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Wherever you go

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: 악역의 엔딩은 죽음뿐 - 권겨을 | Death Is The Only Ending For The
Villain - Kwon Gyeoeul
Relationship: Penelope Eckart/Callisto Regulus, Penelope Eckart & Callisto Regulus,
Cha Siyeon/Callisto Regulus
Character: Penelope Eckart, Cha Siyeon, Callisto Regulus, Siyeon’s family,
Callisto’s family
Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Feels, Family Feels,
Hurt/Comfort, Attempt at mending relationships, Siyeon’s brothers and
father suck, Callisto actually has a family in Korea, he basically gets
transmigrated into his Korean self, Callisto’s Korean family is super nice
and supportive, Callisto Regulus Needs a Hug, Cha Siyeon needs a
hug, Crying, so much crying, everyone is an emotional wreck, happy
ending like yours truly always guarantees, I’ll edit the tags later on
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-29 Chapters: 1/3 Words: 2896

Wherever you go
by Eloise175


Things don't always go as planned… especially when you're Penelope and the system
backstabs you, sending you back to your own world.

But as most say 'never lose hope' because maybe, just maybe, the man you love will follow
you wherever you go, like he promised.


Or the long awaited ‘what if Callisto followed Penelope/Siyeon to Korea’ fanfic.


This has been sitting in my drafts for MONTHS- but only now did I come around to editing
and posting it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are a few things you should know before you read. I
personally see Penelope and Siyeon as pretty much two halves of a whole, so you might
consider they are the same person, that explains the tags, (I love them both so much and
they deserve better).
I also refused to leave Siyeon's brothers nameless because it'll make everything harder:
youngest brother (Reynold's parallel): Joon
oldest brother (Derrick's parallel): Iseul

See the end of the work for more notes

There was a pounding in her head and her breathing was hollow. Her lungs felt like they were
burning, and everything hurt so much.

Her frail body was in excruciating pain.

She dared to say it was even worse then on her coming of age ceremony, when she drank poison.

Chapped lips parted to call out for someone, anyone, to help.

The slow intake of breath was painful, and only then did the young woman notice the presence of
something plastic upon her face.

Bringing a shaky hand to seize the object covering the lower half of her face, Penelope gasped in
shocking realization. In turn, that mere action made light, choking coughs break out.

She was Siyeon again.

Tears spilled from her sorrowful grey eyes as the coughing slowly increased. Her throat felt like it
was on fire, and her mouth was so dry that gulping felt like sandpaper.

Her trembling hands clawed at the bothersome respirator in desperation and anger— it made her
feel trapped.

All the hopeful reassurance that she was trying to inflict on her raging mind, where maybe this was
just a nightmare and she would be waking up soon in a grand palace bedroom as Penelope Eckhart,
was shattered when someone gasped and called her name worriedly.

Her melancholic gaze lifted and she soon realized just who was calling her name oh-so desperately.

It was that absolute cruel bastard of a second older brother of hers. Her half brother.

He grasped her bony wrists to prevent the removal of the artificial source of air, while yelling
impatiently for a doctor.

Turning to face his sister, he smiled like she never saw him do before.

The bastard fucking smiled at her.

His happy and relieved complexion made her skin crawl.

It took her almost dying, on the brink of death for him to finally show a wisp of affection towards

He finally seemed to notice her silent weeping and gently brushed her tears away, presumably in a
manner that indicated comfort.

"It's okay, everything is alright. The doctor is coming,” he spoke reassuringly.

YOU LIAR! Nothing is okay! I shouldn't be here! I don't WANT to be here!" She thought bitterly to

Mere moments later other two people burst into the room, them being her father and the eldest
brother, both adorning relieved and hopeful expressions.

The situation was going from bad to worse.

It was like the world was crumbling around her.

"Where are the fucking doctors?!" The loud curses of her second brother made her flinch. Still
noisy as always I see... nothing much has changed...

When the doctor finally came in, trailed by different nurses, Siyeon's consciousness was starting to
slip, and the annoying voices started to fade. Silence was better anyway…

Well... that was a month and a half ago, already.

