising. But there isn’t
continue to increase. The Committee on
Prevention and Control of Sexually much out there that balances
Transmitted Diseases, part of the U.S. these messages with
Institute of Medicine, has described
sexuality awareness,
STDs as “the Hidden Epidemic.”
This term seems fitting, and also tragic, responsibility, and sound
because many people might contract judgement. Since sexuality is
curable STDs, such as syphilis and
a fact of life at an early age,
gonorrhea, but not recognize the
symptoms until it is too late to prevent we must approach these hot
lasting damage. Others, particularly topics with realistic
women (see far right), run the risk of
communication, pointing
developing fatal conditions and even of
passing them on to their babies. out what it all
_means—including the
Teg |“ike10699
bad stuff
Hl Ke STDS. 49

Dangers for women
Women have a higher chance of getting an
STD than men. Young women, who are
generally the most sexually active female age
group, have more chance of getting an STD
than older women. Worse still, women are
more likely than men to have serious health
problems that develop from STDs. Three of
the most important are: This microscopic view shows a

© pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) —an ia TULLE TUE

viruses, which can lead to serious
infection in the uterus, ovaries, and Fallopian complications in women.
tubes that can cause infertility (not being
able to get pregnant) or an ectopic
pregnancy (a pregnancy that occurs in the
Fallopian tubes instead of the uterus)
e human papilloma virus (HPV)—an
infection that can lead to cervical cancer
e infant death or disability—mothers with .
STDs can infect their babies. Some babies ee
die from the infection and other babies are ;
born with serious health problems.
How STDs Work
As their name suggests, sexually The pain and discomfort of these
transmitted diseases are passed on diseases is not confined to the genital
from one person to another through area, where they usually enter the body.
sexual relations. Tiny disease-causing lf left untreated, many STDs can lead to
substances travel in the fluids that are serious—and even deadly—problems
exchanged during sex. None of this is elsewhere in the body.
obvious at the time, though, and many
people with an STD do not even know The root of the problem
they have it. The symptoms are often Just what causes sexually transmitted
barely even noticeable. Women, whose diseases and leads to such a variety of
sexual organs are internal, find it very them? Nearly all of the known STDs are
hard to notice the early symptoms. Even caused by tiny organisms, which live
when they do notice something unusual, and breed inside, or on the surface of,
they might mistake the symptoms for the human body. Some are caused by
one of the conditions affecting the bacteria. Medicines known as
urinary tract. antibiotics can cure infections caused

Although there is no
cure for STDs caused by
viruses, vaccinations
can prevent people from
developing them in the
3 first place.
by bacteria, but there can be lasting
damage done to a person’s body if the
infection is not caught soon enough.
Others are caused by the spread of
viruses. There is no cure for infections
caused by viruses, but vaccinations
can prevent people from becoming
infected in the first place. Another group
is caused by the spread of either tiny
animals (Such as insects) or fungal
infection. Medicines can treat these
infections and soothe the discomfort
caused by them.

No matter what the source of the STD,

though, it is the sexual act that provides
a way of keeping the organism alive and
allowing it to find a new home in
another body. If any of the organisms
causing STDs were removed from the
body, they would soon die.

The following pages describe six of the

most common STDs. Three of them
(chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, and
syphilis) are caused by bacteria. Genital
herpes and hepatitis are caused by
viruses. The last STD covered in the
next section, pubic lice, is a condition
caused by the spread of tiny insects.

This micrograph shows the distinctive

spiral shape of Treponema pallidum,
the bacterium that causes syphilis.
Checklist of Common STDs
Chlamydial infection Treatment
Doctors can treat the infection with a
Chlamydial infection is caused by a
choice of antibiotics. The infection may
bacterium called Chlamydia
move inside the body if it is not treated.
trachomatis. It is one of the most
There, it can cause pelvic inflammatory
widespread bacterial STDs in the world.
disease (PID) in women and
Because chlamydial infection does not
epididymitis in men, two very serious
make most people sick, you can have it
illnesses. Babies can develop
and not know it. This makes the
pneumonia and eye problems if their
infection even more frightening.
mother is infected.
The symptoms, which are usually very
mild, normally appear within one to
three weeks after being infected. An
infected person may have an abnormal
discharge (mucus or pus) from the
vagina or penis, or pain while urinating.
Some people also develop pain along

the lining of the eye.

Chlamydial infection is easily confused
with gonorrhea because the symptoms
of both diseases are similar. The best
way to find out whether the infection is -
chlamydial is through laboratory tests. A
doctor sends a sample of mucus from
the vagina or penis to a laboratory that
will look for the bacteria.

Urine tests, such as this one checking for

the presence of hepatitis viruses, are a
useful way of testing for a range of STDs.

