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Constraint Reformulation in a Hierarchical Path Planner

David Zhu and Jean-Claude Latombe

Robotics Laboratory
Department of Computer Science, Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305, USA

A b t r c t : One of ihe mort popular approacher i o wbot path plon- - The decompcsition of a MIXED cell should maximize the volume
ning consirts of approrimating the ret of f r e e configuration. of the of the EMPTY a d FULL cells rasulting from the decomposition,
wboi by a collection of rectangloid cells ai succerrive level* of ap- in order to make it poosible to find a path (or the absence of path)
protimation and, ai each level, rearching the graph representing the ea quickly M possible.
adjacency relation among ihese cells. We have developed a r e i of new
algoriihmr which rpecifically address ihe main iwo computaiional is-
- The search of a connectivity graph should take advantage of un-
successful search work done at prior levels of approximation, since
suer underlying this approach: cell decomposition and graph rearch- most of the search graph remains the same from one level to the
ing. We have implemented a planner which incorporates these algo- next.
rithms and we have eoperimented with it on many eoamples. These
ezperimentr show that our planner i4 significantly fader than pre- We have developed new algorithms that specifically address those two
vious plannerr based on the same general approach. In this paper, issues. The cell decompositionalgorithms use a new “constraint refor-
we focus on the planner’s cell decomposition algorithms. They use a mulation” technique, which consists of approximating the obstacles
”conriraint reformulation” technique that consists of approximating intersecting with the MIXED cell to be decomposed by a collection
the obrtacles intersecting the cell to be decompored by a collection of rectangloids, and computing the complement of these rectangloids
of rectangloids and computing their complementr in ihe cell. Two in the cell. The search algorithms record failure conditions in a way
iyper of approrimations are used, “bounding” and “bounded” approz- inspired from the dependency-directed backtracking techniques pre-
imations. This iechnique produces much lers cell8 than previously sented in [Latombe, 19791, in order to avoid making the same mistakcs
proposed iechniquer, renulling in rmaller search graphs. We provide severd times. We have implemented these algorithms in a planner,
detailed d a h on our ezperimenial results. which we ran on a variety of planning problems. Taking into account
the relative speed of the computers, our planner is significantly (ap-
Keywords: Spatial reasoning, Robot motion planning, Path plan- proximately 10 times) faster than previous planners using the same
ning, Constraint reformulation approach.
Acknowledgements: This research w a s funded by DARPA contract
In this paper we present the constraint reformulation technique in
DAAA21-89C0002 (Army), CIS (Center of Integrated Systems), and detail. We also report on the experimental results obtained with
CIFE (Center for Integrated Facility Engineering). the planner and we compare them with those obtained with previous
planners. The graph searching algorithms used by the planner are
1 Introduction described in [Zhu and Latombe, 19891.
One of the most popular approaches to motion planning is hierarchical 2 Background and Overview
appron’mate cell decomposition, which was first introduced in [Brooks
and LozM~PCrez,19821, with subsequent contnbutions by other au- 2.1 Configuration space
thors (e.g., [Laugier and Germain, 19851 [Faverjon, 19861 [Kambham- Let A be a rigid object moving in a Euclidean workspace W = R N
pati and Davis, 1986)). This approach consists of decomposing the among fixed obstacles B,, i = 1, ...,q . Both A and the l3,’s are closed
robot’s configuration space into rectangloid cells at successive levela regions in RN. A Cartesian coordinate frame, 3 w , is embedded in
of approximation. Cells are classified to be EMPTY or FULL, de- W . Another Cartesian frame, 3 d , is embedded in A. The origin of
pending on whether they lie entirely outside or entirely inside the F A , denoted by 0.4,is the reference point of A.
obstacles. If they are neither EMPTY, nor FULL, they are labeled
MIXED. At each level of approximation, the planner searches the con- A configuration of A is aspedfication of the position and orientation
nectivity graph representing the adjacency relation among the cells of FA with respect to 3 w . The configuration space of A is the
for a sequence of adjacent EMPTY cells connecting the initial con- space C of all the possible configurations of A. The subset of W
figuration of the robot to the goal configuration. If no such sequence occupied by A at configuration q is denoted by A(q).
is found, it decomposes some MIXED cells into smaller cells, labels The obstacles B,’s are mapped into C as closed regions denoted by
them appropriately, and searches again for a sequence of EMPTY
CB, which are d e d C-obstacles. These regions are defined by
cells. The procem ends when a solution has been found, or it is guar-
anteed that no solution can be found, or all MIXED cells are smaller CBI = {q E C / 4 s ) n B, # 0). The region Cfree = C\ u,E[l,ql
is called the free space. A collision-free path (more simply, a free
than some prespecified size.
This motion planning approach presents a rather unique combination
of attractive features. It is relatively easy to implement. It is rea-
T : [0,1] -
path) between two configurations q1 and 9 2 is any continuous map
Cfree such that ~ ( 0=)q1 and ~ ( 1 =
) qz.
In this paper we only consider the case where A is a two-dimensional
sonably efficient when the number of degrees of freedom of the robot
is small. It is “resolution-complete”. Finally, it produces “channels” object, which translates and rotates in W = R2.In this case, C is a
(sequences of adjacent cells), rather than individual paths. At execu- manifold diffeomorphic to RZx S’ , where S’ denotes the unit circle.
tion time, this leaves the controller with some freedom, for instance, We parameterize a configuration in this manifold by a triplet (z, y, e ) ,
to optimize dynamic behavior or avoid unexpected obstacles [Choi, where I,y E R2 are the coordinates of od in F w , and 0 E [ 0 , 2 a ) IS
Zhu and Latombe, 19891. These features makes the approach spe- the angle (modulo 27r) between the I axes of Fw and F A .
c i d y attractive when the robot is a moving rigid object, for instance
an omnidirectional robot that can both translate and rotate.
2.2 C-obstacles in Polygonal Case
Both A and the B,’s are modeled as polygons. Under this condition,
The two main computational issues in the approach are the following: the cross-section of each CB, at any orientation 0 is also a polygon

