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The teenager who saved a man with an SS tattoo.

Word meanings

1. Protect – (adjective) preserved from harm, especially by means of formal or legal


"medical facilities have a special protected status under international law"

secured · sheltered · in safe hands · safe · guarded · out of danger · safeguarded · preserved

2. Angry – (adjective) feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of


"an angry customer" · "he looked angry and confused" · "why are you angry with me?" · "Christine
had made him angry" · "I'm angry that she didn't call me"
irate · annoyed · cross · vexed · irritated · exasperated · indignant · aggrieved · irked · piqued · disp
leased · provoked · galled · resentful · furious · enraged · infuriated · in a
temper · incensed · raging · incandescent · wrathful · fuming · ranting · raving · seething · frenzied 
· in a frenzy · beside oneself · outraged · in high dudgeon · irascible · bad-tempered · hot-
tempered · choleric · splenetic · dyspeptic · tetchy · testy · crabby · waspish · hostile · antagonisti
c · black · dark · dirty · filthy · ireful · wroth · heated · hot · passionate · fiery · stormy · tempestuou
s · lively · ill-tempered · acrimonious · bitter

3. Mob – (noun) a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing
trouble or violence:
"a mob of protesters"
crowd · horde · multitude · rabble · mass · body · throng · group · host · pack · press · cr
ush · jam · gang · gathering · swarm · assemblage · rout

4. Support – (verb) bear all or part of the weight of; hold up:
"the dome was supported by a hundred white columns"
hold up · bear · carry · prop up · keep up · bolster up · brace · shore
up · underpin · buttress · reinforce

5. Racist – (noun) a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards people on the
basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a
minority or marginalized:
"he has been targeted by vicious racists online"
bigot · racialist · xenophobe · chauvinist · fascist · Nazi · anti-Semite · discriminatory · p
rejudiced · bigoted · intolerant · anti-black · anti-Semitic

6. Extraordinary – (adjective) very unusual or remarkable:

"the extraordinary plumage of the male" · "it is extraordinary that no consultation took
remarkable · exceptional · amazing · astonishing · astounding · marvellous · wonderful 
· sensational · stunning · incredible · unbelievable · miraculous · phenomenal · prodigio
us · spectacular · striking · outstanding · momentous · impressive · singular · signal · pr
e-eminent · memorable · unforgettable · never to be forgotten · unique · arresting · eye-
catching · conspicuous · noteworthy · notable · great · out of the
ordinary · unusual · uncommon · rare · surprising · curious · strange · odd · peculiar · un
canny · unco · wondrous

7. Courage – (noun) the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery:

"she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"
 strength in the face of pain or grief:
"he fought his illness with great courage"
bravery · braveness · courageousness · pluck · pluckiness · valour · fearlessne
ss · intrepidity · intrepidness · nerve · daring · audacity · boldness · dauntlessn
ess · doughtiness · stout-heartedness · hardihood · manfulness · heroism · ga
llantry · backbone · spine · spirit · spiritedness · mettle · determination · fortitu
de · resolve · resolution

8. Kindness – (noun) the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate:

"he thanked them for their kindness and support"

kindliness · kind-heartedness · warm-heartedness · tender-heartedness · goodwill · affectionaten
ess · affection · warmth · gentleness · tenderness · concern · care · consideration · consideratene
ss · helpfulness · thoughtfulness · unselfishness · selflessness · altruism · compassion · sympath
y · understanding · big-heartedness · benevolence · benignity · friendliness · neighbourliness · hos
pitality · amiability · courteousness · public-spiritedness · generosity · magnanimity · indulgence · 
patience · tolerance · charitableness · graciousness · lenience · humaneness · mercifulness · bou
9. Inspire – (adjective) having the effect of inspiring someone; giving someone positive or creative
"he was an inspiring teacher" · "the scenery is not very inspiring"

10. Supremacist – (noun) a person who believes that a particular group, especially one determined
by race, religion, or sex, is superior and should therefore dominate society:
"racial supremacists"

