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1. Who proved that atomic number is the basic property of elements and how?
A- Henry Moseley proved that atomic number is the basic property of elements. He proved with
help of an experiment that square root of frequency of x-ray emitted by the element is directly
proportional to atomic number and not atomic mass. √𝑣 ∝ z
2. What is the basis of classification in modern periodic table?
Atomic number
3. Define Modern Periodic Law.
Physical and chemical properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic numbers
4. Names the followingn groups:
Group 1 – alkali metals.
Group 2 – alkaline earth metals.
Group 15 – Nicogens.
Group 16 – Chalcogens.
Group 17 – Halogens.
Group 18 – Noble gases/Inert gases
5. What are representative elements?
p block elements and s block elements are collectively called representative elements.
6. What are the characteristics of d block elements
All d block elements are metals.
Their outer electronic configuration is
A- ns1-2(n-1)d1-10.
They show variable oxidation states
Most of the compounds of d block elements are coloured.
Most of the d block elements are paramagnetic.
They have comparatively higher melting points than s block elements

7. d block elements are also known as transition elements why?

d block elements are called transition elements because they show a transition from highly metallic
s block to less metallic p block.
8. Zn, Cd and Hg are not considered as d block element why?
because they have completely filled d orbitals in atomic or ionic form

9. What are lanthanoids and actinoids?

Lanthanoids :- 14 elements coming after Lanthanum are called Lanthanoids.
Actinoids:- 14 elements coming after Actinium are called Actinoids.
10. The outer electronic configuration of d block element is …
The outer electronic configuration is

11. outer electronic configuration of f block element is

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12. justify that the sixth period of the periodic table should have 32 elements
Sixth period involves the filling of s,p d anf f subshells [ 6s,6p,5d anf 4f ] so total number of
electron can be accommodated as 2+6+10+14 =32
Atomic radii
15. What is the variation of atomic radii along a period and in a group?
On moving down, the group the atomic size increases. This is due to increase in number of shells.
On moving left to right along a period, atomic size or atomic radii decreases. This is due to increase
in nuclear charge (no. of protons).

16. What is the order of diiffrent radii?

Covalent radii < Metallic radii< Van der Waals radii

17. Noble gases have bigger atomic radii than halogens. Why?
For noble gases we are measuring Vander Waal’s radii and for halogens we are measuring covalent
radii. Vander Waal’s radii is bigger than covalent radii.
18. increasing order of reactivity among group-1 element is Li < Na< K< Rb <Cs whereas that among
group-17 elements F >Cl >Br> I Explain why?
Li.Na, etc.. are Group -1 elements, they are metals, reactivity of metals / metallic character
increases with increasing atomic size or on moving down the group.
F,Cl etc.. are halogens or nonmetals, reactivity of nonmetals / nonmetallic character decreases with
decrease in atomic size or on moving down the group.

Ionic Radii:

19. Explain why cation has smaller radii than parent atom?
Cationic radii are smaller than parent atom
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Reason :- Cations contain more number of protons than electrons. So effective nuclear
charge and attractive force in more which in turn decreases the radii.
Na+ < Na

20. anionic radii is bigger than parent atom. Why?

Anions contain a smaller number of protons compared to electrons. So attractive force is weaker
which in turn increases the atomic radii.
Cl < Cl –

21. what are iso electronic ions

Ions containing same number of electrons are called isoelectronic ions.
Eg: Al3+, Mg2+, Na+, F- and O2- are isoelectronic species.
𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑖 ∝ ∝ 𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒
𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒

22. Some ions are given below: ( Al3+, Mg2+, Na+, F- and O2-)
What is common in them?
Arrange these ions in the increasing order of ionic radii.
i) They have same number of electrons – they are isoelectronic.
Al3+< Mg2+< Na+< F- < O2-
[ all have 10 electrons each ]
23. Arrange Cl-, S2-, K+, Ca2+ in the increasing order of ionic radii.
Ca2+ < K+ < Cl- < S2-
ionic radii
IUPAC names
24. Write the symbol and IUPAC names of elements with following atomic numbers:
A- z = 104
B- Name: Unnilquad + ium = Unnilquadium
i) Symbol: Unq
z = 112
C- Name: Ununbi + ium = Ununbium
i) Symbol: Uub
z = 109
D- Name:
i) Unnilenn + ium = Unnilennium
ii) Symbol: Une
z = 103
E- Name:
i) Unniltri + ium = Unniltrium
ii) Symbol: Unt
z = 114
F- Name:
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25. Define ionization enthalpy.

Energy required to remove electron from the outermost shell of a free gaseous atom is called
ionization energy.
26. What is IE1 and IE2 which is greater
Energy required to removed first electron from the outermost shell of free gaseous atom is called
Energy required to remove second electron after removing first electron is called I.E2.
Normally I.E2 is greater than I.E1.

27. What are the factors effecting ionization enthalpy?

Atomic size:
I.E ∝ 𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒
Nuclear charge:
I. E ∝ nuclear charge
Electronic configuration:
If an atom has stable electronic configuration, it is difficult to remove electron from the outermost
shell and hence will have high ionization energy.
s2, p6, d10, f14 completely filled, stable electronic configuration [high I.E]
3 5 7
p ,d ,f half-filled, stable electronic configuration [high I.E]
Screening effect or Schielding effect:
The inner electrons hinder the attractive force between nucleus and outermost electron. This
hindrance is known as screening effect or Schielding effect.
IE ∝ 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡
Penetrating Power:-
Order of penetrating power of different orbitals in same energy level are

s orbital closer to the nucleus –more attractive force - difficult to remove electron from it

28. What is the variation of ionization enthalpy along a period and group?
On moving down, a group, ionization enthalpy decrease because of increasing atomic size.
Eg: Cs (Cesium) has very less ionization enthalpy compared to Li (Lithium).

On moving left to right along a period, ionization enthalpy increases due to increase in nuclear
Eg: F (Fluorine) has high ionization enthalpy than N ( nitrogen) because of more effective
nuclear charge.
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29. A graph is given below answer the following

a) Be has high ionization enthalpy than B. Why?

Be has high ionization enthalpy than B due to stable electronic configuration of Removal
of p electron from B is easier ( less penetrating power ) than removal of s electron
2 2 1
i) 5B = 1s , 2s , 2p
2 2
ii) 4Be = 1s , 2s ⇒ stable E.C. = difficult to remove electron = high ionization
b) N has high ionization enthalpy than O and less than F. Why?
N has high ionization enthalpy than O due to stable half-filled electronic configuration.
2 2 3
7N = 1s , 2s , 2p ⇒ stable half-filled E.C. = high ionization enthalpy
2 2 4
8O = 1s , 2s , 2p ⇒ unstable E.C. = low ionization enthalpy
F has more ionization enthalpy than N due to more effective nuclear charge.
30. I.E1 of Sodium is less than that of Magnesium whereas I.E2 of Sodium is more than that of
Magnesium. Explain why.
2 2 6 1
11Na = 1s , 2s , 2p , 3s ⇒ unstable E.C. = low I.E
A- Na+ = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 ⇒ stable E.C. = high I.E
B- 12Mg = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2 ⇒ stable E.C. = high I.E
C- Mg+ = 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1 ⇒ unstable E.C. = low I.E
31. Give reason for the following:
Gallium has smaller atomic radii than Aluminium. OR
Gallium has higher ionization enthalpy that Aluminium.
In Gallium inner shall contains d electrons. They have poor screening effect. So outermost electron
will experience strong attraction.
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A- 13Al= 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p1