CH2876-1/90/oooo/1918$01.00 0 1990 IEEE
defined by CBi = Bi 8 A(O,O,O), where A(O,O,O) denotes the region Whenever a decomposition 'Pi, 1 2 0 , is generated, a non-directed
occupied by A at configuration ( 0 , 0 , 8 ) and e is the symbol for the graph denoted by CCQl i8 constructed. The nodes of CCFl are the
MInkowski difference [Lozano-PCrez, 19831. Each edge of this polygon EMPTY and MIXED cells in 'Pt.Any two nodes are connected by a
is the locus of od when A transbta at fixed orientation 8, in such link iff they are adjacent. This graph is called the cell-connectivity
a way that an edge (resp. a vertex) of A stays in contact with a graph of the decomposition 'Pl. It is searched for an EMPTY or
vertex (resp. an edge) of Bi. A contact between an edge of A and MIXED channel. Three outcomes are possible:
a vertex of Bi is called a Type A contact. When A rotates slightly, 1. An EMPTY channel is found. Then, the planner returns success.
the corresponding edge of CB; rotates by the wune angle. A contact
between a vertex of A and an edge of Bi is called a T y p e B contact. 2. No EMPTY or MIXED channel is found. Then, the planner
When A rotates slightly, the corresponding edge of CB; translates. returns failure.
The C-obstacle C B corresponding to an obstacle B is a three- 3. A MIXED -el is found, but no EMPTY channel.
dimensionalvolume without hole which is bounded by patches of ruled
mufaca called C-facets. E d Cfacet is swept out by a straight line In the third cam, the planner proceeds racunively by decomposing the
segment of variable length which remains parallel to the zy plane. MIXED cells contained in the MIXED channel. Hence, the planner
A C-facet cnated by a contact of Type A (rap. Type B) b called iteratively refines the "interating" areas. In order to bound its worst-
a Type A (reap. Type B) C-facet. Each Cfacet is comprised be- case time complexity, the planner may label FULL every MIXED cell
tween two limit orientations, beyond which the contact that creates that is smaller than some predefined size.
the C-facet is no longer fessible.
3 Cell Decomposition
The geometry of CB, when A and B are polygons, is studied in depth The subproblem considered here is the generation of a rectangloid de-
in various publications, e.g. [Lozan-PCrez, 19831 [Avnaim and Bois- composition {tcj}j=', ...,,, of a given MIXED cell ti. For the efficiency
somat, 19881 prost, 19891. If A and B are both convex polygons, C B of the whole planning process, the generated decomposition should
is bounded by o(ndn&3)C-facets, where n A and n&3M the number simultaneously satisfy the following two goals2:
of edga in A and 0, respectively. If A and B are non-convex, C D has
n(n:n.",) C-facets [Avnaim and Bois"&, 19881. 1. The number of EMPTY and MIXED cells in the decomposition
should be reasonably small, in order to keep the size of the search
2.3 Rectangloid Decomposition graph as tractable as possible.
We assume without practical loes of generality that the range of
2. The volume of the EMPTY and FULL cells should be large rel-
y i b l e values for 2 and are dosed interval. [ ~ m i n t ~ m a zand
atively to the total volume of R , in order to reduce as quickly as
[y,in, ~mo+].We represent C as a closed rectangloid
possible the "uncertain area".
K = [zmint zmaz] x [Ymini mot] x [OB 2r] C R3
with the croessections at 8 = 0 and 8 = 2 r procedurally identified. These goals AE confiicting since one obvious way to achieve the second
god is to produce many small cells, which is in contradiction with
Let x [vi, m]x
be a rectangloid, i.e. a region of the form [zi,iz)
R the first one. This problem arises from the fact that we constrain
[el, 821 1.A rectangloid decomposition of R is a collection of the cells to be rectangloids. Allowing cells of more complex shapes
rectangloids, { ~ j } j = l , . .,.,,, such that: makes it possible to exactly decompose the free space [Schwartz and
Sharir, 19831. However, it makes other components of the planner