Her dejected gaze moved to glimpse outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of her brand new, very
expensive but very depressing apartment, as big as it was lonely.

It was part of a skyscraper, and had an astounding view of the city, so lately her days were spent
observing the outside world bustling around, like usual. Siyeon was only allowed this much since
she came back from the hospital a week ago.

When she got discharged from the hospital, to her immense surprise, her apartment was no longer
the musty tiny one she remembered, but instead a very luxurious and modern one with expensive
furniture to boot, accompanied by a large balcony adorned with different plants and flowers.

Apparently her father had a sudden change of heart after his daughter's near-death experience, and
decided to be a good parent. Being at death’s door finally snapped her father’s eyes wide open, and
now he and her two older brothers monitored her every move. Maybe being ignored wasn’t so bad
after all.

Siyeon couldn’t help but be reminded of how the Duke would shower Penelope in riches to make
up for his shitty parenting.

She scoffed and it resounded in the vast living room.

"Did you say something, Miss?" The foreign middle-aged woman named Maria, who was hired to
watch over her, asked with a tinge of worry in her voice.

Everyone was walking on eggshells around her, and she had to admit that it was quite amusing. It
reminded her of the time after her coming-of-age.

At the woman's question, Siyeon only shook her head.

She appreciated the kindness, really... but Maria reminded her a lot of Emily... and just like that she
was filled with despondent longing again.

Her usual indifferent poker face must've changed drastically, because Maria approached her
slowly, as one would a frightened animal, and placed a warm hand on her shoulder.
"Is everything alright dear?" It had been a long time since anyone had asked her that question.

Truth to be told, Siyeon didn’t even know how she felt.

Emptiness prevailed. Grey eyes— grey, not the blue-green she had been accustomed to— welled
up with tears that threatened to spill at any moment.

Her caretaker noticed and just hugged her tightly.

The motherly gesture was enough to make the dam crumble to pieces.

Heavy sobs shook her body together with occasional whimpers, as fat tear-drops descended one
after the other, wetting Maria's blouse, where Siyeon's face was buried on the older woman's

The caretaker, in response, only stroked the weeping girl's head, making soothing sounds,
accompanied by promises of 'it's going to be okay' and 'it will go away'.

"It's okay dear, let it all out." Maria kept caressing her head, with a sad expression on her face, as
the girl cried her broken heart out.

She didn't hesitate to do just as told. But Siyeon truly couldn't understand what exactly went wrong.

She remembers clearly pressing 'No' when the system window asked her if she wanted to leave.

Another apparent 'joke' was the 'however [reward] will not disappear even if you leave'. Absolute

For the life of her, the poor girl could not wrap her head around what the hell happened and why
she awoke again as Siyeon.

The weeping didn't stop until she was exhausted, ending up falling asleep in Maria's embrace.

When she woke up again, still on the couch, a blanket was covering her and her head was resting
on a pillow.

Siyeon felt a little better after crying like that... she managed to finally let out something, albeit it
was merely a small portion of her messy feelings.

Sitting up, a familiar boyish voice startled her.

"You're finally awake."

Whipping around, her eyes met with those of her second older brother, and not far from him was
the eldest of the three.

A disgruntled expression was aimed at them.

"What are you doing here?" She was anything but welcoming.

Their sister's cold demeanor surprised the two.

"What do you mean by that? We're here to check on you." The eldest replied.

Her dark eyebrows furrowed. "Well- you've seen for yourselves that I'm fine. Now leave." She
pointed at the door.
"That's the way. I believe that you can see yourselves outside just fine. Good day, Joon, Iseul." The
girl's voice was like nothing they had ever heard from her. It was aloof and distant. She had also
never been this straightforward or tactless— she had always called them ‘Oppa’, on the rare
occasions they had spoken.

The energy in the room was tense to say the least.

The two brothers blinked in disbelief.
“Tsk— Ever since you woke up you've been so weird!" The younger brother, nuisance as always,
noted, trying to lighten the mood, but failed miserably.

Siyeon's blood boiled in that moment, barely tempered by her sudden longing for Reynold’s
awkward tact.

Oh-hoo I'll show you 'weird', you fucking dingbat!

