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Billy Deskins
Cloverleaf House of Worship
1030 Manor St., Houston, Texas 77015
January 1, 1994
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Take notes:
Know ye not this parable?
All disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are to learn of Him, the Word of God. We are to understand the
parables especially the parable of the sower. This parable has many parables within it to show each point of the
story. Remember, that a parable is a story which will convey the principles of God which make up His WILL. As a
book has chapters to separate each objective of the writer, so also should we look at all the parables that make up
the parable of the sower.

Mat. 13:3-9 Chapter 1, The parable of the sower gives four types of ground for planting,
which are: by the way side, stony places, thorns and the good ground. These four different
types of people should be recognizable to you, the disciple.
:10-17 Chapter 2, Reveals to us that the Word of God is hidden from the wise and
prudent and revealed unto us. This is a mystery which fulfills scripture.
:18-23 Chapter 3, Gives the different symbols of the four types of ground and the
type of enemy attack on them..
:24-30 Chapter 4, The parable of the wheat & tares is about planting the Word of God,
thus it is part of the parable of the sower.
:31-32 Chapter 5, The parable of the mustard seed is about growth, in the Word of
God. This part of the parable of the sower makes us aware of the inhabitants of our land
Exo. 34:10-15.
:33 Chapter 6, The parable of the leaven is part of the parable of the sower, and
teaches us to beware of false teachings Mat. 16:5-12.
:34-43 Chapter 7, Gives us the different symbols used in the parable of the wheat and
tares described in Chapter 4.
:44 Chapter 8, The parable of the buried treasure is part of the parable of the
sower, because it shows us the value of understanding the Word of God.
:45-46 Chapter 9, The parable of the pearl of great price is about the planting and
growing process within the kingdom of God. Having the wisdom of even one of the
mysteries will cause you to devote your time [life] to the Word of God.
:47-50 Chapter 10, The parable of the net is about the time of the harvest and the
separation of the tares from the wheat.
:51-52 Chapter 11, Is a summary of the message given by all the parables within the
parable of the sower. The parables are given to instructed or teach disciples to support or
expose any doctrine. Bring together the new and old testament teachings with the parables, will
confirm or reject any doctrine.

All the parables within the four gospels will show the principles of God or His will. The parables show the
principles of God in a simple form for the understanding of His ways. We are told in the scriptures that men shall
arise with false teachings and shall deceive many, but not the Elect or chosen Mat. 24:24. When you understand
the Word of God you'll know how to compare any doctrine against the principles of God. No teachings of God can
be against His principles which are clearly stated within the parables. Let us look at the most popular doctrine
accepted by many today that comes against the principles of God.
The Rapture doctrine
1 Thes. 4:16 "Because 3754 the Lord himself shall come 2597 from heaven 3772 with1722 a cry of invitation 2752, with [the]
sound5456 [of the] first-born messagers743, and with [the] great shaking 4536 of God: and the[spiritual] dead
(3498 with1722 Christ [the church] shall rise450 first: 17Then we the3588 iving2198 who3588 survive4035, shall
be taken726 together 260 for the completion of4862 them with1722 [the] clouds3507, to the place of1519 [the] meeting 529
of the Lord in [the] air 109: and thus3779 shall we always3842 be with [the] Lord."

The above scriptures are translated from the Textus Receptus or the Received Text which is based on the
original manuscript which have 95 percent of evidence. Understand that Christ is the church which is the body of
Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 12:27, Eph. 1:22, 23 & 5:23,30 and Col. 1:24-29. Now study to verified all the Greek-English
translations to see more clearly. Mostly important dead, in these scriptures, means spiritual death and NOT
physical death.

Jn. 5:25 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead (5498 shall hear the sound5456
of the Son of God: and those having heard191 shall live. 28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all
that are in the act of burying the dead 3419 shall hear his sound 5456, 29And proceed out of1607 [spiritual death]; those
that practiced 4160 good, to a resurrection of life; and those that did evil, to a resurrection of judgment 2920."

The physical dead don't hear the Word and live again, because this is not in accordance with the will of
God. After your physical life on this earth has ended you don't get a second chance to hear the Word of God Luke
16:19-31 as stated in the rich man and Lazarus.

