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Name: ________________________________________________Score: __________

Section: _____________________ Parent’s Signature:_______________
Direction: Classify the following words or phrases inside the box as to good or bad information.
Write your answers in the specified column below.

readable presents biased view cost effective

fits for purpose has grammatical errors

Good Information Bad Information

Classify the following sources of information into Digital Information or Non Digital Information.
Write D if the source is DIGITAL and ND if it is NON-DIGITAL.

______ 1. encyclopedia ______ 6. dictionary

_____ 2. gossip _____ 7. radio

_____ 3. blog _____ 8. text message

_____ 4. newspaper _____ 9. research article

_____ 5. Facebook post _____ 10. fiction story

Directions: Read each statement. Identify what is asked for. Choose the letter of the correct

1. These are any characteristic that we can see including line, shape, direction, size, texture,
color and value.
a. aesthetic distance b. framing c. symbol d. visual

2. It refers to a set of points extending in both directions. It is used to create shapes, forms
and textures.
a. color b. gaze c. line d. symbol

3. It is the area covered by the entire artwork.

a. color b. gaze c. line d. positive space
4. This instantly makes people think of traits or message that they want to associate with a
company, group, product or service.
a. framing b. gaze c. space d. vertical lines

5. It is considered as the most powerful element of arts.

a. color b. gaze c. symbol d. visual elements

6. It means to stare, suggests looking fixedly at something.

a. color b. gaze c. line d. positive space

7. It deals with the proper placement of the subject together with other images.
a. color b. framing c. gaze d. line

8. It is the distance between the realities in a work of art.

a. aesthetic distance b. positive space c. space d.

9. It is the area of interest or the subject of the artwork.

a. aesthetic distance b. gaze c. line d. positive space

10. These are straight up and down lines that are moving in space without any slant and are
perpendicular to horizontal lines.
a. framing b. gaze c. space d. vertical lines

Directions: Choose the letter of the picture in the columns that correspond to the suggested
meaning of visual media below. Write your answer on the space provided before each

_____1. This image suggests value of distancing.

_____2. This image symbolizes the value of obedience.
_____3. Value of creativeness is being emphasized in this picture.
_____4. This picture suggests the value of faithfulness.
_____5. Value of discipline is suggested in this image.

Directions: Identify what is being defined. Choose your answer from the box.

background knowledge making connections

text-to-text text-to-self text-to-world

1. It is a strategy that can assist you in making meaning from a text.

a. background knowledge b. making connections c. text-to-text d. text-to-world

2. It is a connection between texts.

a. background knowledge b. making connections c. text-to-text d. text-to-world
3. This is highly personal connections that a reader makes between a piece of reading material and the
reader’s own experiences or life.
a. background knowledge b. making connections c. text-to-text d. text-to-world

4. A type of connection that that a reader brings to a reading situation.

a. background knowledge b. making connections c. text-to-text d. text-to-world

5. What can you connect to the text you are viewing?

a. background knowledge b. making connections c. text-to-text d. text-to-world

Directions: Read the following situations. Identify the type of connection used. Choose your answer from a,
b, or c stated as:

a. text-to-self b. text-to-text c. text-to-world

_____1. I read a story about a boy who visited a magical land with witches and wizards. It is the same with
the movie of Harry Potter.

_____2. I saw the news about how water pollution is affecting marine animals. It reminded me of the whale
died in Davao Gulf of the Philippines which starved to death because of more than 88 pounds
plastic waste in its belly.

_____3. Lisa is reading a Science fiction story. In the story, she thinks that what happens to the characters
could also happen on Earth if people don’t start recycling more.

_____4. I read a book about how eggs are produced. It reminded me of my visit last summer to my
grandparent’s farm.

_____5. I read a book about venomous spiders. Then, I remember an article I’ve read before showing the
Top 10 Spiders in the World.

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