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Masai Pace

Creativity Statements Essay

Professor Ellio
Date 3/21/23

For this assignment I chose the statements: Creativity engages the mind
and Creativity connects us to ourselves, I chose these statements
because creativity plays an important role in my life as a college student
and these statements stood out to me as particularly cogent. The first
statement highlights the importance of creativity for cognitive development.
I believe that creativity is essential for the mind to grow and adapt. Just like
physical exercise is necessary to keep our bodies healthy, creative thinking
exercises our minds and helps us to see the world from different
perspectives. As a college student, I am constantly seeking new knowledge
and ideas, and creativity allows me to approach problems and challenges
in unique ways. By using my creativity, I can explore different solutions and
develop innovative ideas that I might not have considered otherwise.

The second statement emphasizes the importance of creativity for personal

growth and self-discovery. As a college student, I am in a period of
transition where I am exploring who I am and what I want to become.
Creativity provides an outlet for me to express my thoughts and feelings,
which helps me to better understand myself. By exploring my ideas and
beliefs through creative expression, I can gain insight into my values and
aspirations. This process of self-discovery is crucial for my personal and
academic development.

In conclusion, creativity is important for college students because it

engages the mind, promotes cognitive development, and facilitates
personal growth and self-discovery. As college students, we are constantly
facing new challenges and opportunities, and creativity provides us with the
tools to navigate these experiences with an open mind and innovative
spirit. Whether we are pursuing academic goals or personal interests,
creativity allows us to approach our endeavors with a fresh perspective and
the confidence to explore new possibilities.

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