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Introduction: The introduction sets the tone of the letter and establishes a polite and
professional tone. It should include:
• A polite greeting to the recipient by name.
• An expression of sincere apologies for the absence.
• Acknowledgment of the inconvenience caused by the absence.
Body: The body of the letter provides a detailed explanation of the circumstances
surrounding the absence. It should include:
• Clear mention of the date(s) of absence.
• A concise and honest explanation of the reason for the absence.
• Apologies for any disruption, inconvenience, or additional workload caused by the
• Any relevant efforts made to mitigate the impact of the absence.
• Assurance of commitment to fulfilling responsibilities and making up for lost time.
Conclusion: The conclusion of the letter summarizes and reiterates the commitment to
fulfilling responsibilities. It should include:
• A restatement of apologies for the absence and any inconvenience caused.
• Reaffirmation of commitment to the role and organization.
• Mention of plans to compensate for the lost time or catch up on pending tasks.
• Offering assistance or prioritizing urgent matters, if necessary.
• Expressing gratitude for understanding and support.
Closing: End the letter with a polite closing, such as "Yours sincerely" or "Best regards,"
followed by your name.
Blk 4, Lot 1 Brgy. Tuwad-Tuwad
Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte, USA, 8600

May 9, 2023


CEO - Manager
B’s Entertainment Industry
A.D Curato St., Brgy. Bika-Bika
Bulacan, USA, 8600

Ms. Balbacua,
I am writing to offer my sincere apologies for my absence from [Company/Organization Name] on [Date(s)].
I understand the inconvenience caused by my unexpected leave and would like to provide an explanation
for my absence.


Unfortunately, on the day in question, I encountered an unforeseen personal circumstance that required
my immediate attention. My family experienced a medical emergency, and I needed to be present to
provide support and assistance. It was a situation that necessitated my full attention, leaving me with no
alternative but to be absent from work. I deeply regret any disruption this may have caused to the team
and the organization's operations.
I am fully aware of the impact of my absence on the workflow and the additional burden it may have
placed on my colleagues. I want to assure you that I value my position within [Company/Organization
Name] and I am committed to fulfilling my responsibilities. I understand the importance of my presence
and the collaborative efforts needed to maintain the smooth functioning of the team. I apologize for any
inconvenience caused and understand the challenges it may have posed.

In conclusion, I am committed to making up for the lost time and ensuring that all pending tasks are
completed promptly. I will work diligently to catch up on any missed work and collaborate closely with my
team to ensure a seamless transition. If there are any urgent matters that require immediate attention,
please do not hesitate to inform me, and I will prioritize them accordingly.
Once again, I apologize for my absence and any inconvenience it may have caused. I appreciate your
understanding and support during this challenging time. Thank you for your patience and consideration.


Dear Beloved Michelle,

"Love is a fire that burns away all logic and ignites the soul."

As I wrote this letter, these words keep coming to mind because they perfectly express the fire and
passion that fills my heart for you. I no longer can control this intense desire and ferocity that rush through
my veins when I think of you since I first saw you.

From the very first moment our eyes locked, I knew deep within my being that you were meant to
be mine. Your presence alone was enough to set my heart ablaze, and every subsequent encounter has
only fueled the fire of our connection. Your smile melts my entire being, and the way you look makes my
heart flutter.

But let me make one thing clear, my love. I am not content with a love that lingers on the surface.
No, I am fiercely determined to claim you as my own, to explore the depths of your heart and soul. I will
fight with an unwavering dedication to ensure our love knows no bounds. I will conquer each and every
obstacle and claim you as mine and mine alone.

In your presence, I find solace and strength. The world around us fades away as we become
entangled in a dance of passion and desire. I longed to kiss your lips and hug you like there’s no tomorrow I
am consumed by a hunger for your love, a hunger that can only be satiated by your presence by my side.

Together, we will forge a path that knows no limits. I will be your unwavering support, the one who
encourages you to chase your dreams fearlessly. We will conquer the challenges that lie ahead, hand in
hand, unyielding in our pursuit of happiness. Our love will be a force to be reckoned with, a testament to
the power of our connection.

So, my love, let us embrace the sweetness and aggression that resides within us. Let us bask in the
warmth of our love, unafraid to unleash the fire that burns within our souls. Through this love, we will find
our truest selves and create a love story that will withstand the test of time.

Forever yours,

Romench Torralba Banez

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