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- Hi Dilan, how are you, I'll ask you a few questions to see how much you know about

Peru, are you ready to start?

- Hi Avril, of course I start the game
Who proclaims the independence of Peru?
General Don José de San Martín proclaimed the independence of Peru on July 28, 1821.
When was the city of Lima founded?
The city of Lima was founded on January 18, 1535 by the conqueror of the powerful Inca
Empire, Francisco Pizarro.
Who was Maria Parado de Bellido?
María Parado de Bellido, was a Peruvian heroine and martyr for the Independence of
When was the battle of Junín?
The battle of Junín was on August 6, 1824.
When did the Pacific War take place?
The Pacific War was between 1879 and 1884 and was an armed conflict that pitted Chile
on the one hand and the allies Bolivia and Peru on the other.

- Congratulations Dilan, all the answers were correct, it looks like you know a lot about
- Well Avril now it's your turn to play, you're ready.
- Of course Dilan. I hope to answer everything well.
Who is the last Inca in the Tahuantinsuyo?
The last Inca in the Tahuantinsuyo was Atahualpa Cápac.
When was the battle of Tarapaca?
The battle of Tarapacá was on November 27, 1879.
What is the first university in Peru?
The first university in Peru was the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
When was the city of Machu Picchu discovered?
The city of Machu Picchu was discovered on July 24, 1911.
Who was Avelino Cáceres?
Andrés Avelino Cáceres was a Peruvian military and politician who fought in the Pacific
War and was Constitutional President of Peru on two occasions.
- Congratulations Avril, it looks like you also know a lot about Peru, now I have to go, see
you later Avril, take care
- See you later Dilan, a pleasure to play with you, take care

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