11. Organisation – (noun) an organized group of people with a particular purpose, such as a
business or government department:
"a research organization"
company · firm · concern · operation · corporation · institution · group · establishment · 
consortium · conglomerate · combine · syndicate · body · agency · federation · confede
ration · alliance · coalition · association · movement · society · league · club · network · 

12. Progressive – (adjective) happening or developing gradually or in stages:

"a progressive decline in popularity"
continuing · continuous · increasing · growing · developing · ongoing · intensifying · acc
elerating · escalating · gradual · step by step · cumulative

13. Multicultural – (adjective) relating to or containing several cultural or ethnic groups within a
"multicultural education"

14. Unusual – (adjective) not habitually or commonly occurring or done:

"the company took the unusual step of complaining publicly about the decision" · "it was unusual
for Dennis to be late"
uncommon · abnormal · atypical · unexpected · surprising · unfamiliar · unwonted · different · stra
nge · odd · curious · out of the ordinary · extraordinary · out of the
way · unorthodox · uncustomary · unconventional · outlandish · offbeat · off-centre · deviant · nov
el · singular · peculiar · queer · bizarre · freakish · quirky · alien · rare · scarce · few and far
between · thin on the
ground · exceptional · isolated · occasional · infrequent · irregular · sporadic · out of the
common · seldom

15. Gather – (verb) come together; assemble or accumulate:

"as soon as a crowd gathered, the police came"
congregate · convene · assemble · meet · collect · come/get
together · muster · rally · converge · cluster together · crowd · mass · flock
together · foregather
16. Atmosphere – (noun) the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet:

"part of the sun's energy is absorbed by the earth's atmosphere"

air · aerosphere · airspace · sky · the heavens · the firmament · the vault of heaven · the blue · the
wide blue yonder · the azure · the ether · the welkin · the empyrean · the upper regions · the

17. Tense – (adjective) causing or characterized by anxiety and nervousness:

"they waited in tense silence" · "relations between the two neighbouring states were
anxious · nervous · on edge · edgy · strained · stressed · under a strain · under
pressure · agitated · ill at ease · unrelaxed · in a state of nerves · in a state of
agitation · fretful · uneasy · restless · worked up · keyed up · overwrought · highly
strung · wrought up · strung out · jumpy · on tenterhooks · on pins and needles · with
one's stomach in
knots · fidgety · worried · apprehensive · upset · disturbed · panicky · nervy · overstrung 
· nerve-racking · stressful · worrying · concerning · fraught · charged · nail-biting · worris
ome · difficult · uncomfortable · exciting · cliffhanging · knife-edge · dramatic · volatile · 
calm · cool · relaxed · relaxing

18. Control – (noun) the power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of events:
"the whole operation is under the control of a production manager" · "the situation was
slipping out of her control"
jurisdiction · sway · power · authority · command · dominance · domination · governme
nt · mastery · leadership · rule · reign · sovereignty · supremacy · ascendancy · predomi
nance · hegemony · charge · management · direction · guidance · supervision · superint
endence · oversight · influence · prepotence · prepotency · prepollency

19. Riot – (noun) a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd:

"riots broke out in the capital" · "a prison riot" · "he was convicted on charges of riot
and assault" · "riot police"
uproar · rampage · furore · tumult · commotion · upheaval · disturbance · street
fight · melee · row · scuffle · fracas · fray · affray · brawl · free-for-all · violent
disorder · violence · mob violence · street
fighting · vandalism · frenzy · mayhem · turmoil · lawlessness · anarchy

20. Gear – (noun) a toothed wheel that works with others to alter the relation between the speed
of a driving mechanism (such as the engine of a vehicle) and the speed of the driven parts (the

"a racing bike with ten-speed gears"

gearwheel · toothed wheel · cog · cogwheel · gear ratio · speed

21. Robes – (noun) a long, loose outer garment reaching to the ankles:
"a young man in a fez and ragged robe" · "a baby in christening robes"
cloak · wrap · mantle · cape · kaftan · wrapper · dishdasha · djellaba · dolman · kanzu · 