1. R is equal t o the union of the 'cj, i.e. R = U;-, ~ j .
more delicate to implement and eventually less efficient to run.
2. The ~j an non-overlapping', i.e. Vj1,jz E [l,n],j1 # j2 : One simple method of decomposing a M E E D cell is to partition it
int(sjl) n int(q,) = 0. into 2'" cells of equal size, where m is the dimension of configura-
Each rectmgloid ~j is called a cell of R in the decomposition. Two tion space (3 in our case). The overall decomposition of configuration
celb sj1 and R 'a M adjacent iff their intemectionis a set of non-zero space obtained with this method is called "quadtree" when m = 2
measure in ad. [Kambhampati and Davis, 19861 and "octree" when m = 3 [Faverjon,
19861. The advantage of this method is that it leads to a decom-
A cell ~j is classified M EMPTY, if int(rcj) n U , C B ; = 0; FULL, position easily representable in a tree structure of degree 2m. The
if sj C uiCB;; MIXED otherwise. Given an initial configura- drawback is that most of the time none or a few of the newly gen-
tion qinit =
(zinitiyinitieinit) and a goal configuration qgoaI = erated cells are EMPTY or FULL. The method tends to produce a
(Zgooi~ygoatr@goo1)t anctangloid decompaeition of K , {Kj}j=l ,...,n, huge number of cells.
is admissible iff it contains a sequence of EMPTY cells K k , k = Another method described in [Brooks and Lozano-PQez, 19821 con-
lv-.,~, such that Qinit E ~ l 99-1
r E ~ p and
r - 11 : s k
Vk E [ I ~ P sists of considering potential cuts of the cell, score them, and choose
and Rk+1 are adjacent. This sequence of EMPTY cells is called an the best. The potential cuts are chosen wherever a C-surface3 will go
EMPTY channel. through a vertex of one of the new cells generated by the decompo-
Let ( x k ) k , = l , , , , , p be an EMPTY channel. Any path joining q;,,it to sition. The scoring function favors cuts which do not generate small
qo-r and lying entirely in the interior of R k is a free path. Such
cells, i.e. the cuts closer from the mid-points of each edge are pre-
a path can easily be constructed. ferred. The scoring function also attempts to minimize the number of
C-surfaces intersected by each new cell, in order to reduce future com-
A rectangloid decomposition is said to be =mi-admissible if it con- putations. This method has the drawback of treating each C-surface
tains a sequence of EMPTY and MIXED cells R k , k = 1, p , called ..., individually and to combine the effect of the various C-surfaces in a
MIXED channel, with the same three properties as above. A MIXED global scoring function. Although certainly better than a Zm-tree,the
channel may contain a free path connecting the initial to the goal con- resulting decomposition may still be far from optimal. It may also
figuration, but there is no guarantee that this is the case. conservatively label a cell that intersects no C-obstacle as MIXED.
2.4 Hierarchical Path Planning We propose a new method for decomposing MIXED cells. It con-
HierartAical path planning consists of constructing successive rect- sists of first approximating each C-obstacle lying in the cell ti to be
angloid decompositions of K , until an admissible decomposition has decomposed as a collection of non-overlapping rectangloids. The com-
been generated and an EMPTY channel has been extracted. Let plement of a union of rectangloids within a rectangloid region is also
'PI, 1 = O , l , ...,
denote the successive decompositions of K , with
Po = { K } . 'PI, I > 0 , is obtained from 'Pr-1 by decomposing one lAnother goal is that decomposition be as fast as possible. How-
or several MIXED cells, the other cells being unchanged. ever, since producing extra cells ultimately requires more cells to be
decomposed and larger connectivity graphs to be searched, it is worth
'Throughout this paper, we say that two closed sets are non- spending some extra time generating better decompositions.
overlapping iff their interiors do not intersect. 3A C-aurjace is the infinite ruled surface that support a C-facet.

