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Student literacy sheet
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

The reflex arc

Specification references
 B5.2.1 Structure and function

The reflex arc is central to understanding how we respond to stimuli. In this
activity you are given various scenarios and are required to think about how
someone would respond to a particular situation. You will need to be aware of
the pathway of a reflex arc and understand why a reflex arc is so important for a
species to survive. For further support, refer to Topic B10.3, Reflex actions in the
student book.

Learning outcomes
After completing this worksheet, you should be able to:
 use the correct terms in sequence for the parts of the reflex arc as it carries out its function
 apply this knowledge in a variety of situations.

Read each of the following scenarios and then fill in the flow chart for each. From
the information provided you will be able identify what the receptors and the
effectors are. Question 1 has been done for you.
All the examples will follow the same pattern

Stimulus Receptor Sensory Relay Motor Effector Response

Neurone Neurone Neurone

1 When Jane woke up she got out of bed, went to the window, and drew back
the curtains. As the bright sunshine streamed in through the window, it hit the
light-sensitive cells at the back of her eyes. This immediately caused the
muscles around her pupils to contract, making her pupils smaller and letting
less light into the eyes.

Light- Muscles
Bright Light sensitive cells Sensory Relay Motor around the Pupil shrinks
in the eye Neurone Neurone Neurone pupil

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This resource sheet may have been changed from the original. 1
Student literacy sheet
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

2 When Tom was walking home after school, he suddenly heard a loud bang as
a low-flying aircraft flew over him. He instinctively pulled his arms over his
head to protect himself.
Complete the reaction pathway. (4 marks)

Sensory Motor Muscles in

Neurone Neurone Tom’s arms

3 Enyidado was pulling a hot tray out of the oven when her hand touched the
tray. She immediately drew her hand away and dropped it on the floor.
Complete the reaction pathway. (4 marks)

Skin Hand pulled
away from the

4 Why was it important that Enyidado quickly pulled her hand away from the

It was important that she pulled he and away because otherwise she would of burnt her hands.

(1 mark)

5 While walking barefoot, Mark trod on a pin. He immediately lifted his foot up to
take his weight off the pin.
Complete the reaction pathway. (7 marks)

6 Why was it important for Mark to lift his foot quickly off the pin?

To avoid the pin go in further so it causes minimal damage. (1 mark)

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Student literacy sheet
Name ...................................................................... Class .................. Date .....................

7 When a person faces a stressful situation, their brain senses this stressful
situation and causes the release of a hormone (adrenaline) from a gland near
the kidneys (adrenal gland). Adrenaline is known for causing the ‘fight or flight’
response and increases a person’s heart rate and alertness.
Complete the reaction pathway. (6 marks)

Release of

8 Why is it important for adrenaline to be released in a stressful situation?

It is important because adrenaline increases a person’s alertness therefore in a stressful situation,

the problem would be handles better. (2 marks)

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