Genital herpes Diagnosis

Genital herpes is caused by one of the Doctors can diagnose genital herpes by

herpes viruses. Another variation of the a visual inspection if the outbreak is

typical, and also by taking a sample
herpes virus causes cold sores. The
from the sore or sores. However, it is
genital variety causes blisters and sores
difficult to diagnose between outbreaks,
that can take weeks to heal. Just like
and blood tests do not always provide a
cold sores, these blisters can flare up
definite answer. If an infected woman
again unexpectedly. Since it is a virus, it
gives birth while the virus is active, the
stays in the body indefinitely. However,
baby runs a Slight risk of getting a
the number of outbreaks tends to go
deadly infection. Also, people infected
down over a period of years.
with herpes both pass on and receive
Symptoms the HIV infection more easily, so they
The infection is usually hard to detect should be aware of this risk as soon
because there are few immediate as possible.
symptoms. When they do occur, they
appear as one or more blisters on or
There is no treatment that can cure
around the genitals or rectum. These
herpes, but antiviral medications can
break, leaving tender sores that may
shorten—or even prevent—an outbreak
take two to four weeks to heal the first
while the person takes the medicine.
time they occur. Another outbreak can
appear weeks or months after the first,
but is almost always less severe and
shorter than the first episode.
Gonorrhea Diagnosis
A quick laboratory test for gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria
that can be done in the clinic or doctor’s
gonorrhoea, a bacterium that can grow
office is a Gram stain. A doctor or
and multiply easily in the mucous
laboratory technician takes a small
membranes of the body. Gonorrhea
sample from the discharge. Staining the
bacteria can grow in the warm, moist
sample lets the doctor see the
areas of the reproductive tract, including
gonorrhea bacteria under a microscope.
the cervix (opening to the womb), uterus
This test works better for men than for
(womb), and Fallopian tubes (egg
women. Another method is to take a
canals) in women, and in the urethra
sample and place it in a laboratory dish
(urine canal) in women and men. The
to see whether the bacteria grow
bacteria can also grow in the mouth,
and reproduce.
throat, and anus.
Many of the currently used antibiotics
The first symptoms of gonorrhea
can successfully cure gonorrhea.
usually appear two to five days after
One of the most common antibiotics,
infection, but it can take as long as 30
penicillin, is no longer used to treat
days for symptoms to begin.
gonorrhea. That is because many strains
Most infected men first notice a
of the gonorrhea bacterium have
burning sensation while urinating and
a yellowish white discharge from the become resistant to penicillin. Although
medication will stop the infection, it will
penis. Men with gonorrhea sometimes
have painful or swollen testicles. not repair any permanent damage done
by the disease.
Women often do not notice similar
early symptoms, or they mistake
them for a bladder infection or
yeast infection.

It is important to treat gonorrhea as
soon as possible; otherwise, it can lead
to a range of serious complications.
These include pelvic inflammatory
disease, a sometimes fatal condition
for women. Gonorrhea can spread to
the blood or joints, putting the person’s Medical personnel rely on
life in danger. Also, people with microscopes to detect—and
sometimes help treat—the wide
gonorrhea are more likely to contract
range of STDs caused by
the HIV infection. All of these risks can organisms that are too small to
be passed on to the next generation be seen by the naked eye.

because a pregnant woman may give

the infection to her infant as the baby
passes through the birth canal
during delivery.
Hepatitis B Diagnosis
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the Because of the complexity and the
liver that can be caused by viruses, chemical differences of the virus, doctors
certain medications, and alcohol perform a number of tests for hepatitis B.
abuse. There are five viral forms of The three most common are all blood —
hepatitis (all known by letters); tests, which assess the presence of the
hepatitis B is the most dangerous. virus in the blood and, if a virus is
This is the form that is sexually present, how fast it is replicating.
transmitted and it is highly
contagious. Many people have
Although hepatitis B has no cure, a :
hepatitis B and pass it on to others
vaccine against the disease is availa
without even knowing that they have
In the United States, the Centers for
the condition. Up to one in ten people
Disease Control and Prevention and
with hepatitis B develops chronic
other public health officials recommen
hepatitis, which can lead to
vaccination for all infants and youn
permanent liver damage and an
adults. Young adults need to protect
increased risk of liver cancer.
themselves before they become
Symptoms sexually active and possibly exposed
Hepatitis B symptoms begin with to hepatitis B.
fever, usually followed by weakness,
loss of appetite, and muscle pains. The
upper abdomen may be painful and
tender. Jaundice appears gradually,
reaching a peak at two weeks.

A jaundiced (yellowish) eye is a common -
symptom of hepatitis, developing in the
first two weeks after infection.
Pu bic lice doctors and pharmacists recommend
using shampoos designed for treating
Pubic lice are tiny insects that can
head lice since the active ingredients are
infest the pubic hair and survive by
similar. People often prefer to ask for
feeding on human blood. They are
head lice treatment because it is less
sometimes called crab lice or simply
embarrassing. The itching sometimes
crabs. These parasites are usually
continues even after the lice have been
spread by sexual contact, although they
killed. This is because the skin has been
may also be picked up through contact
irritated and requires time to heal.
with infested bedding or clothing.