a union of rectangloids, which can easily be computed. This yields a T C B ~ , [ K ~=I t ( z , m e E [ Y ~ , Y ~: (z,Y,e)
+ ~ I E CBIKul).
rectsngloid decomposition of K . We call this technique contraint re- Clearly, we have: TCB,,[lc"] C OCBzy[su].
fomuktion, aince it basically consists of reformulating the constraints
2. Projection onto y (or z) axis: For every U E [l,r], the interval
imposed by the C-obstacles into a form directly compatible with the
format of the decomposition of K into rectangloid cells. [zi ,121 or [vi, 921, whichever is longer, is cut into non-overlapping
4 Constraint Reformulation Let us assume that [x1,zz] is subdivided (a similar presentation
Let K = [ z l , z 2 ] x [ y l , ~ x~ [el
] ,821 be the MIXED cell to be decom- would be made in the case where [yi,yz] was decomposed). The
posed. For every i E [l, q], let CBi[s] = CBi n K . generated subintervals are [a,,a,+l], U = 1,..., s, s 2 1 with
Our planner generatea and uses two types of approximation of C- ai = 11 and a.+i = 22. We denote by the rectangloid
obstacles, bounding and bounded approximations: [au,au+il x [yi,v21 x [ru,ru+il.

1. A bounding approximation of C&[K] is a collection of non- For every U E [ l , 4 we compute the outer projection and the inner
overlapping rectangloids ' R i k ' S , k = 1,...,p, with Vk E [I,p] : projection of o c B , y [ ~ u ]and the inner projection of ~ c & y [ ~ u ]
Z i k c andCBi[*] UkP1,.,,,P'Rik. onto the y axis, They are denoted by OCB,[suu and TCB,[K""
respectively and are delined as follows:
2. A bounded approximation of CB,[K] is a collection of
non-overlapping rectangloids R:,'S, k = 1,...,PI, with ocB,[Kuu] = ( 9 / 32 E [au,Qu+l] : (Z,y) E ocazy[tcu]}
'R:k E csi[~I* TCB,[K""] = {y / Vx E [au,au+i]: ( x , ~ E) ICBry[s"]).
Both ocBy[Kuu] and I C B , [ K ~ ~ ]are sets of intervals.
puting the complement of uiU,
The EMPTY cells of the decomposition of K are obtained by com-
?& in K . The FULL cells are the
'R:k's. The MIXED cells are obtained by computing the complement
Tc&[Kuu] ocB,[Suu].
E d rectangloid [ ~ u , Q , + I x
] [b,b'l x [ T U , ~ ~ + Iwhere
], [hb'] E
of Ui U, R:, in every 'Rik. 0 C B y [ ~ " " ](reap. TCB,[K""]) is a rectangloid Rik (resp. RI,.) in
the bounding (resp. bounded) approximation of C&[K].
n n The choice of the yu's and the a,'s is empirical. Various heuristics
can be used, but most of them seem to have limited effect on the
average efficiency of the method. The only useM heuristic guideline
BOUNDING is to keep the three dimensions of every MIXED cell approximately
"homogeneous". Let 62, 6y and 68 be these dimensions. We say
BOUNDED they are "homogeneous" ifT 62 fi: 6y fi: p68, where p is the maximal
distance between O A and the points in the boundary of A .
In the next two sections, we describe the computation of the outer
(4 (b) and inner projections of ~ B [ Kon ] the z y plane. we propose two
different methods. The first, called "projection" method, consists
Figure 1: Bounding and Bounded Approximations of computing the projection of the surface of CB comprised between
Figure 1 illustrates the notion of bounding and bounded approxima- yu and y u + l rand clipping the subset of the projection contained in
tions in a two-dimensional space. Figure 2b illustrates the rectangloid [zi,221 X [yi, M]. The second method, called "swept-area" method,
decomposition of a cell K into EMPTY, FULL and MIXED celle, us- consists of computing the "outer" and the "inner" swept areas of
ing these two approximations. Compared with the q u a d t m decom- A when it rotates around the reference point from orientation yu to
position with similar resolution IYI shown in Figure 2a, we see that orientation ~ , , + l and
, growing the obstacle B by these two areas. The
the decomposition using bounding and bounded approximations has projection method is preferred when the interval [yuryu+l] is small.
much smaller MIXED area and larger EMPTY and FULL area. The swept-area method run.9 significantly faster when this interval is
large; however, it does not exactly compute ICBz,[tcu], but a subset
n n of it. The computation of OCBy[su"] and TCBy[tcuu]is very simple
and not desmibed here.
0 EMPTY In the following description of the two methods, we assume that the
reference point O A is chosen in the interior of A. In fact, the choice
of O A has some impact on the efficiency of the decomposition [Zhu
FULL and Latombe, 19891.

