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2)Write a correct anwers (livro)

a)How________________water_____________________every day.
b)How________________vegetables_____________________every day.
c)How________________soda___________________every day.
d)How________________cereal___________________every day.
e)How________________juice___________________every day.
f)How________________fruits_________________every day.
g)How________________meat_________________every day.
h)How________________ice cream_________________every day.

3)Grife o phrasal verbs. Depois escreva o sentido de cada um.

A)I always ask for information when I’m lost.____________________
B)Don’t give up. If you insist, you solve this problem.____________________
C)Dad you pick you up at school. Wait for his._______________________
D)I love to work out. That’s why I go to the gym._________________
E)Hold on a minute. I’ll help you._________________

4)Grife o phrasal verb. Em seguida, ligue cada sentença com a tradução dos verbos que grifou
A) ( ) Sarah passed out and and taken to the hospital.
B) ( ) I come across a problem and solve it.
C) ( ) Dad took up a new hobby.
D) ( ) It’s a good idea to set aside some of that money.
E) ( ) Melinda had a special talent tô let people down.
F) ( ) My friend and I hang out at Bob’s Bar.
1- Encontrar 2-Magoar 3-Começar 4-Passar um tempo 5-Desmaiar 6-Guardar

5)Rewrite the following sentences to give the idea of possibility.

a)Eating pizza is bad for you. (Could)
b)Drinking soda is very unhealthy. (May)
c)Eating for a paper plate is totally unnecesary (Might)

1) Complete com many ou much:
a) Many – Much Eggs.
b) Many – Much Music.
c) Many – Much Cars.
d) Many – Much Numbers.
e) Many – Much Money.
f) Many – Much Tea.
g) Many – Much Boys.
h) Many – Much Water.

2) Complete a frase com how much ou how many:

A) water do we have in the bag?

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