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Science trivia questions for grade 1 Compiled by Ms.


1. This essential gas is important so that we can breathe.


2. What is the nearest planet to the sun?


3. How many teeth does an adult human have?


4. The earth has three layers of varying temperatures. What are its three layers?

Crust, mantle and core

5. What is the largest planet in the solar system?


6. What do bees collect and use to create honey?


7. What is the hottest planet in the solar system?


8. What is the rarest blood type?

AB negative

9. On what part of your body would you find the pinna?


10. What part of the plant conducts photosynthesis?


11. What’s the boiling point of water?

100 degrees Celcius

12. What is the largest known land animal?


13. What is the largest known animal?

Blue whale

14. What tissues connect the muscles to the bones?


15. Who was the scientist to propose the three laws of motion?

Isaac Newton

16. The plant Earth is surrounded by different layers of gas, which when taken together,
we call the…?


17. Animals that eat both plants and meat are called what?


18. Which of Newton’s Laws state that ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite

The third law of motion

19. Diabetes develops as the result of a problem with which specific organ in the body?


20. True or false: sound travels faster in air than in water.


21. How long does a human red blood cell survive?

120 days

22. True or false – lightning is hotter than the sun.


23. In what country can you find the Suez Canal?


24. This planet spins the fastest, completing one whole rotation in just 10 hours. Which
planet is it?


25. How many elements are there in the periodic table?


26. This planet has a collective 53 moons, making it the planet in our solar system with
the most number of moons.


27. Where can you find the smallest bone in the human body?

Middle ear

28. Scientists believe that the continents of the earth were all one large landmass 280
million years ago. The moving of tectonic plates caused this mass to break off into
different pieces, making up the continents as we know them today. What was this
landmass called?


29. This theory aims to explain how Pangea became separate continents, suggesting that
the movement of tectonic plates caused the mass to break off and drift into different

The Continental Drift Theory

30. How many hearts does an octopus have?

31. True or false: male seahorses give birth to their young, not the females.


32. The oldest living tree is 4,843 years old and can be found where?


33. Can you hear anything in outer space?

No, there is medium for sound to travel through

34. This man is responsible for reshaping the way early man believed the solar system
worked. He proposed that the Earth was not the center of the universe, and that the
sun was instead at the center of our solar system. Who was he?


35. From what tree do acorns come from?

Oak trees

36. What is the tallest type of grass?


37. An egg’s shell is what percentage of its total weight?


38. What is the smallest country in the world?

Vatican City

39. Who is regarded as the man who invented the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

40. What is considered the highest mountain in Africa?

Mount Kilimanjaro

41. How many bones do sharks have in total?


42. Discovered by Alexander Fleming, this is now used to treat infections and is
considered one of the most important discoveries in the field of medical science. What
is it?


43. What is a geiger counter used to measure?


44. What is the hardest known natural material?


45. True or false: your hair and your nails are made from the same material?


46. An unlit match has what form of energy?

Chemical energy

47. What percentage of the total number of known animals are invertebrates?


48. Where is the world’s most active volcano located?


49. Most of a penny is made from what type of metal?


50. Why do bubbles pop shortly after their blown?

Because of the dirt from the air

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