Ignoring the slight dizziness that overcame her, Siyeon marched right behind the kitchen counter,
where her second brother was rummaging through the cupboard seconds before, probably looking
for something to eat.
Her hand shot out, snapping the small door shut with an audible slam, using more force than

"I think I told the both of you to leave." Her tone, albeit calm, had a cold bite to it.

Their eyes widened in shock. Their younger sister had never acted so hostile. Iseul blinked,

“Hey! What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?!" Joon's voice quivered. That means
she managed to frighten him. Interesting. That was new.

Giving a short sardonic laugh, Siyeon gazed at her brothers with a sour expression.

"Hah... you want to know what is wrong with me? Well let's start with the fact that I've been in a
coma for God knows how long, and I wonder how that happened. Surely it wasn't because
someone spiked the food that I was eating.”

“Siyeon—" an audible gasp was heard.


Joon's eyes widened when his sister started talking about the spiked food. He interrupted her,
wanting to apologize and to explain himself, but she did not give him a chance to do so. She’d be
damned if she did.

"You don't get to cut me off while I'm speaking! You wanted a reason, and you'll have a goddamn
reason!" Her eyes flared.

Iseul intervened cautiously.

"What's this about spiked food?”

Siyeon completely disregarded her eldest brother.

"As I was saying, I was in this stupid coma caused by malnutrition, and then wake up to find out
that I got stomach cancer! How cute! Did you know how I felt when MY OWN BROTHER
deliberately spoiled my food!?"
Iseul was positively bewildered. "Joon, did you seriously do that?!”

"I did it because I thought that you'll finally decide to join us at the table!" He shouted in a
panicked voice, expression regretful, finally realizing how wrong it all sounded.

Her eye twitched, his words striking a nerve.

"ARE YOU DUMB?! Do you know how FUCKING STUPID that sounds?! You could have just
asked me! I didn't join because all of you made me feel so unwanted that I feared being shunned
away like usual! How was I supposed to know that YOU of all people wanted me to attend family

When her reasonings and feelings were literally put on a silver plate for him, Joon started to realize
just how bad and deeply all of them had hurt Siyeon.

"I- I really didn't know that you felt like that-“

"But of course you didn't know! None of you ever bothered to show even a scrap of affection
towards me! You just ignored and persecuted me constantly! I thought that maybe I would be safe
from all that bullying that occurred at school but I was so fucking wrong, because the torment
continued at home too!”

The black-haired girl shouted angrily. She had yet to realize that she was crying.

The eldest brother stepped closer to their sister, wanting to try and comfort her, placing a hand on
her shoulder, but little did he know that it was too late for brotherly gestures.

“Siyeon, we’re really sorry... we didn’t know—“

He didn’t get very far. His sister slapped his hand away, proceeding to glare daggers in his

“Don’t you dare touch me! And you both were either too blind or too stupid to notice that I was
going through so much shit because of you! Iseul you’re no saint, at least Joon was vocal about
most things, but you were even worse! You never cared, never said anything! You just straight up
ignored me! And when Joon said or did something spiteful against me, you never reprimanded
him! I think your pricey glasses aren't worth all that money because you’re too blind to see things
as they are anyway!”

Normally Joon would have laughed at that remark against his older brother’s glasses, but as of
now, the young man was too stunned to say or do anything.

Regret built up inside of the two brothers. How could have they been so indifferent and callous
towards their only sister?

Siyeon sniffled, finally realizing that she was crying, again. Her intent was to not let them see just
how bad they had affected her. Well— whatever. She was long past the point of caring about her
appearance in front her brothers, anyway.

“It’s like you blamed me for the death of your mother...” she whispered, as if talking to herself.

Her words made the two young men flinch.

“It’s not like me and my mother had less than nothing, always barely making it by the end of the
month... or that she was ill and had to go to work just so we could live in that moldy, small
apartment. Or that sometimes I had to go and beg the neighbors for some scraps to eat so we
wouldn’t starve... or that she died of that same illness and left me all alone...” she sniffled.

“Do you know what I thought when she died?”

There was a short pause where silence rang, before she continued. No one dared answer her.

