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Items that Get to know more

resemble Japan
about Japan!
Nihon as official name in Japanese or world widely
Cherry Blosom
known as Japan is an Island country located in East
Carp of Asia.
Mount Fuji

Chrysanthemum The history of Japan is a long and fascinating one.

Japan has been inhabited since the Upper
Paleolithic period (30,000 BC). Between the 4th and
9th centuries, the kingdoms of Japan became
unified under an emperor and the imperial court
based in Heian-kyō. Japan has experienced many
periods of cultural, political and social change, such
as the Kamakura period (1185–1333), the Edo period
(1600–1868), the Meiji period (1868–1912), and the
Shōwa period (1926–1989). Japan is also known for
its art, literature, cuisine, technology, and pop


Get to know about
Japanese Martial Arts Why you should
visit Japan?

The historical origin of Japanese martial arts can be Japan is a beautiful country with a rich
found in the warrior traditions of the samurai and the
culture and history. There are many
caste system that restricted the use of weapons by
other members of society. Originally, samurai were reasons why you should visit Japan. Here
expected to be proficient in many weapons, as well as are some of them:
unarmed combat, and attain the highest possible
1. Pristine natural scenery
mastery of combat skills.
2. Safety
3. Incredible food
4. Beautiful temples, shrines, and zen
gardens Traditional Attire
5. Friendly people
6. Efficient Public Transportation
of Japan; Kimono
7. Thrilling experiences
8. Unique shopping experiences
9. Anime and Manga culture
10. Technology Generally made of silk, have large sleeves

and so much more! and reach from the shoulders all the way
down to the heels. They are tied with a
wide belt called an obi.

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