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M: Hello guys

R: Hi Melany and Yeicov

Y: Hello girls
M: I have a game. Do you want to play?
R: Yes, I want. What is the game about?
M: We have cards with questions about the history of Peru that we have to answer.
Y: Sounds interesting! Let’s play
M: I start. Who was the first president of Peru?
R: José de la Riva Agüero was the first president. R:
How many years did the war between Peru and Chile
Y: That war lasted 4 years.
Y: When was the battle of Ayacucho?
M: The battle of Ayacucho was on December 9, 1824 M:
When was the battle of Tarapaca?
R: The battle of Tarapacá was on November 27, 1879 R:
When was the viceroyalty of Peru?
Y: The Viceroyalty of Peru was created in one thousand five hundred forty-two
Y: Who was the last Viceroy of Peru?
M: The last viceroy of Peru was José de la Serna (1821-1824). M:
Who was the hero of the Battle of Arica?
Y: The hero of the battle of Arica was Colonel Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes.
Y: In what year was the Pacific War?
R: The impact of the Pacific War was February 14, 1879. R:
Who wrote the national anthem of Peru?
M: The national anthem was written by José Bernardo Alzedo Retuerto M:
Who discovered the Chavín culture?
Y: It was discovered by Trinidad Alfaro in one thousand nine hundred seven, but
it was the researcher, Julio C. Tello
Y: In what year was the first constitution of Peru promulgated?
R: The political constitution of Peru was promulgated on November 12, 1823. R:
What was the first university in Peru?
M: The Universidad Mayor de San Marcos recognized as the oldest in America M:
Who was the founder of Tahuantinsuyo?
R: The greatest conqueror was Túpac Inca
R: what were the four suyos of the Inca empire?
Y: His four were Antisuyu, Chinchaysuyu, Contisuyu and Collasuyu.
Y: What were the three laws that the Incas applied?
M: The three laws are “Ama Quella, Ama Sua, Ama Llulla”

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