The main symptom of infestation is This highly magnified photo
trgetets jan ' ; shows how pubic lice
itching in the pubic area. Scratching ) attach themselves and stay
may spread the lice to other parts of ___ Stuck to human hair.
the body. For this reason, anyone ; i
affected by pubic lice should avoid rc i
touching the infected area, although
this may be difficult.

Grayish, oval-shaped pubic lice are
actually visible to the naked eye. They se
appear reddish-brown when full of blood 3%
from feeding. Nits, the tiny white eggs, ===
are also visible. They tend to cling to the
base of pubic hair.

Lotions and shampoos to kill pubic lice
are available both over the counter and
by prescription. Most of them contain
lindane, a powerful pesticide. Some

syphilis Diagnosis
Shortly after infection occurs, the body
Syphilis has often been called “the
produces syphilis antibodies. An
great imitator” because so many of the
accurate and inexpensive blood test can
signs and symptoms are so like those
detect these antibodies and confirm the
of other diseases. It is caused by the
presence of syphilis.
bacterium /reponema pallidum and
spreads from person to person through Treatment
direct contact with a syphilis sore. If A single dose of penicillin, an
left untreated, it can pass through three antibiotic, will usually cure a person
stages—sometimes unnoticed—and who has had syphilis for less than a
can lead to death. year. Larger doses are needed to cure
someone who has had it for longer than
a year. Penicillin treatment will kill the
The first-stage symptom is a small sore
syphilis bacterium and prevent further
(called a chancre sore) that appears at
damage, but it will not repair any
the spot where syphilis entered the
damage already done.
body. It lasts up to six weeks, and it will
heal on its own, although the infection is
still there. The second stage features
rashes on the hands and feet as well as
fever, sore throat, hair loss, headaches,
and tiredness. Third-stage signs and
symptoms include not being able to This patient shows symptoms
coordinate muscle movements, of second-stage syphilis.

paralysis, numbness, gradual blindness,

and dementia. This damage may be
serious enough to cause death.

Life with STDs
Being diagnosed with a sexually Firm action
transmitted disease almost always
After hearing the news, the first thing
comes as something of a shock, even
the patient should do is to seek out
if it has been detected early on and
treatment as quickly as possible. This
can be treated easily. People
is particularly important for women
sometimes view this news as a
because they run the risk of transmitting
punishment. STDs, after all, can almost
an STD to an infant either in childbirth
always be avoided by behaving
or through breast milk. They should also
sensibly and carefully (see pages
tell all recent sexual partners and urge
40-41). However, after the initial
them to be tested for the STD. After
shock, the patient should be able to
receiving the medication, the patient
live a normal life within certain limits,
should complete the course of treatment
especially once the infection is
as prescribed. They should only use the
treated fully.
medication prescribed for them, since
the medicine and dosage might differ
from person to person even when
This swab is being placed in a culture dish
to see whether STD-causing treating the same STD.
bacteria will be detected.
Treatment and beyond The patient should also avoid all sexual
activity while being treated for the STD.
During their course of treatment, the
Even after the course of treatment has
STD patient should take great care,
ended and there are no obvious signs
remembering that the STD infection can
of the STD remaining, the patient should
pass to other parts of the body as well
have a follow-up test to ensure that the
as to other people. For example,
infection has been cured. It is only then
gonorrhea infection can spread to other
that the person can have sexual
unlikely parts of the body. A person can
relations again, and this time they will
get an eye infection after touching
have to be aware of the need for safe
infected genitals and then the eyes.
sex and other precautions.

Washing your hands will

lessen the chance of STDs
spreading from one part of
your body to another.
Famous victim Alan has had a long-term relationship
Bacterial STDs, such as syphilis and with another student, but over the
gonorrhea, can now be treated fully and winter break he met up with an
even cured. In some European ex-girlfriend in his home town.
countries, such as Sweden, they have “We had a little too much to drink and
been virtually eliminated. However, one thing led to another... and, well, we
before these treatments became slept together ‘for old times sake.’ The
widespread, and at a time when STDs next day we both felt a bit embarrassed
were not discussed or admitted openly, about it all and | guess we both blamed
the diseases could take a deadly toll. it on the alcohol. | got back to New York
One of the most famous victims was about a week later and found an
Al Capone, the well-known Chicago e-mail from my ex-girlfriend. She had
gang leader. He ruled the Chicago been to a health clinic and had tested
network of organized crime in the 1920s positive for gonorrhea. | nearly fell
with a combination of cunning and through the floor. |mean, my current
extreme violence. He was eventually girlfriend and | always practice safe sex,
convicted (of the lesser crime of tax but that time back home just that once
evasion) in 1931 and spent eight years | hadn’t.
in prison.
“I've been avoiding telling my girlfriend
and finding excuses not to see her, but |
_ By the time Capone was released, his
know I'll have to. Maybe I'll wait until |
- past had come back to haunt him.
go and get checked out. If I’ve got it, I'll
__ Syphilis, which he had contracted years tell her. | don’t want to infect her, but |
before, entered its advanced stages, and
don’t want to split up. | guess this
he spent his last eight years crippled shows what that stuff about trust is
" oa. inateatpain. all about.”