22. Conical – (adjective) having the shape of a cone.

cone-shaped · tapered · tapering · pointed · funnel-shaped · infundibular · turbinate · con

23. Demonstrate – (verb) give a practical exhibition and explanation of (how a machine, skill,
or craft works or is performed):
"computerized design methods will be demonstrated" · "she demonstrated how to
cook chops"
give a demonstration of · show how something is done · show how something
works · exhibit · display · show · illustrate · exemplify · give an idea of

24. Specially – (adverb) for a special purpose:

"a new coat and hat, bought specially" · "a specially commissioned report"
deliberately · intentionally · on purpose · by
design · wilfully · calculatedly · premeditatedly · wittingly · knowingly · consciously · in
cold blood · of one's own
volition · expressly · explicitly · specifically · especially · just · with malice
aforethought · purposefully

25. Erect – (adjective) rigidly upright or straight:

"she stood erect with her arms by her sides"
upright · bolt upright · straight · vertical · perpendicular · plumb · standing
up · rampant · bristling · standing up (on end)

26. Confederate – (adjective) joined by an agreement or treaty:

"some local groups united to form confederate councils"
federal · confederated · federated · allied · in alliance · in
league · cooperating · associated · united · combined · amalgamated

27. Protest – (noun) a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to

"the British team lodged an official protest" · "two senior scientists resigned in protest"
objection · exception · complaint · disapproval · disagreement · opposition · challenge · 
dissent · demurral · remonstration · expostulation · fuss · outcry · railing · inveighing · f
ulmination · protestation

28. Support – (verb) bear all or part of the weight of; hold up:
"the dome was supported by a hundred white columns"
hold up · bear · carry · prop up · keep up · bolster up · brace · shore
up · underpin · buttress · reinforce

29. Symbol – (noun) a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object,

function, or process, e.g. the letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character
in musical notation:
"the symbol r in Figure 5 represents a gene which is ineffective" · "the chemical symbol
for helium is He"
sign · character · mark · letter · hieroglyph · ideogram

30. Hatred – (noun) intense dislike; hate:

"racial hatred" · "his murderous hatred of his brother"
loathing · hate · detestation · dislike · distaste · abhorrence · abomination · execration · r
esentment · aversion · hostility · ill will · ill feeling · bad
feeling · enmity · animosity · antagonism · antipathy · bitterness · animus · revulsion · di
sgust · contempt · repugnance · odium · rancour · disrelish

31. Racism – (noun) prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or

institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or
ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized:
"a programme to combat racism"
racial discrimination · racialism · racial
prejudice · xenophobia · intolerance · bigotry · chauvinism · fascism · Nazism · anti-Semitism · ap

32. Point – (noun) the tapered, sharp end of a tool, weapon, or other object:
"the point of his dagger" · "a pencil point"
tip · sharp end · tapered end · end · extremity · prong · spike · tine · nib · barb

33. Belief – (noun) an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof:

"his belief in extraterrestrial life" · "a belief that climate can be modified beneficially"
guess · speculation · surmise · fancy · notion · suspicion · presumption · assumption · theory · hy
pothesis · postulation · supposition · inference · extrapolation · projection · approximation · estim
ate · rough calculation · rough idea · guesswork · guessing · surmising · imagining · theorizing

34. Supremacy – (noun) the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or
"the supremacy of the king"
ascendancy · predominance · primacy · dominion · hegemony · authority · mastery · con
trol · power · sway · rule · sovereignty · lordship · leadership · influence · predomination · 
paramountcy · prepotence · prepotency · prepollency · dominance · superiority · pre-
eminence · advantage · the upper hand · the whip hand · the
edge · incomparability · inimitability · matchlessness · peerlessness · greatness · distinc