“I actually didn’t blame Father for never helping us out, not once... no... but I resented her for
leaving me behind... I didn’t even know why I felt like that, and I was so angry at myself for
harboring such feelings towards the only person who truly cared about me, no matter what, and
always made time for me, even when she was exhausted... at least you had a father who cared
about you.” Her voice cracked towards the end.

“But Father cares about you,” Iseul’s regretful voice quivered.

Siyeon took a sharp intake of breath, not even bothering to look up. “Well he surely never showed
it... I always got ignored by him, I wasn’t even sure if I should keep on calling him ‘Father.’”

Just like the original Penelope had— just as she did, before she shattered into a million
irreparable pieces and became Siyeon.

Her hand shot out to cover her mouth before more whimpers could break out.

It didn’t really work, because soon sobs started to spill out, together with tears that rapidly
cascaded down her pale face.

It was as if with every pained cry, the strength was slowly getting sucked out of her body. Soon
enough, her legs gave out.

“I just wanted a family... someone to love and care about me... is that really too much to ask for?
Am I really so unlikable? What did I even do wrong?” Her voice cracked. Gasps and sobs started
to hinder her speech.

“I never asked for anything... that was the only thing that I wished for.”

Joon was the first one to snap out of his paralyzed state, and started crying along with Siyeon.

He threw himself near his sister and hugged her, burying her face into his shoulder.

Shortly Iseul followed suit, and took his younger siblings into his arms.

Siyeon put her face in between their heads, their embrace felt suffocating to her. Her arms went
behind them, and her fisted hands started pounding on their backs.

She had finally decided to let it all out. Faintly, she was reminded of the attic event with Reynold,
which felt like lifetimes ago. But unlike with Reynold, she was tired of putting on a strong front,
tired of being Fate’s punching bag. Siyeon didn’t know whether or not she was speaking for
herself, or the vestiges of what had once been Penelope Eckhart— the child who suffocated herself
in the very home she was brought in— had leaked into her words.

Just as she had once thought of her own family situation in Korea when confronting Reynold, she
could only think of the bits and pieces of what she knew of Penelope’s suffering in the duchy.

“I hate you! I hate you both so much!”

Her choked sobs started getting louder, and her voice reached a desperate tinge.
Her brothers didn’t say anything, aware of the deserved resentment.

They didn’t blame her, couldn’t. Siyeon had all the reasons to harbor rancor and antipathy
towards them and their father.

All of them had wronged her greatly and Iseul had the ominous feeling that it was long beyond

The three siblings were the epitome of a sad picture, a broken family.

Their relationship could’ve been so much more… but all ended up in flames, causing the youngest
of them never-ending despair, sending her into a comatose state thanks to her poor health as well.

Everything had spiraled into a complete disaster, and none knew how to fix it. The best bet might
be that there was no way to fix whatever their relationship was.

The weeping of the siblings lasted for quite some time, Siyeon’s aggressiveness having subdued, as
she resorted to merely hugging her brothers back.

However the tears and the sad whimpers did not go away so easily.

Unbeknownst to them, in the apartment below, a young blonde man looked at the ceiling
His brown eyes, taking a reddish hue in the light, narrowed.

The new neighbors certainly were weird. What had happened for them to cry like that?

It’s not like it was any of his business, he had better things to worry about.

Looking at the clock he decided that maybe, going to sleep, won’t be so bad after all.
If he was lucky enough, he might dream again of his Princess.

And hopefully he’ll find her soon enough.

End Notes

That was a lot to unpack but that's pretty much the end of the first chapter- the second
chapter will most likely be longer, and it will revolve more around Callisto, it will also be
in his pov.

I have to thank Seirclys and Sakihime so much because they helped me a lot with this fic!
Seirclys helped me edit and add more to the chapter, making it more complete and pleasant
to read. Thank you so much Lys! <3 (Your writing is the best!)

Saki gave me more ideas on what direction the fic will go in- after all the fic all started
because of a post she made on tumblr (do check out her art! It's truly amazing!):

Let me know what you think in the comments! I'd love to know your thoughts ^◡ ^
See y'all in the next one! Have a nice day <3

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