: Alan (not his real name) is a college
student in New York. His story shows _
how “letting your guard dow
can have lasting consequ

The famous Chicago gangster
Al Capone was brought down, not
by a police officer’s bullet, but by
advanced syphilis.
Family and Friends
The subject of sex is often a difficult and with more partners you increase
one for families to discuss. Many your chances of developing a sexually
parents find it hard to imagine that their transmitted disease. Many young
children have grown up enough to be people, however, find it hard to make
considering a sexual relationship. Even this choice. Instead of listening to the
if they have discussed sex in general, medical advice, they are swayed by the
families often avoid talking about pressure to have sex. This pressure
sexually transmitted diseases. This comes from many sources: from movies
unwillingness to be open is very and TV shows, from the words of pop
dangerous. Also, it makes it much songs, from commercials and
harder for young people to admit having advertisements, but most of all from
an STD if they have become infected. their friends.

Teenagers must sometimes take the The teenage years are difficult for most
lead in such discussions. If they feel people. Teenagers are almost adults and
they are old enough to consider having have many of the responsibilities that go
sex, then they should accept that there with that. It is a time when most people
are developing a separate identity,
are many responsibilities that go along
although they might still be a little
with it. One of these is to take the lead
uncertain about just what form that
in discussions about sex if other family
identity will take. Being insecure and
members will not.
inexperienced with this freedom, many
Peer pressure people follow the examples of their
friends. They don’t want to feel left out
Health care workers dealing with STDs
or not cool, so they often decide to do
all agree that it is best to wait before
things that they would not normally
you start to have sex. Having sex early
consider. This feeling of being forced to
in life usually means that you will end
do something is called peer pressure.
up having more sexual partners overall,
The word peer means those around you
who are in the same position.
Peer pressure leads many young people
to start drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
It also causes many teenagers to have
sex far earlier than they normally would.
It is this pressure to have sex that helps
to spread STDs. Young people
sometimes even combine some of these
actions—getting drunk, having sex, and
not bothering to use condoms. The
result is often a bitter sense of regret
and possibly a painful reminder if they
become infected with an STD.
No matter how fun it is to talk about things
with friends, it is important not to be swayed
by peer pressure into doing anything that
runs the risk of developing an STD.
Dealing with pressure The “special relationship”
The Web site, which deals The friend whose opinion should matter
with teen sex issues, offers the following most, of course, is your girlfriend or
advice for young people who need help boyfriend. If you are mature enough to
dealing with peer pressure: have a sexual relationship, one of the
e go out with a group of friends rather than most important things to do is
only your date communicate. A person should feel free
e think of what you would say in advance to discuss concerns about getting an Re

in case someone tries to pressure you STD. One partner could start the
e be ready to call your mom, dad, or a conversation by stating that he or she
friend to pick you up if you need to cares about the health and well-being of
leave a date both persons. People deciding to have
e never feel obligated to “pay someone
sex with a new partner should discuss
back” with sex in return for an expensive
ways of protecting each other. Again,
date or gift
honesty is the best policy.
e say “no” and mean “no” if that's how
you feel Most STDs are readily treated, so the
earlier a person warns sexual partners
about the disease, the less likely the
disease is to be spread. If the person
does have an STD, then an honest
admission lets the partner seek
early—and usually effective—
treatment. Otherwise, the STD could do
irreparable physica! damage, be spread
to others or, in the case of a woman, be
passed on to a newborn baby.

The strongest relationships are
built and maintained through a
sense of mutual trust. —
Control and Prevention
The twin issues of control and Wider efforts
prevention lead the fight against
As in so many areas, the issue of STD
sexually transmitted diseases. Together
prevention is tied in with the efforts to
they can help reduce the spread of
combat HIV and AIDS infection. The
STDs, increase success rates among the
lessons from AIDS (see pages 42-45)
curable diseases, and limit the
should help these prevention efforts. The
occurrence of incurable STDs such as
most important of these is the call for
herpes. The responsibility for control
safe sex—using condoms or avoiding
falls mainly on national governments,
intercourse outright in favor of cuddling
international health organizations, and
and other demonstrations of affection.
the many charities and
These same actions can significantly
public-awareness groups that focus on
reduce the spread of STDs generally.
STDs. Prevention, however, is an area
where individuals should play the Medical personnel and public health
leading role. officials believe that education is the
key to controlling the spread of STDs.
No matter how many new
treatments—or possible cures—are
developed, the public needs to be made
aware of this progress. In this way,
dozens of government and private
organizations are making STD
information freely available (see pages
52-53). Newspaper and magazine
articles, in addition to television
coverage, help to get this
message across.

The Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention
(CDC), in Atlanta, is the
headquarters for many U.S.-
based prevention efforts.
Personal responsibility long as possible. The younger people
are when they have sex for the first
Knowing about STDs and their effects is
time, the more likely they are to develop
one thing, but the real key for
an STD. The risk of acquiring an STD
individuals is avoiding infection in the
also increases with the number of
first place. The actions of individual
sexual partners over a lifetime. Those
people are the most important factors in
who do decide to be sexually active
halting the spread of these diseases. It
should stay with one partner who they
is vital to learn the common symptoms
know is not infected. Whenever they do
of STDs and to seek medical help
have sex, they should use a male
immediately if any symptoms develop,
condom. They should also have regular
even if they are mild.
check-ups for STDs—especially if
The best way to prevent STDs, of having sex with a new partner—even if
course, is to avoid sexual contact with there are no obvious symptoms.
others. Delay having sexual relations as

Every young person,

both male and female,
should become
familiar with how to
use condoms, which.
are vital in preve
Lessons from HIV and AIDS
By far the most widely known—and policies on the whole issue of public
deadliest—of all sexually transmitted health. Most of the statistics
diseases is HIV, which leads to AIDS. surrounding AIDS are frightening.
In the two decades since it was first Perhaps the most alarming is the
identified on a global scale, this disease number of people carrying the infection
has mobilized support from that leads to AIDS—40 million
international organizations and led worldwide at the beginning of 2002.
many governments to re-think their

Here, a person suffers during the late

stages of AIDS, which develops from HIV
infection, an STD that has sores
overshadowed other STDs.

The scope of the AIDS disease—and years, when the first AIDS casualties
the worldwide battle against it—should became known, people began
have alerted people to the dangers of wondering “Whatever happened to
all STDs. The question is: Are people herpes?” The truth, of course, is that
any wiser about STDs in general, or has nothing had happened to the viral
AIDS distracted their attention? The infection. More people were becoming
answer seems to fall somewhere in infected, but the problem seemed to
between. People now know much more fade from view in the face of such
about AIDS than they did in the 1980s. deadly competition. The lingering
Yet has this Knowledge led to more discomfort of herpes did not earn the
awareness of other STDs? It appears same headline space as certain death,
not—many people still remain which is how AIDS was portrayed.
uninformed about the transmission and
People had not chosen to ignore what
treatment of even the most common
had once seemed to be such a huge
STDs. Despite efforts to raise public
problem, it just became overshadowed.
awareness about how STDs are spread,
The same can be said for many other
much more still needs to be done.
STDs, including syphilis, gonorrhea, and
chlamydial infection. According to a
Fading from view
2001 public health survey of sexually
In the late 1970s and early 1980s,
active U.S. teens, half said they know
people placing newspaper ads for
someone with an STD. Yet among teens
partners would add “herpes positive” or
who have had sexual intercourse, only
“herpes negative” to indicate whether 50 percent realize the risk of contracting
they carried the herpes virus described
an STD. Could part of the problem be
on page 25. At that time, that, distracted by the terrible fear of HIV
herpes—incurable and spreading and AIDS, people have lost interest in
fast—seemed to strike terror among keeping informed about other
most young people. Yet within a few STDs—how they spread and how
they are treated?

ee o

Getting the message The public health campaigns to slow —

the spread of AIDS all over the world
Doctors and other health officials cannot
have also stressed that AIDS prevention
be blamed if people have “let their
helps control other STDs. One of the
guard down” about STDs other than HIV
central messages in this body of advice
and AIDS. In fact, most medical Oy
is safe sex—avoiding unprotected
information insists on grouping HIV and eYE
sexual contact and always using a
AIDS with other STDs, so that people Es
condom. This, of course, reinforces the
can view these diseases for what they
advice for preventing STDs of all kind, :
are: dangerous infections passed on
so the AIDS message has worked in
largely through sexual relations.
that respect. Also, people at risk are
urged to have regular tests for
HIV infection.
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| Matibabu yake mi yapl?


aaa Msibuni majibu yake! Jifunzeni
vukweli kuhusu UKIMWI.
pe eset ee oe
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> = Sasa:

Increased awareness about HIV and

AIDS and other STDs is a good thing, :
and so is the ability to be checked pp
regularly for HIV infection. After all,
someone going in for an HIV test will oe
a usually be willing to be tested for other
tk Fone ili. et te ee STDs. However, a number of problems ie
- display in a Tanzanian hospitals is - occur with this process. What if an HIV
provides clearandvivid === _ test proves positive, indicating that the
_ _ descriptions of how the HIV =. ____person does carry the HIV infection?
_ infection can spread as well as - :
examples of common symptoms. Many people view such knowledge as a
tee death sentence, and perhaps the fear of
such news would stop them from even
trying to find out. Without being
checked for HIV, they could also be
letting other STD infections develop.
That would be bad enough, but carrying
certain STD infections—especially
chlamydial infection—actually makes
someone more likely to become
infected with HIV.
Treatment and Counseling
Awareness lies at the root of the battle First of all, the person should tell the
against sexually transmitted diseases. doctor or health care professional why
Because preventing the diseases is all they think they might have an STD.
about behavior and attitude—being There are special tests that can tell
open with partners, having safe sex, and whether someone has an STD. Often,
using protection—treatment is often it is enough to test a small sample of
aimed at the same organ, the brain. Very blood taken from the patient’s arm.
often the treatment, and the counseling Sometimes, fluid is taken from the
sessions linked with it, is the first genitals or other exposed areas with a
chance for patients to understand cotton swab.
STDs clearly.
Sometimes a doctor can tell right away
if a person has an STD. Otherwise, the
When in doubt
doctor must wait several days for the
People who think they might have an
full test results. Treatment, however,
STD should not try to diagnose or treat
may begin on the first visit. Except for
themselves. Only a doctor or other
AIDS, genital herpes, and viral
trained health professional can do those
hepatitis, most other STDs can be cured
things. There is a wide range of STD
easily and quickly. Not all STDs are
treatment available in most countries.
treated in the same way. The doctor
Anyone who thinks they have an STD
might use prescription drugs,
can contact a local clinic, private doctor,
injections, or creams. Remember,
family-planning clinic, or hospital. It is
though, that the choice of treatment
important to remember that services
depends on the person as well as the
are totally confidential. No one will
disease. That means that it is crucial
know that a person has been to a Clinic
that no one should ever take someone
or a doctor unless that person
else’s prescribed medicine. Doing so
tells others.
could lead to serious side effects and
the infection could be covered up but
not cured.

Getting the facts right The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) is one of the leading
One of the benefits of front-line treatment
authorities about STDs and other
and counseling is that health care
infectious diseases. It recently
professionals can use these sessions to
completed a study of 3,500 STD clinic
increase awareness about STDs. It is not
visitors to check on people’s knowledge
surprising that anyone who goes to the
and attitudes about STDs.
doctor or health care professional about
an STD will be interested to learn about
how they are passed on and treated.
What is shocking, though, is the level of
ignorance many of these same people After examining a patient, a
doctor will usually discuss his
display when they first walk through or her case history before
the door. writing out a prescription for
STD treatment.
The results were alarming. Many The value of openness
individuals—even patients receiving
The CDC study offers some hope that,
treatment—had misguided notions of
with proper counseling, even the most
how to protect themselves from STDs.
misinformed people can reach a better
When they were first interviewed, nearly
understanding of STDs. However, better
half of the study participants believed
understanding is not enough to prevent
douching protected against STDs,
STDs. It is essential that people are
approximately 40 percent thought
open with their sexual partners about
urinating after sex prevented STDs, 20
their own medical history. People with
percent believed birth control pills
an STD should be sure that their
protected against STDs, and 16 percent
partners receive medical care so they do
thought washing their genitals after sex
not become seriously ill. Also, treatment
was effective protection.
of the partner will keep the person from
It was only after several counseling getting reinfected if sex with that
sessions that these misinformed partner resumes.
patients began to show a clearer
understanding about STDs. About half of
those who originally had misconceptions
were no longer misguided when they
completed a survey three months aft
their clinic visit.

Young people should be

encouraged to visit
health clinics regularly,
with or without a parent
or guardian.

Children and parents
The Queensland Law Reform Commission in
Australia has addressed a problem that has
troubled people all over the world: Should
young people be able to seek STD treatment
without their parents’ permission? Like all 50 €6Counselors can help patients
U.S. states and many other governments, it replace their misconceptions
concludes that the answer Is “yes.”
with more effective strategies
“It is necessary to choose between two evils:
for STD protection.99
(a) inadequate treatment and (b) concealing
(Richard A. Crosby, of the Division of STD Prevention
information from parents that is relevant to at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