35. Kick – (verb) strike or propel forcibly with the foot:

"I kicked the ball up into the air" · "I think someone just kicked down my door" · "he
kicked the door open"
boot · punt · strike with the foot · propel · drive · knock · send · blooter

36. Hit – (verb)

bring one's hand or a tool or weapon into contact with (someone or something) quickly and

"the woman hit the mugger with her umbrella" · "Marius hit him in the mouth"
strike · slap · smack · cuff · punch · beat · thrash · thump · batter · belabour · drub · hook · pound · 
smash · slam · welt · pummel · hammer · bang · knock · swat · whip · flog · cane · sucker-punch · r
ain blows on · give someone a (good) beating/drubbing · box someone's
ears · smite · swinge · baste · buffet · birch

39. Placards – (noun) a printed or handwritten notice or sign for public display, either fixed to a
wall or carried during a demonstration.
notice · poster · public notice · sign · bill · sticker · advertisement · banner · affiche

40. Mentality – (noun) the characteristic way of thinking of a person or group:

"I had inherited not only my father's blood but his bourgeois mentality as well"
way of thinking · cast of mind · frame of mind · turn of mind · way someone's mind
works · mind · mind set · psychology · mental
attitude · outlook · personality · persona · psyche · disposition · make-up · temperament · temper

41. Individual – ( adjective) single; separate:

"individual tiny flowers"
single · separate · discrete · independent · sole · lone · solitary · isolated
of or for a particular person:
"the individual needs of the children"

42. Shield – (verb) protect from a danger, risk, or unpleasant experience:

"he pulled the cap lower to shield his eyes from the glare" · "these people have been
completely shielded from economic forces"
 prevent from being seen:
"the rocks she sat behind shielded her from the lodge"
 enclose or screen (a piece of machinery) to protect the user:
"cylindrical ducts shield the propellers"
protect · keep safe · cover · screen · shade · keep from harm · afford
protection to · provide protection
for · save · safeguard · wrap · preserve · conserve · defend · cushion · secure 
· guard · inoculate · insulate

43. Drop – (verb) let or make (something) fall vertically:

"the fire was caused by someone dropping a lighted cigarette" · "they dropped bombs
on Caen during the raid"
let fall · let go (of) · fail to hold · lose one's grip
on · release · unhand · relinquish · put · place · rest · deposit · set · set
down · lay · leave · settle · shove · stick · position · station

44. Lift – (verb) raise to a higher position or level:

"he lifted his trophy over his head"
raise · hoist · heave · haul up · uplift · heft · boost · raise
up/aloft · upraise · elevate · thrust · hold high · bear aloft · pick up · grab · take
up · scoop up · gather up · snatch up · winch up · jack up · lever
up · carry · manhandle · upheave · improve · enhance · make
better · invigorate · revitalize · upgrade · ameliorate

45. Lay – (verb) put (something) down gently or carefully:

"she laid the baby in his cot" · "he laid a comforting hand over hers"
put · place · set · put down · set
down · deposit · rest · situate · sit · settle · stow · balance · station · drop · leave · let
fall · throw down · fling down · deploy · locate · position

46. Witness – (verb) see (an event, typically a crime or accident) happen:
"staff who witnessed the murder"
see · observe · watch · look on at · be a witness to · view · note · notice · spot · be
present at · attend · behold
 be present as someone signs (a document) or gives (their signature) to a
document and sign it oneself to confirm this:
"the clerk witnessed her signature"
countersign · sign · endorse · validate · certificate · document · notarize

47. Remarkable – (adjective) worthy of attention; striking:

"a remarkable coincidence"
extraordinary · exceptional · amazing · astonishing · astounding · marvellous · wonderful 
· sensational · stunning · incredible · unbelievable · miraculous · phenomenal · prodigiou
s · striking · outstanding · momentous · impressive · singular · signal · pre-eminent · me
morable · unforgettable · never to be forgotten · unique · arresting · eye-
catching · conspicuous · noteworthy · notable · great · considerable · distinctive · import
ant · distinguished · prominent · out of the
ordinary · unusual · uncommon · rare · surprising · curious · strange · odd · peculiar · unc
anny · unco · wondrous
48. Physical – (adjective) relating to the body as opposed to the mind:
"a range of physical and mental challenges"
bodily · corporeal · corporal · fleshly · in the flesh · somatic

