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3 Poems for TKAM

Nature of Man and Colors

The nature of a man, defined by perception's hold,

A tapestry of hues, stories yet untold.
Why fixate on differences, the shades we wear?
When color is but a pigment, a superficial affair.

In shades of gray, we find our hue,

A blend of colors, both old and new.
For within each soul, a spectrum resides,
Where prejudice and judgment gently subsides.

The mind of gold, the heart of grace,

Embracing diversity, no color to erase.
In unity we thrive, in diversity we grow,
Breaking the barriers, letting acceptance show.

We must see beyond the skin,

And let the colors from within begin,
To shine, for they’re shunned, concurrently far as sinned.
Widely, ignorantly by the whitest of skin.
No, the nature of a man is not confined,
To the boundaries of color, but to the ties that bind.

The Mind of Gold, Tongue of Sword

Atticus wisdom, sown threads on the brain,

The realm of thoughts hold a golden treasure,
Wisdom's whispers, an endless measure.
See his words force us to rethink, reframe,
The mind, a sword, sharp and keen,
Force to challenge the unspoken, unseen.

With words as weapons, wielded with care,

Silencing ignorance, injustice laid bare.
For in the battle of ideas and words,
Truth prevails, its voice to be heard, when so, hearts wail.

The mind's vast landscape, a world to explore,

Where knowledge blooms, forevermore.
A tongue of sword, a powerful tool,
To educate, inspire, and break the rule.

So let the mind be the guiding light,

In the world where ignorance lies.
For with knowledge as our sturdy shield,
The power of the mind, our greatest yield.
We may assemble, fly high, soar above these fields

I wish I were Atticus

In Atticus' shoes, I yearn to stand,

A pillar of justice in a troubled land.
To speak with eloquence, wisdom in each word,
Defending truth, no matter how absurd.

To shield the innocent from the world's disdain,

And break the shackles of prejudice's chain.
With courage as my armor, empathy my guide,
To fight the battles with love by my side.

To be the voice for those without a say,

To challenge the darkness, bring light to the day.
Though bewildered, I'll breathe and keep moving on,
Embracing the fight until justice is won.

As men,
We should strive to embody Atticus' grace,
The pursuit for a fair and equal human race,
As man.
Follow in his footsteps, achieve the strength to be,
A beacon of hope, a force of unity,
For the entirety of humanity,
We can kick it til’ the grave on our two feet.
Poem Themes Explanation

The poems I have written are deeply connected to the story as they explore themes and ideas
that resonate with the central messages of the novel, highlighting the importance of tolerance,
empathy, justice, and the power of words.

In the poem "Nature of Man and Colors," I address the issue of prejudice based on skin color
and challenge the fixation on differences. This connects to the central theme of racism and
discrimination in TKAM, where characters like Atticus Finch advocate for looking beyond the
surface and embracing diversity. I emphasize that the nature of a person is not defined by their
color but by the ties that bind us as human beings.

"The Mind of Gold, Tongue of Sword" reflects Atticus Finch's role as a wise and eloquent
defender of justice and truth I uphold. Atticus's words and wisdom are portrayed as powerful
weapons to challenge ignorance and injustice. This aligns with his character in the novel, where
he uses his intellect and persuasive skills to advocate for equality and truth.

The final poem, "I wish I were Atticus," captures the longing to embody Atticus's virtues and
make a positive impact in the world. Atticus is seen as a symbol of justice, courage, and
empathy, fighting for the voiceless and challenging the darkness of prejudice. This poem
emphasizes the importance of striving for a fair world as individuals that ring out through
societies, changing hearts in masses, echoing the novel's themes of social justice and the
pursuit of a better world.

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