B- 1 10 1
31Ga = [Ar]4s , 3d , 3p

32. first ionization enthalpy values in KJ/ mol of group-13 elements are
B Al Ga In Tl
801 577 579 558 589
How do you explain this deviation from general trend?
on moving down, the group normally ionization enthalpy decreases. Gallium has high ionization
enthalpy than Aluminium due to poor screening effect ofinner d electrons.
Thallium has high ionization enthalpy than Indium due to poor screening effect of inner f
33. Define electronegativity ?
Ability of an atom to attract shared pair electron present in a covalent bond towards its side is called
Eg: 𝐻 𝛿+ – Clδ here Cl is more electronegative
34. What are the factors affecting electronegativity?
Atomic size –
E.N ∝ 𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑖𝑧𝑒

Nuclear charge –
E.N ∝ nuclear charge

Electronegativity depends upon electronic configuration of elements.

A- Eg: 10Ne = 2, 8 = stable E.C, E.N = 0
35. Explain the variation of electronegativity along a period and group .
On moving down the group electronegativity decreases because of increasing atomic size.
One moving left to right along a period electronegativity increase because of decrease in atomic size
as well as increase in nuclear charge.
36. Halogens have high electronegativity in each period why?
Halogens have high electronegativity in each period because of smaller atomic size and more
effective nuclear charge.
37. Arrange the following elements in the increasing order of electronegativity.
I < Br < Cl = N < O < F
38. Name the highest electronegative element.
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39. Define electron gain enthalpy.
When an electron is added to free gaseous atom, the atom will absorb or release energy. This energy
change is called electrongain enthalpy.
(∆egH) has positive value or negative value depending upon whether the energy is absorbed or
40. Noble gases have positive electron gain enthalpy explain why?
For noble gases (∆egH) is found to be positive whereas for all other elements (∆egH) is found to be
Noble gases have stable electronic configuration. Addition of one electron makes them unstable. So,
energy is absorbed. Hence (∆egH) has positive value.

10Ne = 2, 8 = stable = low energy

A- Ne + 1e- = Ne-
B- Ne- = 2, 8, 1 = unstable = high energy
C- ie, energy is absorbed
Hence (∆egH) has positive value
41. what is the variation of electron gain enthalpy:
On moving down, the group electron gain enthalpy decreases.
On moving left to right along a period electrongain enthalpy increases.
42. Electrongain enthalpy of second period elements is comparatively less than that of third period
elements. Why?
This is due to smaller atomic size of second period elements, there occur electron-electron repulsion
during addition of extra electron.
i) 15 16 17
2 period N O F
3 period P S Cl

43. Chlorine has more negative electron gain enthalpy than fluorine why?
fluorine being smaller atomic size there occurs electron-electron repulsion during the addition of
extra electron, some energy will be used to overcome the repulsion. hence release of energy will be
less than expected. Chlorine being bigger in size no such repulsion occurs.
44. Sulphur has more negative electron gain enthalpy than oxygen why?
Ans: oxygen being smaller atomic size there occurs electron-electron repulsion during the addition
of extra electron, some energy will be used to overcome the repulsion. Hence release of energy will
be less than expected. sulphur being bigger in size no such repulsion occurs
45. Answer the following questions about the elements with the electronic configuration below.
A = 3p6 4s2 B = …3p6 4s2 3d10 4p5
i) Is element A metal, metalloid or non-metal?
ii) Which element has the highest Ionisation enthalpy?
iii) Which element has the greater electron gain enthalpy?
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iv) Which element should be larger of the two?

46. Some oxides are given below identify the following
[ Na2O, CaO,ZnO,Al2O3, SnO2,CO2,Cl2O7,SO2,NO,CO,N2O]
a) Basic oxides [ CaO,Na2O}
b) Acidic oxides [ CO2,SO2 ,Cl2O7,]
c) Amphoteric oxides [ [ZnO,Al2O3,SnO2]
d) Neutrall oxides [CO,NO,N2O ]
47. Find Formula of oxide formed by G-13 element X.
48. First ∆iH1 and second ∆iH2 ionisation enthalpies in KJ/mol of A,B and C are given below .