Eph. 5:6 "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God
upon the children of disobedience. 14Wherefore he saith, Awake [thou] that sleepest2518, and stand up450 from
among1537 the [spiritually] dead3498, and Christ shall appear unto2017 thee. 17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but
understanding what the will of the Lord [is]."

Thou that sleepest is told to separate himself or herself from interment or the process of dying. Scripturally
speaking, ". . .Come out of her [Religion] O my people Rev. 18:4 and understand what the Word of God says.
Christ, the true church shall be noticeable to you when you get out from among the false religious doctrines and
religious teachers.

Jn. 3:14 "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the [Word of God] Son of man be
elevated5312: 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him
might be saved. 19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved
darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.."

The Word of God must be spoken plainly, so that the world can understand the good news which is
salvation. We, as the church, must walk according to the ways of God in order to speak boldly the Word of God.
No one can speak boldly the righteousness of Christ if he isn't clean by the washing of the Word of God Eph. 5:26.
Without the understanding of the Word of God, you can not know His will. We are to know and speak the truth to
the world, so that the Gentiles or everyday people that have been lied to, can hear the truth and be raised from the
dead. To believe God would take us out of this evil world is to not know God's ways. We are to be a light
[understanding] in the darkness [ignorance] to show the way unto salvation. Now let us look at a parable that
should put to rest this doctrine that conflicts with the teachings of Christ.

THE PRODIGAL SON Luke 15:11-32 Page 3

In verses 11 to 19 we find that the son, which wanted all his inheritance, spent it all on unrestrained living
and found himself in the midst of a famine. When he had need he made a covenant with a stranger, not from his
land or ways. The stranger gave him work which was against his beliefs and he was starving from the lack of wages
of his work. Then he came to his senses and decided to come back to his father.

Luke 15:20 "And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and
had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned
against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. 22But the father said to his
servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put [it] on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on [his] feet: 23And
bring hither the fatted calf, and kill [it]; and let us eat, and be merry: 24For this my son was dead, and is alive
again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry."

When did this son die? When he left his father [God] he died [spiritually]. Jesus tells you that the son
being dead means lost and alive-again means found or born-again. This parable is a good example of how [back
sliding Israel] Christians fall away as thorns Mat. 13:22. We must study carefully all the parables that convey one
message and understand what the will of God is. If we are to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ we must discern
between God's doctrine and man's.

Futher scriptural references to study:

1 Thes. 5:3-9 Peace & safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with
child; But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. The thief that shall
come in the Day of the Lord is? 2 Pet. 3:10, Rev. 3:3 & 16:15

Jer. 6:10-19 & 27-30 Every one of them given to covetousness Jer. 8:10-12 and from the prophet even
unto the priest they deal falsely. They say Peace, peace when there is no peace! When pangs of a
woman in travail Jer. 22:23-26 come upon thee I will cast thee and thy mother, Jerusalem Gal.4:30 out and
ye shall die!

Hos. 13:9-16 O Israel, the sorrows of a travailing woman shall come upon you, but I will ransom you
from the power of the grave Isa. 25:4-9. The great veil 2 Cor. 3:14-16 which has blinded Israel in part
Rom. 11:25 by leaning on their own understanding Eph. 4:18 & Rom. 1:21-25 being ignorant they have
blinded their hearts 2 Thes. 2:10-12. [ Light is for Acts 26:16-18 ]

2 Sam. 5:7 The strong hold of Zion is the city of David. 1 Chr. 11:5, 2 Chr. 5:2, Psa. 51:18

Psa. 74:2-9 Remember thy congregation, this mount Zion and how thine enemies roar Jude 10-13 in the
midst of your people and the enemies Phil. 3:17-19 & Acts 20:28-31 of the cross of Christ have set up
their own miracles for signs Isa. 8:18.

Isa. 1:21-27 How is the faithful city, Zion Isa. 56:16 become a harlot! She shall be redeemed with
judgment and the BRANCH Isa. 4:2-5, mined Elect Isa. 42:1 & Jer. 23:1-12, in the cloud of the Holy
Spirit and by the Word of judgment, purge the daughters of Zion.

Zep. 2:2-3 Maybe God will hide you in the day of Wrath, when He shall deal with religion Rev. 16:1-6.
But as for religion, she shall receive the judgements on her Zep. 3:1-20, but the people who repent from
following religion shall be saved!


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