the care and upbringing of their child. In our

opinion, (b) is the lesser evil. Thus, we Doctors take a
believe children should be able to consent professional vow to
guard the privacy
to diagnosis and treatment of sexually
of their dealings
transmissible diseases.” with patients.
eople to Talk To
The best people to talk to about STDs Other sources
and other sexual matters are your
lf communication at home is difficult,
parents. It is easy to forget that your
where can you turn? The best people
parents’ experiences could help them to
are those who have had experience with
help you. Unfortunately, parents often
discussing sexual matters. Teachers and
find the subject as embarrassing to
youth group organizers are usually well
discuss as their children do. Instead,
informed about STDs. Their years of
many young people find out about sex
experience dealing with young people
from their friends, and this information
also makes them value the need for
is often inaccurate or even totally wrong
honesty and confidentiality in this area.
(see pages 36-39).
A number of other adults—including
The United States has one of the doctors, nurses, and counselors—are
highest rates of STD infection in the often willing to talk to young people
world—far higher than in many about this important subject.
European countries where the subject
of sex is discussed more openly. A
survey in the United States found that
mothers of children aged eleven and One of the best ways of preventing the
spread of STDs is discussing them
older rated themselves “unsatisfactory” - openly with young people, without
when discussing issues such as: how letting peer pressure cloud the issue.
to tell when you are ready to be
sexually active (38 percent), preventing
HIV (40 percent), sexual orientation —
(47 percent), and how to use a
condom (73 percent),
Wherever you live, you can find a wide
range of telephone contacts—many of 44The American Social
them toll-free and most of them Health Association strongly
anonymous—where you can find out
more about STDs and other sexual believes that ‘sexuality
matters. Many of the organizations education begins at home’ Vep
JENS in the “Information an AEC and that a parent is a child’s
section (pages 52—53) provide advice
over the telephone, and they can ‘most important sexuality
suggest local clinics or health centers in educator’
F your immediate area. Others are geared (From the ASHA website) : eS
| specifically to questions coming from ~s Bait
younger people. Whether you approach
one of these organizations, or a family

member, a youth leader, or teacher, the = “yy

important thing is to be able to |

talk—and listen—freely about your
concerns. Sharing a problem or worry is
the first step to solving it. Sexually transmit


Gonorrhoea What i¢ ts and

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what to do =
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Information and Advice
The following organizations have a special interest The Centers for Disease Control and
in providing information and advice about STDs. Prevention (CDC)
Several deal primarily with the issues of HIV
Located in Atlanta, Georgia, CDC is an agency of
infection and AIDS, but even these provide useful the Department of Health and Human Services.
information about STDs in general. The listings Its aim is to promote health and quality of life
below can provide exact advice for specific by preventing and controlling disease, injury,

locations within the country. Many of these

and disability.

organizations operate almost exclusively over the CDC National Prevention

Internet, so Web site addresses are listed in Information Network
addition to (where relevant) telephone numbers
The CDC oversees this service for the National Center
and addresses.
for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention. The site contains
easily accessible information, particularly about
Advocates for Youth
completed campaigns against STDs.
1025 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20005 iwannaknow
(202) 347-5700 www.
Advocates for Youth tackles problems relating This Web site, operated in conjunction with ASHA,
to a wide range of young people’s concerns, is designed specifically for teenagers. It has
and its information on STDs is up-to-date detailed information about all the major STDs as
and informative. well as links to many other sites and a
lively forum.
The American Social
Health Association (ASHA) unspeakable
(800) 227-8922
This voluntary organization, dedicated to the This confidential site enables users to identify
prevention and control of all STDs, operates their own risk for STDs, test their knowledge
the National Sexually Transmitted Disease about different kinds of STDs, and receive
Hotline. Trained counselors answer questions information on the latest treatments. There is a
about all STDs. database of nearly 4,000 STD clinics around the
country and a section on frequently asked
questions (FAQs).

More Books To Read
Byers, Ann. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Berkeley
Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1999.

Curran, Christine Perdan. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers,

Endersbe, Julie. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: How Are

They Prevented?. Mankato, Minn.: Capstone Press,

Endersbe, Julie. Teen Sex: Risks and Consequences.

Mankato, Minn.: Capstone Press, 2000.

Little, Marjorie. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Broomall, Penn.: Chelsea House, 1991.

Nardo, Don. Teen Sexuality. San Diego, Ca.: Lucent

Books, 1997.

Peacock, Judith. Birth Control and Protection: Options

for Teens. Mankato, Minn.: Capstone Press, 2000.

Storad, Conrad. /nside A/DS. Minneapolis, Minn.: Lerner

Publishing Group, 1998.

White, Katherine. Everything You Need to Know about

AIDS and HIV. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 2001.

acupuncture contract
type of Chinese medical treatment that uses to acquire something (such as a disease)
needles inserted in certain parts of the body dementia
AIDS severe loss of intelligence because of harm to
(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) the brain
deadly condition that prevents the body from diagnose
defending itself against disease, gained from to determine whether a medical condition exists
infection by HIV
anonymous identification of a disease
antibiotic something that has flowed out of an opening in
medical chemical that stops the growth of, or the body
kills, bacteria
antibodies washing and rinsing the sexual organs with a
naturally produced chemicals that fight off infection concentrated spray of water
antiviral epidemic
designed to treat attacks by viruses contagious disease that spreads rapidly
archaeologist epididimytis
person who studies human history unnatural swelling of a man’s sexual organs
bacteria fungal
plural of bacterium relating to fungi
bacterium fungi
tiny one-celled organism
tiny organisms that resemble plants but cannot
compound produce their own food
chemical substance made up of two or heterosexual
more elements
being attracted to people of the opposite sex
with a respect for one’s privacy
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
confidentiality virus that causes AIDS
state of being confidential
contagious act of being affected by a disease
(of a disease) able to be spread by bodily contact
Causing infection

