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Once upon a mist, there was a big mist happening, for the first time ever in the country of
Philippines and due to this, Filipinos were not aware of what to do, and most of them were outside. Due
to the fogs created by this phenomenon, Filipinos were having a hard time moving, in fear of stepping in
to something, in fear of getting hit, and in fear of meeting a mysterious but dangerous species out there.
To them, they feel like they were blind and was only limited to seeing the bottom of their feet.

It was night, and still a number of people were still walking, clueless of what they’re walking on,
or just clueless about where they are currently. Dora, was tired walking already and was feeling down
since they can’t see an inch of what they are going and has no idea where they are, the people
surrounded her, feeling down as well because they can understand and empathized with her.

Suddenly, a soft shout was heard in the road. “ALING ALING ALING” a motherly voice was heard,
at first they ignored it but followed the voice in the 3 rd shout. They felt like they were hypnotized by a
sweet and genuine voice. As they followed the voice, the fog gradually disappears and at the end of the
road. There was a woman. She looks so hospitable by the way she smiles when they saw her. She has a
short hair, red shirt and yellow bandana.

“You guys look tired please come here to my store and I’ll give you foods for free. I’m Aling
Puring by the way” She said hospitably, but even though the group are actually hungry, they refuse to
accept something nonchalantly from a stranger. The woman noticed this and eventually she
understands and gestured her hands towards the people to wait.

She rushes into her store, stocking up on canned goods and even rice to feed the crowd as much
as possible. People were skeptical at first, but once she insisted, they accepted it. The people ate a lot,
and Aling Puring never complained. She was really pleased to accommodate the gathering and provide
them meals for free. As the crowd expanded, Aling Puring's store miraculously got even larger.
Overnight, the route became congested, and the mist stopped; the crowd exclaim in wonder when they
saw a large structure labeled "PUREGOLD."

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