5 Projection Method
(a) (b)
Principle. Let us h t assume that both A and 13 are convex
polygons. Consider the point (10,yo) in the z y plnne and the segment
Figure 2: Decomposition of a Two-Dimensional Cell ((zo,yo,0) / 8 E [yu,yy+l]} above this point. If the segment pierces
There are infinitely many ways to generate bounding and bounded a C-facet, then (zo,yo) is in CXB,,[s"], but not in I C f ? , y [ ~ u ] . If it
approximations of a C-obstacle CB in a cell K . Our method computes piercea no C-facet, then either (20,yo) is not in OCB,,[K~],or it is
"outer" and "inner" projections of CB on the z y plane, next on the x in TCBZ,[~"]. The segment {(zo,yo,O) / 8 E [yu,yu+l]} pierces a
or y axis. Then, it lifts badc the projection into rectangloid cells. It C-facet e iff (x0,yo) lies in the projection of e in the z y plane.
consists of the following two steps: We show below that each C-facet comprised between yu and yu+l
1. Projection onto xy plane: The [81,8,] interval iscut intonon- projects on the z y plane according to a generalized polygon'. The
overlapping subintervals [ y u , y u + l ) ,U = 1, r, r 2 1, with y1 = projection of the boundary of CB that is comprised between yu and
81 and yr+i = 02. We denote by d' the rectangloid [z1,zz] x yu+i is the union of generalized polygons, each being the projection of
[ Y l t Y 2 1 x [7u,ru+1].
a C-facet. This union is a "donut" shaped region (see Figure 3), with
an outer boundary ri and an inner boundary r2. The region bounded
For every U E [l,r], we compute the o u t e r projection and the by ri is the outer projection OCBzY[su].The region bounded by rz
inner projection of C B [ K ~on
] the z y plane. These two projec- is the inner projection Ica,,[~"].
tions, which we respectivelydenote by OCB,,[s'] and TCB,,[tc'], ~ ~~~

are defined by: 'A generalized polygon is a two-dimensional region homeomorphic

to the closed disc whose boundary consists of straight and circular
o c B r ~ [ ~ "=l t ( x , ~ ) / 3 8E [ ~ ~ , r ~ +( xl, yl ,:e ) E cB[tcuIh edges.

fixed orientations 41 and 4 2 from the position where p and b coincide
to the position where a1 and b coincide. The region in Figure 4 c
is the locull of O A , when A translates and rotates while the edge
segment pclz stays in contact with the vertex b.
The case of eA projecting for the orientation range [yU,yu+1]C
[+I, b]can be treated in the same way, by drawing fictitious edges
F1 and Fz from vertex b (see Figure 4 e), so that, when E is aligned
with F'1 (resp. F2), A's orientation is yu (resp. ?,,+I).

