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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Course: Management Theory & Pratices

Internal Assignment Applicable for December 2022 Examination

Answer 1


Management is essential & intergal part to any organization that wishes to be efficient and achieve
its aims in effectively. Sachin Ethanol is a newly setup organsiztrion, who convert the sugarcane
into a fuel. So as a New Setup each Managment trainee should learn about the 14 principle of
Management which was dervied by Henri Foyal. Henri Foyal was a French Mining Engineer and
Industrialist. He is also the Father of Modern Managment. He was work to improve the effeciency
of operation Management in the orgainsation.

Concepts & Application.:

Henry Fayol's 14 Management Principles applicable to all level of Management's which include top
level Mangement, Middle Level Management & Low Level Managment. This pricncipal helps to
empowering managers to bring out the best in their employees and run their businesses withease.
This 14 Principals Acts as a guide for developing the Management Practices.
These principals are explaied as follows:

Division of Work - Henry Fayol's first management principle is based on the theory that if workers
are give a specialized task to perform, they will become skillful,use to and more efficient in it than
if they had a broader range of tasks. Therefore, a process where everyone has a specialized role will
be an efficient one.

Authority & Responsibilities - This principle looks at the concept of managerial authority.
Authority is the rights of an Individual to give orders and instruction to therir suboridante It looks at
how authority is necessary in order to ensure that managerial commands are carried out. If
managers did not have authority then they would lack the ability to get work carried out. Managers
should use their authority responsibly and ethically. On the other hands resposbilty is the state of
being accountable for the consequences of the decision taken by a Manager. Manager should be
resposible for the action taken by them.

Discipline – This principle relates to the fact that discipline which is needed within an organization
to run effectively. Employes must follow the Organizational rules, philosophies, and structures. In
order to have good discipline in organisation, managers must build a culture of mutual respect and
Unity of command – There should be a clear chain of command in place within an organization.
An employee should know exactly whose instructions to follow. This helps in avoiding the
confusion in the role of the employees.

Unity of direction – Work should be organized in a way that means employees are working in
harmony toward a shared objective or goal using a shared method or procedure. If the employe
pulled to different direction, then it may be diffcult to both to achieve the Objetive of organisation.

Subordination individual interests to the collective interests – The interests of the organization
as a whole should take precedence over the interests of any individual employee or group of
employees. This encourages a team spirit and collective mentality of all for one and one for all.

Remuneration – In order to motivate the employees, they should be paid a reasonable rate for the
work they carry out. The Calculation of the wages should be done on considering the various
factors such as cost of living,buisness environment, capacity of organisation to pay, market
considerations, productivity of employe, knowledge of the employe. An organization that under
pays will struggle to attract quality workers who are motivated.

Centralization – This principle relates to whether decisions should be made centrally, as in from
the top down. Different decision making processes are appropriate for different types of decisions.
Decentralization refers to the distrubtion of decision making to the among Lower level.

Scalar chain – This relates to the principle of a clear chain of communication existing between
employees and superiors. It refers as the hirearchy followed in the organisation from top managers
to employe working at the lower level. According to the principal all communicaiton should pass
though proper channel. If there is any delay in communication then there must be a porvision of
cross communication to avoid the dealy in the work.

Order- This relates to the efficient use of all the elements which is used for manufacutiring any
product and after work it is to be placed in right palce. There must follow the prinicipal of right
place for every thing and every man.

Equity – Managers should behave fair towards those they manage. Almost every organization in
the world will have a written set of policies and procedures which will outline exactly what is
expected from staff at all levels. Managementshould treat all employee equal and should be free
from any bias and prejudices.

Stability of tenure of personnel – Managment must try to stabilise their team by providing them a
job security, improving moral of employes and Motivating them.There should be a clear and
efficient method of filling any staff vacancies that arise on the basis of there experience and skills
they possess.

Initiative – In this principals managment should provide the freedom to their employee's so that
they can perform well and in effective manner.In an orginazatoin employe should be motiviate to
take the initiative in their respective field to perform their job effeciently

Morale – Keeping a high level of morale and team spirit is an essential part of having the most
productive organization possible. Happy and motivated employees are far more likely to be
productive and less absent.