49. Impetus – (noun) the force or energy with which a body moves:

"hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus"
momentum · propulsion · impulsion · impelling force · motive force · driving
force · drive · thrust · continuing motion · energy · force · power · push · steam · strength

50. Appear – (verb) come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent

"smoke appeared on the horizon"

become visible · come into view · come into sight · materialize · take shape · be revealed · be
seen · emerge · manifest itself · become apparent · become evident · surface · come to
light · arise · crop up · occur · develop · enter into the picture

51. Violence – (noun) behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone
or something:

"violence erupted in protest marches" · "domestic violence against women" · "the fear of physical
violence" · "screen violence"
brutality · brute
force · roughness · ferocity · fierceness · savagery · cruelty · sadism · barbarity · barbarousness · 
brutishness · murderousness · bloodthirstiness · ruthlessness · inhumanity · heartlessness · pitile
ssness · mercilessness · strong-arm tactics · ferity · forcefulness · force · full
force · power · powerfulness · strength · might · destructiveness

52. Circumstances – (noun) a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action:

"we wanted to marry but circumstances didn't permit"

situation · conditions · set of conditions · state of affairs · things · position · events · turn of
events · incidents · occurrences · happenings · episodes · factors · context · background · environ

53. Save – (verb) keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger:
"they brought him in to help save the club from bankruptcy"
rescue · come to someone's rescue · save someone's life · come to someone's
aid · set free · free · liberate · deliver · extricate · snatch · bail out · bring
off · preserve · keep
safe · keep · protect · safeguard · guard · conserve · salvage · retrieve · reclaim

54. Member – (noun) a person, animal, or plant belonging to a particular group:

"interest from members of the public" · "a member of the lily family" · "the bird is the sole member
of its species left in the wild"
constituent · element · component · part · portion · piece · unit · factor · feature · attribute

55. Significance – (noun) the quality of being worthy of attention; importance:

"adolescent education was felt to be a social issue of some significance"
importance · import · noteworthiness · consequence · substance · seriousness · gravity 
· weight · weightiness · magnitude · moment · momentousness · memorableness · unf
orgettableness · pronounced nature · remarkableness · outstanding
nature · markedness · obviousness · conspicuousness · strikingness · distinction · impr
essiveness · uncommonness · unusualness · rarity · extraordinariness · exceptionalnes
s · specialness · cruciality

56. Kill – (verb) cause the death of (a person, animal, or other living thing):
"her father was killed in a car crash" · "a robber armed with a shotgun who kills in cold
murder · cause the death of · take/end the life of · do away with · make away
with · assassinate · do to death · eliminate · terminate · dispatch · finish off · put to
death · execute · slaughter · butcher · massacre · wipe
out · destroy · annihilate · erase · eradicate · exterminate · extirpate · decimate · mow
down · shoot down · cut down · cut to pieces · put down · put to sleep · slay

57. Hurt – (verb) cause pain or injury to:

"Ow! You're hurting me!" · "does acupuncture hurt?"
injure · wound · damage · disable · incapacitate · impair · maim · mutilate · cause injury
to · cause pain
to · bruise · cut · gash · graze · scrape · scratch · lacerate · abuse · torture · maltreat · ill-
treat · molest

58. Adopted – (verb) egally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own:
"there are many people eager to adopt a baby"
choose to take up, follow, or use:
"this approach has been adopted by many big banks" · "we wouldn't be surprised to
see more small businesses adopt this technology"
embrace · take
on · acquire · affect · espouse · assume · appropriate · arrogate · approve · endorse · ag
ree to · consent to · accede to · accept · ratify · validate · rubber-
stamp · sanction · support · back · vote for

