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IELTS Modular

Peer-evaluation of a practice IELTS speaking test

Feedback on performance
Listen to your classmates and record their performance by ticking the YES or NO
columns in the table below.

Fluency & coherence Yes No

Was the flow of the speaker's ideas easy to follow?

Did the speaker use a range of discourse markers?

Was the amount of hesitation acceptable?

Did the speaker use ‘fillers’ to fill any uncomfortable silence?

Was the speaker's speed acceptable (not too fast, not too slow)?

Did the speaker give clear well-extended answers (with reasons, examples,
explanation, etc)?

Lexical resource Yes No

Did the speaker use a range of vocabulary?

Did the speaker use the correct words?

Did the speaker paraphrase words that the speaker did not know?

Did the speaker avoid using terms from the speaker’s own language?

If the speaker did use their own language, did they explain it in English?

Grammatical range and accuracy Yes No

Did the speaker use a range of simple and complex grammar structures?

Was the speaker's use of simple grammar accurate?

Did the speaker self-correct mistakes?

Pronunciation Yes No

Was the speaker's voice clear and easy to understand?

Was the speaker's intonation varied and interesting?

Did the speaker use the syllable and sentence stress/rhythm of a native

Was the speaker's voice loud enough!

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