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Alpos, Daniel Benedict Floro, Bal Nicalex D.

ELSt 110 – M680

ABELS – 4th Year ABELS – 4th Year

Working Title:
“An Affective Stylistic Analysis of Lilia Pablo Amansec’s Lover Boy (1965)”

Thesis Statement:
“The affective stylistics employed in "Lover Boy" play a crucial role in evoking and manipulating emotions
of the reader within the narrative.”

Questions to address:
 How does the author utilize language and stylistic devices to evoke and manipulate emotions in
"Lover Boy"? (Language and Stylistic Devices)
 How does the choice of vocabulary contribute to the affective impact of the story?
 What role does figurative language, such as metaphors and symbolism, play in evoking emotions
in the narrative?
 How does the narrative structure and point of view influence the reader's emotional engagement
with the story?
 What are the dominant emotions evoked by the text, and how are they conveyed through linguistic
 How do the affective dimensions of "Lover Boy" contribute to the overall themes and messages
conveyed in the story?

Sentence Outline:
I. Introduction
A. Background information on the short story "Lover Boy" by Lilia Pablo Amansec
B. Overview of the significance of studying affective stylistics in the text
C. Thesis statement: The affective stylistics employed in "Lover Boy" play a crucial role in evoking and
manipulating emotions of the reader within the narrative.
II. Language, Vocabulary, and Stylistic Devices
A. Identification and discussion on language, vocabulary, and stylistic devices used.
III. Figurative Language
A. Identification and discussion of figurative langauage used.
IV. Narrative Structure and Point of View
A. Discussion on how the narrative is formed.
B. Discussion on how this affects the reader.
V. Emotions and Affective Dimensions
A. Identification of the emotions evoked by the narrative in the reader and the affective dimensions.
B. Discussion on how these contribute to the overall theme
VI. Conclusion
A. Summary of the factors that evoke emotions within the reader.
B. Discussion on how these factors affect the reader and the meaning of the narrativ as a whole.

 Burke, M., & Brown, K. (2006). Emotion: Stylistic Approaches. Encyclopedia of Language &
Linguistics, Second Edition, Pages127-129.
 Fish, S. (1970). Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics. New Literary History, 2(1), 123–162.
 Mailloux, S. J. (1976). Evaluation and Reader Response Criticism: Values Implicit in Affective
Stylistics. Style, 10(3), 329–343.
 Whiteley, S., & Canning, P. (2017). Reader response research in stylistics. Language and Literature,
26(2), 71–87.
 Iyengar, K. (2021). Dance Literacy: Reader Response and Affective Stylistics. Academia Letters,
Article 757.

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