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Sailfish (Istiophorus) is a genus of perciform fish of the Istiophoridae family that

inhabit the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean, and Indian Ocean. Due
to its sail-shaped dorsal fin, its 3 meters long and more than 100 kilos in weight, it
is said that they are one of the most elegant specimens in the sea.
Over short distances, the metallic blue sailfish is the second fastest fish in the sea
(the first is the Mako Shark, which can swim at 124 km/h). It can reach up to 119
km/h according to studies carried out thanks to its hydrodynamic and muscular
body. It has a rigid tail in the shape of a "C", ideal for speed; and its tall dorsal fin,
or "sail," cuts through the water like a ship's propeller. The muzzle tapers to a very
sharp point. It feeds on fish and squid, and releases its eggs in the high seas. At
three meters long and weighing one hundred kilos, it is also one of the largest bony

Hydrodynamic: It decreases the resistance to water. Hydrodynamically shaped

aquatic animals.
Underwater: underwater That exists, is used or is made underwater.
suitable: That meets the necessary or optimal conditions for a specific function or
Velocity: is the change in position of an object with respect to time.
Fish: are primarily aquatic vertebrate animals.
perciformes: all fish and are the largest order of vertebrates.

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