Figure 3: Outer and Inner Projections

Therefore, the projection method consists of: (1) projecting all the C-
facets (to the extent they are contained in the interval [yu,ru+l])on
the ry plane; (2) dipping the union of the projections by the rectangle
[r1.r2]x [yl,yz] and, within this rectangle, tracking rl and r2.

The projection method may be made faster by associating with each

interval [yu,yU+1] the list of all the C-obstaclem having a non-empty
intersection with the interval, and for each of these C-obstacles the
list of the C-facets that intersect the interval. If the interval gets
decomposed further, only these C-facets have to be considered. The
projection method is scient when the number of C-facets which
have to be projected is reasonably small, that is when the interval
[Tu,r"+llis small.

Figure 5: Projection of a Type B C-Facet

Projection of a Type B C-Facet. Let e g be a C-facet of
Type B comprised between the limit orientations 41 and 4 2 . The
contact that generates e g is illustrated in Figure 5 a. It occurs be-
tween a vertex a of d and an edge F of 0. a is the extremity of two
edges of A, E1 and E2. F connects two vertices of D , b i and b z . Since
we assumed A to be convex, O A Lles within the convex angular sector
bounded by the two half-lines supporting E1 and fi and erected from
a. The orientation 41 (resp. 42) is achieved when the edge E2 (resp.
E l ) is aligned with the edge F . Assuming that [+I, 421 C [ru, ru+l],
the projection of e g on the ry plane is shown in Figure 5 d. It is
obtained as the union of two regions, shown in Figures 5 b and c.

(d) (e) +
Let be the orientation of A when a lies in F and the segment
is perpendicular to F. The region in Figure 5 b is the locus of O d ,
Figure 4: Projection of a Type A C-Facet when A translates and rotates with the vertex a staying in F and
the orientation 0 ranging over [+I, $1. (If $J < 61, then the region is
Projection of Type A C-Facet. Let eA be a C-facet of empty.) This region is bounded by two circular arcs and two straight
Type A comprised between the limit orientations 41 and 4 2 . The segments. The two arcs are centered at b l and b z , respectively, and
contact that generates e A is illustrated in Figure 4 a. It occuls be- have the same radius equal to the distance between a and o d . The
tween an edge E of d and a vertex b of B. E connects two vertices of region in Figure 5 c is the locus of O A , when A translates and rotates
A, a1 and al. b is the extremity of two edges of 0 , F1 and F2. O A with Q staying in F and the orientation 0 ranging over [$J,&]. (If
projects on the supporting line of E at the point p. We assume below
that p i s located between a1 and a2. (The case where p is outside the
+ > 42, the region is empty.)
segment Olalis treated in a very similar fashion.) The orientation 41 The case of eg projecting for the orientation range [ru,yu+l] C
(resp. Q)2) is achieved when the edge E is aligned with the edge F1 [ + I , 421 can be treated in the same way, by drawing fictitious edges
(resp. Fz).Assuming that [&,&] 2 [yy1yu+1], the projection of e A E1 and E2 from vertex a (see Figure 5 e and f), so that, when El
on the z y plane is shown in Figure 4 d. It is obtained as the union (resp &) is aligned with F , A's orientation is yu (resp. y U + l ) .
of two regions shown in Figures 4 b and c.
Computation of ~ C & , [ K " ] and ZcB [ K " ] . The projec-
The region in Figure 4 b is the locus of o d , when A translates and tion of every C-facet is a generalized polygon w?h a small number of
rotates while the edge segment crlp stays in contact with the vertex b. edges - two to four straight segments and two or three circular arcs.
This region is bounded by two circular arcs and two straight segments. The union of aU the generalized polygons forms a "donut" shaped
The two arcs an centered at b . The smaller one is the locus of O a region (see Figure 3). The contours rland rz can be extracted by
when p coincides with b and A rotates from 41 to 42. The larger arc a sweepline technique ([Preparata and Shamos, 1985]), and clipped
is the locus of 04 when a1 coincides with b and A rotates from $1 by the rectangle [q,zz] x [yi,yz]. The projections OCB,,[K~"]a n d
to 62. The straight segments are the loci of OA when A translates at lCBy[tc""] are easily computed by determining the points of rl and