59. Encourage – (verb) give support, confidence, or hope to (someone):

"we were encouraged by the success of this venture"

hearten · cheer · buoy up · uplift · inspire · motivate · egg on · spur on · stir · stir up · whip up · fire
up · stimulate · animate · invigorate · vitalize · revitalize · embolden · fortify · rally · incite · lift the
spirits of · raise the morale of · stiffen the resolve of · inspirit · spirit someone
up · fillip · incentivize · promising · hopeful · auspicious · propitious · favourable · bright · rosy · ch
eerful · full of
promise · heartening · reassuring · stimulating · inspiring · uplifting · cheering · comforting · welco
me · pleasing · gratifying · supportive · affirmative · sympathetic · sensitive · understanding · helpf
ul · positive · responsive · enthusiastic · appreciative

60. Abuse – (verb) use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse:
"the judge abused his power by imposing the fines"
misuse · misapply · misemploy · mishandle · exploit · pervert · take advantage of

61. Hurtful – (adjective) causing distress to someone's feelings:

"his hurtful remarks"
upsetting · distressing · wounding · painful · unkind · cruel · nasty · mean · malicious · sp
iteful · snide · acerbic · cutting · biting · barbed · vicious · offensive · acidulous · mordaci

62. Danger – (noun) the possibility of suffering harm or injury:

"his life was in danger"

peril · hazard · risk · jeopardy · endangerment · imperilment · insecurity · perilousness · riskiness · 
precariousness · uncertainty · instability
a cause or likely cause of harm or injury:
"the dangers of smoking"
menace · hazard · threat · risk · peril · source of apprehension · source of
dread · source of fright · source of fear · source of terror

63. Concentrate – (verb) focus all one's attention on a particular object or activity:
"she couldn't concentrate on the film" · "a threatened tax rise concentrates the mind
focus · direct · centre · centralize · bring to bear · home in on · zero in on · focus one's
attention on · focus on · pay attention to · keep one's mind on · apply oneself
to · address oneself to · devote oneself to · get down to · put one's mind to · be
absorbed in · be engrossed in · be immersed in · think about closely · consider
closely · rack one's brains about/over · cudgel one's brains about/over

64. Achieved – (verb) successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective or result) by
effort, skill, or courage:
"he achieved his ambition to become a press photographer" · "the killings achieved
nothing" · "people striving to achieve"
attain · reach · arrive at · realize · carry off · bring off · pull off · bring
about · accomplish · carry through · fulfil · execute · perform · engineer · carry out · bring
fruition · conclude · complete · finish · consummate · earn · win · gain · find · establish · 
acquire · obtain · procure · come
by · get · secure · clinch · seize · wrest · hook · net · effectuate · reify

65. Stereotypes – (noun) a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a
particular type of person or thing:
"the stereotype of the woman as the carer" · "sexual and racial stereotypes"
standard/conventional image · received idea · cliché · hackneyed idea · formula

67. Gestures – (noun) a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to
express an idea or meaning:
"Alex made a gesture of apology" · "so much is conveyed by gesture"
signal · signalling · sign · signing · motion · motioning · wave · indication · gesticulation

68. Monumental – (adjective) great in importance, extent, or size:

"it's been a monumental effort"
huge · great · enormous · gigantic · massive · colossal · mammoth · immense · tremen
dous · mighty · stupendous · vast · prodigious · Herculean · titanic · gargantuan · stagg
ering · exceptional · extraordinary · terrible · dreadful · awful · catastrophic · unforgivabl
e · indefensible · egregious · impressive · striking · outstanding · remarkable · magnific
ent · marvellous · majestic · ambitious · large-scale · grand · awe-inspiring · awesome · 
important · significant · distinguished · classic · memorable · transcendent · exalted · u
nforgettable · enduring · lasting · abiding · permanent · immortal · historic · epoch-

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