Above are the 14 principal of managment which helps the managment trainee to perform well from
their team and also heps them to complete the work with in the given time. This pricipal also helps
to organize both human and non human resources in order to carry out the work effectively.
Extremely beneficial in creating an environment in which employees may enhance
both their personal abilities and the organization's output

Answer 2.
Introduction :
As stated earlier, there is a dispute about the nature of management whether it is an art or science.
Different Experts have different opnion about the nature of management. Some said managment is
Science while some other expert said Mangment is an Art. Management is science because of
various reasons it has universally accepted principles, it has cause and effect relationship, etc, and at
the same time it is art as it requires perfection through practice, practical knowledge, creativity,
personal skills, etc. Management is both art and science.

Concepts & Applications:

Management as Art-
Management has a well-defined literature which is needed for collecting the knowledge in the
theories and accelerate learning. There are various examples of management studys which is
available such as Taylors Scientific Management Theory and Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of
Management. These managment theroies help in learning the various concepts of management.
Management knowledge can be applied by everyone in their own way, its like arts where words can
be expressed inform of writing differently by different poets, and music notes arranged by
musicians to present a musical piece, or the use of colours by a painter to draw vivid paintings. Art
may be defined as personalised application of general theoretical principles for achieving best
possible results. Furthermore, managers use the various theories and principles in tackling situations
to make use of management knowledge.Arts is all regarding communicating and innovating using
creativity such as two artists will enact the same scene in two different ways. Similarly, two distinct
managers will be managing the situation differently. Sometimes managers can come up with
innovative and fresh ideas to address the situation. It relies on the social and political environment
and use their own body of knoiwledge to the find the course of action for any specific situations.

Management as Science-
Management is called science as it has its own principles and methodical disciplined that can be
applied everywhere. Like science, management also depends upon theories and principles to
address issues that arise. Management has a separate therioes and terms which it uses to define
certain processes. Theories in science have been developed after a prolonged observation and
repeated experiments, similarly to some extent management also bases its theories on regular
observation and experiments, such theories will act as guidelines for management in the long run.
Scientific theories have universal legality, and in management also we see the principles are to some
extent universally valid, and some can change as per the circumstances. Such theories and
principles can be used as basic knowledge for instructing the managers. Management science theory
is based on a current approach & management focuses on the use of rigorous quantitative
techniques that help managers make maximum use of organisational resources to produce goods
and services. It Involves rational and objective way for determining an appropriate course of action
for specific situations For eg. Most science and engineering students are good at managing business
because they are good at analysis and solve problem in the real word specifically based on their
subject. Businesses need engineering managers to oversee projects, product design and
development, operations; create strategic plans; handle budgets, costs and financing; interface with

The study's findings indicate that organisations require both pratical knowledge and
scientific expertise to resolve the problem. That why mangagment is both art and

Answer 3a.

Introduction :
Lemon Tree, a popular hotel brand in India is experiencing internal issues that are
affecting its market share. This confilict starts because of individuals belonging to
differenct ideas, values, perceptions & different culture and they are working together
and engage in one dialouge with each other.This may result the conflict arises and
make it difficult for lemon tree brand to run the hotel chain in effectively.
Concepts & Principals :

Conflict is inevitable whenver two or more poeple works, interact or discuss in the an orgainzation
or in home. Conflicts occurs in between two or more individuals, two or more groups, or an
indiviual and in group. When dealing in conflict in organisation it is imporrtant to address the issues
not a person. Conflicts occurs in the orginzation is due to unclear roles and responsbiltiy, confilict
of interest, lack of effective resources and interpersonal relationship in the work place. There are 4
types of conflits in an orginazatoin.
-Interpersonal Conflicts
-Intrapersonal Conflicts
-Intragroup conflicts
-Intergroup Conflicts