rz a t abwissae a.,, v = 1, ...,s + 1, and the other extremal points of
rl and r2 within each interval [ a u r a v + i ] ,U = 1, ...,a. In fact, AU
these computations can be done during line sweeping. If the inter-
val [q,t 2 ) ia decomposed into subintervals, the sweepline hss to be
pardlel to the t axis, otherwise it should be parallel to the y axis.
takes time O((n m) logn), where n
T h e overall sweep-lineprocao
k the number of C-facet. that intersect with the interval [rur-y~+l]
and m ia the number of intunectiona of the generalized polygons.
We know that n 5 nAnlp (see Subsection 2.2). On the other hand,
m E O(n2), but it M usually much amaller.
Figure 6: Outer Swept Areas
Generalization. If A is a non-convex polygon that uu1 be d e
composed into convex components, such that the interiors of all these
components have a non-zmpty inturection, then the reference point
can be selected within this intersectionand the above m e t h g directly
Computation of osA[r,, ~ , , + l ] . The outer swept area
applies to ead~component taken separately. o S A [ r ~ , r ~is+ai ]generalized polygon (see Figure 6). The straight
edges of this polygon are portions of edges of A(O,O,y,) and
If A is non-convex and cannot be repreaented as the union of overlap A(O,O,y,+l). Each circular edge is the locus of a vertex of A, when
ping convw( components (for instance, it is a Dohaped object), the A rotates from ru to ru+l about the reference point. The contour
above method can still be applied, but with some changes. Since the of OSA[ru,ru+l] is traced out in time O ( n 5 ) starting at the vertex
reference point will be outside some of the convex components, the that is the most distant from Od.
shape of the projection of the corresponding C-facets will be different,
but not difficult to establish.
Avnaim and Boismnnat [Avnaim and Boissonuat, 19881 described an
algorithm of time complexity O(n3 nilognAnB) for computing the
description of the boundary of C d , when both A and 0 axe non-
convex. In the case where A is non-convex, using thia algorithm firat
and projecting the C-obstaclecl on the xy plane next, would probably
be an &dent method. However, we have not implemented it.

6 Swept-Area Method
Principle. The swept-area method consists of first computing two Figure 7: Inner Swept Areas
arean swept out by A when it rotates about its reference point from
orientation ru to orientation rU+l:the outer rwept area denoted by Computation of 1SA[7,,Tu+l]. The inner swept area
0SA[-yu,.vu+t] and the inner rwepl area denoted by I S A [ r u , r u + l ] . ?SA[yu,ru+l] is a generalized polygon (see Figure 7). The straight
They are defined follows: edges of this polygon are portions of the edges of A(O,O,rU)and
A(O,O,r,+l). Et& circular edge is the locus of a point obtained
by projecting the pefepence point on an edge of A, if that projec-
tion falls between the two extremities of the edge. The contour of
ZSA[-yu,ru+l]can be traced out in time O ( n i ) . The starting point
is the first intersection of a ray (any one) drawn from the refence point
with the potential edges of ISA[r,, yu+l]. (Since the reference point
is in the interior of A, it is also in the interior of ISA[ru,ru+l].)

Then, the method regards both OSA[ru,ru+l]and ISA[rU,rU+l] 7 Experimental Results

CM moving objects, which can only translate in the plane, and it maps
the nbet&.de 13 in the configuration spaces, Rz,of t h a e objects. The We have implementeda path planner that incorporatss the algorithms
mapping is obtained by "growing" B inversely to the shape of these described in the previous sections. This planner is written in Allegro
two objects, leading to two regions OB[7u1ru+l]and I B [ ~ u , ~ u + I ] Common Lisp and runs on an Apple Macintosh I1 computer. We
formally defined as follows (see Subsection 2.2): experimented with it on many examples including both convex and
non-convex moving objects. Eight of these examples are illustrated
oB[r,,rt,+i] = B e OSA[ru,ru+i] in Figure 8. For each example, the figure displays a path extracted
IB[qu,ru+i] = B e ISA[ru,yu+iJ. from the generated channel. Statistics - CPU time, total number of
EMPTY and MIXED cells generated (Nrotol), number of EMPTY
The Minlrowski s u m ( m p . difference) of two generalized polygons is a cella generated (NEMPTY), and the number of EMPTY cells used
generalid polygon, which can be computed in time O(n1 +n2), if the -
in the output channel (Nuacd) characterizing the efficiency of the
two input polygons are convex, and O(n:n:)logn1n2, otherwise. (n1 p h e r are given in Table 1. Additional experimental results are
and ng denote the number of edges of the input generalized polygons.) given in [Zhuand Latombe, 19891.

