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新北市興南國小 107 學年度 第二學期 第 2 次定期評量 英語科

五年______ 班 ______ 號 Name(中文):_____________ Name (英文)_______________ 家長簽名 _______________

Part A: Listen and choose. 聽並寫出聽到字的代號。12%

1. ( ) a
○ ring b
○ spin c
○ pink d
○ ping 2. ( ) a
○ stick b
○ tick ○
c sting d
○ speak

3. ( ) a
○ style ○
b sky ○
c ski d
○ key 4. ( ) a
○ swim b
○ pin c
○ skin d
○ spin

5. ( ) a
○ hang ○
b Hank c
○ Frank ○
d Han 6. ( ) a
○ wink b
○ wing c
○ ping d
○ pink

Part B: Listen and circle. 聽、並圈選出聽到的字或圖片。10%

1. Look! A ( ping pink pin ) ring is in the ( sing sin sink ).

2. ( Don’t Doesn’t Didn’t ) cry over the ( skilled spilled pilled ) milk.

3. ( My His Her ) favorite subject is ( ).

4. ( Our Your Their ) favorite subject is ( ).

5. What ( do did does ) Ben do after school? He ( surf surfs surfing ) the Internet.

Part C: Listen, number and write. 聽、在方格內標上號碼 1, 2, 3, 4,再 "寫出" 圖片所示的單字。12%

Part D: Listen and write. 聽、再填入所缺的發音字母 nk, ng, sk, sp 或是 st。4%

nk ng sk sp st

1. A ____oon is playing with a ______ool.

2. The ki____ puts a toy ta ______ in the queen’s hand.

考卷共四頁 第 1 頁
Part E: Listen and choose the proper answers. 聽、並選出適當的回答。8%

a. His favorite subject is computer. a. He plays computer games.

1( ) b. Her favorite subject is PE. 2( ) b. She plays video games.
c. Your favorite subject is Chinese. c. They play phone games.

a. Good to see you. a. No, you’re not.

3 ( ) b. Thank you. 4( ) b. No, they’re not.
c. No problem! c. No, I’m not.

Part F: Listen, circle and correct the error. 圈出錯誤處,並在 ( ) 內填入正確之字。4 %

1. Let’s faces the music. ( ) 2. Peter does her homework after school. ( )

Part G: Look and choose the proper answers. 選出適當的回答。12%

1. ( ) Where is Madame Curie? 2. ( ) I like PE. How about you? 3. ( ) Where are you, Victor?

a. He is going to the library. a. Not for me. a. It’s done.

b. She is in the library. b. What’s wrong? b. I’m down here!
c. She is going to the library. c. I’m thirsty. c. Thank you.

5. ( ) Q: What’s ___ favorite ___?

4. ( ) What’s Hank’s favorite subject? 6. ( ) Is Peter a couch potato?
A: Basketball!

a. Her favorite subject is English. a. Harry’s , subject a. No, he isn’t.

b. His favorite subject is English. b. Lily’s, sport b. No, he can’t.
c. Your favorite subject is English. c. Elsa, sport c. No, he’s cool.

Part H: Look and choose. 選出適當的答案,請填入代號 1, 2, 3, 4。 12%

1. ( ) ______ the spy drinking coffee on a chair? ( 1

○ Am 2
○ Are 3
○ Is 4
○ Do )

2. ( ) _____ be a couch potato. ( 1

○ Doesn’t 2
○ Isn’t 3
○ Don’t 4
○ Aren’t )

3. ( ) Please ______ something, Dr. K. ( 1

○ does 2
○ do 3
○ are 4
○ is )

4. ( ) Their favorite subjects ______ PE and Calligraphy (書法) ( 1

○ are 2
○ am 3
○ is 4
○ isn’t )

5. ( ) He ______ a purple stick in his hand. ( 1

○ do 2
○ does 3
○ have 4
○ has )

6. ( ) I like drawing. ______ about you? ( 1

○ How 2
○ Where 3
○ Who 4
○ When )

考卷共四頁 第 2 頁
新北市興南國小 107 學年度 第二學期 第 2 次定期評量 英語科

五年______ 班 ______ 號 Name(中文):_____________ Name (英文)_______________

Part I: Look and fill the blanks. 看圖填入正確之字詞。11%

1. What ________ Tom do after work? 2. What do you do after school?

He _________ ________. I _____ _____ ______________ after school.

3. What is Amy’s favorite subject? 4. What is Victor’s favorite subject?

______ favorite subject is ___________ . _____ favorite subject is ________ _________ .

Part J: Unscramble the sentences. 句子重組。 6 %

1. The / work / light / doesn’t / . / magic


2. scientist / Madame Curie / great / a / . / is


Part K: Look and spell the words. 依據中文提示拼寫出單字 -- 興南英單範圍 1-290。5%

3. 喝 ___________________ 4. 游泳 _________________ 5. 夜晚 ___________________

6. 西瓜 ___________________ 7. 天氣 __________________

考卷共四頁 第 3 頁
Part L: Read and choose.讀文章,再選出答案。 4 %

Benny’s Blog

All about Me I am a dog. I am three years old. I am cute and smart.

Name: Benny
I like to play with Kevin. Kevin often (常常) plays with me
after school. He throws (丟) a stick and I fetch the stick
Age: 3 in the park. Sometimes, we go fishing together. After
doing exercise (運動), Kevin will feed (餵) me chicken. That
Favorite sport: fetch (取回) a stick is my favorite food. I love Kevin and I hope (希望) he will
love me forever (永遠).

1. ( ) What is the dog’s name? The dog’s name is (○

1 Benny 2
○ Kevin 3
○ Doggie ).

2. ( ) What does Kevin do after school? Kevin (○

1 plays ball. 2
○ plays with a dog. 3
○ runs. )

3. ( ) Is running Benny’s favorite sport? (○

1 Yes, it is. 2
○ Yes, it does. 3
○ No, it isn’t. )

4. ( ) What is the dog’s favorite food? It is (○

1 pork 2
○ beef 3
○ chicken ).

【加分題 1】What’s your favorite subject? (完整句,句子 2 分,圖 2 分;共 4 分)


【加分題 2】(6 分) 挑 2 個發音(nk, ng, sk, sp, st),請寫出例字,造句並畫圖。(可想像唷)

例字:Spot, skate 例句: Spot is skating in the park. 例圖:

考卷共四頁 第 4 頁

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