Interpersonal Conflicts
Interpersonal conflict means the conflicts between two individuals. Interpersonal conflicts happen
when people have a different personality, opinion, and even cultural background. In a large
organization, there are high chances of the occurrence of interpersonal conflicts, because of the
large number of people working together. However, interpersonal conflict can take place because of
misunderstanding and miscommunication also. In the work environment, it has been usually seen
that elder people find it difficult to get along with the people of the new generation. Moreover, their
way to work and to approach any problem is quite contrasting, which causes conflicts among them.
Interpersonal conflicts are divided into three categories
Vertical Conflicts - Conflicts arise between a manager and his subordinates on various issues.
Lateral Conflicts - Conflicts arise between any two individuals at the same position.
Diagonal Conflicts - Conflicts arise between people at different positions without any direct
superior-subordinate relation.
Intrapersonal Conflicts - These conflicts may takes place within an individual. Intrapersonal
conflicts are more complex and difficult to identify than interpersonal conflicts. Because these types
of conflicts take place in an individual’s mind due to his values, emotions, principle and thoughts.
Individual having this types of conflicts become irritable. As a result their performance is negatively
Intragroup Conflicts - These conflicts take place among team members. Clashes and
misunderstanding between these same group or same department in an organisation are the main
causes of intragroup conflicts. Tension arises in the team when team members have different
personalities, values or idea.
Intergroup Conflicts - These conflicts happen among the two different groups or two different
department within an organization. These types of conflicts take place because of the different goals
interests or opinion among the different departments. For instance, conflicts can occur between
marketing and customer support department. These types of conflicts can arise enmity among the
Conclusioin :
The frequency and severity of employee conflicts resulting from interpersonal
interactions have a direct impact on employee productivity. The issue cannot be fixed
until the company provides services that significantly boost productivity. Work must
be done to improve employee communication in order to better understand their
requirements and communicate with them directly and transparently. Consequently,
they will be operating from a brand-new perspective, which can only help the
organisation as a whole.

Answer 3b
Conflict is defined as a disagreement that results in negativity between two or more people. The
disagreement may be related to anything and this disagreement may lead to many challenges in the
organisation which lemon tree hotel is facing now.
Concepts & Application :
Conflict management is essential not only in personal life but also in a workplace. It is diffcult to
resolve them at the first stage itself so that the situation does not get aggravated. Ignoring the
conflict can prove to be very costly not only for a person but also for the organization. There are a
different strategies that can be used to resolve the conflicts.
Avoiding - In this technique, people avoid conflicts by simply changing the ignoring topic or
denying to the situation that may lead to a problem. This strategies is adopted in organisations
where members or groups do not wish to involve in any arguments with other members. There can
be many reasons for avoidance, such as no intention of getting stressed due to conflicts or hurting
others feelings. This is the most ineffective style of resolving administrative conflicts. But this
confilcts solving strageries is not effective to resolve the lemon tree problems which they are facing.
Accommodating - In Accommodation, indivuiual shows higher concern to other, one person has
allowed the other person to win, and it will result in the first person losing everything. Still, this
style resolves the conflict faster than other methods. This style is also benefited when you couldn’t
care about the issue, and you want to close the arguing so that you can move on. Sometimes the
conflict is resolved quickly and does not require a lot of effort. This is the primary advantage of
accommodating type of conflict resolution. But if we use this techinque it will deifnately loose the
shares of Lemon tree because the workers always feel if any situation arises managment resovle this
techinuqe by Accomading and it will always benefical to worker side.
Compromising : In compromising, you resolve the conflict by adjusting both sides. A solution that
is in between the demands of both the conflicting parties is agreed upon. Both of them involved in
the conflict are partially satisfied and unsatisfied. This is very important when you care about the
other person involved in the conflict. Issues are solved faster in compromising type of conflict
resolution. This stratergies is useful to resolve the problem, as lemon tree want to focus on work and
they can resolve the issues by comprmising strageries.
Competing : In this type of conflict resolution, you reject all the perspectives of the other party
entirely. You want the resolution to end up in your favor. You do not take other into consideration
of view and refuse to consider it altogether. It does not matter if your are right or wrong.You simply
want the solution in your favour. It even doesn’t matter if your demand is ethically incorrect and
may not be beneficial to a lot of people. Instead, your solution will harming a lot of people at the
end. This strategires mainly dominat the other person so it is not useful to resolve this problem.
Collaboration : Collaboration gives the best results, which last for a long time. But at the same
time, the collaboration method is considered to be very difficult to implement. Collaboration style is
one of the positive approaches for conflict resolution.A middle solution that will be win-win for
both parties involved and the conflict is resolved. Both of the parties usually sit together and state
their demands.They discuss and negotiate to get at a better solution that hurts them the least and
which is a win-win for both of them. Collaboration is mostly used when the relationship is more
important than the dispute. This is useful strageries as mangers beliefs on the relations which they
dont want to loose it.
Conflicts are a daily part of our lives, and we encounter them every day. While conflict cannot be
avoided, it should not be left unresolved for too long, either. The issue cannot be fixed until the
company provides services that significantly boost productivity. Work must be done to
improve employee communication in order to better understand their requirements and
communicate with them directly and transparently. So as per the above strageries
explain collaborating and compromising strategries will help to lemon tree hotel to
resolve their conflicts

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