The swept-- method returns two regions:

Examples 3 and 6 have been previously reported in [Brooks and
Lozano-Perez, 19821 (BLP planner), the best previous planner known
to the authors using the hierarchid approximate cell decomposition
approach. In Table 2, we give the comparison of the statistics on
The first is exactly OCU+~[K"], as shown in [Lourn*PCrez, 19831. these two examples with our planner and BLP planner (CPU times
The second is strictly included in ICBSp[(cu], which leads the overall are in minutes)". We should point out that for example 3 the path
decompositionalgorithm to generate a set of FULL cells of less total generated by our planner is different from the path generated by BLP
volume than with the projection method. planner, ;.e, it does not have a backing-up maneuver.
Iq practice, the swept-area method is significantly mope efficient than
5The BLP planner was implemented on a Lisp machine, which
the projection method when the intervals [ru,yu+l] are large. When
runs Lisp approximately 5 times faster than the Macint.osl1 I1 runs
these intervals become small enough, the projection method is pre-
ferred because it exactly computes TCB,,[s"]. Allegro Common Lisp (according to our own benchmark).
Ezample 3 Example 6
Planner C P U time Ntotoi CPU time Ntotai
0.9 140 74 18 O m 5.5 293 2.5 205
5.5 293 96 36 BLP tens 644 tens 782
5 .O 218 116 29

I : 7
31 2
8 10.5 369 121 18 Nb. of cells ezample2 ezample4 ezample7 exampled
’ ours 140 218 312 389
Octre-e >500 >2OOO >SO00 >5000
Table 1: Statistics for the Eight Examples
- x

that it produces significantly better results than earlier decomposition

We currently use the planner in a mobile robot system capable of
dealing with some un-expected obstacles. The planner is used to
construct channels using the available knowledge about the robot’s
workspace. The controller guides the robot in the channels using a
4 potential field technique. The non-anticipated obstacles are detected
by proximity sensors. This system is described in [Choi, Zhu and
Latombe, 19891.

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Choi, W., Zhu, D.J. and Latombe, J.C. (1989) “Contingency-Tolerant
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the Configuration Space of a Manipulator,” Proceedings of the I E E E
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RA-2 (3), 135-145.
Latombe, J.C. (1979) “Failure Processing in a System for Designing
Complex Assemblies,” Proceedings of the Sixth Internalional Joanf
Figure 8: Planning Examples Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Tokyo, Japan.
Laugier, C. and Germain, F. (1985) “An Adaptative Collision-Free
Trajectory Planner,” Proceedings of the International Conference on
For examples 2, 4, 7, and 8, we compared the number of cells gen- Advanced Robotics, Tokyo, Japan.
erated by our planner with the number of cells that a similar plan- Lozano-PCrez, T. (1983) “Spatial Planning: A Configuration Space
ner using the octree decomposition technique would generate. Based
Approach,” I E E E Transactions on Computers, C-32(2), 108-120.
on partial implementation, we obtained a conservative estimate (i.e.,
lower bound) of the number of cells generated by the octree decom- Preparata, F.P. and Sham-, M.I. (1985) Computational Geometry:
position technique. The data are reported in Table 3. Example 7 was A n Introduciion. Springer-Verlag, New York.
extracted from [Avnaim, Boissonnat and Faverjon, 19881. According Schwartz, J.T. and Sharir, M. (1983) “On the Piano Movers’ Prob-
to this paper, the planner described in [Faveion, 19861, which uses lem: I. The Case if a Two-Dimensional Rigid Polygonal Body Moving
the octree decomposition tedmique, generates more than 10,000 cells. Amidst Polygonal Barriers,” Communications on Pure and Applied
Mathematics, 36, 345-398.
8 Conclusion Zhu, D. and Latombe J.C. (1989) N e w Heuristic Algorithms f o r Ef-
We have described a new constraint reformulation technique for effi- ficient Hierarchical P a t h Planning, Report No. STAN-CS-89-1279,
ciently decomposing cells in a path planner based on the hierarchical Department of Computer Science, Stanford Univcrsity.
approximate cell decomposition approach. This technique is aimed
at minimizing the total volume of the generated MIXED cells, while
produang a reasonably small number of cells. Experiments showed


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