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Figure A Figure B

Figure C. Figure D

I chose the Cat Statuette art (figure C) that is intended to

contain a mummified cat, in which this statue represents
Bastet- the feline goddess of Ancient Egypt. Those mummified
cats were donated at her temple to honor her. Bastet is the
goddess of protection, pleasure, love, domesticity, women’s
secrets, cats, fertility, and childbirth. Bastet symbolizes or is
worshiped in the form of a lioness and later a cat/cat-headed
woman(figure D), and as you can see in the figures above, it is
the representation of Bastet. Bast or Bastet was originally a
lioness goddess, but as time went on, she was more closely
associated with the housecat in which it is her totem animal.
According to my research, Bast or Bastet was the main
goddesses of the Egyptian Pantheon that’s why she has a huge
number of attributes/aspects. One example is, she is the
protector and the guardian of Lower Egypt, and the patron
goddess of firefighters which they believe (Egyptians) that a cat
running through a building on fire would make the flame out.

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