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Population refers to the total number of individuals inhabiting a specific

geographical area. The world's population has been steadily increasing over the
past few centuries. As of 2021, the global population stands at approximately 7.9
billion people. The increasing population has both positive and negative impacts on
society and the environment.

On the positive side, a larger population can result in increased economic growth,
greater cultural diversity, and a wider range of ideas and innovations. A larger
workforce can also help to stimulate economic growth and development, as well as
support aging populations. Additionally, population growth can be an indication of
improved healthcare and living conditions.

However, there are also significant negative impacts associated with population
growth. A larger population places greater strain on natural resources such as
land, water, and energy, leading to environmental degradation and depletion of
resources. Additionally, overpopulation can lead to a higher demand for food, which
can result in increased deforestation and the loss of biodiversity.

Furthermore, population growth can also exacerbate social and economic

inequalities, particularly in areas where access to resources and infrastructure is
limited. Overcrowding and the resultant pressure on resources can also lead to
increased social tension and conflict.

In conclusion, while population growth can bring benefits to society, it also has
significant drawbacks. As such, it is crucial to balance population growth with
sustainable development and effective management of resources to ensure a better
future for all.

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