infertility public health
inability to have children dealing with the control and prevention of
diseases in a city or country
to live in or on something as a parasite reportable
(of a disease) needing to be reported to medical
authorities if it is diagnosed
painful and tender swelling
reproductive system
human organs that produce sperm (male) and
damaged beyond repair
eggs (female)
yellowing of the skin caused by the build-up of
able to withstand treatment that once destroyed it
bile in the blood
sexual orientation
whether someone is attracted to people of the
referring to the Middle Ages
same sex (homosexuality) or the opposite sex
monitor (heterosexuality)
to watch over constantly and often under
medical supervision
outward signs of a disease or condition
mucous membrane
urinary tract
cells in the body that produce mucus
organs of the body that rid the system of liquid
mucus waste (urine)
slimy substance produced by the body to protect
it against attack
injection that prevents people from being infected
organism by a certain virus
living animal, plant, or single-celled life form
venereal diseases
parasite former name for sexually transmitted diseases
organism that feeds off another organism
pesticide tiny object that causes infection by making
chemical used to destroy plant, animal, or copies of itself inside another organism
fungal pests

infectious disease, caused by a bacterium, that
killed millions of people in the 14th century

request for medicine made by a doctor

lice 7, 23, 30
antibodies 31 ae ublic awareness 16, 18, 20, 42, 43,
antiviral medications 25 Pe A5, 47
public health campaigns 16, 40, 42, 44
babies, infecting 8, 20, 21
3208 — safe sex 19, 33, 34, 40, 44, 46
bacterial STDs 4, 7, 13, 2 ~ sex, pressure to have 36-37, 38
26, 31, o4 sexual partners
blisters and sores 25, 31 number of 6, 7, 36, 41
cancers 8, 21, 28 telling 32, 38, 48
Capone, Al 34, 35 sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
chlamydial infection 10, 11, causes 7, 22-23
clinics 46, 48 ' contracting 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 16, 19,
condoms 12, 15, 19, 37, 40 i 20-21, 22-23
confidentiality 4,46,50 economic costs 11
ie)ontrol and prevention 4, 8, 19, highest-risk group 19
44,48 - history of 12-15
counseling 46, 47, 48 ignorance about 4, 6, 18, 47, 48
crabs, see pubic lice risks for women 8, 20, 21, 32
side effects 8, 10, 21
death 31 oe ‘ oe ,
discharge 24, 26 Go statistics 10, 1 , 19, 42
oes aera testing for 7, 19, 24, 32, 41, 44, 45, 46
10,20 viral STDs 4, 7, 13, 16, 23, 25,
epididymitis 24 28, 43
family and friends 36-38, 49, 50 symptoms 7, 8, 22, 41
fungal and yeast infections 7, 23 syphilis 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 23, 31,
34, 43
genital herpes 23, 25, 46 .
gonorrhea 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 23,24, T talking about the issue 50-51
26-27, 33, 34, 43 telephone helplines 51
ns treatment 8, 32-33, 46-47
Ce sie 46 children and parental permission 49
HIV/AIDS 4, 8, 11, 16-17, 19, 25, 27, 40, trichomoniasis 10
42, 43, 44, 45, 46 U_ urination, painful 26
human papilloma virus (HPV) 21 V_ vaccinations 23, 28
infertility 8, 21 venereal diseases see sexually transmitted
information and advice 50-53 diseases (STDs)
peer pressure 36-37, 38 W women 8, 20, 21, 32
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 8, 10, 21, infertility 8, 21
2A reproductive system 8, 21
penicillin 13, 26, 31
protective devices 12, 15, 19, 41, 44, 46

What do you know about STDs—do
you know “the real facts’?

e@ What are chlamydia, genital |

® How can STDs be prevented ees colt
® What can you do to help a fr 7“ 3
This book examines curable and incurable sexually transmitted diseases and
the ignorance that surrounds them. First, learn about the history of STDs.
Get the facts about the symptoms of each STD and how the life of the
individual sufferer is affected. Read about real people who describe their
experience with STDs. Find out how you can prevent infection, and where
help and information can be found.

Just the Facts is a powerful, hard-hitting series that presents the real facts
about the difficult choices teenagers face. The books examine the myths
that surround topics such as drug use, disease, body image, and pregnancy
to get at the reality of the dangers. Each book in the series presents and
defines the issues and offers first-hand accounts to give a true picture of
the life of someone who uses the drug or has the condition.

Books in the Just the Facts series:

AIDS Inhalants
Alcohol LSD
Amphetamines Marijuana
Cocaine STDs
Eating Disorders Steroids
Ecstasy Teenage Pregnancy
Heroin Tobacco


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