IE1 403 549 1142

IE2 2640 1060 2080

Identify the element which is likely to be.

a) A non metal [ ans C ]
b) An alkali metal [ ans A]
c) An alkaline earth metal [ans B, because of less IE2]
49. First ∆iH1 and second ∆iH2 ionisation enthalpies in KJ/moland the electron gain enthalpy inKj/mol
of few elements are given below.

Elements ∆iH1 ∆iH2 ∆egH

I 520 7300 -- 60

II 419 3051 -- 48

III 1681 3374 -- 328

IV 1008 1846 -- 295

V 2372 5251 + 48

VI 738 1451 -- 40
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Which of the element likely to be?

a. The least reactive element

b. The most reactive metal
c. The most reactive non metal
d. The metal which can form stable binary halide of the formula MX2
e. The metal which can form a predominantly stable covalent halide of the formula MX ( X=

a. The element V likely to be the least reactive element because of highest first ionisation enthalpy
and positive electron gain enthalpy
( noble gas)
b. The element II is likely to be the most reactive metal because of lowest first ionisation enthalpy
c. The element III is likely to be the most reactive nonmental because of highest first ionisation
enthalpy and more negative electron gain enthalpy.
d. The element VI has lowest second ionisation enthalpy compared to all others so the element will
be alkaline earth and can form binary halide having the formula MX2.
e. The Element -1 has low first ionisation enthalpy and high second ionisation enthalpy [ alkali
metal] can form covalent halide having the formula MX
57.Some ionisation enthalpies are given below

1. The element which can form binary halide with the formula MX2 ans: [ III ]
2. The noble gas. Ans. [ I ]
3. The reactive metal. Ans . [ II ]
4. Non-reactive non-metal. Ans [ IV ]
50. What is anomalous behaviour?
First element in a group shows some properties which are different from other members of the same
family. This is known as anomalous behaviour.
A- Eg: Carbon shows anomalous behaviour.
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Reason for anomalous character:

Due to small atomic size
Due to high electronegativity
Due to absence of vacant d orbital
51. BF63- does not exist where as AlF63- exists why?
Boron cant form more than 4 bonds due to the absence of vacant d has vacant d orbital
to form more than four bonds
52. SiF6 is known, whereas (SiCl6) is not known. Why?
Silicon can accommodate smaller six fluorine atom, it can’t accommodate six bigger chlorine aoms.
53. Explain diagonal relationship.
First elements in a group show some similarity in properties with second element of the adjacent
group on the right side. This is known as diagonal relationship.
A- Eg: Li shows diagonal relation with Mg.
B- Be shows diagonal relation with Al.
1 2 13 14
Li Be B C
Na Mg Al Si
Reasons for diagonal relationship:
Due to almost similar size
Due to almost same electronegativity
Due to almost same polarizing power or charge/radius ratio

54. How to predict a group number

1 S block No of electrons in valance s subshell
2 P block
No of ns + np + 10
3 d block No of ns + (n-1)d electrons

55. How to predict period number

period number = no of shells. or biggest principal quantum number (n) value
an element X has atomic number 23 predict group number and period number
A- 2 2 6 2 6 2 3
23X = 1s ,2s ,2p ,3s ,3p ,4s ,3d
B- groupnumber = 2 + 3 = 5
C- Period number = 4.
xplain why 4th period has 18 elements
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D- 4th period involves the filling of 4s, 3d, and 4p subshells, so total number of electrons will
be 2+10+6 = 18 electrons respectively.
56. How to predict Nature of oxides.
Bigger atoms – basic oxides
Smaller atom – acidic oxides
Intermediate atoms – amphoteric oxides
Eg CaO Na2O,BaO - Basic
CO2, SO2,SO3,Cl2O7, – Acidic
Al2O3 , ZnO, SnO2- amphoteric

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